Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2388: People live 1 thought

"Well, I met an old patient." Gao Shaojie leaned forward slightly, Ruya said.

"My neighbour, at the time of the unit\'s physical examination, found a small nodule of about 1 cm in the right lung. Find me to watch the film, and I recommend to observe it for 3 months. After 3 months, the small nodule has increased, so he recommended surgery. "

"The postoperative pathology was determined to be adenocarcinoma. But ... what is the small nodule, it will be cured even after wedge resection." Gao Shaojie said, "It was a little later than now, two weeks before New Year\'s Day. I often can See him bending downstairs. "

"I won\'t scare myself to death." Su Yun asked.

"Well. A group of their old colleagues felt that he had cancer and were afraid of \'contagion\'. When they played together, they were intentionally alienated, even apparently avoiding him. The patient had to bend and chat with another person who had cancer. Compassion for the disease. "

"After the New Year, I didn\'t see this patient appear downstairs after the year. One day later I came home from work and met his lover carrying a lunchbox to deliver food."

Gao Shaojie tells a "story", which is light and light, without too much emotion, just scratching the surface.

The words of alienation and contagion that can be mentioned make people laugh and cry, but they feel confused.

"I asked what happened, and his lover said that the retired friend who had played with him during the Chinese New Year passed away because of cancer. After knowing the news, he was bedridden."

"In the end, it wasn\'t because the tumor died in the late stage, but because of prolonged bedridden, epidemic pneumonia and atelectasis, and finally died only after half a month."

Gao Shaojie said here and sighed.

The condition of the patient he said was similar to that of Bu Ruotian, but not the same.

But people who are ill, especially those diagnosed with tumors, have such anxious mentalities that they can face life and death.

This is absolutely uncommon for ordinary people.

Even if all the doctors in the room except Song Ying were doctors, they could not replace themselves in the face of the terrible life and death situation and feel what the patients were thinking.

The patient Gao Shaojie said, after his "only" friend died, his mentality had collapsed, and he was almost actively seeking death.

But if Ruotian is "active" looking for a way of life, he may even feel fateful and absolutely unfair, and use the "ridiculous" way of changing his life and identity to avoid the great horror between life and death.

Although it looks funny, no one can laugh. This topic is a bit heavy, and everyone can\'t breathe.

"I still have a patient." Gao Shaojie seemed to be a little depressed, and even in terms of clinical experience, even Zheng Ren couldn\'t keep up with him. After decades of accumulation, thousands of patients have encountered similar gossip.

He continued: "When I came to see me, he was diagnosed with liver cancer, and the right lobe of the liver had a 7 × 8cm placeholder. At that time he told me that his son was still in junior year, could he get to the children\'s university? graduation."

"I can\'t guarantee it, just say my best. Later, after 12 interventional operations, the tumor has not been completely controlled. If Boss Zheng is in, it is estimated that he can live a little longer, and he may even recover."

Zheng Ren shook his head, can he cure the tumor himself? Lao Gao held himself too high. People, you must always have a self-knowledge. This is what Zheng Ren knows.

"Don\'t talk about Lao Gao." Su Yun said scornfully, "If the boss can cure the tumor and still worry about the Nobel Prize, the selection committee came to ask for the award, and the boss kicked them aside lightly. . "

Gao Shaojie smiled.

"By then, no one who can cure the tumor will get the Nobel Prize. I am afraid that this prize has come to an end." Su Yundao.

"I think that if you want to change Boss Zheng for surgery, you can still make the patient live as long as possible." Gao Shaojie trimmed his point of view.

"Well, it\'s pretty much the same, you continue."

"Later he was two years old, and he told me again that the child has graduated from undergraduate school, and is he going to graduate school if he is studying for graduate school."

"Three years later, he asked my child to find a job in a large company in Pengcheng. He and his lover saved half a lifetime of money and were going to buy a house for the child to pay the down payment. He wanted to watch the child get married and let me Be sure to help. "

"After another year and a half, his son got married and he came back for surgery and told me he wanted to hug his grandson."

Gao Shaojie talked flatly about a patient\'s extended thoughts and requirements.

Doctors can only do this with their own skill level.

But whether or not it can be done, let alone Gao Shaojie, even Zheng Ren is not sure.

As Su Yun said, if they are sure, the Nobel Prize judges have come to the emperor to ask for the award.

A new way to treat cancer is here. If you do n’t get the Nobel Prize, it wo n’t be convincing.

"When will he stay?" Su Yun asked.

When any story ends, so does anyone.

"His daughter-in-law had three months before giving birth." Gao Shaojie felt a little sorry.

"You\'re pretty good, Lao Gao," Su Yun praised. "Such a big tumor has been cured for seven or eight years."

Gao Shaojie didn\'t speak, just shook his head.

"The patient that Mr. Gao said has a mind in mind." Lin Yuan heard the essence of the problem.

"Well." Zheng Ren nodded, "I have thoughts in my heart, and I can cook more or less for some time. In any case, it takes longer than people who do not think."

"Boss, you use the word boil, I don\'t agree with it." Su Yun habitually began to raise the bar.

"Also, live happily and love Hongchen? Why don\'t you add some more gorgeous rhetoric?"

"Hey." Su Yun said, "Is Bu Ruotian like this?"

"It shouldn\'t count. I think he is too strong in personality, and he doesn\'t have too deep love for family and family. His favorite is himself." Gao Shaojie said, "In this case, it is possible to have similar Things. "

"I hope psychological counseling will help. But boss, do you think there is a split personality?" Su Yun asked.

"It should exist, but it is too difficult to meet." Zheng Rendao, "This is still controversial in the academic world, and some people firmly refuse to recognize the diagnosis of personality split ~ ~ I have seen similar records, It is said that in medical history, only 26 people have been identified as having split personality. "

"How do I remember 27?" Zheng Ren frowned.



Gao Shaojie watched Zheng Ren and Su Yun as children, insisting on a number.

Maybe this is also a way to decompress?



Note: These two cases are also my patients, the second old Li is particularly interesting. Patients with liver disease are hot-tempered. He is nicknamed Black Bear, has a large waist and a round waist, and loves judgment. The quarrel between the patients in the ward was all his reasoning, saying who was right and who was wrong.

Unfortunately, it was a little bit worse.