Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2367: Desolate at night

"Boss Zheng, this patient." The training doctor led Zheng Ren into the ward and came to the patient\'s bed.

仁 Zheng Ren saw the patient lying sideways without expression, looking at the sky outside the window, and there was nothing in his eyes. It\'s like dead fish thrown on the shore, just breathing.

"Wei Qingsen, Boss Zheng came to see you," said the advanced doctor and the patient.

The patient didn\'t say a word, as if he didn\'t hear it, his eyes stared out the window, his eyes were a little loose and pale.

Zheng Zhengren felt more than just a patient lying in bed. The noise just now seemed to give him a major blow, and the whole man was sluggish and completely out of life.

His belly is large, full of ascites, he should have been in a semi-recumbent position with difficulty breathing, he is lying on his side, it seems that the air is not so sweet.

"Wei Qingsen?" Zheng Ren patted the patient\'s arm gently, but it was a dead silence.

If there is no system panel, Zheng Ren will surely check him for blood pressure and other vital signs.

I was scared in the hospital with such a motionless look.

看了 Looked at the system panel twice, there was no new disease, Zheng Ren sighed.

It\'s so sad to die, I\'m afraid it\'s just like this. According to the training doctor, this Wei Qingsen should be a successful person with a successful career, but the final night can be described as bleak.

"Boss Zheng, do you want to use guardianship?" The advanced doctor asked Wei Qingsen without a word, and his eyes were filled with a sense of death, and he asked quickly.

"Go to the guardian." Zheng Ren did not carelessly because of the existence of the system panel, he still agreed with what the doctor said.

Soon, the nurse came in with ECG monitoring, pressed Wei Qingsen\'s electrode membrane, and connected to check vital signs.

的 The values ​​shown on the screen are fine except for a slightly lower blood oxygen saturation.

Dr. Xi Jinxiu also wanted to ask Wei Qingsen to answer the question. Although he had seen that the patient had been severely hit, he could not rule out hepatic encephalopathy.

"Don\'t toss, I\'m watching here, you\'re busy with you." Zheng Ren sat on the small stool by the bed and looked at the patient quietly.

多少 The doctor is still a little bit wink. Boss Zheng is sitting here and going to "busy" by himself? Isn\'t that kidding?

He stood beside Zheng Ren, and didn\'t dare to say a word. Neither the other patients in the ward nor their relatives dared to speak.

The scene was extremely embarrassing.

Dr. Xi Jinxiu looked at Boss Zheng\'s face from the side, and he felt really young. He stood with his hands down, trying to be almost unwilling to do anything, for fear of causing boss Zheng\'s unhappiness.

After all, there is such a thing as dog blood, and no one will be happy to change it. Do n’t rush up and touch the mold.

The room is very quiet. Only the blood pressure cuff connected to the ECG monitor will make a blood pressure measurement every five minutes.

Some of the old patients in the ward, some new patients, the new and old patients are intertwined with each other. The surgery is done well, and the reputation of the old patient is exchanged for the peace of mind of the new patient. This is a means.

Of course, you have to do a good job to use this trick. If there is a problem with one patient, all other patients may have doubts about the hospital.

It\'s not easy for people to influence and interact with each other and want to control their own destiny.

The old and new patients are obviously already familiar. They all know that 912 boss Zheng has done a good job. They looked at Zheng Ren with awe in their hearts.

Zheng Zhengren didn\'t call Wei Qingsen any more, just sitting on the bed watching him look out the window with loose eyes, and there seemed to be countless haze in his eyes to block the vitality and death.

He knows that even if the patient in front of him is operated, he may not live long.

What awesome, most of them think about it. Especially dying people, sometimes thinking of a miracle can create a miracle that doctors can\'t believe.

When I was in Haicheng, Zheng Ren encountered an advanced stage of cancer. In order to wait for the reunion of the Chinese New Year family, he had to live for 7 days. In the early morning of New Year\'s Day, the family got up and sat on the bed, wiped their faces, drank a bowl of porridge, and left peacefully.

很多 There are many things like this. When the oncology department celebrates the New Year, it is also when the patients die more concentratedly.

因为 Just because of a thought, some people can go beyond medical judgment for a long time; some people die quickly because they have no desire to survive.

These are things that modern medicine cannot explain, but clinicians know.

After a long time, several family members returned with Chang Yue.

Zheng Zhengren looked up and saw that they were no longer fighting. Although not as intimate and rusty as a family. But it\'s just that, there is no feeling of tit-for-tat before.

"General Zheng, after that, let the family talk to the patient." Chang Yue\'s voice was a little dumb.

Zheng Ren nodded, and stood up and looked at the ECG monitor.

The vital signs were stable and he said in a deep voice: "Remember the value and write it back into the medical record."

This is a way to prevent gentlemen from being villains. Zheng Ren actually has no good way. He was worried that the patient and his family would quarrel and have a heart attack.

Although there are no tips from the big pig hoof, it is better to be as careful as possible.

I came to the corridor, Zheng Ren asked, "Resolved?"

"The family members sat down and talked, their affairs were resolved ~ ~ Chang Yue said coldly.

Zheng Zhengren heard something wrong from Chang Yue\'s words. With the tone and expression that Chang Yue had just called himself out, he sat down and guessed.

"The eldest daughter, now the third, one person sets up the house of the imperial capital, plus cash. I didn\'t say much about the cash, but we need to continue talking." Chang Yue said, "the rest are all current wives."


Zheng Ren sighed. Is this a legacy? But people are not dead!

He didn\'t ask, but didn\'t ask a word. How the patient\'s family and the patient choose will be clear.

Dr. Ji further studies some emotions. The house of Emperor Capital, even outside the fifth ring road, is worth a lot of money.

He licked his lips with envy.

[They say write quickly ...]

The phone rang, Zheng Ren took out a glance, and it was Su Yun.

"I\'m in a community hospital."

哦 "Oh, come on, I have some time on my side."

After speaking briefly, he hung up.

Three people stood in the corridor, and Fan Tianshui walked back and forth in the distance. Just the gas field revealed by a man like him is enough to suppress everyone\'s desire to see the excitement.

After more than ten minutes, Zheng Ren heard a scream in the ward, and a hoarse voice said, "Discharge and go home."

After a few seconds, Wei Qingsen\'s current wife walked out. She politely greeted Zheng Ren and the advanced doctor.

She then spoke kindly to Chang Yue: "Doctor Chang, I\'m sorry to make you laugh. Old Wei said he would be discharged from the hospital. You should go through the formalities and I will sign it."