Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 626: Sighing wall

At the beginning of the operation, the airtight door is automatically closed.

The people standing in the operating room watched the two young people inside through the lead glass, and there was a feeling of watching Danish fairy tales.

The world\'s top surgical research institute, which selected the Nobel Prize in Medicine, was helpless to Dr. Mehar\'s condition, and chose to have two young people to undergo surgery.

The key is that they are not doctors involved in cardiac intervention.

This feeling is like dreaming.

Professor Rudolf Wagner clenched his fists and watched Dr. Mehar heading to the side of the C-arm. The right arm was abducted at a 45° angle and placed on the support plate. Su Yun was disinfecting, and Zheng Ren was familiar with each other. Kind of equipment.

He is also a bit embarrassed, let the doctors involved in organ intervention, do heart surgery? Do you have too much confidence in the boss?

Where did these confidences come from?

The radial artery was punctured, the guide wire and catheter were inserted, and the cocktail was injected along the catheter.

The so-called cocktail is a kind of mixed solution of nitroglycerin and heparin sodium, which can effectively control the blood pressure of patients and reduce the possibility of intraoperative accidents.

In the institute, normal coronary angiography did not use this initial cocktail, but Zheng Ren still insisted.

Simple, simple benefits, this is hard to describe.

At this moment, the professor vaguely felt that there were some hidden and hostile eyes to look at himself.

Zheng Ren left and right hands to cross the operation, sent the guide wire, catheter, and Su Yun concentrated on using the electronic button to shake the bed, changing the position of Dr. Mehar.

In coronary angiography, changing position is also a very important operation. The main task of the assistant is the guide wire, plus the changing bed.

It’s just that Zheng Ren’s level is too high, and one can cross the hand and cross the operation, so it seems that Su Yun is... nothing to do.

The bed is tilted and is the right crown position familiar to everyone who is watching the operation.

Contrast injection, a completely occluded image appears on the image.

After seeing the angiography, Professor Rudolf Wagner’s hand shook involuntarily.

Originally in the silhouette of the last operation that I just saw, there is still a slight gap in the right crown, which is slightly thicker than the capillaries of the prostate, but it is not much thicker.

The professor’s confidence also comes from this.

Others can\'t wear the narrow passages and can\'t operate. But Zheng Ren can, the fine blood vessels of the prostate capillary network can go in, or the operation of the minimally invasive guide wire into the wind.

Now I have changed the special guide wire of Teroma, and it is definitely no problem.

However, Dr. Mehar’s condition is extremely bad. During the period in which the extracorporeal membrane lung was used to reduce cardiac load, the right coronary artery was completely blocked by the thrombus.

Finished... Professor Rudolf Wagner’s heart is full of sweat, and Venus is flashing. For a moment, the sky turned and everything went away from him.

"Rudolph, the situation is really bad." A person whispered in the ear of the professor, in the words... vaguely gloating.

The professor does not need to look at it, knowing that this person is his own competitor - Robin Olsen of the Royal Swedish Medical School.

He studied infectious diseases. This time, he applied for a new rapid diagnosis and treatment of schistosomiasis in Africa.

Professor Rudolf Wagner even suspected that Dr. Mehar’s heart stalk was caused by his own surgery, as Robin Olsen said.

However, he has been living in the Imperial Capital recently. When Zheng Ren returns, the professor does not know much about this situation.

There is no time to understand.

In the face of provocation, the professor wants to say something. But his violent temper turned into sadness and despair in front of the dead right coronary artery.

In the operating room, the line is being stepped on, and every step of the operation can be seen clearly.

A special Terumo guide wire goes in, standing in a position where the blocked blood flow cannot pass.

The guide wire went in a little bit, and the movement was very gentle. The professor felt that he was standing on the operating table. As an assistant to Zheng Ren, he could see the delicate movements of Zheng Ren\'s wrist.

Every movement is gentle, but extremely firm, and there is no hesitation.

After a few angles, the guide wire finally found the most appropriate position, and directly inserted it.

"My God, Rudolph, your child will not want to use the guide wire directly through the blocked thrombus." Robin was surprised, the voice was very small, only he and the professor could hear it, but the voice was Full of disdain for the winner.

"It will definitely work." Professor Rudolf Wagner firmly said that he did not know whether he was cheering himself or cheering on Zheng Ren.

"Lyon\'s Luisenberg looked at the film and said that he could never do it." Robin said: "Because you are my opponent, I have some understanding of interventional surgery recently. The doctor\'s right crown is full of blood clots. Old blood clots cannot penetrate at all, and only fresh blood clots can be manipulated."

Said, he shrugged and looked sly.

"Dear Rudolph, do you think that in this image, can you distinguish between fresh blood clots and old blood clots? You are expecting a miracle." Robin sighed and patted the professor\'s shoulder.

If he didn\'t know, he thought he was comforting Professor Rudolf Wagner.

"Impossible, once the old emboli is forced, it will pull the vulnerable right coronary artery wall, leading to complications such as ventricular fibrillation. Perhaps the next second, these guys will rush in to rescue the doctor."

The professor took a hand that Robin put on his Shen Sheng: "Look at the surgery, my boss will be able to do it."

"That is the wall of sighs, want to penetrate with a guide wire? This kind of imagination is really amazing.

Rudolph, your stubbornness, is really like the little boy next door to my house. You know, he was yesterday..." Saying, Robin’s eyes glanced at the screen inadvertently, and the thin guide wire on the screen began to move slowly, into the pile of blood clots.

It\'s like using a wire... to penetrate the wall of sigh.

Without knowing what the surgeon used, he found the only weakness in the wall of the sigh after several trials.

Also, there was no side reaction that triggered the heart of Dr. Mayhar, leading to ventricular fibrillation.

The fragile heart is still pulsating, but no one knows when the beat will stop.

Robin seemed to be caught in his neck, and his voice stopped.

The professor\'s hands clenched into fists are more forceful, as if he were operating the guidewire, the veins are high and high, on the back of the hand, like a meandering river.

Boss, be careful, don\'t be too hard, or the heart will stop beating... Professor Rudolf Wagner is praying.

Now, I can only pray that the boss really has a pair of hands that have been kissed by the gods.



The wall of sigh is a wall of the pure land and the underworld of Greek mythology. It is also called the wall of sigh. It is said to consist of three sighs by Beth Fanny. Meaning: The soul of the underworld sees the pure land of bliss in the front but is blocked, looking at it and sighing. The first time I knew it was when I was a child, I read "Saint Seiya", the memory I forgot, it should be broken by Zilong.