Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2275: Psychological shadow

() "Hey, what do you want?" Su Yun asked.

Lin Yuan was wearing a one-piece swimsuit and was very tall. The pestle was like a sculpture by the hot spring pool.

It looks like a catwalk on the catwalk. It\'s beautiful and eye-catching.

"I ..." Lin Yuan was a little embarrassed, as if there was something difficult to say.

"Physiological period? No, ah, if you are in the physiological period, why do you change clothes?" Su Yun asked, without evading himself. His head turned and he froze, and then laughed.

Zheng Ren also wanted to understand the reason, smiled and shook his head.

"How?" Old He was a little confused.

"Remember that this cargo smelled pathological specimens, and hydrogen sulfide poisoning." Su Yun looked at Lin Yuan and explained to Lao He.

With such an explanation, Lao He also understood.

Real hot spring water has a slight taste of hydrogen sulfide. It is estimated that Lin Yuan was smoked once, with psychological shadow, and he did not dare to go on.

In this psychological shadow, it is as big as three rooms and one living room.

After a few more minutes, the patient\'s family got dressed and trot back.

"Are you doctors?" The patient\'s family asked.

"Well, Emperor\'s doctor." Lao He Shenwen said.

"Uh ... can I trouble you ... I\'m sorry, I\'m really sorry, I\'m afraid the road is dangerous." The middle-aged woman said her request intermittently.

Zheng Ren glanced at the patient\'s system panel. Although the situation was under initial control, it was still red.

"Then I\'ll follow, you guys first." Zheng Ren said.

"Boss!" Su Yun shouted, shocking Lao He, "Come out and play, you want to run again!"

"Patients need it, you play first, I\'ll send it back right away." Zheng Ren looked at the girls in the hot spring pool, greeted him, and explained to the Xie people, then went to change clothes.

"Boss Zheng, I\'ll go with you." Lin Yuan whispered.

She did not expect that there was a smell of hydrogen sulfide here, although it was not heavy, and it was incomparable to the smell that day. However, Lin Yuan has already listed this kind of taste as the most dangerous taste in his subconscious, and he has quite a posture to avoid entering.

When I was at the door, I didn\'t feel anything. When I came to the hot spring, the faint smell made her "allergic" directly.

This is a psychological shadow that cannot be overcome in a short time. Even if reluctantly, Lin Yuan was afraid that he would faint in the hot spring water.

Follow Boss Zheng to take the patient, so you do n’t have to stay here.

Zheng Ren glanced at Lin Yuan and said with a smile: "Okay, change clothes. Have you drove?"

The latter sentence has been turned around and said to the patient\'s family.

Hot Spring Villa is far from the city center. If you wait for 120 ambulances, it will take a long time, so it is better to go directly by private car.

Generally, people who come here will drive. As expected, Zheng Ren envisioned them. They came with five people and two cars.

When this kind of thing happened, I was not in the mood to soak in the hot spring. A few people discussed it and changed clothes and drove to the city.

"Boss, come back early!" Before leaving, Su Yun drank in the hot spring and said aloud, elated.

Zheng Ren turned around, raised his hand, and strode away.

The other person has a car, Zheng Ren, Lin Yuan and the patient have a car. The patient\'s lover drove straight to the people\'s hospital in the city.

This is the largest hospital here, and Zheng Ren dare not send it to a small hospital to fool.

Although the condition has been controlled, ketoacidosis is a very serious disease or a complication. If there is a slight negligence, the condition cannot be effectively controlled, and even death at the hospital.

After the subcutaneous injection of insulin, the patient was conscious and had nothing to say, but he was still a little confused. Lying on the back seat, sleeping all the way.

Zheng Ren sat in the co-pilot position, while Lin Yuan was nestled between two rows of seats. After all, you have to monitor your blood sugar twice along the way, and you have to keep it later.

"Doctor, thank you." The patient\'s lover drove the car, and Zheng Ren and Lin Yuan were there.

"You\'re welcome." Zheng Ren said, "Is your lover\'s usual blood sugar control bad?"

"Isn\'t it? The doctor asked him to take insulin every day, but he did well. He gave him a shot, and most of the time he didn\'t. I was afraid he would forget, and he prepared a medicine box for him." "It\'s a long memory."

"Well, you still need to control your blood sugar." Zheng Ren comforted her lightly.

"Don\'t mention it, he has diabetes, and he doesn\'t control his diet. I can\'t hold my mouth or give an injection. He doesn\'t listen to anything I say. If I\'m tired of it, I just shake my face. Doctor, what do you think I made in my life? An undead. "

Uh ... Zheng Ren sighed.

It is normal for couples to scold each other. This is how many people express their love, Zheng Ren thought to himself.

Just scolding at this time, it seems a bit inappropriate.

"Doctor, is he all right?"

"It shouldn\'t be a big problem. I went to the hospital for a few days to stay in the hospital. I will control the blood sugar in the future, but don\'t make this happen again." Zheng Rendao said.

"No one expected that an accident would occur in a hot spring. You see this is a trouble." The patient\'s lover is a bit frustrated, and more worried.

Zheng Ren told her the principle again, in fact, it is the same whether it is said or not. The main cause of this disease is the poor control of blood sugar.

Only by controlling blood sugar from the root can we avoid similar things.

On the way, Lin Yuan measured the blood glucose twice for the patient, and the value kept falling. The critical value had been reduced to about 15, which was barely acceptable.

The smell of that rotten apple between breaths was also much lighter.

Coming to the People\'s Hospital with the speed limit all the way, Zheng Ren got out of the car first, ran in and asked for a flat car to push the patient.

Lin Yuan and the emergency physician here report the patient.

The emergency doctors of the People\'s Hospital heard such a professional introduction to the medical history and knew that they had met their colleagues. They recorded the condition and talked casually. After knowing that he was a doctor of Emperor Capital, he was even more enthusiastic.

Zheng Ren didn\'t talk about these things. He sat quietly on a chair in the waiting room of the emergency department, watching the people coming and going, thinking that he had just seen the back of Xiaoyi wearing a bathing suit.

So lovely.

It\'s over nine o\'clock in the evening, the emergency department is not very busy, there are not too many people waiting, and it\'s a little quiet.

While thinking about Yiren\'s pretty back, there was a crisp sound from the heels falling on the ground.

The sound ... a bit awkward and uneven. I heard from a distance that if it was flat shoes, Zheng Ren felt like Feng Xuhui was walking.

He didn\'t care, looked around, and soon a tall woman walked to the emergency surgery room.

Long shawl, long legs and thin waist, looking at the back is a standard beauty. Zheng Ren only glanced at her system panel, and saw nothing and didn\'t look again.

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Author: "Live surgery between" real bear early ink is reproduced works written between 2275 live section surgery psychological shadow posted by users.

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() "Hey, what do you want?" Su Yun asked.

Lin Yuan was wearing a one-piece swimsuit and was very tall. The pestle was like a sculpture by the hot spring pool.

It looks like a catwalk on the catwalk. It\'s beautiful and eye-catching.

"I ..." Lin Yuan was a little embarrassed, as if there was something difficult to say.

"Physiological period? No, ah, if you are in the physiological period, why do you change clothes?" Su Yun asked, without evading himself. His head turned and he froze, and then laughed.

Zheng Ren also wanted to understand the reason, smiled and shook his head.

"How?" Old He was a little confused.

"Remember that this cargo smelled pathological specimens, and hydrogen sulfide poisoning." Su Yun looked at Lin Yuan and explained to Lao He.

With such an explanation, Lao He also understood.

Real hot spring water has a slight taste of hydrogen sulfide. It is estimated that Lin Yuan was smoked once, with psychological shadow, and he did not dare to go on.

In this psychological shadow, it is as big as three rooms and one living room.

After a few more minutes, the patient\'s family got dressed and trot back.

"Are you doctors?" The patient\'s family asked.

"Well, Emperor\'s doctor." Lao He Shenwen said.

"Uh ... can I trouble you ... I\'m sorry, I\'m really sorry, I\'m afraid the road is dangerous." The middle-aged woman said her request intermittently.

Zheng Ren glanced at the patient\'s system panel. Although the situation was under initial control, it was still red.

"Then I\'ll follow, you guys first." Zheng Ren said.

"Boss!" Su Yun shouted, shocking Lao He, "Come out and play, you want to run again!"

"Patients need it, you play first, I\'ll send it back right away." Zheng Ren looked at the girls in the hot spring pool, greeted him, and explained to the Xie people, then went to change clothes.

"Boss Zheng, I\'ll go with you." Lin Yuan whispered.

She did not expect that there was a smell of hydrogen sulfide here, although it was not heavy, and it was incomparable to the smell that day. However, Lin Yuan has already listed this kind of taste as the most dangerous taste in his subconscious, and he has quite a posture to avoid entering.

When I was at the door, I didn\'t feel anything. When I came to the hot spring, the faint smell made her "allergic" directly.

This is a psychological shadow that cannot be overcome in a short time. Even if reluctantly, Lin Yuan was afraid that he would faint in the hot spring water.

Follow Boss Zheng to take the patient, so you do n’t have to stay here.

Zheng Ren glanced at Lin Yuan and said with a smile: "Okay, change clothes. Have you drove?"

The latter sentence has been turned around and said to the patient\'s family.

Hot Spring Villa is far from the city center. If you wait for 120 ambulances, it will take a long time, so it is better to go directly by private car.

Generally, people who come here will drive. As expected, Zheng Ren envisioned them. They came with five people and two cars.

When this kind of thing happened, I was not in the mood to soak in the hot spring. A few people discussed it and changed clothes and drove to the city.

"Boss, come back early!" Before leaving, Su Yun drank in the hot spring and said aloud, elated.

Zheng Ren turned around, raised his hand, and strode away.

The other person has a car, Zheng Ren, Lin Yuan and the patient have a car. The patient\'s lover drove straight to the people\'s hospital in the city.

This is the largest hospital here, and Zheng Ren dare not send it to a small hospital to fool.

Although the condition has been controlled, ketoacidosis is a very serious disease or a complication. If there is a slight negligence, the condition cannot be effectively controlled, and even death at the hospital.

After the subcutaneous injection of insulin, the patient was conscious and had nothing to say, but he was still a little confused. Lying on the back seat, sleeping all the way.

Zheng Ren sat in the co-pilot position, while Lin Yuan was nestled between two rows of seats. After all, you have to monitor your blood sugar twice along the way, and you have to keep it later.

"Doctor, thank you." The patient\'s lover drove the car, and Zheng Ren and Lin Yuan were there.

"You\'re welcome." Zheng Ren said, "Is your lover\'s usual blood sugar control bad?"

"Isn\'t it? The doctor asked him to take insulin every day, but he did well. He gave him a shot, and most of the time he didn\'t. I was afraid he would forget, and he prepared a medicine box for him." "It\'s a long memory."

"Well, you still need to control your blood sugar." Zheng Ren comforted her lightly.

"Don\'t mention it, he has diabetes, and he doesn\'t control his diet. I can\'t hold my mouth or give an injection. He doesn\'t listen to anything I say. If I\'m tired of it, I just shake my face. Doctor, what do you think I made in my life? An undead. "

Uh ... Zheng Ren sighed.

It is normal for couples to scold each other. This is how many people express their love, Zheng Ren thought to himself.

Just scolding at this time, it seems a bit inappropriate.

"Doctor, is he all right?"

"It shouldn\'t be a big problem. I went to the hospital for a few days to stay in the hospital. I will control the blood sugar in the future, but don\'t make this happen again." Zheng Rendao said.

"No one expected that an accident would occur in a hot spring. You see this is a trouble." The patient\'s lover is a bit frustrated, and more worried.

Zheng Ren told her the principle again ~ ~ In fact, it is the same whether it is said or not. The main cause of this disease is the poor control of blood sugar.

Only by controlling blood sugar from the root can we avoid similar things.

On the way, Lin Yuan measured the blood glucose twice for the patient, and the value kept falling. The critical value had been reduced to about 15, which was barely acceptable.

The smell of that rotten apple between breaths was also much lighter.

Coming to the People\'s Hospital with the speed limit all the way, Zheng Ren got out of the car first, ran in and asked for a flat car to push the patient.

Lin Yuan and the emergency physician here report the patient.

The emergency doctors of the People\'s Hospital heard such a professional introduction to the medical history and knew that they had met their colleagues. They recorded the condition and talked casually. After knowing that he was a doctor of Emperor Capital, he was even more enthusiastic.

Zheng Ren didn\'t talk about these things. He sat quietly on a chair in the waiting room of the emergency department, watching the people coming and going, thinking that he had just seen the back of Xiaoyi wearing a bathing suit.

So lovely.

It\'s over nine o\'clock in the evening, the emergency department is not very busy, there are not too many people waiting, and it\'s a little quiet.

While thinking about Yiren\'s pretty back, there was a crisp sound from the heels falling on the ground.

The sound ... a bit awkward and uneven. I heard from a distance that if it was flat shoes, Zheng Ren felt like Feng Xuhui was walking.

He didn\'t care, looked around, and soon a tall woman walked to the emergency surgery room.

Long shawl, long legs and thin waist, looking at the back is a standard beauty. Zheng Ren only glanced at her system panel, and saw nothing and didn\'t look again.

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