Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 734: True equipment nurse

The Xie Yi people walked into the inpatient department all the way behind Director Chen.

"You didn\'t say it, I don\'t know that Ningzi didn\'t surname Ning, this mixed kid didn\'t tell me." Director Chen squatted as he walked.

The Shei people pouted and smiled.

This is the habit of Xie Ning. He is indifferent to the people, and quite a bit is not contaminated by the dusty world.

Some people know each other. But like a big car shop more than a hundred years ago, I have a chance to meet each other, drinking a knife to blow the night, and after dawn, the road goes to the sky, each half.

"Xiao Xie, are you Dr. Zheng\'s equipment nurse?" asked Director Chen.

"Yeah." The Xie Yi nodded.

"When Su Yun said, I thought it was a joke. I didn\'t expect it to be true?" Director Chen is a little embarrassed. In the hospital, the exclusive equipment nurse... he has not seen it.

"Zhengren surgery has done a lot. At that time, the emergency ward was established, and no one else could do the surgery, so it became what it is now." Xie Yi whispered.

Regardless of whether there is any reason, in short, what to say is not obvious.

"Mr. Zheng\'s surgery is so good. It turned out to be a shoulder to pick up the entire emergency room." Director Chen did not pay attention to the emotions of the Xie people, but praised: "No wonder what surgery can be done, this all Talents are rarely seen now."

"A few years ago, when doctors were scarce, there was no way to see what was going on, and what surgery was done."

The Xie Yi people recalled the scene of the first house of Haicheng City, and they could not help but feel a bit stunned.

"Right, Xiao Xie." Director Chen suddenly stood still and looked mysterious. He whispered: "It is said that Dr. Zheng has been nominated for the Nobel Prize. Is this true and false?"

"Really, it is the Nobel Prize nominated by Dr. Mehar, and the project is TIPS surgery." Xie Yi said.

Director Chen stunned, but quickly reacted.

I didn\'t expect it to be true!

Nominations for this kind of thing have been reported in China, but at the time, for some special reasons, these reports disappeared overnight without a trace.

Therefore, Zheng Ren is also the first unknown candidate for the Nobel Prize.

But no matter how hard it can\'t hold Su Yun\'s mouth, it\'s not. How can he let go of the fascinating identity of the Nobel Prize winners?

Although Zheng Ren is not interested in this, Su Yun is interested.

Director Chen knows a little, but he is not sure. At this time, he listened to the positive answer from Xie Yi, and there was a huge wave in his heart.

It\'s no wonder that the surgery is so good. It turns out that people are not small doctors at all, but the industry giants who have been nominated for the Nobel Prize!

Not to mention the domestic, look at the world, there are no new surgery nominations for the Nobel Prize for decades.

Since the Nobel Prize has been cancelled, the Nobel Prize review has a prejudice against the new procedure. No matter what kind of new surgery, no matter how many patients can be treated, how many lives are saved, they are always paranoid. Forget the new technique that is eligible for the Nobel Prize to the corner.

If you are so young, you will win the Nobel Prize... Although it is only a nomination, it is enough to prove the status of the rivers and lakes.

No wonder, no wonder.

Is the new TIPS procedure? Director Chen remembers that when he was still in clinical practice, he began to learn TIPS surgery. This type of intervention is so difficult that it is difficult to control.

I can only take chances. This is the understanding of TIPS surgery by Director Chen.

Unexpectedly, a trial of luck has allowed Dr. Zheng to conquer.

He was very emotional and said: "I didn\'t expect it to be true. It was really amazing."

"Fortunately, what surgery is he doing now?" the Xie Yi asked.

"Mainly the surgery of limb necrosis, thrombectomy + amputation."


"Do you have a match?"

"I have learned that I should be able to cooperate." Xie Yi said.

Regardless of this, the old director Chen was tired of the nurses in the operating room. The nurses who had been with Zheng Ren had changed one batch after another. Only Zheng Ren and Su Yun had been fighting on the operating table.

It is a good thing to have fresh blood infusion.

And the exclusive device nurse... Although it sounds so unreliable, with the identity of the Nobel Prize candidate, everything is logical.

"Xiao Xie, the most important task you went to was not to have surgery, but to let Dr. Zheng go to rest." Director Chen said: "He has been undergoing surgery on the shaft, and the longest rest should be from Pengxi. The township hospital is on the way to the provincial hospital."

"So many days, has been surgery?"

"Well, occasionally eating a meal, you can fall asleep while eating. But the follow-up medical team has come up, when is it still not fixed, but it will definitely be these two days, can replace the first line of people to rest "Old Chen said.

"Good." The Xie Yi responded.

Soon, the two came to the operating room. Director Chen called the head nurse in the operating room and introduced her to the Xie.

The head of the operating room is dark, like a giant panda. He looks like he is over ten years old and has unlimited fatigue.

The head nurse did not talk nonsense, directly led the Shei people to change clothes, and took her to the outside of the surgery room.

Through the lead-glass on the airtight lead door of the operating room, the Shei people saw the back of the thoughts.

So clear and so kind.

The Xie Yi’s footsteps paused slightly, but the operating room nurse did not feel that she strode to the operation room.

Just looking at it, the Xie Yi went in the footsteps of the head nurse.

"Xiao Wang, you don\'t have to go to Dr. Zheng\'s desk, take a break, wait for the extra stage, and you will follow the next operation." The operating room head nurse arranged.

Everyone has exhausted their energy and heard that they can rest. The nurses on the table have a relaxed and somewhat regrettable expression on their faces.

However, she saw the Xie Yi people somewhat surprised.

This person does not know, where is it?

"Xiao Xie, you will change your clothes and wait for the surgery. I will go to work first." After the head nurse of the operating room finished, he went out with Wang nurse.

In the operating room, several doctors are looking at the surgery, or waiting to get involved in the end of the thrombectomy to see amputation surgery.

When they heard the words of the head nurse in the operating room, they were also slightly surprised.

"Headmaster, who is here, volunteer?" Going out of the operation room, Wang nurse whispered.

"No, Director Chen said that it is Dr. Zheng\'s exclusive equipment nurse. He just got a letter and came in the night." The head nurse said that he was a bit ridiculous.

The exclusive equipment nurse... The provincial hospital is so big, in the whole country... It is also famous in the whole province, and it is gathered.

But which one has a dedicated equipment nurse?

No, for decades, none of them.

Not to mention the provincial hospital, even in the top three in the country, Huaxi, which big sister has a dedicated equipment nurse?

I have never heard of it.

The nurse was awkward and his expression was a little bit strange. However, recalling the several operations that he and Dr. Zheng cooperated, Dr. Zheng did not say a word. The whole process was the assistant who made himself feel as an assistant, while acting as a device nurse...

The exclusive equipment nurse, can the doctor\'s shelf be bigger?