Lightning Degree

Book 9 Chapter - 5

He discovered a ball.

It was a ray of brilliance for Maharyeong, who was trapped in the depths of the dark self.

From then on, she clenched her teeth to death and began to brush her teeth vigorously. Her father, Marginado.

No support was spared to make it a success as soon as possible. He gets all kinds of pills, and he's got his own background.

I helped her achieve it, even handing out some of it.

It's been six years since I've had the pain of cutting bones and flesh. Finally, she was able to make a big success of victory. in one's body

The flesh can be controlled at will.

The waist, which could not be beat even if the two men held hands, became as thin as the waist of an ant. The face that used to look as big as a watermelon is an egg.

It has become slimmer as much. The hundreds of years-old log-like bridge, which had just been logging, has also become thinner like wire. It was a miracle.

And when she broke out of the long, dark, arduous closure, she had a figure and beauty that everyone would admire.

It was transformed into the owner of It was a de-fabricated goal.

In six years the new sun couldn't have been so dazzling. Everyone who meets her goes to her beauty.

There wasn't a man who wasn't impressed. I could hear the praise of beauty that I wanted to hear so much that my ears ached.

The world looked different. The world I saw in the past was a dull grayish monochrome, but the world I see now is a total natural rainbow.

It was shining with She, formerly called Fatty, died and was reborn.

By the way... by the way...….㉿

But the man who is trying to uncover the nightmare of the past has now appeared in front of her.

Baekdo Shrine Yong Cheon and Green Jade Buddha Sword

"May I ask your name? What's your name?"

asked Yong Cheon. This fierce mare...

The name of the man who's been cornered to this point.

Because I wanted to know.

"Of course! My name is Ryu-Yeon."

Ryu-Yeon did not hesitate to answer because he did not remember doing anything bad enough to hide his name.

"Oh, you must be Ryu-Yeon, the talkative figure who's been sneaking around the academy lately!"

The name Ryu-Yeon was one of the first names he heard when he broke out of the building and returned to the council. As such, much attention was paid to it.

Even the civil affairs of the district council have withheld their judgment. The one who dulled the Lunar New Year's Sword of Baek Muyong and caused the silence of Muyong Hwi!

When I heard the report, I expected him to be a quirky and unpredictable person, but I never thought he was a person who would do such nonsense.

"Didn't you say you won Samsung?"

It was a tone of incredulity. Otherwise I wouldn't have asked back like this.

"I'm sure there's been a little thing like that."

Ryu-Yeon said it wasn't much of a deal. It was a reaction to what would anyone do if they were complacent about what anyone could do?Yong Cheon burst into laughter at Ryu-Yeon's scathing reply.

"Hahaha! Of course. It's not to be considered an honor that I've earned for nothing as your favor. It's acting!

I also thought a lot about what if you didn't even know your place!

I'm so glad to see that you're a man of your right mind right now!

For some reason, it sounded like a sneer.

Ryu-Yeon, such as Na-Yerin, Mo Yong-Hwi, Hyorong and Changhong, and people who knew each other at the same time focused on Ryu-Yeon.

There was only one question that popped into their minds.

정상 Normal mindset?㉿

Their answers were already fixed from the time the taegeuk was formed, when yin and yang were separated from the native mix of the world.

There's no way that's such a thing!㉿

In this fact, everyone had no choice but to express their consent from the perspective of a single human being, regardless of their thoughts, affiliation and origins.

If Ryu-Yeon had a normal mindset in the first place, this wouldn't have happened in the first place.

Yong Cheon seemed confident enough to overpower Ryu-yeon even though he teased her. Without knowing whether the idea is a miscalculation or not...….

From now on, you'll need a calculation.

With the advent of Yong Cheon, the situation took a new turn, but Ryu-Yeon was still holding Maharyeong's hand.

It was worth letting go even if I was sick of it, but I was at a loss where I learned it from.

Yong Cheon was also quite embarrassed about this unexpected incident, although he smiled and pretended to be calm.

㉿우리 학관에서 나 말고도 저 성깔 사나운 암말을 다룰 수 있는 초절한 능력의 소유자가 있었단 말인가? Are you saying it's possible just by luck?

At the time when he left the academy to train for half a thousand days, such a presence certainly did not exist.

However, it seemed to have changed a little in the world around it when I broke out of the abandoned building while only focusing on training.

It was natural for Yong Cheon to wonder about the true identity of the person who is embarrassing Maharyeong.

And he certainly recognised that he was in a position to decide what to do.


It was one of the few Murim forces that boasted its power to rival the Eight Great Segas. And it was the home of Changcheonryong Yong Cheon, the owner of Gujeonghoeju.

Originally, Ssangnyongbo looks like the size of a regular Sega, but its substance was known as the sound of the inner house.

No wonder everyone in the main positions of Ssangryongbo here had a kite in Sorim one by one.

Yongcheongi, the current Ssangnyongboju, and his father's father have been the masters of the Ssangnyongbo for generations. He was a descendant of Shaolin.

In a rare move, the students of Bonsan Temple received the same Jinsanjeol as the disciples of the temple.

Therefore, this place has been protected by Shaolin Temple and has grown its position in Gangho.

The location was also located in Hanam, near Shaolin, so it was close enough to reach Shaolin Temple's mountain gate if it was overturned after leaving the main gate.

Therefore, Ssangryongbo was called the backbone of Shaolin House, so there were no defects. And no one was arguing against it.

Some people call this the Sori sword. Instead of the sound of Shaolin being very caring and pretending not to be involved in the mundane world,Ssangryongbo was faithfully serving as a bridgehead for the secular world.

Of course, I was making sure that financial assistance to the sound was being made. It was natural for Sorim to have some of it because he gained huge profits by renting it against Sorim's background.

For generations, descendants of Ssangryongbo entered Sori as disciples of Sori and took the same classes as the previous disciples.

I could take all the lessons according to my talent. Thus, the status of Ssangryongbo grew day by day as time passed.

Among them, Yong Cheon was even more special.

Changcheonryong Yong Cheon!

He has always lived in pursuit of perfection. And I wanted to be perfect. Of course, he wasn't the kind of idiot who thought he could be perfect by sitting still.

He was prepared to pay for it. So he tried that much to perfect himself, and he was proud to be that kind of vessel.

Surely he had what it takes. A natural quality not to be beaten by anyone! Surely this world is a natural necessity.

The wall is too high to overcome with effort alone.

Each person has different talents. It was too much to hope that their talents were concentrated on nothing. In that sense, Yong Cheon is a lucky man.

Because he was born with the qualities of heaven and earth, overcoming the odds.

The mind and body were already ready. And the master, a necessary and sufficient condition to be strong in the desert, was perfectly prepared.

Shouting gave him strength to want to be perfect for himself. The sound was the sound too. So he was able to be perfect.

He was able to become a powerhouse close to perfection at his age. He is strong enough to honor himself with pride and pride.

One day, I looked around and found that it took less than five fingers to pick a comparable person. And no one raised an objection to that fact.

Even when he entered the Cheonmu Academy, which is called the Hall of the Mu, few could be his opponent. As for martial arts, Baek Muyong, a diary of Hyeongsan, was not his opponent.

There was only one Moyong Hwi, the trimester, who could be his opponent. Indeed, Moyong Hwi was formidable. Moyong Hwi was the first person in the same age to make him so hard.

Indeed, the sword of a shaman called Shinju Jeldo was scary. There was also a number of risks that almost fell under his sword. Careless or relaxed against him was an unacceptable word.

Fortunately, however, with all his might, Yong Cheon was able to beat Moyong Hwi by half a second.

Fortunately, one of his parents (of course, his mother's side) was from the independent faction, so he was able to avoid fatal injuries, which gave him a chance to win.

So he became the president of the old council. He was the youngest runner. No one has ever been more at the helm of the council in a short time than Yong Cheon.

But now a man who completely ignores himself has appeared.

How should we dispose of this unexpected human being?

In addition, he was pressing that fierce and picky Maharyeong. But somehow it bothered me.

The fact played a crucial role in generating unknown nervousness and anxiety in his heart.It was an unfamiliar concern he was having for the first time. Today he was nothing like his usual self.

"Amitabha Buddha! There are 72 works in Daesorim that Dharma Saja laid the foundation for nine years on the face wall and refined and organized by Ambassador Hyeneung, the sixth-generation king.

Each of these shoes is deep and subtle, making it impossible to have them all in one's mind, even if they are honed for life.

But as the old saying goes, "He dug one well deeper than many wells." Even if you learn various things in a miscellaneous manner, it is of no use in practice.

In particular, achievement at the top of the game is useless. You don't have to learn all 72 kinds of Shaolin!"

Ambassador Hye-jung, the master of Yong Cheon, said, rolling iron beads in one hand.

"And what should the disciple do?"

Yong Cheon asked, squeezing his head. I'm asking for a lesson. Currently, he was learning only a few basic temples, laying the foundation with Sorim's visionary anti-night craft.

I was about to start a full-fledged class.


"Amitabhoul, take this!"

The teacher suddenly offered him an item. Ambassador Hye-jung gave an example of what she took out.

Any fool would be able to guess the value of the item if he, a Shaolin, took an example.

Young Yong Cheon's eyes turned like that. It was something that never matched Shaolin.

"This... this is...…."

Yong Cheon couldn't keep his mouth shut in surprise.

It was a thing that never matched Shaolin. Shaolin Temple has a ssaribi to clean up the yard, and a captain who the monks carry along the road.

There was a Shaolin draw to build up training. But Shaolin was not told that there was a sword anywhere. It was the first time a monk wore a sword.

But what the master offered him was a sword. It clearly showed an antique figure, a subtle green color, and the scribe rising there was no ordinary sword.

It was a new prosecutor who could not raise a single objection anywhere in the left and left and right.

Yong Cheon was instantly captivated by the auspicious sword emitting beautiful green light like a green forest.

"Any payment!"

Ambassador Hye-jung, the master, quietly memorized the Buddhist voice with reverence. Now he was performing one major ritual. It was natural to feel reverent.

Yong Cheon also felt like his heart was being washed away by the master's powerful Buddhist voice. He waited for the master with his back tightened.

"This is the Green Jade Buddha's Body, which was notified free of charge. This is the sword of the Jiji Line, which aims to subdue and protect the good of Jemaah Temple and protect the good.

There is only one authority in the world that determines the whereabouts of this sword! It is only the Green Jade Buddha, the Jangmunyeong of Daesorim."

That meant that all other authority could be ignored.

"Green, green, green!"

In shock, Yong Cheon's mouth opened wide. Ambassador Hye-jung's words were a series of remarkable enough to provoke a game in a young mind.

Green jade fire!

A greenish deity symbolizing the authority of the long writers who are in charge of the full power of Taesanbukdudae Shaolin Temple in Murim.

No one can escape the authority of this greenhouse fire.

It is the authority of the Four Great Rivers, the Eighteenth People, and the Eighteenth People. But the authority to surrender to only that one authority appeared.The tremor still lingered in the boy's full body. The teacher said in a dignified voice.

"As I have said, this sword is only obedient to the authority of the immaculate, and never compromises with any man or woman. For this reason, some call this sword the honor of Sorim."

It felt as if the sword's clerk was sucking himself in. Yong Cheon gazed blankly at the sword.

The benevolent and dignified eyes of the teacher, who had been breathing for a while, headed to Yong Cheon again. I was so honored to see the eyes that seemed to contain Mother Nature as it was.


The teacher called his student. It was a voice full of benevolence.

"Yes, Master!"

Although young, Yong Cheon replied with sincerity. Now the green-and-green sword before his eyes was overwhelming his mind and his whole body.

The air in the room felt very heavy. It was clear that today's event was not just a screening event. No matter how young I was, I could be sure of that.

"Amitabha… From now on, this sword is yours."

The green jade sword, which was placed on the white silk, came to mind and was placed in front of Yong Cheon. Yong Cheon didn't dare to speak. I didn't dare to do that at all.

"How dare you...…."

At first, Yong Cheon couldn't bring himself to accept it. At that time, he was not mature enough to shoulder free authority.

"Amitabhoul, take it! You have every right to do so. If you doubt your qualifications, sharpen your skills to match this sword! ]

He who has this sword shall be the de facto head of Shaolin House. Be the one who is not ashamed of their honor!"

It was a heavy burden on a girl who was less than fifteen.

"Take it!"


Yong Cheon did not dare to protest.

"To be the vicar of the Green Jade Sword is to be the face and honor of the Sorim. You have to work hard to be a man who is not ashamed of the sword from now on."

"I will sacrifice my life to be sure...…."

At this time, Yong Cheon's eyes were burning with firm conviction and determination. Now he's an agent for the Greenhouse Slavery.

Of course, Ambassador Hye-jung will keep Black for the time being until he becomes the right person for this.

"As you know, our old gate could not produce a single heavenly creature during the last thousand-dollar tax, which was the unprecedented Murim chaos in history.

After all the Cheonmu Fortresses were produced by people other than the Old Daemoon faction, they were revered for their formation when they were called Cheonmu Samsung.

It was a great pity for our old faction that the preservation was missing there. There was more than enough of his skills, but luck didn't come along.

It was a great disgrace to Gupa, though he did not show up for the occasion. So we don't forget the disgrace and have been struggling with it.

To create the greatest Mujae in Baekdo from Gupa! To release all the next great celestial beings from the Old World. A thousand people!"

"Yes, Master!"

"You are the linchpin of our efforts. I believe your talent will never live up to our expectations. Be an atheist beyond the Celestial Star!

So raise the names of the Old Moonites and the Daesorim."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Yong Cheon replied, bowing his head deeply.

The master is trusting me. Sorim is believing me. Now there was a whirl of emotion in his mind."This greenhouse sword will show you your way. Be the northernmost part of Moorim!"

from here

SoLip's free handout is an ornament?

The heat and passion of the day will probably never be forgotten.

And since then, Yong Cheon has always worked with the spirit of representing the honor of Sorim and the young blood of the group.

After that, he remained resolute even in severe training.

It was a series of hardships that cut bones and flesh, but it did not dampen his will. There was too much weight on his shoulder to do so.

"And what the hell is this guy?"

Ryu-Yeon, a man who easily crossed Yong Cheon's common sense line, raised his fingers and pointed to thousands of swords. Something tells me it's worthwhile.

It stimulated his interest.

"Is that a black ornament? It's cool when it's shiny. Besides, it looks very expensive!"

Yong Cheon's mind staggered for a moment.

What do you mean, an ornament after seeing Shaolin's free report? There is a degree of apathy.

"I can't believe you're trying to put a price on this thing that's worth an immeasurable price. You don't know it's already a profanity!"

Yong Cheon yelled at me out of the blue. It was as if Sorim's honor had been insulted at once. Despite Yong Cheon's angry rant, Ryu-Yeon pretended to be heard.

"Huh? Is it a real ornament? It's a unique sword that doesn't smell like blood at all."

Yong Cheon was stunned by Ryu-Yeon's sharp comments. Obviously this sword was not a blood-fed sword.

"Sorim's sword is not picked carelessly. And Sorim's Black didn't see blood carelessly."

It was an unwavering belief, as strong as a mountain.

As Yong Cheon said, his greenhouse prosecutor has never been selected since he appeared in the strong lake. This is because I never felt the need to use a sword.

In addition, it was not possible to pick Sorim's new body without permission, and even if something happened, it was enough to have another sword.

For him, this Nokyeobae Shrine was nothing short of a new place commissioned by Shaolin for a while.

The Green Jade Buddha Shingam has never seen blood carelessly even though it has been with Shaolin for a long time. Of course, it was safe to say that the smell of blood was rarely smelt.

Dharma yeorae33gum(!!)

Shaolin's strongest and unique sword technique based on the great victory and victory. It is the only sound-based sword that can be performed with the Green Jade Buddha. Kwon, Jang, Gak, Gon, who values.

For Shaolin, the existence of this sword was a very unique and unusual feat. It's the second generation of drama where Jo-hye was playing with a sword to shake off her boredom.

There is a theory that it was made. If the genius of martial arts and illegality had played with it for more than 30 years, even though it was said to have been made while playing around, there was already one profound martial arts or dignity.

On top of that, a new examination ceremony was completed with a systematic framework.

However, although the true power has not been fully revealed so far, there has been a legend that it is the strongest in Shaolin. It's a legend because the man who has mastered the true play is still...

Because there was not a single one.

To qualify for the Green Jade Buddha Examination, which is a free notice of Shaolin, there is a gateway that Too must have. I've mastered the Dharma Rae13 sword by more than five stars, and before I passed it,

I could never be the owner of a greenhouse sword.

Therefore, the Green Jade Buddha Shrine was entrusted to his teacher, Ambassador Hyejeong, until he passed all the gates of Sori. That's where the gateway to producing so many legends of sound came from.

It was Shaolin Gate 18 and Yeonmu-dong 72. It was also the source of the actual sound of the basalt.Yong Cheon didn't do anything to betray the expectations of others. He broke through these gates with the record of Choe Sieng Niso.

He showed everyone that he was fully qualified.

When he passed Shaolin Gate 18 and 72 Yeonmudong, the sword kept by Ambassador Hyejeong returned to him.

The glory and joy of that time was unforgettable for Yong Cheon.

The Green Jade Buddha Sword received at that time was also hung preciously on his waist. As a sound of prioritizing mercy, I have rarely seen this black blood yet.

There has been no such record in the last hundred years after the tax. The smell of blood a hundred years ago was more than diluted.

He who has the Green Jade Buddha Sword,

No blood, no blood.

The power to subdue an opponent.

You have to split it.

What my teacher said still lingered in my ears.

"Master, will we be able to settle without blood this time?

As Ryu-Yeon, who was smiling, kept getting on his nerves, Yong Cheon was not confident of controlling himself easily. And yet, until his patience is cut offending,

I had to put up with it first.

A person in the same position as Yong Cheon could get angry even if he wanted to.

You don't vent your circuital distress as you please.

Consider first. This was the extreme difference between Maharyeong and Yong Cheon.

"This green-and-green sword is not a blood-watching object! I don't want to see blood either!

But that doesn't mean I want to continue to discuss this situation.

We can't leave here like this, and we can't make a fuss about this.

I therefore command you as a senior. Now let go of that hand!"

It was not an order or an order. Usually he has a straight face and to this extent rarely fails to implement.

But sometimes there are exceptions.

There was one thing that Yong Cheon overlooked, and it was the fact that few people didn't want to take orders from others as much as Ryu-Yeon. In this case, Ryu-Yeon is usually perverse.

"It's just a black ornament that's not black blood."

It meant to be solved with a sword if you could.

For Yong Cheon, Ryu-Yeon's attitude was a clear challenge to the entire district council.

"Did he lose his fear?"

All the people he knew were normal, so there was not a single person who had such an irreverent attitude.

Still, Yong Cheon persevered and endured it one more time.

He was qualified to stand on top of others.

"Killing is not the only ultimate goal of the sword. The sword to the one who has it.

It also serves as a compass for those who walk on the path of the shaman.

Of course, there are a lot of bad directions that I'm walking in the wrong directions.

How many of those with swords have ever walked the path of a proper Sword?"

What Yong Cheon said was an indisputable argument.

"Well! You seem to think you haven't lost your way. That's a lot of confidence.

Usually, the common characteristic of lost directions is that almost all of them are...

He thinks he's right about the path he's taken and doesn't question it."and maybe he's walking into some ridiculously remote place."

However, no matter how much the argument was made, there was nothing wrong with Ryu-Yeon's perverse line.

If there is a warning or a sign, one does not panic. What if you want to embarrass people?


Without any notice, Yong Cheon was pulled out, drawing a white trajectory reminiscent of a white flash. Moreover, the speed was dazzling.

Let's go!

A white flash penetrated Ryu-Yeon's body.


Na-Yerin and Eun-Sullan both let out a short scream in the moment. It seems that Ryu-Yeon was cut in half by Yong Cheon's sword.

Some people saw this and sang joyfully.

There's no such thing as Ryu-Yeon stealing their idol's lips, and it's the way the world sees it.

It was people with a majority of opinions.

But I'm sorry for what happened to them, but something very sad.

"Oh, I haven't even received an apology. "

Ryu-Yeon, who seemed to have been cut in half by Yong Cheon's sword, was fine without a scratch.

Instead, he was smacking his lips, gripping and unfolding his empty right hand.

It was the same hand that was holding Maharyeong until just now. The surprise attack on Yong Cheon.

As he focused on avoiding the situation, he unconsciously let go of Maharyeong's hand.

"Is it a afterimage?"

Yong Cheon asked with a surprised face. He's seen a step in front of his eyes that would dazzle his own eyes.

Natural attention was inevitable.

"Amazing, you've avoided my sword so perfectly!"

Bei was wondering because he had no sense, but it was also an illusion.

It has been a long time since the first number failed and a second number was needed.

Ryu-Yeon shook his head as if he wasn't happy with Yong Cheon's compliments.

"It's not perfect. I couldn't protect my precious clothes. "

As Ryu-Yeon said, the front of his top was cut clean from top to bottom, revealing the bare skin of his chest.

Fortunately, there were no bloodstains, but it would have been dangerous if it was a little deeper.

"You were a very good step forward. That's a clean walk without a hint.

If I did something wrong, I would have been beaten. "

Ryu-Yeon was still smiling. I don't want to worry about the humidification I just had.

But it was very upsetting that the clothing was damaged.

"Hahaha! I'm flattered. I've made a mistake. I said I'd go easy on you, but I ruined your clothes.

I'm sorry about this. ?"

This time, I meant that I let you off the hook, so don't show off just because you avoided it.

"You're both amazing. "

Eun Seol-ran was truly impressed.

It's based on the martial arts of the sound that's far from pleasant, and yet it's possible to use the same sword as it was before.

Yong Cheon, who has the power, and the white flashy sword, leaving a afterimage.

Ryu-Yeon! Both of them were great losers.

"That's amazing... I don't know."

It was in line with the story that it was such a threat to heaven.

"What will happen from now? "

The question held by Eun Seol-ran was the same question that Na-Yerin and Mo Yong-hwi are feeling now.

The shackles that had been fastened on Maharyeong, a woman holding resentment, were released.

The situation was now entering a new phase.

"Finally, my body is free!"

Maharyeong called joy to himself. Finally, I have a chance to avenge the ugly Ryu-Yeon.So how can I be glad!!

"Be prepared!"

Did you say that when Yeo-yeon holds grudges, there will be a series of frosty weather events in May and New Year? It was a terrible grudge.

"Hang on!"

Ryu-yeon held out his hand and restrained Maharyeong's revenge play.

"What? It's no use kneeling down and begging now. "

Now, it was Maharyeong, who had no intention of forgiving Ryu-yeon even though he danced naked around the smoke field.

And the humiliation and shame that he's been given.

If I didn't give it back, I would be so angry that I would get a vase. Revenge was necessary for a good night's sleep.

"If you don't want to be a jerk, you better not move. "

Ryu-Yeon was faced with a frosty life emitted by Maharyong, but still nonchalant.

He couldn't have been so confident without the secret he believed in.

"What kind of nonsense is that? You look terrible."

It was definitely Maharyeong's mistake to dismiss Ryu-Yeon's words as mere drivel and take a step forward.

Although Ryu-Yeon usually looks infinitely light.

I have never spoken ill of it.


Her red silk belt, which suddenly broke off, spilled down on the floor.

Fortunately, the top and bottom were attached, so she avoided the uglyness of her pants being lit, but she had no choice but to freak out.

Her face was bleached white with astonishment.

"Argh! Argh!"

Scream burst out of her pale mouth.

"This... this... this... this is... this is... "

It was so absurd that I couldn't even speak properly. Those who watched it with their eyes wide open were shocked as well.

Among them, Yong Cheon's surprise was tremendous.

His eyes were as wide as a tear.

"Look at that? It's after-life. I'm sure I warned you."

He sounded like an adult criticizing a disobedient child. It was also your fault for breaking the warning, which meant I was not responsible.

In a way it sounded like just teasing.

Maharyeong was too dismissive of Ryu-Yeon. When Ryu-yeon was hanging out with Maharyeong,

She had already had brain spirits woven all over her body.

He wasn't stupid enough to do things without any safeguards. That's why I was able to let Maharyeong go with peace of mind.

Easy and easy! It's always been a useful lesson.

Although his hands fell, he was still Maharyong, like a butterfly caught in a spider's web, and the Monkey King in Buddha's palm, who could not escape from Ryu-Yeon's bondage.

Her face turned sour with a deep sense of degradation. I felt like I was running out of shame for the rest of my life today.

"Why don't you give up now? Stop apologizing. Please, let me go. And I'm sorry.

What do you think? It's easy, right?"

It was Maharyeong who felt miserable with the feeling of being teased. It was hard to respond because I didn't know what he did.

"Is this the price of misbehavior and verbal abuse?"

Then the price was too high.

However, the situation has grown out of control even if I regret it now. The time when sufficient control was already out.

The situation was now raging like a wild horse out of the reins of a horseman.

The hint of calm down was after a passing dog sneaked it.

"Well, now you apologize.:"

Ryu-yeon once again demanded an apology from Maharyeong.

"This, this, this...

Maharyeong shuddered with wistful anger, but could not take any action.

The current situation is better than when I was holding the arm a little while ago.The worst was worse than when the arm was held a little while ago.

Now I'm in a situation where I can't speak properly because I'm afraid of the aftermath.

No matter what happens, free nudity is a no-no.

You can raise it from here.

Children's fights turn into adult fights.

Maharyeong had nowhere else to retreat.

There's only one way left!

But even with Maharyeong here, Ryu-Yeon is sad enough to hear Maharyong's apology.

I missed my chance.

The investment so far has become overshadowed in a moment.

"Hahaha, this is a very exciting place to live in. What a terrible atmosphere!

Why don't you tell the story more gently?'

The person who appeared in the sun with a loud laugh in the midst of a flashpoint was none other than Baek Gum-jo's labor-management benefits.

He had just been briefed on the disturbance and rushed over.

"Labor and management."

Yong Cheon thought it was a tough day. It was impossible to mix swords recklessly in front of Mousabu.

Inevitably, Ong Chun-myeong had no choice but to gain speculation.

It was a shoulder strain, but there was nothing I could do.

He's about to be examined! I heard a rough voice from one side.

"Well, if a man pulled a knife, I'll cut a radish! What kind of work can you do with such a monolith?"

It was the nasty one who showed up speaking roughly with cold cynicism. At the moment, Rip-han's face showed signs of disapproval.

"I don't feel comfortable listening to the words that encourage the fight."

After quickly erasing the disapproval, the manse was filled with laughter, and the wolf said. But half of it was cold.

"I feel uncomfortable and nauseous to see your fake rotten smile!"

The nasty burst into cynicism.

"Huh! That's too much to say. Isn't that too much?"

Rip immediately smiled at the nasty prickly words. It was a d*mn inspiration that made me angry every time I looked at it. It was an inspiration that I couldn't like it at all.

However, it was not possible to express one'sincerely.

"I just told you the truth. When I see someone else on the inside and outside, I'm physically repulsed and disgusted, so I'm just going to laugh."

You were swirling the curse of being a double-faced disgusting fellow. The air between the two began to cool down.

"These two are really on bad terms."

Eun-seol-ran whispered as she watched the two growling each other like a garden.

"First of all, we're rivals and we've always been famous for our farm.:"

In Na-Yerin's view, the two were never reconciled. It was like water and oil.

The exact reason for that was understood by her.

In order to hate people, they did not necessarily need a reason or excuse.

"Wolf Labor, you're playing with a sword. What are you doing here?"

It meant not to dance with a sword because it was not a black roe dog. The nasty b*tc*ing is not over yet, I don't know if it's enough.

"Or did you come here with an ulterior motive to use your talent, the beating of women?"

The face of Rip-han became more and more distorted by the nasty abuse that gave him no time to rest. The tongue of Rip-han was also stimulated by the offensive of the nasty, and became acrimonious.

"Wasn't labor and management too busy slaughtering people to complete the art?"

It was not a black murder tool, but it meant that raising a living alone does not complete the sword.As if he could not lose to the nasty sarcasm, Rip-han also confronted him head-on.

"You're such an ass!"

"You bloody old man!"