Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 612: Re-start

Zheng Ren is like a stone, swaying in the pond of Haicheng.

As time went by, you gradually calmed down.

A month later, even the phone of Professor Rudolf Wagner gradually became less.

Another month has passed, and after the Lunar Year, people’s lives are back on track.


In March, in the early morning, spring blossoms, a sanatorium around Yangcheng.

Zheng Ren is playing Tai Chi.

This is after he came here and learned with a guard. It is said that the guards are the descendants of Yangjiagou, and Zheng Ren does not pay much attention to true and false. Anyway, there is no emergency room every day, and it is boring, and the activities are always good.

"It’s really boring to come out with you." Su Yun lay on an old-fashioned wicker chair, and the black hair floated in front of his forehead.

Zheng Ren did not pay attention to him, Tai Chi movement has a plate and an eye, from the transfer to the flow between the clouds.

"Like the old man, I slept at nine o\'clock every day, and at five o\'clock in the morning, I also played Taiji." Su Yundao said: "I am leaving today. Don\'t worry about it here. Please figure out how to go back and explain to Xie Yi. Is it a washboard or a CPU?"

When it comes to the Shei people, the action like running water seems to be cut off by an invisible knife, and it is stagnate. Zheng Ren lifts his breath and closes the momentum.

"Ira people will not be angry." Zheng Ren said.

After a few months of no night work, Zheng Ren’s face looked rosy and the whole person was a hundred times more energetic.

"Oh, boss, you are really confident." Su Yundao.

"Go off at noon, then we can go to the emperor." Zheng Ren asked.

"Well, Director Kong came a few days ago and said that it was the emperor\'s face in his ward, and gave us ten beds. Boss, I told you that the ten beds of the emperor are at least one hundred million." Su Yundao.

"Well. Do you want to think that your mobile phone is crazy?" Zheng Ren looked at Su Yunbai\'s bored look and laughed.

"Fortunately, I was not used to it at the beginning. I feel sleepy. I am accompanying you for surgery, prostate, cirrhosis, and all things are disgusting." Su Yundao, "Now it is much better, I feel that the whole person is Full of positive energy."

Zheng Ren saw Su Yun’s virtue, knowing that when he left here, he must have a mobile phone to live.

"My mobile phone is definitely already bursting. I don\'t know how many sisters have left me a message. You guess, how much information will there be in your mobile phone?" Su Yun lazily imagined the situation where the mobile phone returned to his hand.

"I don\'t know." Zheng Ren did not think about such a boring thing. After the activity, he asked: "What do you eat at noon?"

"驴肉." Su Yundao: "Deliberately from the military division to find a chef who is the best chef."


"You don\'t want to be so calm and calm, I told you that it\'s really delicious to cook meat." Su Yundao: "Put a piece of meat in your mouth. The most authentic way to eat is to close your eyes and chew thirty." Six times. The meat is turned into soup, which is very delicious."

Zheng Ren did not take care of Su Yun’s cockroaches. Whatever the meat chewed thirty-six times, it seemed to him to be a fart.

If you are full, you will not be tired of eating and drinking. There is no such thing as Zheng Ren here.

Three months ago, I set off in Haicheng and went to the South after I reported to the Emperor.

Because the health care team judged that Zheng Renxin\'s prostate interventional embolization was not mature, it required some improvement.

This extends the time of the mission.

But there is no way, Zheng Ren is under the pressure of the system task, twisting his neck and asking for at least one hundred TIPS operations while doing prostate interventional embolization.

Everything is highly confidential, even for patients. The old directors of the health care team thought that Zheng Ren was fighting for the Nobel Prize, so after dissuading him again and again, he still held his nose and recognized it.

After completing the task of [the final stage of the Pearl of the Crown], Zheng Ren’s success rate of interventional surgery has a +6 bonus, and the lucky value has reached +12.

These, in the end, have been the basis for the successful completion of prostate interventional embolization.

The five-month surgical training time and the million experience value made Zheng Ren become a nouveau riche.

In the days when there was no emergency, Zheng Ren was very fulfilling. Just miss the Xie people every day, except that everything is perfect.

"Right, can Director Kong come to pick us up?" Zheng Ren asked.

"It should be coming." Su Yun turned over and looked like an omelet. He changed his face and received the morning sun. "Let us bring them, and we will take them back."

"That\'s good."

"Hey? You are afraid of losing without him?" Su Yun snarled every day.

"You can only look at your face on the plane. After watching it for a few months, I am a bit disgusted." Zheng Rendao.

The days are boring, and Zheng Ren’s gradually getting used to talking with Su Yun.

I took a look at the patient in the morning, and explained the precautions to the doctor here, and made the handover.

More than ten o\'clock, Director Kong came here. Originally a big meal, Zheng Ren was still absent-minded.

Su Yun is also very emotional about Zheng Ren\'s heart.

I was able to have a closer relationship with the doctors in this area and stay in the future. But he is always bleak, and there is no way to make people want to be close.

At noon, after dinner, a car took Zheng Ren and Su Yun away.

Looking at the place where I went, Zheng Ren also had a faint embarrassment.

After all, I have lived for a few months, and I only have surgery every There is no emergency, no leisure time for a large amount of adrenaline and dopamine secretion. This is the most comfortable time for Zheng Ren since he was a doctor.

Stay here.

"Zheng Boss, the surgery center that the emperor has prepared for you, a lot of procedures are being approved, the location is a little further. You will do it in 912 first." Director Kong said.

"Nothing." Zheng Ren asked: "Is the Iraqi people going?"

"After the end of the year, I have to have a nurse to prepare things first." Kong said, "The doctor\'s candidate, Su Yun proposed to call a doctor called Changyue."

"Director Kong, mobile phone?" Su Yun asked the heart of the lungs.

"I will give it to you in the urban area. The signal here is not good." Director Kong smiled.

Everything is good, that is, there is no mobile phone, and it is not good to be in contact with the outside world.

But Su Yun has no way, I hope that this day will be as few as possible.

However, this is a special case. Generally speaking, the communication with the outside world is cut off, and the time is about a week.

Prostate interventional embolization is a new type of surgery. It takes a lot of time to perfect the new procedure. It is a special case and it is estimated that this problem will not occur in the future.

The car did not enter the city, but drove directly to the airport along the ring road.

When he arrived at the airport, Zheng Ren took back his mobile phone and opened a series of WeChat prompts. The dense image was like a series of bullets.

Looking at the increasing numbers on WeChat and the number of missed calls, Zheng Ren is amazed.

I haven\'t waited for the phone to process so much information, and a phone call came in.



This is definitely not a climax. If you don\'t want to be 404, you can only take it with you.