Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 796: I am not sick

“Is Changyue going back?” Zheng Ren asked.

"Su Yun, drink at night? Go to work in the afternoon." Chang Yue rarely talked to Su Yun with a negotiating tone.

Su Yun sideways, thought about it, sighed. Seeing that everyone has no appetite for eating, they stand up and pay for it.

Although it doesn\'t matter, it is definitely not very spiritual when it comes to such a thing.

The four men walked silently back, and Zheng Ren was rethinking his own recent work. Although the fundamental purpose is to save the disease and save people, in the current medical environment of the Imperial Capital, there is a fundamental difference compared with the frontline earthquake relief.

Walking into the door, the people who made trouble on the other side not only did not scatter, but they were tossing in full swing.

Zheng Ren looked at the crowds of people and sighed. There are no more people in pediatrics now, and many hospitals have closed pediatric emergency departments. Is it necessary to close all hospitals?

At this time, a woman hurriedly brushed around Zheng Ren and accidentally bumped into Zheng Ren.

Zheng Ren is strong and strong, nothing. The woman stumbled and almost didn\'t fall.

"You are fine." Zheng Ren asked quickly.

"Nothing is ok, sorry." The woman apologized in a hurry and ran forward.

Her forty years old, the white horns of the horns, the crow\'s feet are very heavy, wearing a very ordinary, although there is no patch, but at first glance is the old clothes, although the wash is very clean.

"How are you so anxious? Are you eager to watch the fun?" Su Yun whispered.

At the 912 emergency door, a woman in her thirties stood there with an eleven-year-old boy, waiting for someone to wait. The woman took the boy\'s hand and looked at the emergency pediatrician.

The woman who had collided with Zheng Ren came to the two and continued to apologize.

"Well?" Zheng Ren was a little surprised. Seeing the woman holding the boy\'s hand, he hit two **** and took him to leave the hospital.

Zheng Ren felt that things were wrong and went over.

"I don\'t study well, I know that I am sick every day!" The woman who ran into Zheng Ren said with anger: "This time I will toss the teacher again. What do you want to do? If you don\'t want to leave school, you don\'t want to go, then don\'t Read!"

"Wang Dong mother, don\'t do this, the child still has to educate." The woman who started the child, it seems that the teacher, perhaps the head teacher, is taking the child to see the doctor.

"Trouble you, Teacher Zhu." Wang Dong\'s mother apologized again and again.

"Then I will go first, there will be classes in the afternoon." Teacher Zhu ran trot all the way.

Wang Dong’s mother twisted Wang Dong’s ear, and the little boy licked his mouth and almost didn’t cry.

"Cry! You still have a face crying!" Wang Dong\'s mother pretended to swear at him, but the tears in her eyes flashed.

She dragged Wang Dong’s hand and forced him to take it away.

Zheng Ren looked at this, probably understand what happened, and immediately went over.

"Boss, why are you going?" Su Yun asked strangely.

"I gonna go see."

"People teach children, you are also nosy." Su Yun puzzled.

"The child has a problem, not a sick person."

"..." Su Yun stunned.

"You see red vascular keratinoma on his ear." Zheng Ren said as he walked.

"When is your eyes so good? Besides, is vascular keratinoma not very normal? Well? Is it vascular keratoma syndrome?" Su Yun asked.

"No." Saying, Zheng Ren has already walked to the woman, and he said with politeness: "Excuse me, do you want to take the children back?"

"Ah?" Wang Dong\'s mother snorted. Seeing Zheng Ren, some fear, whispered: "Is it hurting you? Would you like me to take you to see a doctor? I have no money..."

Zheng Ren can\'t smile.

"No, I am fine, what happened to your child?" Zheng Ren asked.

"I don\'t want to go to school every day. I always say that I am all hurt. I am clamoring to come to the hospital. I took him to other hospitals and took pictures. They said that nothing happened. I also took pictures to find people, and said nothing. "Wang Dong\'s mother, talking and talking, sadness from the heart, touched the eyes."

The little boy named Wang Dong looked up at his mother and suddenly frowned and rubbed his legs. "It hurts here, it really hurts."

"Looked at 912?" Zheng Ren asked.

"Mr. Zhu brought him here. There are many patients here. Teacher Zhu called me. I am sick, wait for me to go home, I will let you take care of you!" Wang Dong’s mother looked angry but distressed. Looking at some bitterness.

"Little brother, what is your name?" Zheng Ren looked at the little boy and bent over to ask.

"Wang Dong."

Wang Dong’s mother looked alert and pulled the child behind her, holding Wang Dong in her hands and moving it a little bit.

It seems that Zheng Ren is regarded as a bad person.

"I am a doctor at 912..." Zheng Ren explained with a smile: "I see a problem on his ear, so I want to ask."

"Well?" Wang Dong\'s mother immediately saw Su Yun and Shei people, Chang Yue came over, it did not look like a bad person, this is a little relieved.

"Ear? What happened to the ear?" She glanced at it and did not notice the small keratinoma on her ear.

The keratinoma is very small, only a few millimeters protruding from the body surface, red whistling, can not see without looking carefully. Even if you look closely, it won\'t be a problem.

Zheng Ren tried to squeeze out a smile, not far from the troubles of medical treatment, his smile was so stubborn.

"Wang Dong, when do you hurt?" Zheng Ren asked as gently as possible to avoid stimulating Wang Dong and his mother.

If you call the police and say that you are trying to abduct children, it can be a joke.

"Uncle, my arms and legs often hurt, especially when I finish running. Just in the physical education class, the pain can\'t stand it." Wang Dongsheng said: "I am not true Not a sick person, I want to take a physical education class..."

"Are you hurt from an early age?" Zheng Ren asked again.

"It’s okay when I was young, but it hurts more and more. Now I don’t dare to exercise, I can envy them to play football.” Wang Dong finally found a person who did not say that he was pretending to be sick, and tried to grieve.

"Can I have a look at the child?" Zheng Ren looked at Wang Dong\'s mother and tried to smile gently, but then he thought that this kind of thing would still let Su Yun do something better. The bruise on my face is not completely good. It is estimated that a smile looks more like a bad person.

"You are the doctor of 912?" Wang Dong mother watched Zheng Ren with vigilance, and looked at the crowd of pediatric emergency department, and asked.

"Boss, you have to say that you have nothing to do with the habit of making trouble, this is people can not see." Su Yun stood behind, carefully looked at Wang Dong, did not see any problems, and Wang Dong\'s mother obviously does not trust Zheng Ren, he married him two sentences.

"Farbre disease is rare. If you don\'t believe me, I suggest you go to the doctor of 912 to look at it, and then you will know by doing an examination." Zheng Ren was not angry, still explained: "Immediately diagnosed, treated early, No big deal."