Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 610: Zheng Ren, do you know (middle)?

A mid-range restaurant in Haicheng, where more than 20 people sat around the table, chatting and eating while chatting.

Choose here, not for anything else, just for the table to be big enough.

If a person in a department is divided into two or a few tables, the atmosphere will be worse. What kind of party, pay attention to a reunion, the separation is always bad.

The Xie Ning and the old Pan director sat together and pushed for a cup of tea, but the enthusiasm was not lost.

I drank a few glasses of wine and delivered a speech. I said something to express my gratitude. The rest, did not stand up and talk, stylized flattering. Director Pan did not like this set, and no one likes it.

Xie Ning smiled and drunk a few cups with the director of the old Pan, looked at the king from the emperor, and asked a toast: "General Wang, still used in Haicheng?"

Although Mr. Wang is a hospitalized general in the Imperial Capital, there are not many wine bureaus going out to socialize, and there is no time. But in the Imperial Capital, rich and expensive people have seen more, and naturally have their own judgments.

This is not the same as this one.

The order of the dishes, Mr. Wang can definitely be definitely not available in this medium-sized restaurant. Everything is very refined, but each one is not swaying. In other words, this is a low-key luxury.

People who can understand, naturally understand.

People who don\'t understand can\'t feel ashamed of him.

The size is just right, this kind of pinch of fire, it is quite simple.

Because the king always goes back to surgery and see patients at any time, he does not drink.

He took the drink and smiled. "The emperor is also in the north. There is nothing wrong with it. The heating is a little hotter than the emperor, and the haze is lighter than the emperor. It is quite good."

“Today is on duty?” Xie Ning looked at Wang’s drink and asked.

"Well, I don\'t drink alcohol." General Wang said calmly: "Zheng always just left, I dare not have a little sloppy intention."

Xie Ning introduced the topic to Zheng Ren, and then stopped speaking, waiting for the following.

"Director Pan and Zheng Zong pushed the emergency department of Haicheng First Hospital with their own efforts. Although I didn\'t have this level, I still have the ability to maintain and defend." Wang always suddenly looked serious and seemed to think of something. .

"Oh? You are too modest." Xie Ning put down the glass and smiled at Wang.

The nurse and the doctor at the table chatted very happily. They were recording the vibrato, using the background music of the ordinary road. Chu Yuzhi stood on a chair with a pulley, and the mobile phone was held high.

Later, I found two nurses to help move the chair, and recorded small videos for people in the operating room and emergency room.

On this side, the topic has reached the place where Xie Ning wants to hear.

"I met with General Zheng, who was in the Imperial Capital. Zheng always went to participate in a study involving new techniques." Wang began to recall, "When Zheng Zonggang went, something happened and saved me a friend. So I I have been chanting to thank Zheng Zong. You also know that we can’t go to the general hospital, and then Yun Geer will come to see me with Zheng.”

Xie Ning smiled, and the king did not want to mention things, he knew.

Young people, it is a good thing to have blood.

"I just picked up a difficult problem and judged some problems. Zheng always told me to diagnose it, and then I was able to complete the operation a few hours earlier on the operating table." Wang Zongdao: "I should have, I think Zheng Zong..."

Said, the general look of constipation on the face of Wang.

Xie Ning is curious, what is wrong with this?

"I am swearing, don\'t be surprised." Wang always thought about it, could not find a suitable word, and said directly.

Xie Ning nodded, even more curious.

"I thought that Zheng was already awesome! But after coming to Haicheng, I saw Zheng’s surgery on the emergency department. I really can\'t believe it!" Wang always felt sincerely.

"Ha ha ha." Xie Ning laughed.

Emotions are coming, don\'t say swear words, emotions can\'t go out, it\'s no wonder that Wang always has that look.

But is it really so powerful? The total hospitalization from the Imperial Capital 912 is the strength of the Mesozoic. Xie Ning\'s previous judgment, Zheng Ren level is higher than them, but the age is there, where can go high.

But now I hear the emotions of Wang’s venting, with admiration and respect, and even a trace of worship.

This is unlikely, the level should not be so high.

Looking at Xie Ning\'s gentle look, Wang did not see what he thought in his heart. And he was immersed in the atmosphere that had just been vented, and he continued.

"When I first met General Zheng, I heard Yun Geer call him the boss. I am still wondering who has this skill."

"Who is Yun Geer?"

"Su Yun, when he was a graduate student in the Imperial Capital, he made research himself, cloned the heart from autologous stem cells, and then auto-transplanted. The mice that had undergone surgery lived for more than 40 days."

"Oh, for more than forty days, it is not easy. After several years of hard work, it is estimated that the mice can live longer." Xie Ning does not understand medicine, but these basic common sense still understand. Follow a few words and save the cold.

"Live?" Wang always stunned and then laughed: "The white mouse did not die, and finally broke the cage and ran."

"Oh? Is medical technology so advanced now?" Xie Ning, like the distant snow mountain, finally loosened a few points.

"That is the cloud buddy, no one can do it except him." Wang said: "I didn\'t believe how Yungeer found such a small boss. But then I saw Zheng\'s level and had to Lament, the eyes of Yun Geer are really bright!"

"You still don\'t believe it. Actually, before that, I don\'t believe it." Wang Zongdao: "A few days ago, the highway to the provincial capital was connected to a car accident. Zheng always picked up an emergency patient whose liver was broken. ""

"Although I don\'t have enough level, I have seen more in the emperor\'s surgery, and my eyesight is still there."

"This kind of liver, I think there is really no way to sew, the patient directly gives up the rescue, leaving a whole corpse better."

"You don\'t blame me for cold-bloodedness. Sometimes I can\'t help it. But Zheng always goes up. I can\'t keep up with the matching desk. I am involved in surgery and I have to sew the liver in less than an hour."

"That patient, this time has been out of danger, transferred from the ICU back to our emergency room. In this case, I want to do a case report, but I can\'t contact Zheng, I am so upset."

Looking at Wang’s tangled look, Xie Ning smiled, toasted, and drank.

This kind of thing, you can drink, you can enter the book.

"Then you have to work harder." Xie Ning said warmly.

"Required!" Mr. Wang drank the juice from the cup, like drinking, his eyes were red, like the bowl of strong drink before the troops set off.

A glass of juice, drink a little heroic and vow not to look back.