Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 637: How long does it take for this operation?

Director Kong’s surgery is not slow or slow, the level is there, and he can’t slow down.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Director Kong’s level is very high, but in Zheng Ren’s view, surgery can only be regarded as general.

This is an order of magnitude difference that cannot be compensated for by years of surgical experience.

Even with surgical experience, Zheng Ren has more high-level operation time in the system operating room than the director of the hole.

However, Zheng Ren just looked at it quietly. Director Kong’s surgery was fine. This is fine. This time, I jumped out, showed my own level, and suppressed an old director who cares for myself. Zheng Ren will not do this kind of thing.

There are certainly people who can do this, but not many. This is a lack of heart, not a high level.

Six operations were completed in the afternoon.

Usually, the director of Kong rarely seldom performs so many operations in person. This is not the first day of Zheng Renlai. Director Kong will automatically do six.

After all, the age is already big, there is no meal at noon, and the lead clothing on the body after six breaths is heavy.

"Zheng boss, it\'s up to you." After the down, Director Kong said with a smile.

"Yeah." Zheng Ren nodded.

The next patient was sent, and Zheng Ren inserted the film into the reading device of the operating room and read the film in a familiar posture.

The patient had seen it early, 76-year-old man suffering from cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction.

Liver malignant tumors are 6 cm in diameter, and multiple blood vessels participate in blood supply. Among them, there is the inner mammary artery that the director of the hole said.

The internal mammary artery, also known as the internal mammary artery.

It was an important blood vessel selected by heart surgery for cardiac bypass surgery many years ago before cardiac coronary intervention.

In special cases, the internal mammary artery branches out and the internal thoracic artery. Its terminal branches, such as the superior abdominal wall and tendon artery, supply blood to the liver through branches.

This special case includes the secretion of various influencing factors of liver malignant tumors, which promotes the spread of blood vessels in the body, abnormal proliferation, and blood supply to the tumor.

Embolization of the internal mammary artery is more troublesome, because it is very distorted, and there are branches to the blood vessels of the pericardium, thymus and other organs. Once the over-selection is not in place, the embolic agent will travel to other locations, causing ischemic necrosis of normal organs.

However, the distorted blood vessels, repeated over-selection, will inevitably lead to the guide wire constantly touching the blood vessel wall, causing the thrombus and plaque attached to the blood vessel wall to fall off, and the situation that the director of the hole said.

This is an extremely headache-like anomaly, and the operation is quite difficult.

Zheng Ren carefully read the film, and a doctor sent the patient to the stage to do the preparatory work.

"Boss, I am with you?" Professor Rudolf Wagner looked at the itch and lowered his voice and asked.

Although there is no TIPS surgery to do, to do two liver cancer interventional embolization, you can also talk about comfort.

"Yes." Zheng Ren nodded.

The professor was happy to brush his hands and change clothes. The doctor who was going to take the stage was somewhat puzzled and looked at the director of the hole outside.

Director Kong recruited and waved him.

"Look at it," said Director Kong.

"Director, who is that foreigner?" asked the little doctor.

"Professor Rudolf Wagner of the Medical Center of Heidelberg University, Germany." Director Kong said: "This time, it is the purpose of the award with the boss of Zheng."

The little doctor is screaming, whether it is an internationally renowned professor or a legendary Nobel Prize, it is an elusive existence.

He enviously glanced at Zheng Ren, who was reading the film. He lamented that the boss of Zheng was a small doctor when he came a few months ago. He did not expect that it would be so powerful in a few months.

"To inform other people, say that Zheng boss is doing teaching surgery, I want to see it." Director Kong said.

"Good." The doctor quickly went to the notice.

Clinical teaching surgery is rare. Generally, when large-scale academic conferences and higher-level hospitals establish training courses, they are demonstrated by high-level doctors.

For example, some of the more advanced academic conferences will invite internationally renowned experts, professors, and scholars to perform demonstration operations and leave imaging materials for other doctors to learn.

It’s just that this kind of opportunity is too little. It will take a long time to come across and the doctors will cherish it.

The professor was disinfected, and in the operation room, he squeezed in a dozen people.

When I checked the room early, everyone had seen Zheng Ren. I knew that the doctor who had a prostate embolism a few months ago.

Only this time, this young doctor came here again as a candidate for the Nobel Prize. The role changes quickly and makes people feel awkward.

“Director Kong, is Zheng boss going to over-select the internal mammary artery?” asked a professor from the belt group.

"Well, when I came to power, I had a conversation with Zheng Bo. He agreed to do two demonstration operations." Director Kong said.

The professor who asked this question, surnamed Zhao, is a professor of the group under the director of Confucius.

After listening to the director of the hole, Professor Zhao was somewhat upset, but he was only slightly in a bad mood and did not say it.

The young man is jealous, that is, his character is not stable. How did the old director follow the hustle and bustle? I really thought that this young man is a genius. What surgery can be done?

A few days ago, the professor with the group tried to embolize the internal mammary artery. After three hours of over-selection, he finally completed the operation.

However, postoperative patients have neurological symptoms such as blurred vision.

After stepping down, he was sent to the neurology department for thrombolytic therapy. The patient has not fully recovered yet.

It is very difficult to embolize the internal mammary artery. Professor Zhao has personal experience.

Director Kong said that Zheng’s boss had to undergo demonstration surgery. Although he had psychological construction, he still felt unbelief after seeing Zheng Ren and Rudolf Wagner’s preparations for surgery.

According to Director Kong, Zheng boss can do the demonstration teaching operation. How much is the gap between his own level and him?

This Zheng boss is indeed a bit of a skill, can embolize the prostate capillaries, and created a medical model for the 64-row CT three-dimensional reconstruction before surgery. But really said that the access level is much higher than myself, Zhao The professor still doesn\'t believe in his heart.

Still look at the surgery, it is true or not, a surgery is enough to prove.

Su Yun was next to Professor Zhao, and he didn’t talk when he saw him. Why are these people so cautious, idle and boring, and no one jumped out to find a fight.

He looked at the screen and saw Zheng Ren had begun to do super-selection, shook his head slightly and sat in the sofa in the corner of the operating room.

"Su Yun, why don\'t you see the surgery?" Director Kong noticed something different. He asked Su Yun to look at the phone with a slap in the face.

"There is nothing to look at, it is disgusting." Su Yundao.

"Oh, how is your level?" asked Director Kong.

"My qualification for interventional surgery is still what you always do. What do you say about my level?" Su Yundao.

"You come, Su Yun." Director Kong waved.

Su Yun is helpless, he usually squats in other hospitalizations, and he will be embarrassed. Who can say anything.

But for the old director of Director Kong, it is still necessary to maintain respect.

"How long do you expect Zheng boss to have this operation?" asked Director Kong.

"25 minutes."

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