Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2383: Take the house

Countless eyes looked at Zheng Ren in unknown places, bright or dark, but he didn\'t feel it.

Life is the same, and the progress of the fourth phase of the famous world has accumulated a little bit. Although it is not enough time to complete it now, Zheng Ren is still full of confidence from the perspective of acceleration.

Time is flowing, day by day, January by month, never stop year by year.

Zheng Ren completed various surgeries without any disturbance, while others\' lives were not so calm.

Bu Ruotian\'s pancreaticoduodenectomy has been completed for nine months, and after three postoperative review, no evidence of tumor metastasis was found.

It is supposed to be a good thing, but Bu Ruotian always wondered whether the doctor colluded with Bu Li and concealed the test results; or he fooled himself on the test sheet.

And he could n’t know the truth, and was happy until the day he couldn\'t get up. This day does not seem to be far away.

This is a very confusing thing, there is a terrible life and death, few people can really see through life and death.

Bu Ruotian is such a person.

In the past, strong and savvy, only suspense is left.

One day after the operation, he began to hear a voice talking in his ear, and what he thought, that voice said.

The inexplicable existence is like being proficient in the legendary mind-reading. Even if Bu Ruotian can carefully read it, he can think carefully.

Sometimes Ru Ruotian heard the "person" talking to himself, and he didn\'t remember the things he told. If you think about it, you will understand what you just thought.

This happened again and again, the voice seemed to know more about himself than himself.

Bu Ruotian is not the same person as Da Huangya. He analyzed it calmly and carefully, without doubting that the inexplicable "person" really exists.

This is a suspicion, and Bu Ruotian knew it clearly.

Only after a while, that "person" became more and more excessive. When dealing with company affairs, the "person" would point to scribbled comments in his ears.

"He" told Bu Ruotian what to do and what to do.

Bu Ruotian has also analyzed it carefully, and the "person" is a bit reasonable, but it is not applicable most of the time.

It\'s definitely not a fairy in the legend to show the way, just opened up and pointed out a golden avenue for himself.

If Tiantian is not so calm this time, he is getting scared, even a little scared. Occasionally he wondered if someone was really monitoring him.

It ’s really hard to understand just reading the mind.

Over time, that "person" became more and more excessive. Especially after each medical examination, when looking at the medical examination list that is okay, the "person" would taunt loudly, saying that this is a hoax, in fact, he has already fallen ill.

After another period of time, Bu Ruotian found that the "person" seemed to be trying to seize his own thinking!

"He" may be in his own body, or may exist at another latitude, and become himself!

What a special!

He can no longer remain calm.

Bu Ruotian thought of many legends, among which the most "reasonable" explanation was to lose his house. The haunting souls are scattered, and the house is reborn. Not only does he want to share a body with himself, "he" also wants to take control of this body.

Every time I think of it, Bu Ruotian is terrified.

He tried to keep himself from thinking, but the more he didn\'t want to, the more things the "person" whispered in his ear.

Some are old memories, and even Ruotian himself doesn\'t remember. But when the "man" came to him, his heart was stunned.

He really couldn\'t stand this kind of torture. Bu Ruotian didn\'t lose his mind. After a calm analysis, he decided to go to the hospital.

Haicheng? impossible. Bu Ruotian went directly to Emperor Capital to see a doctor in neurology and psychiatry.

After a doctor\'s examination and consultation, a diagnosis was obtained-paranoid schizophrenia.

The doctor said that "person" did not exist.

The so-called mind-reading technique is a sense of being exposed, and it is something that Ruo Rutian is worried about subconsciously. The doctor didn\'t say too clearly. He didn\'t say clearly that this was the thing that Bu Ruotian was most afraid of, and did not dare to stimulate him too much.

It is also a symptom to hear that "person" is commenting on his own condition and pointing at his behavior, which is called critical auditory hallucination.

As for looting, it does not exist. It is a comprehensive manifestation of compulsive thinking and deprived thinking, and also a symptom of paranoid schizophrenia.

Although Bu Ruotian was not convinced, there was no better explanation.

He is more inclined to the scientific judgment of doctors, after all, even schizophrenia is better than really having an inexplicable existence and wanting to rob himself.

The doctor prescribed him and olanzapine 5MG was taken orally daily.

This is an effective medicine for schizophrenia, and doctors have repeatedly told you to keep going and don\'t think about other things. In particular, an old doctor of the neurology academician level also said with certainty that the more you think, the faster you die.

If you want to live, it implies a medical examination, and there is a problem to solve the problem. Live well without problems, don\'t think about the mess.

Bu Ruotian accepted this.

He even went to study meditation, trying to let himself go as far as possible without thinking.

This is also a bit useful. Since taking medicine and doing meditation, the "person" has spoken less and less, and Bu Ruotian also feels that his mood is gradually getting better.

This year, the body and spirit suffered a great blow, and Ruotian urgently needed recovery. I don\'t believe in the doctors in Haicheng and the provincial capital. For these months, Ruotian has lived in the capital.

He is closer to the best hospitals and top medical treatments in the country.

The company\'s affairs are thrown to Bu Li ~ ~ Bu Ruotian made a choice between life and money. Every day when doing meditation, Bu Ruotian seemed to feel the essence of life while away from the other one.

After all my life\'s hard work and exile, is it really necessary? Until now, Bu Ruotian was worried about anti-crime campaigns, and he was specifically combated.

Perhaps this is also the cause of his schizophrenia.

After a leisurely vacation for almost a month, Bu Ruotian opened his sleepy eyes one morning and looked at the sun and the beach outside the window. He suddenly felt that today seemed different.

The field of vision is much smaller, and you can\'t see clearly.

Working hard to open his eyes, Bu Ruotian realized that he couldn\'t lift his eyelids.

He was startled. Was the tumor recurring, or was there something else wrong?

Subconsciously, Bu Ruotian put his hands on the eyelids, and forcibly opened his eyes. But after opening, everything returned to normal, nothing special, as if it was just an illusion.