Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2371: Scary, scary

"You can\'t even see the effects of aflatoxin on arsenic."

Arima, Changyue or Xie Yi people really don\'t understand. Now, such a thing as arsenic is rare. Only the arrogant figure in the costume drama will appear faintly.

What arsenic and crane red are poisonous in consciousness.

"For another example, aflatoxin is more toxic than the venom of cobras and golden ring snakes; it is also 28 to 33 times more toxic than the highly toxic pesticides 1605 and 1059. A grain of severe mold contains 40μg of aflatoxin Corn, can kill two ducklings. "

"What about peanuts?"

"Rest assured, although peanuts may be aflatoxin when stored in the refrigerator, but the probability is much smaller than outside." Su Yundao, "I\'m not afraid, you don\'t have to worry."

"Don\'t think about it, it\'s fine. If you drink peanuts, even the best wine tastes a lot lighter." Su Yun said lazily.

"Stab it ~"

The amaranth leaves the pan, and a fragrant aroma diffuses. Although Zheng Ren was not obsessed with eating, the taste of cooking had a profound instinct.

This is the taste of home.

But after being disturbed by what just happened, Zheng Ren thought that aflatoxin can also be produced in cooking oil ...

If you think so much every day, you simply don\'t have to live. He immediately flicked aflatoxin from his mind and leaned seriously against the wall watching Xiao Yiren cooking.

I ate, took the sunspot, and walked hand in hand with Yiren in the night of the imperial capital. When I got home, I watched a series of dramas with Yiren. Although those dramas were not logical to Zheng Ren, Zheng Ren was not Su Yun, and he wouldn\'t pick and choose.

Wash, sleep, and start a new day.

It was already noon when the operation was finished. Zheng Ren\'an sat safely in front of the operation table and did the cutting work.

"Boss, General Zhou\'s article is finished, the format is still wrong. I\'ll talk to him in person, can you go?" Su Yun said leisurely on the sofa behind.

"Oh, wait for me a moment." Zheng Ren cut the film without hesitation, and then uploaded it to the hospital\'s network.

This film is to be explained with Lin Yuan and Gu Xiaoran.

老板 "Boss, I took Gu Xiaoran back with a 3D printed model of portal hypertension." Su Yun suddenly remembered something, God said mysteriously.

"Oh, it\'s good to go back and practice," Zheng Ren said.

"Can you show some respect to the storyteller?" Su Yun said unhappyly: "Respect! Respect!"

"Oh, what then?" Zheng Ren still absent-minded.

"The goods got up in the middle of the night, I fell asleep, and saw a half-length model next to it, almost scared to death. It is said that I cried for a long time in the bedroom, and you didn\'t find that his eyes were red when he went to work today?"

"The courage is so small." Zheng Ren said, "when we went to school, the broken bones in the teaching and research room were taken back to the bedroom and placed next to the pillow. I woke up and looked at what bones were in my head."

"But you can\'t think about it, if there is an injustice? What would you think if a beautiful female ghost appeared in the middle of the night?"

"Don\'t be ghosts and gods, not to scare children. There are really high-dimensional or low-dimensional creatures, and their thoughts should be different from ours. I think, those are all brain supplements." Zheng Ren His hand was operating the mouse, which was unpleasant, but accurate, and clicked.

"Ghosts are scary and scary, scary people are really scary." Su Yundao, "when I was at school, a female classmate failed to take the exam well, there was a lot of stress, and I had some mental symptoms. I got up in the middle of the night and squatted in the bathroom outside the bathroom. Burn textbooks and wear white sheets. "

"..." Zheng Ren clicked on his hand, then stopped and looked back at Su Yun, "Is it a mental symptom or a performing personality?"

"Who knows. Anyway, the female classmate who went to the bathroom was scared enough, and a sigh, it is said that many people in the whole building heard it." Su Yun said with a smile.

Zheng Ren think about it, it is really scary.

If I changed myself, I might kick in the past. Fortunately, I haven\'t encountered such a classmate who pretends to be a ghost, otherwise it would be bad to kick him into the hospital.

我们 "We don\'t, but some students go to the toilet in the middle of the night and are bitten by rats. This kind of thing often happens."

"Let ’s go, Mr. Zhou is already in the house on the other side!" Su Yun urged, "It ’s no use telling them any more, you do n’t have to practice one by one. It ’s better if they are like me. Just look at it. "

"Well, it\'s good to be like you." Zheng Ren did not deny this, but he was not in a hurry, and expressed his true thoughts with action.

After cutting the film, Zheng Rencai stood up and greeted Xie Yiren to go to the emergency department before changing clothes and leaving the operating room.

Zhou Litao had been waiting for a long time, standing in the corridor, a monkey anxious look.

"Boss Zheng, Brother Yun, you are here." He saw the figures from a distance and quickly rushed forward.

"Your format is not correct, that is the mode of domestic document submission, and the statements are not the habits of foreigners. How many times can I tell you to understand ~ ~ to ..." Su Yun began to stun .

Zhou Litao listened with an open heart.

In fact, Zheng Ren didn\'t think so. In his view, Su Yun directly helped to change it. Not everyone can continue to publish top-level SCI articles. Su Yun\'s idea of ​​teaching people by fishing is unnecessary.

I came to Zhou Litao\'s duty room, Su Yun sat down and began to modify Zhou Litao\'s manuscripts line by line.

改 As he changed, his mouth dangled, Zheng Ren didn\'t know why he had so many words.

I glanced at it, Zheng Ren felt uninterested, and walked out of Zhou Litao\'s duty room. Su Yun said that he was imitating Director Lao Pan, maybe he had this impression in his heart, Zheng Ren thought wildly.

If you are older, do you have the posture of the old directors to carry out rounds rounds?

At noon, there are not many patients in the emergency department, and doctors take time to eat something. The gobble is too late to taste the food.

Many people can\'t help gaining weight after joining the work. This has something to do with their age, but more often because of stress and eating habits.

I have a saying, this is called work fat, glorious fat.

Zheng Ren looked around each observation room, and there were no special patients. In the observation room, the patient and the patient\'s family chatted, passing the boring time in the hospital.

It is said that the hospital recently needed wireless coverage. Later, when I came to the hospital, I also had a mobile phone. No one would chat or anything, Zheng Ren thought to himself.

"All said nothing, you just pretend to be sick! It\'s not easy for me to arrange the lightest work for you, or can\'t you do it, can you be more serious." A voice came from the corner.