Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 736: Smoother surgery

Zheng Ren recalled the warm embrace and looked at the pretty back. The whole person was crazy.

He is very tired and tired of feeling that he can\'t feel it.

Just every time you are forced to eat, you will sleep while eating.

This is also a brand new skill, and Zheng Ren laughs at himself.

Without more medical personnel, you can only take on more responsibility and do more surgery.

This is the only thing Zheng Ren can do.

He didn\'t care about the person in the medical office asking if he could do the live broadcast. He just understood the literal meaning, then nodded, and then he couldn\'t remember the matter.

A warm hug, like a good medicine, dispels the negative effects of the whole body. Zheng Ren feels that he is re-energized, just like the emergency operating room in Haicheng.

He feels that he can still do surgery for a few days and nights, and he will not be tired.

The Xie Yi people went to brush their hands, and Zheng Ren smiled, and unconsciously laughed.

Su Yun looked at Zheng Ren’s back and brushed his back. What do you want to spray him? Unfortunately, it’s too tired. It’s really no such energy.


In the classroom, there were seven or eight doctors lying down.

They are all people who have been replaced by the relevant departments who can rest for a while. No one went to sleep in the duty room, but all came to the classroom to see the surgery.

Someone fell asleep as they watched, and they were still undergoing surgery in their sleep.

Someone saw the end of the bolting, just closed his eyes, and saw a young and beautiful figure appear on the big screen, giving the surgeon a warm hug.

I want to whistle and express my envy. It is a pity that it is really tiring. The interventional surgeon who just finished the operation pushed the doctor in the trauma department to prepare to sleep for a while.

The interventionalist was very sleepy and could fall asleep while sitting. But the envy of the heart can\'t calm down for a long time, it really affects sleep. He opened his eyes and said: "The instrument nurse, do you know?"

"I can\'t see it, I shouldn\'t know it." The traumatologist made a sigh of relief and tried to make himself a little more spiritual.

"I guess it\'s the girlfriend\'s girlfriend, I just saw the two hugs." The interventionalist envied the hate, holding the bottle of pure water in his hand, and poured a sip of water.

"..." The traumatist is in the spirit, "What?"

"I told you all, the equipment nurse went to brush the hand."

"Hey...isn\'t it that people in a department don\'t let fall in love?"

“Do you have a department in your operating room and outside?” The interventionalist is contemptuous.

Well, it makes sense.

The traumatist sighed, why didn’t he have such good luck?

Soon, the brushing ended, the Xie Yi people began to prepare surgical equipment on the big screen, and Zheng Ren used the marker to draw the skin edge, and then began to disinfect.

This is not the front line, nor the Pengxi Township. There are all kinds of high-value consumables. After the interventional withdrawal, there is a hemostatic plate to help stop the bleeding, no need to press for 15 minutes.

Nowadays, all kinds of consumables are open and available, and there is an unlimited amount. Su Yun is not a child of the poor family. There are things that are easy to use, and whoever uses human pressure to stop bleeding.

"The position is so low, can the skin edge be kept?" The doctor in the trauma department muttered.

"You haven\'t seen it before. It\'s the most fierce of your jump at the very beginning. It\'s the most embarrassing to be beaten. How can you still ask this question?" The interventionalian has closed his eyes and said half-awake.

The voice is small, like talking in a sleep.

"I still don\'t understand it until now. It\'s weird, do you limit every time?"

"The end of the earthquake relief, come to our branch for a few months, you will understand."

"It seems that you understand that the level of intervention of the surgeon is enough for you to learn for a lifetime. Besides, after the earthquake relief... everyone is safe, but there are not so many wounded." The doctor of the traumatology department spoke. The sound gradually went down. He looked at the image on the big screen and entered the god.

At the beginning of the operation, the surgeon reached out and a knife was photographed in the palm of his hand.

Follow the skin of the pre-operative skin, and the surgeon still follows his own practice. He does not follow the classic surgical procedure in the textbook, and binds the tourniquet in the middle of the thigh to avoid massive bleeding.

In the beginning, many doctors questioned.


It was later proved that the person was to allow the capillaries to be fully perfused after the blood vessels were opened, and the blunt separation level of the surgeon was simply too high, and the site that caused the major bleeding was not encountered after the operation.

Cut a layer of tough membrane on the deep fascia, and then the surgeon took the scalpel to the side of the leg, reached out and the hemostatic forceps photographed the hand.

Beginning with blunt dissection of the deep fascia is rich in blood supply.

Although the deep fascia is very tough, the surgeon quickly separates the deep fascia and exposes the muscles, blood vessels, and nerves of the affected limb.

At this point, the bleeding is no more than 10ml, and the whole field is clean and makes people feel that they are posing. Not to mention the slightly larger blood vessels, even the capillaries have been consciously or unconsciously avoided.

The traumatologist was a little surprised, he frowned and thought carefully.

Where is the surgery wrong? At the very least, there are subtle differences from what he saw before. He is too tired to cause a dull nerve to feel a slight change in surgery.

It is not that the surgeon is tired, and the surgery is rough. But... more refined and faster.

Surgery is different from usual because it looks smoother, but what is it because it becomes smooth?

He looked at the big but he was remembering the previous surgery.

There is nothing new in the operation, it is known to oneself, except that the surgeon is confident that he does not need a tourniquet.


Subsequently, the traumatist saw the surgeon take the hemostatic forceps to the patient\'s leg, reaching out and grabbing the hand with a small pattern of pliers.

Pattern pliers? The device nurse gave the wrong device.

However, the next scene made him stunned.

Another blunt scissors was taken in the hands of the surgeon.

The surgeon took the tweezers and shook a simple arc in the palm of his hand, then pinched the pliers in a quirky posture with blunt scissors in his hand and began to free the tissue around the anterior tibial artery.

The pattern pliers are smaller and finer, and this free opponent method is more demanding.

The traumatologist knows that he can\'t do this.

Patterned pliers and blunt scissors constantly change position, but they don\'t look gorgeous, and some are simple.

In general, two hands are needed to complete this action. However, the operator left a leather hook on his left hand and operated by one hand.

This technique has not been revealed in the former.

Is the surgery suddenly smoother and smoother, because... because of the equipment nurse?

A strange thought appeared in the mind of the traumatologist and lingered.