Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2416: Empathy

"Yiren, the sunspot is here." Zheng Ren called and said to Xie Yiren, "I\'m at the back door of the emergency department."

"Hmm, don\'t worry."

After speaking, Zheng Ren smiled and looked at the sunspot, and asked, "Did you get into trouble on the way?"

Heizi didn\'t know if he understood or didn\'t understand. He arched Zheng Ren\'s hand with his nose, and then put his head under his hands.

Zheng Ren touched the head of the sunspot, thinking about Chang Yue\'s condition, it should be nothing, rest assured. Sitting on the steps, took out the cigarette and lit one.

If there is no mess, life seems to be good, and it will be fine when everyone is not ill. But this time the rescue was different from normal times, Zheng Ren obviously felt nervous when doing chest heart compression.

This is just a chest heart compression. It is difficult to imagine whether you will be persuaded once you look directly at the compression after incision.

"Sunspot, how did you come out?" Zheng Ren smoked and watched a leaf fall from the sky, and tossed Chang Yue, who had an open belly and blood dripping in his imagination, and asked leisurely.

He didn\'t think about getting Kuroko\'s answer, just talked casually. If you say nothing, you will definitely feel a little scared. Zheng Ren couldn\'t imagine what Chang Yue would have died at home.

Sorrowful ecstasy, nothing more than 矣, this sentence makes good sense.

别 "Don\'t be naughty, I know that sometimes you will be lonely at home, but not everyone likes you."

"I have the opportunity to take you to the grassland, just like the last time I took you to the desert. Kuroko, are you happy in the desert?"

Zheng Ren seemed to be talking to himself, smoking a cigarette while touching the head of the sunspot. Kuroko\'s body leaned slightly on Zheng Ren\'s leg, and he lingered softly.

[They said to write a love song quickly, both elegant and popular ...]

The cell phone rang, because Zheng Ren\'s heart bounce was not so severe because he was in the hospital.

I glanced at it, Christian. Zheng Ren was a little puzzled. It seems that this product has been in contact with himself frequently recently.

He said that it was already a lot for him to contact him once a year or two.

I really do n’t want to deal with this group of patients with porphyria. Zheng Ren still clearly remembers that all people, including Christian, have a quirky diagnosis on the system panel.

"Kerry, hello." Zheng Ren answered the phone and said with a smile.

"Do it."

"There are so many experts in beauty and plastic surgery, you send her to me ..."

Zheng Ren talked with Christian for five minutes in Dutch. This time, Zheng Ren really knew what is old and good. Kerry\'s skin is really thick, and in the face of Zheng Ren\'s explicit rejection, he still smiles elegantly and "sucks".

仁 Zheng Ren refused to treat the illness.

This is a common problem among domestic doctors. No one is immune.

I figured it out, just completed a big task, Zheng Ren figured out the skill points, and I was not panic.

Take your time, anyway, it\'s just a "minor" operation to transplant fat.

Put down the phone, Yiren has not come out yet, it is estimated that he is chatting with Chang Yue. Zheng Ren thought and smiled.

Unfortunately, the sunspot ran by himself, and he had to watch it.

He chatted with the sunspot for a while, Zheng Ren vaguely heard the sound of children crying in the corridor.

In the past, during the rotation of urology, Zheng Ren was most afraid of encountering a phimosis boy.

The heartbreaking cry made a sense of fear in Zheng Ren, who was like a stone. Generally encountered such a small patient, Zheng Ren will find other colleagues to help with the treatment.

The wailing cries grew louder, Zheng Ren sighed, what happened to the child?

"Zheng Ren, sister Yue said to go home." Xie Yiren pushed out the door, and when the door opened, the cry shouted directly to the top, and Zheng Ren shuddered.

"Go home? Don\'t do it," Zheng Ren said.

"I look at the sunspots, and you go talk to Sister Yue." Xie Yi said: "I am also worried about the danger of going home. It is safer to watch for 24 hours."

Seeing the Xie people coming out, Kuroko immediately ran down and ran to the people around Yile to happily walk around.

Zheng Ren smiled and walked into the corridor.

A little boy wept loudly in the hallway, Zheng Ren took a closer look, the system panel was medium red, and the diagnosis above was clear-allergic dermatitis.

The right hand is heavy, the left hand is slightly lighter, and other positions on the body ... the corners of the mouth are a bit, and they are gone.

What kind of toy should I be, Zheng Ren guessed.

The doctor in the emergency department is talking to the child\'s mother about the condition, but the child is crying so much that the process of explanation is intermittent. It seems that the gauze was just peeled off when the right hand gauze was under the wound, causing severe pain.

"Consider allergic dermatitis. Have you been exposed recently?"

"No, the child just goes to kindergarten and goes home every day without touching anything." The child\'s mother replied.

"Doctor, what the **** is this child doing?" An old man asked anxiously beside him.

"Isn\'t this asking, do you think about it, what have children come into contact with recently."

接触 "Contacting ... is all kinds of toys, watching TV, eating, and not touching anything poisonous." A few adults in the family slogan with capitalized faces, repeatedly recalled for a long time and could not find the problem.

"Don\'t worry, think the same," said the doctor in the emergency department.

"I really don\'t have it ~ ~ The toy he bought recently is a puzzle, but he doesn\'t like it."

Interrogation is directly at an impasse.

Xi happened to have another patient with appendicitis, and the emergency surgeon called Tang Haitao to handle the emergency himself.

Tang Haitao came out, glanced at the child\'s hand, and asked, "Have you played Slime?"


Zheng Ren and the patients\' families were all dumbfounded.

The system panel gives a diagnosis. Zheng Ren is still pondering the source of the illness, but Tang Haitao didn\'t expect to say it at once. This guy is very powerful.

The patient\'s family nodded.

"My son has been buying this with a lot of attention, and checked, there is borax in it." Tang Haitao looked at the child\'s hand and said distressed: "Look at this."

医生 "Doctor, what is borax?"

"Uh ..." Tang Haitao froze, then glanced at the mother of the young patient, "Don\'t you look at it before you buy something for your child?"

Several parents of the small patient were stunned.

"No matter what it is, there is borax and stickiness in things like crystal mud. The child\'s hands are like this after playing. What to do if he eats." Tang Haitao looked at the hand of the young patient, and some distressed lessons learned from the patient Family members come.

This ... It\'s a bit off, but Tang Haitao is already a parent, and he must think about something different from himself.

Zheng Ren understood this.