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~: Annual meeting ends, double last month for monthly pass

Latest website: The annual meeting is over, and we have to rush home today.

The northeast snow closed the door, and it took more than a day to get home, which was a real distress.

At the annual meeting, because the old man was not good at communication, he could only sit quietly in a corner and watch the great gods and platinum far away.

Potatoes are handsome, Ye Feiya is more beautiful than photos, and San Shao ’s gas field is particularly large. Liuxia is also very handsome, tall and handsome, instead of the ugly and handsome that I heard before.

I was eating box lunch at a distance of one and a half meters from the adult Squid, listening to potatoes and Ye Fei\'s gossip, and shivering until I saw Yuda.

Yuda is very young, kind and warm. Khan ~~ Can you describe it so well? Well, it\'s still good. I talked with Yuda for half an hour.

I saw Ma Boyong in the lounge.

Turn around here and talk back to the plot. These two days were too busy to read this chapter. I don\'t know if the early boyfriends of the little boy, adults, can accept it. The earliest I knew about earlyhui was from Mr. Ma Boyong.

An accidental opportunity in 2005 to see the book "Wind Rising West" was shocking. At that time, I imagined that the author was a middle-aged uncle who was about 40 years old. Through the vicissitudes of life, he was full of wisdom in life.

But a few years later I learned that at that time, Mr. Ma Boyong and his prince were only 15 years old. It\'s about this age and it won\'t be much worse.

It was awkward to know this.

The so-called birth is also known as the top, that\'s it.

The little boy\'s early wisdom is actually nothing incomprehensible. He hasn\'t reached the level of being born, but he has matured for ten years in illness and suffering.

This paragraph involves a lot of cutting-edge technology, which belongs to the kind where no information can be found.

And, as a microcosm of the modern human struggle against disease, try to make this battle look brighter.

Annual meeting + explosion, the manuscript is exhausted. He said that there must be hundreds of chapters in Xiong Da\'s hand ... I hope too.

I won\'t be able to go home until tomorrow. Still the old saying, strive not to owe more.

Finally, we still have to ask for something. On the last day of double monthly tickets, the attitude of seeking monthly tickets must be correct.

Bow, 90 ° ... who vomits that my hairline has reached my calf?

Please compare heart, ask monthly pass!

Please compare heart, ask monthly pass! !!

Please compare heart, ask monthly pass! !! !!