Live Surgical Broadcast

~: On the road to death, the farther and farther

It is also the end of the month. According to the usual practice, we still have to ask for the last monthly ticket of this month and the monthly guarantee ticket for May.

The results are better than expected, and the monthly ticket is tenth.

I can get into the top ten of the monthly pass. This is something I dare not think about before. Thank you for your support.


I suddenly found out the day before yesterday that I made a mistake and was doing it.

I thought that the double monthly ticket in May was three days. I didn\'t expect it... it turned out to be seven days...

Seven days, seven more, this is too horrible.

There are few chapters in the hand of the manuscript, and I will report the workflow to you.

Every day, 10,000 words, but also have to go through the correction side; correct it once uploading; before going to bed every night, you should correct the draft of tomorrow morning; once again, you have to correct it again after uploading.

Every time I can find the error, after the modification, I still feel that something is wrong.

Strive for perfection and try to be perfect. There will definitely be mistakes. For example, three days ago, Haishu adults told me that there are a lot of typos.

All this, do your best.

In addition, the main character joywong421 asked, the explosion is to prepare 120,000 words or 180,000 words.

Explain here.

I am also very curious, what will be in the gift bag of ten days and 180,000 words. However, because there are not many manuscripts, the energy is limited every day, and I can only give up.

Curiosity kills the cat, and within the scope of the ability, to ensure the quality, seven times a day during the May Day period is already the limit.

180,000 words, it is estimated that it is not up to.

In short, thank you for your help and love. I will work hard and tell stories.

Finally, I sincerely ask for the last day\'s monthly ticket and reserve the monthly guaranteed monthly ticket.



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