Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 717: Friends and family help hotline

"Yes, the upper right of the medical record is numbered 1329." Director Li said.

"Is there any problem?" Zheng Ren asked.

This... I have countless problems, but Zheng Ren’s question is so straightforward, it’s just too sharp.

Director Li did not know how to answer.

He fixed his mind and immediately said: "I have three silhouette films in my hand. I can see the existence of four sets of capillaries."

You are welcome, and academic exchanges are good.

"There are a total of 7 sets of capillaries, of which the position of the distal end, because the observation time after the thrombectomy is not enough, there is no obvious expansion. But the silhouette film can provide the basis." Zheng Ren\'s voice is a bit tired, but very firm.

Director Li is silent.

Are there 7 groups of capillary networks?

"Director Li, please put the first silhouette of the film on the reader." Zheng Ren seems to have guessed that Director Li did not understand, he said.

Director Li was a little embarrassed, but he still inserted the film into the reader according to the meaning of Zheng Ren on the phone.

"Director Li, are you helping the relatives and friends to ask for help?" The director of the orthopedics just brushed his hands and walked back to disinfect and dress. When he saw him watching the film, he took the phone and joked.

Everyone is doing surgery to be able to collapse, and to laugh a few words, let the atmosphere here relax.

However, Director Li did not hear it at all. He turned his back to the operating table and concentrated on watching the film.

"Doctor Zheng, the position in the lower left corner of the film." Director Li said his own doubts, but if he did not finish, he was interrupted by another person in the mobile phone.

"That position is what I did. The third branch of the anterior iliac artery is relatively thin and easy to be ignored. It can\'t be seen on the normal silhouette map. In general, the position of this blood vessel is possible during the operation. Will be cut off directly."

Director Li looked at the silhouette on the reading device with a sigh of relief. In a word, he opened his mouth.

“Guiding an orthopaedic surgeon, this is not covered by local anatomy. Each person\'s capillary branches are different, so the value of the interventionalian is reflected.”

"Yes, yes, please continue." Director Li subconsciously revered and respected countless times.

"Look at the first quadrant of the first silhouette film, where there is a blood vessel, the eighth branch of the radial artery. If you go to the bone, in the case of orthopedics, the blood vessels will not be preserved."

The words are not very good, but they are facts.

Orthopedic surgery, also known as carpenter live, shovel axe saw. And the destructive surgery of amputation, no one will do so meticulous.

But Zheng Ren does not want this.

As much as possible, it is very helpful for the wounded to recover after surgery and to install prosthetic limbs.

Director Li smiled and felt that the doctor Zheng was really a real person. However, this can not be heard by the orthopedic surgeon.

"The blood vessels are only slightly developed, because the blood pressure of the wounded is relatively low, and the blood flow of the capillaries is not fully recovered. Now there is no time to wait, so the angiography is started only after waiting for ten minutes on the stage."

"The range covered by this blood vessel can all be preserved... In other words, the position of the amputation can be moved down about 1.3cm. The flap will certainly not be a problem, please rest assured."

Director Li is silent.

If it wasn’t for Zheng Ren’s reminder, the faint blood vessel development would certainly not be noticed. Even if you notice, you will not be sure that there is no problem.


"Dr. Zheng, are you sure that the capillaries near this blood vessel can be opened?" Director Li hesitated.

"OK." The voice of Zheng Ren at the end of the phone came over, very firm, not the ambiguity of the usual doctor\'s speech: "Before ten minutes, this blood vessel could not be seen. But ten minutes after the embolus was taken, you can see it. When it comes to the image, it means that the embolization time is not long, so..."

"Look at the third quadrant of the second silhouette, there is a blood vessel in the silhouette on the lower left. You can easily see the extension of the capillary end by comparing the first one."

Director Li carefully compared the two films and found the changes in blood vessels under the guidance of Zheng Ren.

He glanced at the time on the film and found that the two silhouettes were separated by 52 seconds.

Although capillary changes are not obvious, it is very gratifying to be able to change in such a short period of time.

"Hey, Lao Li, I have to do this. Do you have anything to say?" Director Lu of the Orthopedics asked.

"Wait a minute, I will come over for three minutes." Director Li took the time to ask, and looked at the three silhouette films from the beginning.

According to the surgeon, the information that these three films bring to them can be said to be massive.

It turned out that the silhouette film he made is such a thing! Director Li soon wanted to understand.

But it is two different things to understand and grasp such a huge amount of information in a short time and to identify useful and useless capillaries.

But do your best.

"Dr. Zheng, our surgery has already begun, keep in touch, I will call you if I don\'t understand." Director Li said very politely.

"Okay, hard work for you." Zheng Rendao.

Hard work... I have a local doctor, let the doctors who support the outsiders say that they are working hard... Director Li’s mood is somewhat different.

It’s just that all the unrelated emotions have to be put aside now, and all the attention is placed on the wounded.

Director Li took a look at the film for the last time. He turned back and walked behind the surgeon and began to communicate with Director Lu.


Zheng Ren sat in front of the console and saw that he was going to fall asleep.

The lips are dry and chapped like riverbeds during the drought.

"Dr. Zheng, take a meal and take a break." Director Jiang took a plate of rice and walked in and stopped in Zheng Ren\'s way to the operating room.

He is very determined this time, and he must let Dr. Zheng eat a meal.

I haven\'t eaten a hot meal for a few days and I am wearing a lead coat for surgery. Who can afford it? !

Zheng Ren glanced at him, took off the sterile mask and grinned.

The expression has not yet emerged, the lower lip muscles move, pulling to the bruises, a burst of pain.

"I can\'t open my mouth, or forget it." Zheng Ren said with a squint.

Director Jiang did not speak, but expressed his dissatisfaction with Zheng Ren in his body language.

Helpless, Zheng Ren had to pick up the rice from the hands of Director Jiang, and almost fell asleep on the table. He struggled, trying not to go to sleep, holding chopsticks, and trying to pull the food into his mouth.

Usually I don\'t want to eat. Now the hormone level in the body is so high that I don\'t feel hungry at all. Zheng Ren is eating like medicine.

"Boss, the way you eat this way is exactly the same as the search and rescue dog that Nanchuan Town went to later." Su Yun just walked in and saw Zheng Ren bow his head and eat, shouting.