Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 627: Convulsion surgery

Zheng Ren seemed to hear the professor\'s prayer. The guide wire on the screen progressed slowly, but it was very firm. Without any hesitation, he did not stop and walked in.

Robin’s eyes were like eggs, but he didn’t notice. Although the research direction is epidemiology, his professionalism is higher than that of the world\'s 95% of circulating interventionalists.

How difficult is this degree of surgery, Robin knows clearly.

Even if it is unclear, the experts from major medical centers in Europe and the final consultation of the Caroline Institute of Medical Surgery in Stockholm are there.

A disease that cannot be treated at all!

This is a disease that cannot be treated at all!

Stupid like a haired bull, Rudolf Wagner actually let two young people go to the doctor for surgery.

This is simply ridiculous.

What is even more ridiculous is that their first step was successful.

Looking at the guide wire through the "sighing wall", Robin stunned.

The most difficult step, just passed over? He knows that with the completely occluded right coronary artery being opened, even if there is only one trace, Dr. Mehar\'s heart will get a fresh blood supply.

Prior to this, the power to maintain his heartbeat was derived from the capillary network. How does arterial blood meet the heart\'s pulsation?

If there was an extracorporeal membrane lung, Professor Mehar had already seen God.

The process of opening a blocked blood vessel is the most difficult and dangerous.

The fragile heart will stop beating at any time. On the operating table, the assistants around the surgeon did nothing, and they were ready to defibrillate Dr. Mehar at the first time.

However, he did not move until he opened a passage.

The operator\'s operation is gentle and gentle, and the heart that collapses with a little force will not feel.

This is impossible! Robin looked at the screen and was stiff.

Nothing, nothing, this is just the beginning. Robin comforted himself. Before that, he had a good understanding of Dr. Mehar\'s condition and surgery.

In this case, no one can use atherectomy to solve the mountainous thrombus and calcification lesions in the doctor\'s coronary artery.

Absolutely no!

Otherwise, the opinions of many experts from all over Europe and even the United States will not be so pessimistic.

No one has recommended interventional surgery.


No one can do it.

The guide wire is gently pulled out, and then the rotary grinding probe is sent in.

The air in the entire operation room solidified, and everyone felt that a large stone was pressed against the chest, making breathing a luxury.

The first step was successfully completed, which exceeded the expectations of all the experts present. And the next step, who knows.

Professor Rudolf Wagner said that the young man had a pair of hands that had been kissed by the gods.

Look now, this is indeed the case.

Just opened the right coronary artery movement, every detail is impeccable, perfect to the extreme.

But this is a routine operation, opening a blood clot, which many doctors have done, but it has not been done so much by Dr. Mehar.

Next, start the coronary atherectomy.

There are several surgical contraindications for atherectomy, and Dr. Mehar has it all.

In the acute phase of thrombotic coronary artery disease or coronary heart disease, rotational grinding can aggravate the formation of acute thrombosis.

Moreover, Dr. Mehar\'s coronary angulation has exceeded 90°, which is an absolute contraindication.

The large angle means that the space for atherectomy during surgery is small, and it is possible to leak the coronary circumflex at any time, causing coronary bleeding and causing pericardial tamponade.

Even if it does not leak, it will only cause the arterial dissection by squeezing the endometrium.

The people present, including the doctors who recorded the values, are the elites of their peers. Everyone knows the difficulty of surgery and everyone\'s eyes converge on the screen.

The atherectomy head was sent to the right coronary artery. Without attempting, the surgeon was extremely confident and directly stepped into place and began to grind.

There are faint counts of debris appearing, only vague, because the speed is too fast, no one can see clearly.

The debris is caught by the filter behind the oscillating probe, and slightly larger debris is prevented from entering the coronary capillaries.

The tiny debris is harmless to the human body and does not cause embolism or necrosis.

A piece of the blood clot is cut, rotted, and turned into debris. Like drilling a mountain, the gyro-probe probes all the way forward and spins out a passage of life.

The whole process is divided into two steps. The first step is that the surgeon is doing it. First, it is simply polished and a path is honed.

This step is very difficult, and it is difficult for countless high-level professors to dare to do it.

However, this is not the hardest.

The most difficult part is the second step, which spins off the thrombus and calcification of the right coronary artery near the intima of the blood vessel.

The staff of the Caroline Institute of Medical Surgery in Stockholm held their breath and watched the whirl probe step by step. After a few minutes, the access to the right coronary artery was basically opened.

Professor Rudolf Wagner did not relax, but became even more nervous.

Surgery to do this step has already exceeded his expectations.

However, the most difficult step is to ather the position close to the intima of the blood vessel. It can be said that here, Zheng Ren\'s hand can declare surgery failure and declare Dr. Mehar clinical death as long as there is less than 1mm error.

The palm of the hand is full of sweat, and the professor is concentrating on the screen and watching the spinner probe begin to touch the inner membrane portion of the blood vessel.

He subconsciously rubbed his hands on a spotless white suit and wiped the sweat from his hands, but he couldn\'t wipe out the tension and anxiety in his heart.

Professor Rudolf Wagner’s heart is very powerful, awkward, like a person in the body is playing drums. Focusing on the screen, the body trembles with a strong heart and Professor Rudolf Wagner stare at the screen nervously. Because he had a mouthful to breathe for a long time, he felt a bit dry in his mouth and swallowed a slobber, but felt a little pain.

Because it is too tight, the oral glands have not secreted saliva for a long time.

Dehydrated mucous membranes rub, causing injury and causing capillary rupture. For a moment, Robin felt the smell of blood in his mouth.

But he did not manage the changes in the body, but focused on the screen, hands and fingers around, nails pressed tightly on the back of the hand, the bed was pale.

The operation of the rotator probe is fine to the millimeter level, and the thrombus adhering to the intima of the blood vessel and the calcified plaque are finely ground away, and the right coronary artery gradually assumes a form that a blood vessel should have.

Half an hour passed, and Dr. Mehar, who was lying in the operating room, had no problems at all. It was expected that the complication of heart ventricular fibrillation, which had a high probability of occurrence, did not appear.

And with the opening of the right coronary artery, the myocardial blood supply is improved, and the situation is a little better.

After half an hour, Zheng Rencai opened all the right coronary arteries.

Su Yun took a long breath when he pulled out the grinding probe.

"Boss, scared me."


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