Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2407: Unscrupulous trick

Zheng Ren and Su Yun went to change clothes and were ready to eat.

At this time, Wei Feng\'s interview has just begun. He was facing Director Sun Chaosun. After a "normal" interview, he finally got closer to the question he really wanted to ask.

"Director Sun, our interview is over. Please accept me as an ordinary person, respect and worship of doctors." Wei Feng complimented Sun Chao without any concealment. To lay the groundwork for a real visit that is about to begin.

话题 The "boring" topics before this are all a strategy of Wei Feng. And when one interview ends, the real interview is about to begin.

"This is all you should do, doctor, cure and save people, it\'s all about duty." Sun Chao smiled and watched Wei Feng pick up his notebook, and he was ready to go home.

"Director Sun, have a quick meal together at night?" Wei Feng asked.

"No." Sun Chao said, "I have cooked at home. If I do n’t eat, I should go back for three days and three nights."

"You are really humorous." Wei Feng said with a smile. "Director Sun, the interview is over. Can I ask you a few questions in private?"

Sun Chao didn\'t take it for granted, and thought it was something like consulting his illness. He nodded with a smile. In the future, even if he met this reporter, it is estimated that he would have to trouble himself. And if he needs any propaganda, he will bother him.

Social friendship, that\'s what happened.

"That\'s it." Wei Feng asked: "You impressed me as a humble and gentle doctor. I can infer from the interview just now that your medical career has saved countless people. In the old saying, it is living. The Bodhisattva is not exaggerated. "

"After, I dare not say so." Sun Chao waved his hands again and again, "This is what I do, and I am very satisfied that I can do my job well."

"However, for a generous elder like you, there is a doctor who dares to offend and insult you. This is simply unreasonable."

"Huh?" Sun Chao frowned.

As soon as Wei Feng said, he remembered the time when he saw the 12cm long thrombus taken out by boss Zheng at 912, and he moved forward, and then the handle flew to his hemostatic pliers ... This thing Sun Chao will never forget .

"When I interviewed other doctors, I listened to what others said. It was also a gossip afterwards, and everyone accidentally talked about it." Wei Feng explained, "It\'s so outrageous that other people also quarrel with you. So bad The typhoon still faces the elders like you, who do not know how to get into our medical team. "

Although Sun Chao felt a little weird, but he saw Wei Feng\'s true feelings, his emotions were extreme, and he was also touched.

"Well, the young people today are not the same as we were then." Sun Chao sighed, "We respected the old director at that time, it was from the heart."

"You\'re right, technology must be inherited." Wei Feng said: "As soon as you learn something, you beat up against an old man like you, how can you be a doctor. If there is no old doctor like you Pass it on, they ... "

Weifeng said incessantly, these are all thought out in advance, which he thinks can most resonate with Director Sun Chaosun.

But these words were heard in Sun Chao\'s ear, and his heart froze, as if there was a hemostatic pliers flying towards him, knocking on the radial styloid process of his right hand.

With a crackling noise, he spun involuntarily.

"Director Sun, you ..." Wei Feng asked carefully.

"Nothing," Sun Chao replied calmly, "all things have passed, don\'t say these."

Wei Weifeng froze for a moment.

Don\'t say these? How can that work!

"Director Sun, are you worried that I wrote this on the report and caused conflicts between the two hospitals? You can rest assured that I respect you so much, so I feel uncomfortable for you from the heart." Wei Feng said sincerely.

Sun Chao sighed, his heart was slightly strange.

"The leaders above me arranged for me to interview Dr. Zheng, all of them were rejected by me." Wei Fengdao.

"Reject? Why?"

"I heard that his typhoon is particularly bad. He was not hit once or twice with a hemostatic forceps on the operating table. What kind of interview is this kind of person!" Wei Feng said, the true feelings came from the bottom of his heart Loathe Zheng Ren.

咳 "Cough, you can\'t say that." Sun Chao remembered the operation, and Boss Zheng was still very kind, the assistant beside him was simply too arrogant.

"You are modest. The operations they perform are minor operations in your eyes. They are not worth mentioning at all."

When Sun Chao heard this sentence, in retrospect, Boss Zheng took a large blood clot of 12 cm from the pulmonary artery, as if he had taken out a large worm. He thought that if it was a small operation, he really didn\'t know what the operation was.

If you stand on the operating table instead, the patient may not be able to come back. Even if you can step down alive, you must lie in the ICU for at least half a month, and it will never recover quickly.

Clinicians who have performed many thousands of operations for so many years, Sun Chao still has a little in mind.

Otherwise, he would admit it, bragging, has anyone done it. It can be said that he can easily perform such a difficult operation, and Sun Chao can\'t get through this. This cowhide was too big, so big that he thought it was impossible.

"Boss Zheng\'s operation is really good ~ ~ Let\'s discuss everything." Sun Chao thought for a while and said Shen Sheng.

"You are really humble. He is a little doctor from Haicheng, where can he go if the operation is done well."

Suddenly in Sun Chao\'s heart, he suddenly realized that the purpose in front of him seemed a bit simple.

Boss Zheng is from Haicheng. It is true that this kind of thing is known in the circle, but the hero does not ask for his origin. In normal communication, they will only say what operation XX will do, what error XX made when he saw a doctor, and who cares what his hometown is.

Wei Feng did not notice the slight changes in Director Sun. He said the rise and continued: "Although I am not a doctor, I also know that the operation is a hard work. He is a young doctor, the amount of surgery is not enough, even if it is done well, How good can it be. "

而且 "And he\'s too public. Nobel Prize in biology, medicine, you know."

Sun Chao nodded.

"The recommended list is strictly confidential for the Nobel Prize judging. Now I can check it online and only have the information that was just decrypted 50 years ago. He did a good job and made a recommendation. I was afraid that others would not know. Award candidate. "

He said, Wei Feng sneered, "If it wasn\'t for the Nobel Prize candidate, 912 could let him airborne? Can he be so arrogant, smashing people with hemostatic pliers on the operating table?"

"These are all conspiracies. They are conspiracies! A little citizen and a little doctor do whatever they can in order to be superior!"