Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2428: Don't do it!

"Boss, don\'t you want to have an operation on him?" Su Yun asked.

"Normally, it won\'t." Zheng Ren replied very rigorously, as if he was explaining the illness to the patient\'s family members, and said something that sounded like something that sounded meaningless.

"Don\'t do it!" Su Yun\'s voice was much harsher, and he said, "Many reporters have been interviewing in the surrounding area recently. You know this."

"I know."

Zheng Ren refused all interviews, including Tang Xiu, editor-in-chief of the Metropolis Daily from Haicheng, and even Sun Zeli, a reporter who went along with the frontline during the earthquake relief, refused.

郑 For Zheng Ren, standing in front of the camera and facing the microphone might as well allow him to do more surgery. That was too difficult, at least it was really too difficult for him.

And the most important thing is that Zheng Ren thinks it is unnecessary.

Whatever is promoted is secondary, and good surgery is the last word.

The media people have a keen sense of smell. Zheng Ren refused all the interviews without hesitation, but the people around him were not so determined.

Yun Su Yun knows that Fang Lin alone has accepted more than a dozen interviews about his boss, and Zhou Litao also has them.

This is a person who wants to be the boss from all sides. Su Yun is very careful about the surrounding situation.

担心 He was worried that the boss\'s bad temper would cause trouble.

The right to speak is always the most important. Sometimes the surgery is done well, it is not so important.

Qi Suyun was vigilant like a vigil soldier, watching the situation around him. However, all the feedbacks are relatively positive for the time being, which is not to say that no one has an opinion on the boss. It is said that Sun Chao, the director of the Vascular Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University, was very unhappy with this reporter because of the incident.

Sun Chao, it seems pretty good, next time you don\'t need to hit him with pliers, Su Yun thought. But the biggest implication of this incident is that someone is holding the boss in the dark corner, holding the entire medical team.

Now, until next year, it is time to make mistakes.

I don\'t know how many eyes are on his boss. Nothing is wrong. Out of Mu Qiang\'s psychology, everyone will say good things. Countless beautiful words have pushed the academic status of the boss to a certain height.

But if something goes wrong, it may happen that the water dog is beaten down. And this time, the boss and the entire medical team were the overturned dog.

Except for the comrades-in-chief reporters such as Sun Zeli and the family-related reporters such as Tang Xiu, who would not jump in the first time to see the mistakes made by the Nobel Prize winners!

Yun Su Yun even figured out the more gloomy news headlines-is the level of Nobel Prize winner really so high? In fact, it is difficult to be famous ...

Coupled with the simple and general words of medical accidents, a sensational news was born.

Winner of the Nobel Prize, this golden Cancan subject has attracted the attention of the people who eat melon, and everyone is happy to watch the news.

那样 If that\'s the case, it must be at least one week before the top spot in the search.

Spend money to withdraw hot search? Doesn\'t exist at all!

When Su Su thought of this, he shivered.

"Boss, don\'t do it, be careful." Su Yun cautioned again.

"Well, rest assured." Zheng Ren said faintly: "Surgery should not be performed, and the mother of the little stone said that it was too heavy to go back with the information and it didn\'t make much sense, so I gave it.

Yun Su Yun knows the temper of his boss, seeing his appearance, wherever he has any thoughts. The next step must be to carefully consider the condition, and then use the intraoperative navigation system and 3D printing system to create a simulated human and start surgical training.

But this really doesn\'t make sense, Su Yun shook his head.

Ji Shijian\'s condition is complicated, and it is extremely complicated. But if it is simple, a few words can be summarized.

过 After the Chinese New Year, the little boy said his stomach was uncomfortable and he didn\'t pay attention. Later, she came to the hospital because of long-term diarrhea with weight loss, and was diagnosed with gastric cancer, liver cancer, and colon cancer, with lymph node metastasis.

谁 Who knows the specific primary lesion? The discovery was advanced, with tumors all over the stomach.

This is also the situation when I first met the little boy in Director Qi\'s consultation room.

Then Wen Xiaonuan took Shi Jian to the top three hospitals in the country, some of them tried to treat them, and some of them directly advised them to go back.

Targeted drugs, first- and second-line chemotherapy drugs are all used. Effect ... It can\'t be said that there is no, at least Shi Jian is still alive.

Even though the expense was huge, Shi Jian also endured great pain and torment, but he was helpless to the last step in his life.

Qi Suyun stood behind Zheng Ren, briefly looked at the patient\'s condition, and shook his head again and again.

Zheng Ren inserted the most recently checked film into the reader.

The chest and abdomen, a vast white tumor, not to mention how many. Gao Shaojie glanced and frowned, "Boss Zheng, it doesn\'t make much sense to treat this patient again."

Is it meaningless? It should be, Zheng Ren thought to himself. He held his arms and watched the film without speaking.

Gao Shaojie stumbled for a moment, Su Yun repeatedly told the boss that Zheng Zheng ~ ~ must not go wrong at this time. How do you feel that Boss Zheng is facing an advanced patient with advanced cancer and wants to have surgery.

Can this be done? Gao Shaojie slowly stood up and watched the film carefully.

In fact, you don\'t need to look carefully at all. At a glance, you know that there is no meaning in treatment. The patient has reached the end of his life, maybe one month, maybe one week, maybe one day, or one hour later, he will die from multiple organ failure.

外科 Surgery is impossible at all, and even perfusion chemotherapy is unnecessary. In this state of the patient, the heart may have to stop suddenly during the operation.

Gao Shaojie asked carefully: "Boss Zheng, what do you think about this patient?"

He was really afraid of Zheng Ren tapping the film on the reader with his fingers and saying that the patient would come in and prepare for a recent operation. Even in the manner of Boss Zheng\'s behavior, he directly said one, two, three, four, five, and the benefits of the surgery may not be clear.

If the patient\'s family wants to try it, they can try to remove the tumor near the airway to relieve airway pressure; or the next tracheal stent. But in any case, it is palliative surgery.

However, the current situation, Su Yun is right, calm down and wait for the results of the Nobel Prize.

"Surgery can\'t be done." Zheng Ren sighed and said. .

Perhaps this is the first time that Gao Shaojie will not feel regretful when facing patients who cannot undergo surgery, but he is glad that Boss Zheng has not been dazzled by the victory again and again and made wrong judgment.

"If you can\'t do it, put it away." Su Yun said nothing, took the film out of the reader and put it into the film bag without hesitation.