Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 712: Old man and dog

Professor Rudolf Wagner walked around the hospital happily, like a little sheep eating coffee beans, saying nothing would go back.

The boss is still alive, and listening to the sound seems to be alive. I don\'t know what he was irritated and finally got an interest in the Nobel Prize.

This is good news, especially good news.

When he was in Haicheng, Professor Rudolf Wagner never understood why Zheng Ren was not satisfied with the Nobel Prize.

Is the level enough? surely not!

In Sweden, in the face of Dr. Mehar, a large translation of Su Yun, perhaps can say a few points of Zheng Ren\'s voice.

But in any case, the boss finally had a fight, and the professor wandered for half an hour before deciding to go out and find a pub to celebrate alone.

Let Little Oliver guard the ward to avoid problems in patients after TIPS surgery, and teach himself to walk out of the 912 hospital compound.

Although it has arrived at 9 o\'clock in the evening, the sky is already dark, but the nightlife has just begun. There are a lot of people on the street, even more than during the day.

Professor Rudolf Wagner was in a very good mood and walked leisurely on the road.

Looking for a bar, you can\'t drink too much, because there are TIPS surgery tomorrow.

Then only drink three... Oh, no, you must drink five bottles of beer, and then happily return to the hotel.

The letter from the horse, the professor walked aimlessly on the road, immersed in the joy of excitement yet to retreat.

This is a kind of enjoyment, and even more fun than Professor Rudolf Wagner than drinking.

The boss said that he can get the Nobel Prize this year, so he will be able to get it. There will be no accidents at all. The professor’s heart thinks so.

Once and for all, the deep traces of Professor Rudolf Wagner’s heart, the boss’s words will definitely work!

Today\'s night is so beautiful, the professor is very happy.

Walking, Professor Rudolf Wagner saw a lot of people in front of Wuyangwuyang. It is not crowded, bustling, and is in line. The team is very long, twists and turns a few bends, and can\'t see what is going on at the front.

Since Zheng Ren left, Professor Rudolf Wagner did not come out of the 912 hospital. He was depressed to use his work to paralyze himself, and he was reluctant to think of anything, especially after Dr. Mehar would come to China for a second-stage coronary surgery.

As soon as I think about it, Zheng Rensheng does not know, the professor will feel that the eyes are dark, and life is bleak.

But today is not the same, knowing that the boss is still alive, and Professor Rudolf Wagner heard on the phone that the boss has a desire for the Nobel Prize.

This is enough, isn\'t it?

What are the interesting things that this group of people are doing? The professor is curious to enjoy life and is full of interest in new things.

He crossed the long dragon from the side and saw a donation box at the front. Volunteers are busy and express their gratitude.

Is this a charity fundraiser? The professor had some doubts, and then he saw not far away, and a ragged, sly-like old man bowed his waist. Behind the old man, he followed a lame puppy.

The puppy is very sensible, cautiously following the old man, like a guard, half-step refused to leave.

The old man did not go directly to the donation office, but came to the end of the long dragon and lined up with the dirty puppies.

Professor Rudolf Wagner stopped and he felt that everything in front of him was very novel. He is ready to take a look, and then tells Chang Yue and Xie Yi tomorrow.

The atmosphere has been very depressed recently, and the professor can feel it.

He tried to fight Chang Yue and Xie Yi people happy, but every time they were in vain. Professor Rudolf Wagner estimates that he will be happy when he tells the boss about the call tomorrow.

Well, it will be!

Standing in the distance, the professor saw the old man take out a hard state from his arms, like a brick-shaped cake, and slammed it with a big cake.

Well, it’s awkward, not tearing.

So old, can you eat? The professor has some doubts.

Because his age is getting bigger and bigger, the professor has already bid farewell to many foods that he likes to eat when he is young, but he is more troublesome.

The old man handed the fallen pie to the puppy next to him, and then lined up while he was holding the pie.

The cake was very hard and it took a bite to bite. He took out half a bottle of water and drank a little water.

In this way, he lined up and ate something with the puppies that depended on each other.

Professor Rudolf Wagner liked this life very much. He even thought about it many times. When he got the Nobel Prize and his life was full, he began to wander with his beloved violin.

But you can\'t eat such a hard cake. The professor enjoys the unfettered wandering, instead of having to eat and eat less every day.

This old man, does he want to donate? He seems to be unable to keep his life.

The old man is very silent and the puppy is very sensible.

A large cake took only half an hour to eat.

For half an hour, the old man is close to the donation box. The professor felt that he was absurd. He stood here for half an hour instead of going to the bar to drink beer and celebrating that the boss was finally coming back.

After another ten minutes, the old man came to the donation box. The staff was very surprised, but still handed a bottle of water to the elderly enthusiastically.

The old man refused to smile, a face full of mountains and wrinkles, every wrinkle was dirty, with oil.

He took out a black, worn-out bag from his arms and carefully opened it.

A piece of change with a maximum face value of five yuan is taken out.

The old man carefully took the money well, piled it up according to the size of the face value, and finally handed it over to the staff.

Professor Rudolf Wagner did not understand that the money, he estimated that there were only more than 20 pieces, and it was not necessary to exchange them for the euro.

Is he a donation? For the earthquake on the far side?

The staff took the money and was very polite. One of the girls helped the old man to leave. After walking for more than ten steps, he said a few words to the old man, and then he was deeply embarrassed.

The old man waved his hand, and the smile on his face looked bright and kind in the neon light under the night.

The puppy seems to know that the most important job of the day has been completed, and he begins to run around the old man cheerfully.

The back of the dragonfly gradually disappeared into the night, disappearing into the colorful lights of the city, and melted in.

Professor Rudolf Wagner frowned. He seemed to see the boss. He seemed to understand why the boss put down the Nobel Prize and left.

It’s not just the Nobel Prize, but also his beloved girl.

Well, Yun Geer should think so too.

Is that the case?

Professor Rudolf Wagner looked back and saw that the dragon did not become shorter, it was still so long, and the long one could not see the head.

He was silent there was no drinking celebration.

The professor bowed his head, and his heart was a little confused, and he wandered around the streets of the emperor under the curtain of night.



Note: When I went to Dalian in 2009, there was a scavenger old man at the front door of the train station with a puppy. It was just watching interesting, the puppy was very obedient, and I could do a little thing. Later, when the weather became cold in the autumn, I went again. The puppy gave birth to a litter of doggies and lived and jumped.

I saw two couples of college students bought KFC and fed the dog. After standing for a while, I heard one of the boys telling my girlfriend. In 2008, he went to donate and saw the story of the old man and the puppy waiting in line.

It was cold, I made a thick quilt for the place, and gave it when I left. The old man went to the wasteland to sell money and raise a family. I put the quilt down, opened a corner, and watched the puppies get in, some happy.

I haven\'t been to Dalian for a long time, I don\'t know if he is still there.