Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2380: Come in handy

"Is n’t the boss just saying that, it ’s not a problem right after contact. Someone went to the hotel and had a bad rest, but quickly changed the environment. This is all caused by bird allergies. There have been many articles recently for research. "Su Yundao.

"It used to happen to people who raised pigeons, or people who raised chickens, ducks and geese in rural homes."

"How do you judge?" Zhou Litao wants to know what it is, but also why.

"I didn\'t judge. Didn\'t Mr. Wang do the detection of the antigen-specific igg antibodies of duck or goose feathers? If there are abnormalities, it can be determined." Zheng Ren looked at Zhou Litao in amazement.

I said a word myself, how can it be considered a confirmed diagnosis? What I just said seems to be to check the antigen-specific igg antibodies of the feathers, and only if it is positive.

Zheng Ren frowned. He was a little confused.

"Zhou, your clinical experience, you have to ... yes! I have a case, I got it for you directly." Su Yun thought of it, and immediately said excitedly.


"A few years ago, I met a similar patient."

Zhou Litao was speechless. Can patients with allergies to this bird experience similar situations? However, he knew that there were many cases of rare and rare diseases that could not be recognized because they could not be diagnosed.

I haven\'t seen a patient with a clear diagnosis of bird allergy, it is not necessarily that I haven\'t encountered it, maybe I have encountered but didn\'t understand it.

"A clerk in a city has badminton allergies. Can anyone think of badminton allergies? After I watched the video, I almost turned his home upside down." Su Yundao, "Later asked the medical history carefully, almost asked Eighteen ancestors knew that his son was learning badminton. "

"Well, this kind of case is even more rare." Zheng Rendao, "Badminton is generally divided into goose feather balls, duck feather **** and nylon balls. Duck feather **** and goose feather **** are common in China. . "

"Yes, I have thought of countless case reports and never thought of them. This kind of situation can not be encountered by foreigners, there must be no case reports." Su Yun said with a smile.

Zhou Litao\'s heart bounced up.

之前 The case I was looking for before is indeed very rare, but this case without Yun Geer is rare.

If this is a contribution to the New England magazine ... Zhou Litao can now even assert that it will definitely pass, no doubt!

But if Yun Geer voted on his own, that\'s fine. Is this a plagiarism?

"Brother Yun, how do you ..." Zhou Litao asked eloquently.

"What do you want?" Su Yun slumped, and his disdainful eyes reached the extreme. "I am a member of the Nobel Prize project team, need an sci to prove myself?"

Zan\'s disdainful gaze was like a substance, condensed into a turning head, and patted on Zhou Litao\'s face. Suddenly, Zhou Litao\'s nose and mouth were bleeding and his face was blooming.

Zhou Litao thinks about it, it seems that the same reason.

不 "Not to mention now, when I was in graduate school, I published two top-level SCIs, okay." Su Yundao, "I really do not want to understand you mortals, publishing a thesis is going to be white."


This blow hits the vital point, and at the same time, it causes a fatal blow, and also produces a heart attack and a crit. And there is a fatal debuff that continues to hurt Zhou Litao\'s mind.

周立涛 was ko.

"Well, the probability that this article will pass is very high, just let it be. Can the case be found at the time?" Zheng Ren asked.

"Sure enough, there are cases before my association and before the founding of the People\'s Republic of China." Su Yundao.

Zheng Ren smiled.

This should be Su Yun\'s first-hand diagnosis and treatment of patients, others do not know. Otherwise, there are cases of people who have reported this case long ago. Where can it be Zhou Litao to do it in a few years?

Zhou Zhou Litao was still a little embarrassed and twisted.

Wu Suyun didn\'t solicit his opinion at all, and said directly: "I\'ll take a look at the medical record, read it out and send it to you."

"Hurry up." Zheng Ren said.

"How do you feel that you are helping Zhou to get sci?" Su Yun sprayed back.

Zheng Ren shrugged, stood up and said, "I\'ll go back then."

After speaking, he went out.


"what happened?"

"You forgot one thing." Su Yun did not remind until then: "The Haicheng First Hospital can\'t do the detection of antigen-specific igg antibodies against duck or goose feathers."

"Oh, then you can contact Lao Liu, the provincial capital can certainly do it."

"Zhou Zhou, see it, this is the superior doctor." Su Yundao, "I just threw my hand at the shopkeeper, the diagnosis is clear, turn around and leave, leave me to do other trivial things."

Zhou Litao smiled and didn\'t know how to answer.

"Go back and talk to Lao Gao, just find someone, and it\'s not difficult." Zheng Ren said disapprovingly.

Speaking of this, Su Yun has picked up the mobile phone and called Liu Zewei to arrange the patient to do the detection of the antigen-specific igg antibody of duck or goose feather.

Some remote inspections are indeed unnecessary in small places. This is a waste of resources, and not many patients need similar tests themselves.

Within one hundred kilometers or a certain area covered by a crowd, one place is enough.

After Su Yun arranged the affairs of Haicheng, he turned to Zhou Litao and said, "Zhou, check the relevant information. There are still a lot of reports about bird allergies. Familiarize yourself first. After I give you the medical records on that side, Just start writing ~ ~ OK. "

周 Zhou Litao is not polite this time, does Yun Brother need it? People don\'t have to be good at all.

I think it\'s too late, others estimate it is much better. For example, Quan Xiaocao of the stomach and intestines published two top sci articles.

He is really just like pulling a carrot, it doesn\'t take a lot of effort to look at it.

Zhou Litao sent Boss Zheng and Yun Geer away, turned back, and thought while walking. The cases I found myself before are very rare, but it\'s not worth mentioning compared with what Yun Geer said about children\'s playing badminton and causing adults to develop bird allergies.

Case reports are either rare or fairly rare disease reports. Either it is an unexpected, but reasonable report.

There is no doubt that what Jin Yun brother said was able to pass.

I was really terrible. I couldn\'t believe it, Zhou Litao sighed.

I came here by hand, and one of the trivial things of remote consultation was to associate a top sci article, but I couldn\'t do it myself.

I can\'t seem to hold my thigh ... it\'s pretty good.

Would you like to find Boss Zheng ... No, it is Boss Zheng who has a national-level natural science fund. Zhou Litao\'s mind has begun wild.