Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 729: How big is the gap?

Su Yun is observing whether there are any bubbles in the warm salt water, and when he hears the sound, he knows who it is.

He did not lift his head and asked: "Old land?"

Uh... the people who came in stunned. He didn\'t think of the fate of a few years ago. After meeting again, he didn\'t even raise his head and knew who he was.

If Zheng Ren is here, he will be ashamed.

Face to face, Zheng Ren certainly does not know who the other party is, and Su Yun can judge it by listening to the sound.

"Lian Yun Geer doesn\'t scream? What is Su, Su?" Su Yun\'s eyes have been staring at the water, judging whether the bubbles are overflowing from the lungs or the gas accumulated in the chest.

This is a very good test, but for Su Yun, there is no difficulty at all.

The person who just came over is a doctor here, Lu Zewei. He is a Ph.D. in cardiothoracic surgery in West China. After graduating, he went to the provincial hospital for several years and is about to bring a group.

"Cloud brother, how come you?" Listening to Su Yun\'s yin and anger, Lu Zewei was not angry, but lost his smile.

"Go ahead, just down." Su Yun said, while using the lobes of the lungs to clamp the left lower lobe, accurately found two missing ruptures on the back, began to suture.

Lu Zewei was not surprised. He was used to it. He said: "I know that you are here, I will sleep for a while. I will be exhausted in these few days."

"I just came up to help, and I will do other operations for a while." The effort of speaking, the needle thread has already sewed two broken seams, and the line scissors appeared on the fingers in the magic of Su Yun\'s hands, cutting the lines, and swaying. A beautiful one.

This kind of technique is also used by Zheng Ren, but Zheng Ren is more simple to use, no such thing as Su Yun, but the speed is slightly faster.

"Hmm?" Lu Zewei stunned.

He thought to himself, you are a thoracic surgeon, what are you going to do without chest surgery?

Although I thought so, but Lu Zewei did not say it.

In front of the cloud, the level of the cloud is very high, but the temper is not so good. The mouth is so mean, it is famous in the young doctor circle.

After a few years of not seeing, the speech is still so sharp and bitter, Lu Zewei is silent.

Once again, the lungs rise, Su Yundao: "Close the chest, change position."

"It seems that there are still bubbles..." Shao Hua Shao said that he had just said half of it, and he felt that someone pushed himself behind him.

Professor Lu? What does he mean?

Shao Hua judged that it was not good enough to be silent.

After all, Lu Zewei has to bring a group, which belongs to the category of superior doctors. On the operating table, he has the final say.

"Okay, when you come up, I will go down and the boss\'s surgery is estimated to have been done." Su Yun began to needle the chest.

"Oh? Yun Geer, are you coming from the boss? I heard that you are going back and forth to your hometown?"

"Well, I didn\'t want to be a doctor at the time, I didn\'t have the strength. It was good to find a place to eat and eat. But in my hometown, I met my boss and now I went to 912." Su Yun chatted while closing his chest.

Lu Zewei feels in his heart, look at people, a graduate student, the emperor\'s major top three hospitals are like their own backyard, want to come, want to go and leave.

A long time ago, he listened to the Emperor’s classmates and said that Su Yun did not stay in the Imperial Capital and refused to stay back to his hometown. It was quite embarrassing at the time, was the star of tomorrow\'s cardiothoracic surgery so degraded?

But I didn\'t expect that when people came back, they would come back. It would be like they couldn\'t stay in Huaxi. They can only come to the provincial academy to be a professor.

But Haicheng... Is there any famous chest professor in a small city?

Lu Zewei has some doubts.

Five or six minutes, after the chest was closed, Su Yun let the anesthesiologist raise his lungs and glanced at the breast bottle, which took off the gloves and stepped down.

"Old Lu, I am looking for you to drink." Su Yun patted Lu Zewei\'s shoulder and then walked out of the operating room.

Lu Zewei smiled bitterly and did not dare to respond.

Change position, change from left chest to right chest, then re-open.

Until the chest was opened, Shao had time to ask: "Professor Lu, just that person looked very young, who is he?"

"Hey!" Lu Zewei snorted and silenced.

"..." Shao always feels that something is wrong, but there is no way to ask.

Until the chest was opened, Lu Zewei said: "He is a graduate student of Concord, and he is known as the star of tomorrow in the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery. In the past few years, I was still working on a topic in West China.

"The star of tomorrow? The people of the Imperial City dare to blow."

"Don\'t dare to say it." Lu Zewei looked back cautiously and looked at Su Yun. The seriousness was said: "This person can\'t offend, you talk a little."

"Ah? Is there a background?"

"No, it\'s good for people to do surgery. It\'s so good that you can\'t think of it." Lu Zewei sighed and said: "Don\'t look at graduate students. When he left the Imperial Capital, how many teachers would try to find him as a doctor. But people It’s not rare, let’s go and leave.”

That\'s nothing, the doctoral students who are not exempted are still not there? Shao Hua sighed in his heart.

"Tell too much, you don\'t believe it. Just after the operation, you followed, how much do you think the difference between the two of you?" Lu Zewei asked.

"His level is indeed higher than me..."

"If you have contact in the future, you will find that no matter what surgery, his level is higher than you. Sometimes it is only a little higher, sometimes a lot. The specific height is higher, depending on his mood. But no matter how bad, you are I can\'t catch up." Lu Zewei seems to be telling a sad past.

"Hurry up, don\'t blame God." Lu Zewei urged: "I will go to see which boss he came with, and I am really curious. You said that there is a well-known expert professor in Haicheng."

"Where is Haicheng?" Shao Hua stunned.

Lu Zewei shook his head and speeded up the hand.

Curiosity overcomes fatigue, he is full of energy, and the cleanliness of a surgery makes almost 120% of his strength.

However, from the point of view of the time spent on surgery, there is still a gap with Su Yun.

After the operation Lu Zewei took the interval, picked up the gloves, took off the sterile surgical gown, and looked for the past in an operating room.

No... no... still no...

There are two inner hybrid operating rooms left, and Lu Zewei is confused. The general use of the hybrid operating room is orthopedics, or vascular surgery, is this cloud brother turned?

He was very confused, recalled it again, and did not feel that he had any omissions.

He said that he came with the boss, and that must be an assistant. Looking from the outside, you can see the back of the surgeon and the front of the assistant.

Do not say anything else, Su Yun\'s face, even with a hat mask, can be easily recognized. In the present words, there is a high degree of recognition.

Going outside the hybrid surgery room, Lu Zewei glanced at the absent mind, but just saw Su Yun is bowing his head for surgery.

Hey... Is it really a hybrid surgery?

He saw the equipment nurse also inside, knowing that he did not step on the line, and quickly went in from the door of the operation room.