Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2412: Emergency Rescue ... Chang Yue

After Zheng Ren rushed in, he saw Chang Yue lying on the ground with one hand forward, as if to grab something.

She was wearing pajamas, her hands and wrists exposed were flushed, and she could see red maculopapules. Because of the prone position, the wheezing sound is low and rapid.

The blood on the system panel is dripping red. A bright diagnosis above makes Zheng Ren\'s heart sink to the bottom of the valley-anaphylactic shock!

Without system diagnosis, the three of them could see that they had anaphylactic shock. Su Yun turned Chang Yue\'s body over. Zheng Ren held the phone in his hand and dialed 120 first aid while roaring: "Where are your training blades?"

"Bedside table!" Su Yun\'s voice was hoarse, her neck veins were full, her forehead was bruised, and she uttered the words bedside table with all her strength.

说 As he said, while opening Chang Yue\'s mouth, he glanced briefly to make sure there were no foreign bodies and a lot of secretions.

Immediately put one hand on Changyue\'s forehead, pinch her nostril with thumb and forefinger, hold the crotch with the other hand to tilt the head as far as possible, keep the airway open, then take a deep breath, open the mouth to close Changyue around.

常 As Changyue\'s thorax was raised, after 1.5 ″, Su Yun looked up, took a deep breath of oxygen, and took another artificial breath.

后 After taking a second breath, he raised his head, relaxedly pinching Chang Yue\'s nostrils, turned his face aside, and put his ears between Chang Yue\'s nose and nose.

The sound of a sharp whistle came.

Throat edema, respiratory spasm, and obstruction of breathing.

Xie Yiren touched Chang Yue\'s pulse and immediately said quickly: "The pulse rate is fine and the blood pressure is estimated to be around 70."

Wu Suyun\'s black hair fluttered slightly on her forehead, her eyes staring at Chang Yue, and her faint bloodshots spread. But he didn\'t speak, he took a deep breath again, and then took the artificial breath according to the previous steps.

As fresh oxygen enters, Chang Yue has begun to have a little bit of lip color.

After six artificial breaths, Zheng Ren ran in.

With a sterile blade in hand, prepare a tracheostomy at any time. Although there is no other equipment, this can only be done in an emergency. One second is one second, as long as the ambulance arrives.

Fortunately, Su Yun usually trains surgery at home. Although the equipment has bacteria, it is better than none.

Zheng Ren knelt on the left side of Chang Yue\'s body and stared at her system panel.

"Yiren, looking at the elevator, emergency people come directly, don\'t delay time." Zheng Ren said calmly.

The Xie people did not nod, didn\'t talk, and ran away. She slipped a slipper and she didn\'t notice it.

White little feet stepped on the floor, then turned away and disappeared, she called the elevator at the fastest speed.

Changyue\'s blood pressure continued to drop, with sweating and a rapid pulse over time.

When the system panel red reaches its peak, it starts to turn white.

At the same time, Zheng Ren slides his left and middle fingers along the costal arch toward the middle to the intersection of the costal arches on both sides to find the understernal notch.

Then place the index finger and **** horizontally above the notch of the sternum, and the middle of the sternum above the index finger is the compression area.

He placed the palm root of the other hand next to the index finger in the middle and lower 1/3 of Changyue\'s sternum, then removed the positioning hand, and placed the palm root on the back of the other hand so that his fingers were lifted off the chest wall.

The elbow joints are straightened, Zheng Ren\'s shoulders are in the middle of Changyue\'s sternum, and the shoulders are kept pressed down firmly with a vertical pressure of 5-6 cm.

Zheng Ren can feel the toughness of Changyue\'s sternum, and constantly makes fine adjustments of strength by himself, so as not to cause side injuries such as sternal fractures. Zheng Ren, who has mastered the feeling, no longer presses violently. The rescue method is qualitatively different from before.

Time passes by bit by bit, every second seems like a year has passed.

The color of Changyue\'s system panel has not continued to fade. Thanks to the efforts of Zheng Ren and Su Yun, barely maintaining the basic blood oxygen supply.

仁 Zheng Ren listened while she was doing chest heart compression.

Except Changyue\'s wheezing, Su Yun\'s heavy, flustering breathing, he was listening to the sound of 120 ambulances.

Really slow! Zheng Ren cursed fiercely in his heart, it\'s time to run over!

At this time, he was only 1\'12 ″ from the phone.

Zheng Ren felt that the vision in front of him was a little pale, and he suddenly felt his arms numb and heavy.

知道 He knows that with his physical fitness, if he does chest heart compression, it will not happen for half an hour to one hour. It is too nervous, resulting in excessive secretion of adrenaline and glucocorticoids in the body.

It ’s like a novice doctor coming on stage and acting stiff. I did n’t expect that this old driver also has this time.

仁 Zheng Ren took a deep breath while calming herself while maintaining a chest heart compression rate of at least 100 times per minute.

He glanced at Su Yun. Su Yun\'s face was pale, and the corners of his lips were trembling slightly. He was also suppressing his emotions reluctantly.

With the sound of the 120 ambulance in the distance, Zheng Ren suddenly remembered something, the community hospital was downstairs. If he went directly to the side to get the rescue medication, it should be 1 minute or 2 minutes earlier ...

I didn\'t wait for him to regret it, the Shay people had already run in. Holding the first aid kit in her hand, she said aloud, "Adrenaline?"

"Adrenaline 0.5mg static push!" Zheng Ren saw that Yiren thought that he had gone in front of him, and his heart was instantly calm.

The Xie Yi people opened the first aid box, hit the medicine bottle, took out the adrenaline, sterilized it locally, and saw the blood in one shot. The adrenaline was quietly pushed into the vein of Changyue ~ ~ Dexamethasone 10mg, intravenous injection. "

"Epinephrine 0.5 mg is injected again intravenously."

"Indwelling the venous channel, adrenaline is quiet." Zheng Ren said.

"Dopamine, push quietly."

As the footsteps came from the door, Zheng Ren shouted, "Is salbutamol brought?"

"Boss Zheng, here!"

海 Tang Haitao came in and trot in, holding an emergency rescue box in one hand, and a bottle of salbutamol in one hand.

"Promethazine, intramuscularly."

"Dexamethasone, 10 mg, intravenously."

仁 Zheng Ren observes the changes of Chang Yue, mainly through the color feedback of the system panel to determine the next rescue measures.

Adrenaline and glucocorticoids enter the blood circulation, and soon the sound of airway spasm is often lighter.

The heart returned to its autonomous heart rate, and Zheng Ren took his hand off her sternum.

Luan\'s ECG monitoring showed that Chang Yue\'s blood pressure was slightly lower, Hg, blood oxygen saturation was 90%, and heart rate was 122 beats / min.

ECG showed sinus tachycardia.

Fortunately ... She sprayed albuterol to Chang Yue, and seeing that her breathing difficulties were further alleviated, Zheng Ren exhaled.



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