Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 726: Data originalization, reconstruction

“Hmm?” Director Chen stunned.

Zheng Ren holds the patient\'s CT film in his hand, and countless thoughts fly in his mind.

In the ruins of Nanchuan Town, the operation between life and death made him touch the technical amnesty and unintentionally broke these restrictions.

Although it is only reflected in surgery for the time being, Zheng Ren knows that his ability to read films must be greatly changed.

When I was operating in the Pengxi Township Hospital, every time I saw the patient\'s X-ray film, I couldn\'t help but reveal more information.

If it were not on the front line and countless wounded people were waiting for treatment, Zheng Ren had long been wondering if he couldn’t help curiosity.

At this time, in the face of a patient with abdominal pain, Zheng Ren saw the film and the fragments appearing in his mind are not the same.

The CT film is simplified, turned into data, and then merged in the mind, becoming what Zheng Ren wants.

Because Zheng Ren saw the patient\'s diagnosis, the load to complete it was not big. He immediately found the abnormal point in the film and found the problem.

Looking at the CT film in front of you, there is only a little bit of a vague abnormality. If you don\'t recognize it carefully, this is a CT picture of a common posterior peritoneal hematoma. And that is abnormal, it can be judged as fat shadow or artifact.

However, Zheng Ren is now watching the CT film, but it is another scene.

Su Yun came over and frowned and asked: "Boss, I can see nothing in this movie."

Director Chen is also very strange, but he did not speak. The experience in Nanchuan Town made him realize the speciality of this young doctor. Otherwise, there will be no special way to call Zheng Ren to come over.

"Su Yun, look at it..." Zheng Ren said, suddenly remembered one thing, immediately said: "Director Chen, micro pump, blood pressure, control of patients\' blood pressure. Patients with severe pain, first push 5mg morphine."

Zheng Ren said that he is very polite, but the expression of self-confidence and the tone of rejection are the posture of the superior doctors.

Although Director Chen was puzzled, he did not refuse. He immediately called the nurse, according to Zheng Ren, first pushed 5mg of morphine, then installed a micro pump, intravenously pumped sodium nitroprusside to control blood pressure.

Now the patient can\'t move, Zheng Renxue can\'t do anything.

Although the blood pressure on ECG monitoring is not high, there is still a possibility that the blood pressure suddenly rises during the movement and breaks through the abdominal aorta.

Be sure to control your blood pressure first.

This point, and the first time to go to the emperor, on the plane foreseen Cui Heming\'s thoracic aortic dissection similar.

Just now there are micro pumps, there are all kinds of drugs, everything is much better than the conditions on the plane.

Seeing that the face is busy, there will be no surgery for a while, Su Yun does not rely on, holding Zheng Ren asked: "How did you see it? Anyway, the patient can not move temporarily, hurry and talk about it."

Zheng Ren nodded and took the film to the doctor\'s office.

The reader is lit with two films inserted.

Zheng Ren packed the film inserted in the reader. According to the time and name in the upper right corner, he found the bag and put it on, so that the abdominal CT of the patient with abdominal pain was inserted into the reader.

"Here, you look closely." Zheng Rendao: "It looks normal, like a normal vascular structure. But do you think the density is different from the surrounding blood vessels?"

He pointed at a point in the film and said it surely.

Su Yun stared at the position of Zheng Ren\'s finger, and his expression was very strange.

"Yes, you arrange the pixels in a matrix of numbers, you reverse it. Oh... it\'s a bit difficult, can you imagine?"

Su Yun took a look at Zheng Ren, and said: "Do you mean that the digital matrix is ​​converted to a white-black, unequal gray pixel and arranged in a matrix?"

This is the basic principle of CT imaging, and Su Yun certainly understands. But the other way around... what did you get?

"You know, give it a try, and in turn, get the most raw data, and then convert it again according to 64-row CT 3D imaging."

"..." Su Yun lived.

This transformation is that the human brain is a machine, and it is still a high-frequency machine.

Is this what people can do?

The arrogance in his eyes turned into countless doubts, watching the film inserted in the reader, for a long time without words.

After the director Chen arranged the work of the nurse, he also followed.

He is very curious, how is Zheng Ren doing the diagnosis.

As an old video worker, when Chen was young, the hospital imported a machine. If it was broken, it was repaired by himself.

Therefore, what Zheng Ren said, he is more thorough than Su Yun understands.

Just... is this OK?

"Dr. Zheng, are you building 64-row CT three-dimensional imaging in your own brain?" asked the director Chen Chen.

"Not so exaggerated." Zheng Ren said with a smile: "All data is rebuilt, it is very difficult to do. But if we are only limited to this point, the data that needs to be reconstructed is much less, and it is relatively simple."

Director Chen Chen thought, is it so powerful? In my opinion, it is absolutely impossible to do it, but Dr. Xiao Zheng actually said that it is difficult, not completely impossible!

"I understand!" Su Yunmeng\'s desk in front of the reader, said aloud: "Here, it is an endovascular fault!"

"Yes." Zheng Rendao: "When the injury occurred, the blood pressure increased and the endometrium of the blood vessel ruptured. But immediately because of a large amount of bleeding, the blood pressure decreased, and the endometrium did not have a big problem. After the intervention, bleeding The blood vessels are all embolized, and the patient\'s blood pressure gradually rises, causing the intimal rupture of the abdominal aorta to begin to tear again."

"Boss, I remember you know it with a glance." Su Yun has some doubts, the diagnosis is no problem, even he thinks that Zheng Ren said so much, it is nonsense.

The key point is that Zheng Ren restored the CT image to the original data and reconstructed it. This speed is too fast!

Moreover, Su Yun’s biggest doubts were not asked. That is - how Zheng Ren judged that there was a problem at that point.

Zheng Ren pointed out the location I have to mentally calculate for a long time to restore and rebuild. And this goods, brought the film, casually said to have emergency surgery.

What is really a enchanting, Su Yun said in his heart.

"Look at the film and see more, there is a feeling." Zheng Ren casually perfunctory.

Although Director Chen knows that, but he is too old, his brain power has no way to do such complicated calculations as he did when he was young.

According to the normal procedure, patients need to take the CT room for vascular CTA examination before they can be diagnosed. After the diagnosis, the surgery list can be given and the patient can give the next stent in the abdominal aorta to solve the problem.

Before the interventional surgery, the aortic dissection is a serious illness, a serious illness. With interventional surgery, as long as it can be diagnosed, except for type 1 aortic dissection, it is a minor problem.

As long as the interventional angiography is performed, the position of the arterial dissection can be seen on the image, and the three-dimensional reconstruction of the blood vessel is not required.

But this needs to be based on a correct diagnosis.

Director Chen has hesitated.