Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2414: Drink more hot water

Su Yun stood up, bent over and said something in Chang Yue\'s ear. Then she let go of her hand, rubbed her head pettifully, and then came out.

"What?" Su Yun said dumbly.

"Did you see Changyue taking medicine at night?" Zheng Ren asked.

"No." Su Yun shook his head.

"Are you using hot water?"

"Hot water ..." Su Yun began to froze, and the speed of the brain\'s normal operation had been unknowingly decreased countless times, reducing him to the level of ordinary people.

"I\'m going! Allergic reactions are caused by oral penicillin in hot water! I\'ll ask." Su Yun turned back.

"Zheng Ren, what\'s the matter?" Xie Yiren held Zheng Ren\'s arm and asked in his ear like a kitten.

"Changyue\'s oral amoxicillin is one of the most commonly used semi-synthetic penicillin-type broad-spectrum β-lactam antibiotics." Zheng Ren slowly said, then he realized whether he was too embarrassed, he paused, thought about .

"Simply speaking, the water temperature should be lower when taking amoxicillin orally." Zheng Rendao said, "Otherwise, allergic reactions are prone to occur. It may not occur, it is not easy, the probability is relatively low, but Chang Yue encountered it."


"Penicillin drugs are essentially β-lactam antibiotics. At high temperatures, polymerization between molecules can occur to form high-molecular polymers, which can cause allergic reactions in the human body."

"Amoxicillin may produce some polymer impurities during production, storage, and use, and they are also allergens that trigger clinical allergic reactions."

"In general, 60 degrees Celsius can be used as its critical temperature value, and 85 degrees Celsius reaches its peak."

"Chang Yue didn\'t eat anything special today ..." Zheng Ren said, feeling very conceited.

I ate a mess of things, and I said that I didn\'t eat anything special. It was really conscience to speak like this.

However, those should not be the main cause of allergies, and they are not wrong. Zheng Ren is still full of respect for his life, where dare to defame the Xie people.

"And her response should be allergic to penicillin, so when the temperature is too high when taking oral medication, side effects of the drug appear." Zheng Rendao.

"Oh ..." Xie Yi answered, holding Zheng Ren\'s arm tighter.

Suddenly, Su Yun was disheartened.

"The medicine taken orally with hot water, and then lie down." Su Yundao.

Zheng Ren looked at him, and knew that this product must be playing with a mobile phone, and absently told Chang Yue to drink more hot water.

He didn\'t even think about it when he spoke.

He just went up and kicked him? Seems a bit bad, Su Yun is already upset.

Zheng Ren smiled and said, "It\'s okay, it\'s all over."

Su Suyun bowed her head, her forehead black hair floating empty.

"You accompany Chang Yue, look at it. If there is any special situation, tell me immediately, let\'s discuss it together." Zheng Ren said softly.

"Um." Su Yun said, turned and entered the emergency room.

Zheng Ren didn\'t move. Although the situation is stable and the problem may not be very serious, he still wants to stay here for a while.

There are Yi people around, where is it not home?

The two of them sat silently, Zheng Ren could feel that the heartbeat of Xie Yi people gradually dropped, and gradually returned to normal speed.

Nephrite is on the side, Zheng Ren slightly tilts his head, his cheek touches the top of Xie Yi\'s head, and the hair gently passes.

"Ding Dong ~"

Zheng Ren froze a bit.

[The main task-the fourth phase (enhanced version) of Ming Yang Tian Xia is completed.

Task content-complete the operation, 100% completion is required.

Quest rewards-experience value of 200000 points, skill points of 60,000 points, lucky value +12.

You can draw 1-2 rare passive skills.

Mission time: 3 months, with hours remaining. 】

任务 Inadvertently, the task is completed? Zheng Ren felt happy.

I haven\'t waited for him to take a closer look at the task rewards, and a "ding dong" sound came from his ear.

[Main Quest-Famous in the fifth stage, Nobel Prize! Nobel Prize! !! .

Mission content-won the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

Mission rewards-experience points of 10 million points, skill points of 400,000 points, won the title of "scholar", peak skill book +1.

Mission time: 3 months. 】

Big pig\'s hoof is releasing water, this is Zheng Ren\'s first recognition.

It\'s September now. If you can get the Nobel Prize, you can have at least 2 months of surgical training time left.

I am just a major award such as the Nobel Prize. The reward is too small. It seems that there should be something wrong with the title of the scholar, or a peak-level skill book and a large number of skill points, which are judged to be a large reward.

Zheng Ren put this task aside, whether it can be completed, the basic work has been completed, and the rest of himself is not considered. I knew that the big pig\'s trotters would release water in the fifth stage, and that card seemed to be better used here.

There are calculations about interests. Zheng Ren is not too careless. It is already a done thing. It is not good to think too much.

Completed the fourth phase of the enhanced version of the mission. With a large amount of experience and skills, plus lucky value +12, Zheng Ren felt that he could save the universe.

The next thing to look at is what exactly 1-2 passive abilities are.

Zheng Ren\'s heart was calm, and she pinched her hair on her cheek, feeling that she was full of strength.

Into the system space, the roulette has begun to draw numbers.

Unfortunately, only one passive ability was selected ~ ~ Then Zheng Ren silently watched the big pig\'s hoof selected the value and began to choose passive ability.

[Congratulations to the host, turn on the digital energy value ability. 】


Zheng Ren scolded his mother.

Digitization, this kind of bad street thing has been judged as passive ability by the system!

Is there any truth to this? Is there any king law? !!

However, Zheng Ren didn\'t expect much from the big pig\'s hoof. The main task of releasing water has been a surprise.

The skill tree itself is an open digital sign. It turned out ... forget it, it doesn\'t have the same general knowledge as the big pig\'s hoof.

Zheng Zhengren looked at the fox across the small pond, as if laughing at himself.

Shrugging his shoulders, Zheng Ren said he didn\'t care, and then saw a blue mark in the air gradually condensed.

的 The number on the mark, your own energy value is 1221 points, the maximum value is 1245 points.

It looks like I\'m in an energetic phase now.

有 What\'s the use of this thing? Zheng Ren sat beside the small pond and pondered for a while, then laughed. Anxious, you will know slowly.

For example, how much energy it takes to perform an operation and how much energy it takes to stay up late are always digital.

I\'m not in a hurry.

Thinking of this, Zheng Ren stood up, waved his hand at the little white fox, and walked out of the system space.