Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 706: Does this surgery make sense?

One hundred and sixty-two severe pelvic fractures? If you count from the very beginning, and now more than three days, it is possible to open the surgery for five or six consecutive operations. 35xs

However, there are few interventional doctors. Who is doing surgery here?

He was silent, and the numb limbs and brain could not support him to think about other things. All the energy is used for surgery, and there seems to be an endless operation.

Came to the interventional operating room, there was a busy figure of the roving nurse in the corridor, and there were more than a dozen seriously injured people lying on the outside of the extra bed.

It can be seen that these seriously injured people are those whose limbs have been pressed by heavy objects for a long time, leading to necrosis.

This kind of wounded, except for amputation, has no other way. Sun is silent, he always feels jealous of these wounded.

Why are there no updated, more advanced medical methods to keep your limbs? !

As the pace progressed, as if he had done something wrong, Sun always went straight into the operating room.

"What about people?" asked Sun.

"There was asleep inside." Director Jiang pointed to the operating room and said.

"Why don\'t you go to the duty room for a break?" Sun always frowned.

"Speaking and talking, Dr. Zheng fell asleep." Director Jiang sighed and suppressed all kinds of emotions. "There are a total of two operations, the other is Dr. Zheng\'s assistant and just rushed from the US Mayo Clinic." Professor Mu returned to the surgery together. This surgery, only Dr. Zheng himself."

If you say this, it will be enough.

Mr. Sun was a little surprised, but there was no more emotion. Everyone is the same, everyone has reached the limit, but still struggles.

However, there seems to be something wrong. Sun’s brain is a little dizzy and he has not noticed these details.

Director Jiang opened the airtight lead door in the operating room and the three walked in.

Zheng Ren squinted his head and wore a blue disposable sterile surgical gown.

Xie Ning\'s eyes are a bit complicated, watching Zheng Ren, his eyes focused.

"Dr. Zheng, Dr. Zheng?" Director Jiang whispered.

Although I couldn\'t bear it, I just had to pass the wounded who needed amputation. If I was reluctant, I would have to call him.

"Is the orthopedic surgeon coming? Is it with the intervention?" Zheng Ren’s slight flaws disappeared immediately, and the voice of the singer seemed to be talking.

Director Jiang did not speak and looked at Sun.

"Cooperate." Sun always nodded.

Zheng Ren opened his eyes and saw three people in front of him. He smiled.

The smile involved the bruise on the face, a pain, and people seemed to be mentally.

"How long have I slept?" Zheng Ren asked.

"Ten minutes or so."

"Oh, that\'s okay." Zheng Ren then came from the ground, tearing off the disposable sterile clothes and throwing them into the trash of medical waste. "Now start doing this, this..."

"This is the general manager of the orthopedics. 35xs" Director Jiang introduced.

"Sun always looks at the operation room. After I finish it, what\'s the problem? Let\'s talk about it." Zheng Ren\'s tone is very dull, but he has a taste that cannot be refused.

Is this the order of the higher doctor?

Mr. Sun is very familiar with this kind of statement that sounds polite, but condescending.

If it is a provincial hospital, it is only the director of the interventional department and a retired old professor who can talk to himself.

After all, it is not a department, and you must be a little polite. It is just polite, but the momentum of the superior doctor is unchanged.

This... looks very young. Where is this self-confidence from the bones? And... Sun’s heart is a bit strange, but he can’t say where it’s wrong.

Instead of refuting, he nodded and helped lift the wounded to the operating table and then exited the operating room.

"Director Jiang, can a person do it?" Sun always saw Zheng Ren standing alone in the operating room, seemingly helpless, and asked.

"He is doing it is faster than two people next door." Director Jiang smiled and said.

At this time, Sun Zong realized what was wrong in the moment.

"Director Jiang, I see Dr. Zheng has bruise on his face. What happened?" asked Sun.

"He and his assistants are coming down from the front line." Director Jiang said, "It’s been a day and a half, and I haven’t taken a break.”

Director Jiang cares that Zheng Ren has not stopped in one breath, and Mr. Sun has a chill.

day and a half? Have done more than one hundred pelvic fractures for interventional embolization?

No, it must be that I think wrong, no one will operate so fast. Certainly it is not right...

"Well, Zheng Ren and Su Yun arrived at the Pengxi Township Hospital yesterday afternoon. So far, they have performed 6 hours of surgery to complete the pelvic fracture interventional embolization... and together with Professor Mu, completed 162 operations." Xie Ning Speaking of cold big data next to it.

It is still a small matter not to sleep for 6 hours.

But did 162 operations?

Sun was surprised and his brow wrinkled.

If it is normal, Sun always thinks that this is false data, and the people who do the data do not understand medical treatment.

How long does it take to average an operation? Isn\'t this a nonsense?

But now is the emergency rescue time, Ning Shu is not the kind of person who runs the train in his mouth and does not speak.

Sun’s doubts stood in front of the console and prepared to see Zheng Ren’s surgery.

The injured person had a fracture of the tibia, five of which were below the knee joint. They were pressed by heavy objects for a long time and had been necrotic. Above the knee joint edema spread to 1/2 of the thigh.

The injured person\'s thigh is swollen like a skull. If you are in the large outside operating room, you can only amputate from below the hip joint.

Because the skin edge of the edema site is even sewed, it cannot heal because of lack of blood supply. Reluctantly sutured, and finally necrosis, but also a second-stage surgery.

What is he going to do? Sun Zongjing, through the lead glass, looked at Zheng Ren disinfection inside, wearing sterile surgical gowns, laying a list, standing on the right side of the wounded, began surgery.

"Sun, Dr. Zheng, after taking the plug, is it helpful for your surgery?" Director Jiang asked.

Although he engages in circular intervention, he occasionally takes the plug. However, the procedure of the extremities is not very well understood, let alone what the orthopedics will do after the thrombectomy.

"It is helpful to generally have less amputation for a period of time, the specific length, need to see the level of intervention and orthopedics." Sun said.

"As you see, if it is normal, where will the injured person amputate?" Director Jiang asked.

"The knee joint is definitely unstoppable, and only a part of the thigh can be retained. The injured person can walk with the prosthetic support, which is convenient." Sun has a well-thought-out, and quickly made his judgment.

If this is the case, the meaning is not great.

However, Dr. Zheng insisted that he could do it. Then look at it, but Sun did not care.

Although it is of little significance, it is meaningful after all.

Xie Ning stood by, silent, staring at Zheng Ren behind the lead glass.

The patrolling nurse came out and closed the airtight lead door, and the operation began.