Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2386: Bu Ruotian or Wang Dazhuang

After that, she glanced at the people in the room. Step away was polite and didn\'t say much, but her actions showed full caution.

"It\'s all people in my medical team, there is nothing inconvenient. If you have any questions, don\'t worry." Zheng Rendao said.

Bu Li saw a lot of people, but Zheng Ren said so, and it\'s hard to refute his words.

Gu Xiaoran helped the waiter to move a chair together, stepped down and sat down with his fingers crossed, his thumbs pressed hard together, and the nail bed was pale.

She seemed to have something to hide.

"Step away, talk when you have something, and drink if you\'re fine." Su Yun looked down on her. Is there anything unseen, isn\'t that the old man was detained after domestic violence?

"General Zheng, Brother Yun, let me tell you the truth." Bu Li heard what Su Yun said, and her voice was a little husky, "My dad was caught because of domestic violence."

"Well, your mother is fine."

"It wasn\'t my mother who was domesticated." Walked away.

Is it a little lover? This kind of thing is also common and should be nothing.

No one spoke in the room, quietly waiting to walk away.

Bu Li smiled abruptly, and said, "My dad still has a home in Didu, in a small village in Daxing."

"Well, don\'t say so nice, isn\'t it in Hebei Province?" Su Yun laughed.

"I went to look at it, it was very dirty, and it was very dirty." Bu Li did not care about Su Yun, and she continued to take care of herself.

"Mr. Bu still likes this mouth?"

Bu Li shook her head, she wanted to explain, but didn\'t know what to say. She thought about it and had to take out her phone, find a few photos, stand up and walk to Zheng Ren, and give him the phone.

Su Yun was so credulous, and came to see.

Zheng Ren frowned. The first photo was a peasant woman with five big and three thick skins. At first glance, those who do farm work have the strength.

"This is my dad\'s wife at home." Bu Li\'s voice was a little erratic, and until now she couldn\'t believe it.

Zheng Ren and Su Yun also froze.

If you are looking for a beautiful and charming girl, everyone can understand. What about men?

But find an aunt ... Bu Ruotian\'s taste is too heavy!

Zheng Ren then flipped through the photos, followed by Bu Ruotian\'s arrest. It was a messier and messier place than the urban-rural junction. Very remote, a vague field of grass can be seen.

If there is a layer of white snow in winter, it can almost be described as an uninhabited place.

"This place can\'t be demolished," Su Yun said with a smirk.

"Miss Bu, what is going on?" Zheng Ren asked.

"I heard the police say that according to the woman\'s dictation, the two of them have been married for less than half a year. They did not receive a certificate, but they invited their neighbors to eat." Bu Li frowned, and seemed to find this matter quite difficult. Just to say, the smell of pig dung and swill that overflowed in the mouth and nose.

"They said that my dad was an ordinary person, and I didn\'t know where to find a widow, so I stayed here." Bu Lidao said, "For the past six months, he often scolded the woman, and this time he started She was a little bit heavy and hurt her. When she was taken to the hospital, someone called the police and she was notified. "

"How did you find you?" Su Yun discovered the key points of the problem.

"He didn\'t know anything, he thought he was Ma Dazhuang. Later, he looked for surveillance video and found that he left the hospital this afternoon and went alone to a bath center, then changed clothes to the urban-rural junction. The police followed the clue and found their true identity. Now. "


It\'s complicated. How does it look like a spy? Could it be said that if Bu Tian was sick, he would give up his life?

Zheng Ren thought wildly as he looked at the photo.

Is it schizophrenia? Many film and television dramas have similar plots, for example, Little Plum and Nicholas Cage have played similar films.

In real life, it is said that there are no more than 30 personality divisions diagnosed worldwide. Most of the rest are performing personality and cannot be diagnosed with schizophrenia at all.

Moreover, there is no real diagnosis of schizophrenia.

At best, it is used to describe certain hallucinations. It is more acceptable to use schizophrenic expression.

"Did you not find out as a daughter?" Su Yun asked.

"I found some clues according to the police description." Bu Lidao said: "My dad was ill last year. President Zheng had surgery and recovered well after surgery. Then 5 months ago, he gave some business to I said he would take a break every month and not let anyone follow. "

"and after?"

"I\'m not assured, afraid he wouldn\'t commit suicide. I sent someone to follow him secretly, but he found out. He scolded me and almost broke the relationship between father and daughter." Bu Li said helplessly.

"Now think that my dad changed clothes at a bathing center in the Imperial Capital and lived another life."

Another life, this description really is ...

Zheng Ren and Su Yun looked at the photos and didn\'t know what to say.

"Change status?" Song Ying asked suddenly.

"Well, he became Wang Dazhuang in the police dictation, and he also found a wife. He exchanged identities every half month, the chairman of the group in the first half of the month, and Wang Dazhuang in the urban-rural junction in the second half . "

The difference between the two identities is a little too big, Zheng Ren sighed.

"Boss, is it really a split personality?" Su Yun asked.

"If Miss Bu is right, it should be this disease." Zheng Rendao, "but there is no standard diagnosis process for a true personality split, and there is no definite diagnosis. Just a saying ..."

"Step away, what does your dad go to the rural-urban junction?" Su Yun asked.

Stepping away is a bit embarrassing ~ ~ In front of so many people, it is really difficult to talk about very private topics.

However, out of trust in Zheng Ren, Bu Li was still willing to say something clearly. This is too weird. If Boss Zheng has nothing to say, he would like to find someone who is proficient in metaphysics.

When she knew about it, she was already panicked. Although looking calm, people are no longer a smart and capable walk in that workplace.

"According to my neighbor, my dad just beats that woman, drinks something, etc." walked away. "The other way is to go to the psychiatric hospital of the imperial capital. He said he can always hear someone talk to him, saying What he thinks and so on. "

"Neighbors didn\'t dare to contact him. They all said that my dad had a problem."

"Hit my wife every day, no one cares?" Zheng Ren asked in amazement.

"Who said it was every day." Su Yun said disdainfully, "Having recovered the status of chairman of Chengbu for half a month, he would definitely not fight at that time."
