Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2440: Weird "old" patients

One day, Zheng Ren and Su Yun came to the emergency department together.

Zhou Litao is no longer hospitalized, but there are not enough people to work during the 11th. He still works here during the day.

After scanning around, but did not see Zhou Litao, Su Yun asked a small nurse in a hurry, "Where is Mr. Zhou?"

Now Tang Haitao is the CEO of Tang, but Su Yun is used to calling him Zhou.

"There is an old patient, and Zhou is always doing the examination." The little nurse said shamefully.

The emergency department and the old patient don\'t have the same words, here is like a big car shop, just leave when you come. No one will be like an oncology department or an internal medicine department of neurology or circulation. There are always people in the same age who are repeatedly hospitalized, so that patients and doctors and nurses become friends.

But Zheng Ren didn\'t go to his heart either. He paced leisurely in the corridor, completely emptying himself.

It is really tiring to accompany the Yiren shopping, and it is more tiring than performing surgery on a lead coat. This is the Yi people, Zheng Ren can bite the back molars for two days. When it comes to changing individuals, Zheng Ren feels that he will directly refuse, without hesitation.

"Zhou, the key!" Su Yun knocked at the door of the treatment room.

Zhou Litao opened the door and handed the key to Su Yun. Su Yun glanced inside and didn\'t care, and opened the door of Cui\'s old office.

Here Zhou Litao cleans it up every day, clean, like waiting for Cui Lao to return to work one day.

But Zheng Ren and Su Yun both knew that day should no longer exist.

"What patient?" Zheng Ren asked casually.

"A child, looking at less than two years old." Su Yundao.

Zheng Ren froze, a child less than two years old? Turned out to be an old patient in the emergency department?

I used to think that Zhou Litao was good at the diagnosis and treatment of internal medicine emergency department. I did not expect that the emergency department of pediatric department could be used, and all of them were emotional.

With a smile, Zheng Ren sat in a chair.

"Do you face each other with your medical records every day?" Su Yun said scornfully.

"No." Zheng Ren said flatly.

"Boss, now it\'s a holiday period. I\'m looking for someone to accompany you every day, just because I\'m afraid that one day when your emotions get excited, you will come up with the idea of ​​having a small stone for surgery." Su Yun said frankly, he rarely used this sincere Speaking, it seemed a little urgent.

"Well, just think about it." Zheng Ren said: "What do you see when you send to Germany for a new algorithm, deepact?"

"The screen is full of tumor cells," Su Yun said affirmatively. "Like him, any treatment is meaningless."

"The cover of" Cell "looks really shocking." Zheng Ren said with a medical record in his hand and looking ahead.

"Cell" has a cover for the new algorithm deepact.

This new algorithm and new test can allow doctors to quickly find the metastasis sites of cancer cells that have spread to all parts of the body, and the efficiency has been increased by more than 300 times. It used to be such a large amount of work that it took months for humans to do it.

This is a technological leap, and Zheng Ren is very interested.

Not only that, this technology platform can also show which transfer sites have been bound by antibody drugs and which have been missed.

According to researchers, 23 metastasis sites were missed by antibody drugs, which may be one of the reasons for the easy recurrence of cancer.

Unfortunately, it was discovered a bit late. This new algorithm, deepact, is one of the best methods that Zheng Ren can think of, but it doesn\'t seem to use small stones.

"Think about these useless things all day long." Su Yun said scornfully: "If you can get a call before the 15th, you can be considered a success. Interview, what are your plans for the boss next?"

Zheng Ren shook his head, planning? Even if the Nobel Prize is won, it is not surgery in the hospital.

The original idea was to promote tips surgery so that more patients with advanced liver cirrhosis and a large number of ascites can be treated.

But after the mission to the Alps, with the strong promotion of the Bruch family, the purpose of promoting tips surgery has almost been achieved.

The effect is more significant than the Nobel Prize, and in terms of the amount of surgery completed, Lanco has also obtained huge benefits in it.

This is a win-win cooperation.

When Su Yun saw Zheng Ren was thinking, Mei Feng Yiyang was about to speak, and there was a cry of children outside the room.

"Baby is good, don\'t cry or cry." The mother\'s warm and loving voice of coaxing the child came in.

This should be the old patient Zhou Litao saw, Zheng Ren thought to himself.

A child of this age would not be an "old" patient without any congenital disease.

Zheng Ren glanced curiously, the diagnosis was still clear-acute gastroenteritis.

This may be caused by the patient\'s family members feeding incorrectly, or the child\'s autoimmunity is relatively low. Zheng Ren didn\'t think much, and said lightly, "When will Da Chu and Xiao Chu arrive?"

"It\'s not set yet, and the family is busy. They don\'t have time." Su Yun said, "Don\'t go back to Haicheng recently. If you go back, you will definitely be scolded by the director\'s dog blood. When I talk about Maple Leaf, neither of them will go to work. . "

Zheng Ren grinned, thinking of seeing him in the previous two days and Director Lao Pan\'s video, his mental head was still pretty good, and the treatment effect of Marni blue bacteria was still good. It ’s just that Zheng Ren did n’t understand. Seeing Maple Leaf ’s plan is clearly what Su Yun had come up with ~ ~ How did it become his own pot again.

The crying sound of the child outside the room suddenly changed the tone, Zhou Litao shouted anxiously, "Side your head, don\'t get caught!"

A slight vomiting sound and the footsteps of the paramedics were heard immediately.

Su Yun twitched his nose. "Why is it so smelly."

Zheng Ren smelled it, and there was a faint odor coming out of it. If you vomit, there will be no odor. Is it because the child vomited and diarrhea? If this happens, it means that the inflammation of acute gastroenteritis is severe and needs to be hospitalized.

Su Yun walked to the door curiously, half of them stood inside, half of them stood outside, looking at the scene of emergency treatment.

"Boss, it seems something is wrong." Su Yun frowned.

"Huh? How?" Zheng Ren asked.

"The child\'s vomiting is not the contents of the stomach, but also the stool."

"..." Zheng Ren froze, and the first thing to think about when vomiting feces was severe intestinal obstruction.

Generally, intestinal obstruction will first cause abdominal pain, and it really has to wait until the degree of vomiting feces, how heavy!

The point is, just now Zheng Ren glanced at the child\'s system panel, there was no diagnosis of intestinal obstruction at all!

Zheng Ren was puzzled. He rarely questioned the diagnosis of the big pig\'s hoof, which was useless. Although I am not completely convinced, I always have to check the side to confirm whether the diagnosis of the big trotter is correct.

But the facts tell Zheng Zhengda\'s correctness every time.

Is it just acute gastroenteritis, but vomiting out the contents of the intestinal tract, or is the stool in the lower position? !!

Zheng Renhuo stood up and strode out.