Live Surgical Broadcast

~: May you and I be tender to this world

This title is a bit weird, but it is what I think today.

The situation in the past few days has been said before, starting tomorrow to attend the annual meeting, I am afraid that it is the longest period of time that cannot be coded since the book was opened.

The double monthly ticket must be changed, and the ticket must be sought very seriously.

The manuscript in my hand will be able to hold back until it seems to be a little bit worse, and it is necessary to write a few chapters in Modu.

After finishing the update in the early morning, I proofread it myself. When I saw the last line, I already had 3 chapters.

At that time, I realized that there was a problem, and I looked at it in an hour, said 12 chapters.

Well, it\'s over three in the morning.

Hesitate, hesitate, and finally decide to add more at 6 o\'clock. I also know that this goes against a lot of things, for example, there is a sense of expectation to keep catching up and the like.

Now that there is a draft, it will be more out, at least to the end of a plot. The following interviews, news broadcasts and other Yu Yun will talk about these days.

After the update, my palms are sweaty, and the pressure has increased sharply these days.

But the mood is pleasant, remembering a word-may you and I be treated tenderly by this world.

Everyone is happy to go to work and strive to make money to support their families and lives :)

Well, the last symbol is very old. Does it look familiar?

Since the opening chapter has two more words, what boss Zheng said after receiving the Nobel Prize has always been anxious for me. This sentence is quoted from Faye Wong, originally intended to be said at the awards ceremony on December 10, but always felt too hard, no blank space, not particularly beautiful.

Two months ago, I thought of something better, more responsive, and left blank, so this paragraph was moved to Boss Zheng and said out of the operating room.

The next plot will be written sunny and bright.

May you and me be tender to this world.

As above, written in a later chapter of 14th.

Xiong Chumo
