Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 689: You are his ceiling

Mu Tao instantly set his position.

Not a professor, not a young and middle-aged technical backbone, but a small doctor, a small doctor who learned the craft with Master.

When Zheng Ren was looking at the x-ray film, Mu Tao did not have a belly, a x-ray of the pelvis, really nothing to look at, must be pretending to pretend himself from the momentum.

Mu Tao has a lot of pressure in his heart. People can see more information from the x-ray film, and they can\'t see it. It is a horizontal problem. And with Mu Tao’s understanding of Zheng Ren, this person can’t do this kind of thing. If Zheng Ren’s assistant is, it is still possible to do so.

Seriously disinfected, after the completion of the matter, Mu Tao whispered: "Zheng, you go to brush your hands."

As with the students who just became Wu Haishi Wu Lao, everything is very cautious and very careful.

Zheng Ren is doing a psychological struggle at this time.

From the small amount of information in the x-ray film, 64-row 3D reconstructed images can be sketched out in my mind, just like a huge cake, attracting myself.

Taking the aftershocks to do the surgery, Zheng Ren broke the technical barrier and had a new understanding of many technical things.

But he knows that now, no, no limited energy can be used for this.

But... that unknown blue ocean is really attractive...

After hearing Mu Tao’s words, Zheng Ren’s heart was calm and the pain in his chest became clearer. He slowly turned around and whispered: "Working hard, Teacher Mu."

Said, Zheng Ren went to brush his hand.

Mu Tao began to lay a list. After Zheng Ren came to power, he brushed his hand again, then wore a sterile coat and stood next to Zheng Ren.

The femoral artery puncture has ended, and when he comes up, the screen is already lit.

The guide wire guide is in position, this speed is really fast! Mu Tao also sighed, and began to observe the shape of blood vessels.

Just look at it, Mu Tao has counted in his heart.

Instead of continuing to look at the screen, he lowered his head and looked at the operation of Zheng Ren\'s right hand.

Zheng Ren\'s habitual left-right hand crossover operation, Mu Tao came to power, there is nothing to do.

The right hand wrist shook a little, three actions? Why can\'t I still see it? Mu Tao has some doubts.

At the same time, looking up at the screen, the guide wire has been over-selected into the blood vessels.

I can\'t read it at such a close distance.

Although I knew that there was a gap before, but I was confident, Mu Tao, who was preparing to steal the teacher, was stunned.

I can\'t read it, but I also steal a woolen teacher.

"Contrast." Zheng Ren Chao selected, whispered.

Mu Tao was still worried, recalling the actions of Zheng Ren’s hand, and did not hear what Zheng Ren was saying. I didn\'t notice that the over-selection ended, and as an assistant, I should be medicated to embolize. Flash dance novel

Zheng Ren was a little unhappy, but his heart was flashing, and he immediately understood why Mu Tao was blasphemy.

"Mu teacher, fight drugs!" Zheng Ren touched Mu Tao with his arm.

"Oh, oh." Mu Tao woke up, too late to study, and began to fight drugs.

As a scholar, young scholars, research, and techniques are all engraved in the bones. Mu Tao is also somewhat embarrassed.

Here is the front line, can not delay time, he repeatedly told himself several times.

The second branch of the internal iliac artery, when Zheng Ren was over-elected, was not as silent as before, but said: "Mr. Mu, I said while doing it, you can listen."

"..." Mu Tao did not know what happened and was silent.

"The blood vessel branches into a corner 65, which is inclined upwards. At this time, the wrist should be slightly pressed down to a 135 angle. Then, after entering the front end of the micro-guide wire, it is quickly lifted up, and the left hand sends the micro-guide wire to enter." Briefly, the microwire has entered the branch of the internal iliac artery.

There are only two movements, and it seems that this blood vessel is not difficult. But is the 135 angle so accurate?

Mu Tao said that he was an assistant, but he became a close-knit person.

His mission is only one, fight drugs, embolize.

In the words of Zheng Ren, there were only fifty-seven words. Mu Tao repeatedly pondered and gradually chewed out a different taste.

The level of itself is very high, and Zheng Ren does not deliberately hide the private, saying that the most critical point.

Without too much explanation, these fifty-seven words can be understood naturally.

If you don\'t understand it for a while, then you have to do countless operations. After you improve your level, you will understand what you are saying.

After the vascular branch of the internal iliac artery was blocked, the symptoms of the patient\'s bleeding were alleviated, and Zheng Ren began to pick it up again, letting Director Jiang send the next patient.

Mu Tao helped lift the patient down the operating table and lifted another patient. At this time, he quietly left the operating room and thought about the words of Zheng Ren in his mind.

Even, he forgot to say thank you to Zheng Ren.

A person blocked the way to the road, Mu Tao looked up and saw a beautiful face appeared in front of his eyes.

"Hey, Professor Mu, this is not." Su Yun\'s mouth is a bitter and savvy tone, symbolic, and can\'t be changed for a lifetime.

"Doctor Su, hello." Mu Tao was gentle and replied.

Su Yun’s mouth is about to swear by Mu Tao. Zheng Ren’s voice suddenly came. “Su Yun, wake up and hurry to disinfect!”

Hey... this goods...

Su Yun slept for more than an hour, and the spirit was much more. He ran rampant and walked into the operating room, Mu Tao had to avoid sideways.

The gap between the surgeon and the assistant is really big, Mu Tao feels in his heart.

He didn\'t mind didn\'t stop, and his mind continued to recollect the words of Zheng Ren, and he was getting more and more taste.

Go on stage, surgery, and improve yourself in actual combat!

"Boss, what did Mu Tao do for the goods?" Su Yun asked while disinfecting.

"It is a match, I guess I want to see my surgery at a close distance." Zheng Ren did not care.

"Others will order something, they are hiding, for fear that others will see it. You can pour it well, are you getting water in your head?" Su Yun sterilized while squatting.

"On a few words, I don\'t say that he can understand it sooner or later." Zheng Ren is still in the old position, watching the film, saying: "And now his level of surgery can be improved, the injured who benefited There will be a lot of. There are too many operations, even if I can\'t finish here."

Mb! Su Yun sighed in his heart.

If you are so confident and even narcissistic, how can Zheng Ren say it?

It is still so dull, it is still so logical, it is still not refutable.

"You are right, you are right!" Su Yun said with anger.

"It\'s okay." Zheng Ren looked at the film and said: "If he progresses, the ceiling will reach your level."

Oh? Is this a boast? This is the case, but Su Yun repeatedly tastes, the more I think, the less it is.

The words behind him are that it is only this level, and there is no threat to me...