Lightning Degree

Book 8 Chapter - 3

He didn't win and crashed into the ground.

The face of Guchunhak, who had been watching silently, has become more solid. I don't know what just happened to him.

It was unknown. Gastronomy slowly learns that his body is instinctively nervous.

I was surprised.

"Wow, cross-stabbing!"

The Minister of State opened his mouth and sang the great singer of the Iron Angled Bimadae in a loud voice. His face is like a brazier.

It was heated as red as the inside. This made it difficult to avoid embarrassment even if you win. Here you go.

There could be no more humiliation.

A four-way street breeze could instantly shatter this cheeky little boy into pieces. Wealth of them

I had no doubt that the boy's bloodstains were embroidered like falling flowers.


The four winds of the iron-angle scaffold, the four winds of the Great Water Fever, the fan, the gale, and the fall.

He went head-on, emitting heavy speculation.

He wanted to punish himself for his duty, but there's hierarchy and decency.

Uh, I couldn't. There was no need for me to step up to the plate. For these people,

It'll be enough to overflow!

"Is it a trap?"

The Minister of State concludes that the reason for the destruction of the pernicious double entrapment is due to an invisible trap.

That was a common sense and universal way of thinking, too.

Of course, there could be no trap. There was no leisure time for that, and if there was time.

Ryu-Yeon has not been diligent enough to endure the trouble of digging traps and rigging trachea.

If you had the power to do so, it was more economical to deal with it with your bare hands.It's a trap, too. I can't think of anything else.'

The Gomu statue was mistaken, but neither Gomu nor the Gomu Highness had noticed it.

"Watch out for the trap!"


The crosswind answered in unison.

Click! Click! Click! Click!

Aimed at Ryu-Yeon, the four-way crosswinds were huge in unison. Their murder pierced Ryu-Yeon in unison. that

The window that exists in their minds had already cut Ryu-Yeon's throat.

"Have the best season ever!"

As a sign of the missionary's words, four horses simultaneously hit the ground and bounced forward.

It went. Four people were breathing like one person. Sharp Gikwang earned in their eyes.

It's wet.

It's only a dozen yards from Ryu-Yeon, and they're huge.

Or stuck next to it, or poked, vigorously stretching forward at the window he was holding.

Did he think he'd reach over ten sheets of distance?

Steel-angle scaffolding rod

Combination Passer

fraudulent ironclad wind

Click, click, click!

With the sound of the wind blowing, the joints of the car they put forward are separated and stretched.

The separated joints are connected by a thin, long chain, and the distance of the decanter is quickly reduced.

It's compressed. Distance was no problem now.

The four men's jointed steel slings mingled together in the air, drawing a vortex. dust around

It was swept into an artificially created vortex.

A more dense, massive whirlpool of sharp windows came upon Ryu-Yeon. fierce and hideous

Showing off your spirit!

His steps, even as he faces a terrifying spiral of iron that will crush everything.

Well, I wasn't thinking about backing up. Ryu-yeon is stepping back.

It was like a person with a serious sense of incompatibility.

Ryu-Yeon didn't even think to avoid losing her cowardice. It's like being nailed to the spot.

It's like ram, you've got glue on your feet, or you've got a root underneath the ground.

I didn't.

Only his eyes, sinking deep, deep into the abyss, were quietly facing reality.

"Here we go!"

Finally, Ryu-Yeon moved on.

Ryu-yeon swung his right hand horizontally once.

The Sword of the Roe Doe

a chapter of the end of the world


This person from heaven and earth

No sound, no sound, no sound.

But the power alone was enormous enough for heaven to acknowledge.

Like this!

The space between the sky and the earth, with a flash of light, like a mirage that shines.

A dividing line was drawn.

The ironclad spearhead that was raging to devour Ryu-Yeon's life is half a lie.

Divided into—a scene as if it were a lie.

A lethal move that has never failed in many one-on-one battles, Mac.

It was broken up without.I wasn't the only one who was shocked. The urge to deny reality is...

It was natural to do so.

The golden blade of light did not aim only at the whirlpool of the spear. sharp light

The blade was divided into two pieces at once by driving four horses at once, which were on fire. The egg

The inexplicable example was like a piece of lie.

Goosebumps were all over the body. I still don't think I'll let the goosebumps sink.

I was doing it.

Never heard of such a sharp, quick, and dreadful sword.

The center of the horse, which lost half its torso, quickly shifted forward and turned a somersault forward. Of courseIn this situation, it was impossible for the rider to be safe.

Four horses rolled around the floor, sprinkling red misty blood in the dirt.

A little while ago, a tetrapod that had been running high and mighty was thrown into the air and thrown to the ground.

Their heavy ironclad was also a deadly poison to them. The poison won't move them.

It was a metaphor and took their lives.

"Crack, crack!"

With the loud sound of the neck bone turning the other way around.

Thus, the name of the four-legged wind was erased from the biography of Cheolgak Bimadae on this day. Instead

The names of the four of them were listed on the receipt of the Black Heavenly Alliance's condolence claim and passed to the finance department.

"Can I just sit here like this? I might get rid of the body at this rate."

Moyong Hwi said, pointing his serious face at Yeomdo.

"Hmm, a dead body... Maybe it's good."

If you ever get rid of someone's body, you're gonna take yourself off this d*mn wheel of evil.

The desire to fly sticks out into the corner of his chest and stimulates his patience.


Moyong Hwi went on to backbiting.

"You can't do that. I can't leave it like this. No matter what anyone says, he's a naturalist.

Aren't you a disciple of the crown? We can't just wait and see him walk to his extremities."

Salinity pretended to think about Moyong Hwi's opinion.

Even though I know Ryu-Yeon better than anyone else here, I don't think I'll ever be able to win.

It was not easy to guarantee. As usual, Ryu-Yeon's victory is guaranteed and guaranteed.

I would have used it, but this time I was too picky. He also described the majesty of the Iron Bord.

It was the site where I learned the famous eight characters of "Jilpung Bima Invincible Ironclad". No matter how young Ryu-Yeon is,

There was no guarantee that the celebrities would win easily.


The salinity of the snow sank deep. Ryu-Yeon's fate will come to an end today.

Is it? Ryu-Yeon, the human vessel, was formidable. I've been around for over a year and a half.

I didn't see the end of it yet.

No matter how hard I try to think, Ryu-yeon is in a losing battle.

I think it would have been a reckless sacrifice that would not suit him the most.

It was hard to do.

"What kind of person is he?"

It's also wrong to think too highly of people. No matter how hard it is to force a good rating on Ryu-Yeon's humanity.

The odds of that were too slim. There was no reason to be called a monster ticket.

Salinity spoke in a silenced voice.

"It's worth a lot of positively considering how to just ignore it and run away. inside

Is that so?"

If this was someone else's statement, to take a step forward as the world's most cowardly man.

I'm sure you'd ignore it, condemn it desperately, and pass it by, but if it were the speaker, it'd be salinity.

The question is wrong. One of the most cowardly people in the world doesn't match the vocabulary of cowardice.

Because it was salinity. There's a common opinion that salinity doesn't have a hair around it to scare off.

It was.

A low voice of salinity somehow echoed their eardrums with an ominous echo.

What kind of answer do salinity labor and management expect to get from here?

Moyong Hwi couldn't even guess the insides of salinity.If I had a spare couple of lives, I'd answer them at ease, but unfortunately there's only one.

I couldn't answer quickly because of the relationship. No, I couldn't. One and only life to be taken lightly.

The act of breaking is not the act of a brave man, but a foolhardy folly.

"It's... it's..."

The falsetto and the double eyelid couldn't answer like a man whose mouth was sutured with about 360 silky stitches.


In fact, there were many kinds of salinity where one could not decide what to do in the future. that

Maybe that's why I'm taking it out on the kids for no reason.

The fact that if you die like this, you'll be able to escape your ignominy without any trouble.

It was hard to resist the sweet temptation. But the leeway of the hair around me to stop that cowardice.

The big problem was that there was no.

It is simple to conclude that eliminating the harm of the herd is for the sake of the herd.

I hated myself for being unusually righteous today. A little slick, flexible and shrewd.

If you've got a specialty like quick and secret or cowardice, it's easier and cleaner.

I could have handled it.

It was a day when I really hated myself playing separately from reason and emotion today.

'Hmmm... What do I do? What should I do? What should I do?

The baby hairs that are usually lacking did not go back to normal without exception today. Then the idea of salinity...

It was broken by a woman's words.

"But I'll still have to go save him."

Salinity looked up and found the source of the beautiful voice.

Manipulation and civilization are all over the place. When there's a lot of talk and disagreement, and the salinity sleeps alone.

There was a man who stood up quietly when he was lost in thought. Close your lips tight.

She walks silently towards Eun Chae's battlefield and concludes that she belongs to this world with a slender figure.

It was a woman of hard beauty.


Surprised by Na-Yerin's unexpected behavior, Lee Jin-seol hastily called her. Na-Yerin turns away and bites.

I looked at her with severe eyes.

"You don't have to follow."

She said in an indifferent voice.


Surprised Lee Jin-seol shouted. I can clearly hear her willingness to stop Na-Yerin from acting.

There was, but it wasn't Na-Yerin whose actions would depend on Lee's words. She looks forward again.

I walked silently.

"Where are you going, Sozer?"

Baek Muyong asked quickly. He stopped her from acting.

"Do I have to say that?"

Na-Yerin asked back with an indifferent face. The tone was not to ask for the obvious. Baek Muyong stands up for a second.

The forbidden heart continued to rest in peace.

"But you don't have to expose yourself to danger, do you? People who are worried about their surroundings.

You have to think about it, too. If there's a hair-raising scar on the cow's body..."

The next thing I'm going to say is that Baek Muyong, the owner of a cool-headed rationality, because of the horrible content.

I couldn't bring myself to say anything. If Na-Yerin's body is spotty, it's a violent day.

Na-Yerin's fanatic follower, whose heart ruptured at one quarter, was swept away by the bloodstream of the Great Battle.

It was a terrible thing to imagine.


Despite Baek Muyong's words, she did not bother to open her mouth and answer. Just look forward and rock.

I just walk silently.

Once again Baek Muyong's attempt to disrespect Na-Yerin went up in smoke. In her handHe slipped out of his hand like a wind that didn't catch him.

'Why am I walking down this road now, why?'

I don't know why, but she decided to move in the direction of her own heart.

A man like that doesn't deserve anything, no matter what happens.

Lynn has not yet understood her actions.

"Oh, my God! I can't just sit there awkwardly!"

The old school woke up scratching its hair. The same was true of Namgungsan Mountain and Hyeonwoon. Changhong과 Hyorong도

I couldn't stand still. If you let a woman walk in front of you on a terrible battlefield, it's a disgrace to a man.

He didn't deserve to be called a man in chief. All of the rigs are up.

"Why don't you wait here because she's dangerous?"

Said the person in charge. Then, party Moon-hye refuted immediately.


Once her retort was accompanied by a fist.

"Since when did you become a s*xist? When did you start looking down on girls?"

Dang Moon-hye penetrated the entire body of Dang with a fierce gaze like a poisonous poisonous poisonous snake.

Tang shivered, blaming his mouth for making fun of the situation without properly exploring it.

Yet he was poor enough to have never won a power struggle against his sister. He's got his own...

He suddenly blamed the tomb for being sold without will and But it was already spilled water.

"Why can't you tell me? Tell me when you started looking down on women."

I was in a cold sweat and at a loss for words.

"No, it's... it's... it's... it's...No, it's not..."

Gentleman is now on the verge of tears. There was no escape anywhere in heaven and earth.

All the men sympathized with his situation, but dared not reach out for help. to be deceived quietly

Memorizing grievances was all the men around me could do.

"Why can't you tell me yet?"

Dang Mun-hye's nails glistened in the sun, showing off her scary life. Next year, he will receive a memorial service award.

I didn't want to eat it.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I won't do it again, sister!"

I can't help but beg for his fingerprints to wear out and admit his wrongdoing and defeat.

No one dared to make eye contact with Tang Mun-hye. Only women around her.

I was congratulating her on her victory and on the promotion of women's rights.

"Do you have the confidence to win?"

Before I knew it, the salinity that rose from the seat spoke to everyone standing up. Let's all get up.

Moyong Hwi and Baek Muyong could no longer sit and preserve their seats.

"There are times when you have to do it even if you're not confident. A woman leads the way, and a man stinks behind her.

You can't keep up with him, can you? Or as part of an even more humiliating act, the tail.

I'd rather fight heroically and oxidize than live in infamy for the rest of my life.

I'll choose to do it."

Nam Gung-sang said with his eyes shining with solid conviction. Then everyone seemed to agree with him.

Nodding. Everyone's heart was united into one before I knew it.

Still, Na-Yerin was walking in front of him.

Open your eyes!

"Crying! Crying! Crack, crack, crack, crack, crack!

"Well, what is that?"

Salinity asked.

"Well, I don't know."

There was no way he could answer something he didn't know."Hey, this isn't a dream, is it?"

A sudden surge of questions!

"Well, I don't you think?

Nam Gung-sang couldn't answer easily.

Arriving at the scene where Ryu-Yeon is, what they saw was a four-way strike that cuts Ryu-Yeon in half.

It was an unbelievable identity of someone. So they were nailed to the spot. It's Na-Yerin.

The same was true of him.

Now, Black Heaven doesn't have to care about the maintenance costs of the four horses that just rushed in.

They're used to maintaining expensive food for horses and even more expensive ironclad liquor.

Ga has become able to disconnect all public money. I can take it off their books.

That is what has come to gain the most substantial ground. And the steel stables on your horses.

There is no need to care about medical salaries and life risk benefits. Of course, it's a matter of course for the four of them.

There remains a problem that condolence money should be sufficiently done now. But there is no expenditure other than this.

Will do.

Because with Ryu-Yeon's blow just now, the four ironclad crosswinds... fire.

Lee is because all the warriors were cut in half horizontally.

At the end of the day, these squints had to open their eyes. There's a man who cut four of them in a single day.

It was all a sign of defiance against reality. And that's the last look on their faces.

I did it, too.

Poetry of once intact people being cut clean by the dazzling glare that divides heaven and earth.

God, when God's blade-like flashes split the heavens and the earth, did four horses do a somersault in the air?

He showed himself. They stared blankly at the battlefield, forgetting their purpose here.

In the middle of that desolate field, confronting fifty iron-legged men of enormous strength and strength.

Meanwhile, Ryu-yeon's majesty was confident.

"Let's put off helping for a while!"

Finally, the salinity gave way.

I thought it would take time to tell if this was a dream or not.

"Well, yeah."

Everyone nodded their heads out of their heads nodded.

"Is what I'm seeing now an illusion? Or is it a terrible nightmare that devours reality?"

A trembling voice leaking from the depths of the lungs. The Minister of State is truly afraid now.

It was here.

"I can pinch your cheeks for you. But there is nothing to try and it is a clear reality. couldn't be better

True and proper reality without it! Escape from reality is a bad habit."

Ryu-Yeon put it mildly.

"I don't believe it."

The Minister of State insisted. How frustrating it must have been for a grown man to see the reality.

I'm not forcing you to do this! We need to understand the state of mind we're in.


"You can't do that!"

'Argh!' Suddenly, the stomachache had to feel severe pain in the right cheek. Screaming was a by-product of it.


"What... what?"

As promised, Ryu-Yeon didn't pinch him. Hot pain in the cheeks

Before I knew it, a red stab wound was clearly drawn on his cheek.

"How... how soon?

"I thought you were wondering if it was a nightmare or a fantasy. Alas, what a steady, kind, sweet young man you are.

I mean, I'm a human being."

Obviously, it was a very painful thing for a sane man to hear. Above though

It has been a great help to free reality awareness.

What am I gonna do about this?'No countermeasures have been taken. Only when we see a solution can we come up with a solution!

However, no matter which side of the brain is used, no countermeasure has been taken. There's smoke in my head.

Once again, the Minister of State, who has tried his best, feels keenly that he is not a military man.

Had to, he was a behavioural expert, not a brain expert. So once again, he acted with force.

I decided to break this case.

"Strong separation!"

In a chaotic situation in which one cannot tell whether one's mental state is sane or money-minded, the Minister of State is...

I called for a price of iron rain.

Iron separation! These were born fearless warriors. These 12

At the same time, the siege annihilation is a step further than the four-way cross-fibre succession that just fell apart.

I was hearing a reputation for being more powerful. Their siege was supposed to be a multiple enemy.

It was meant to be against, but today it was meant to be about eliminating only one enemy.


Their eyes were desperately serious, as they had already seen two false fantasies. Them

As long as he/she had a decent learning ability, there could be no such thing as looking down on him/her. The ironclad separation is about themselves.

He concentrated his efforts on the edge of the window. It blooms out of their bodies when there's no wind.

Their cape fluttered with momentum.

"Straight line!"

Twelve ironclad horses lined up.


Chuck! Chuck! Chuck! Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!

All the members raised the windows in unison.

They lifted one of the several windows hanging from their harness. These are mainly long-lived.

There were several windows hanging from their harnesses because they enjoyed attacking by Li Tu-chang. These people

One of them was picked up. Like everyone who's been trained hundreds of times, their movements are cogwheels.

It matched like that.

"Putting in the window tax!"

Their windows were lifted over their shoulders with a clatter. Sword injected into a giga window and embedded in a sword

Like chi, the window has become tangible.

"Is that a flagpole?"

Ryu-yeon put on an interesting look.

It was the first time I had a glimpse of Changsuljido during the demonstration of the labor-management founding member Eon Yu-gyu.


In Baekdo, spear is often classified as a military weapon rather than a martial weapon.

It was a fairly neglected weapon.


At the commission's signal, he kicked the ground in unison and ran forward.

"Focus on the crosshairs! They added the speed of their horses to their disciplined forces.

Throw a spear with force. The goal, of course, is that the Ryu-Yeon Iron and Steel Brigade has never missed a point.

He was an invincible man who knew nothing of failure.

Whoops! Whoops!

A white flash with dazzling speed and tremendous destructive power creates a porous penetration through the void.

He drew a white trajectory towards Ryu-Yeon.

The ironclad spearhead and Tupang have the power to break through more than a span of iron plate and rock.

It was a blow, and in the name of their ironclad, visas were letters indicating iron forearms. But

Ryu-Yeon didn't budge in place. Of course, suicide was not planned.

Non-Roethinking Reading Visionary Law.

phoenix five



Ryu-Yeon's body shook in layers of shadow like a swaying fantasy night.


Not to mention the iron separation, but both the heavenly gods and the salinity rubbed their eyes with their sleeves.


Ryu-Yeon's body was impenetrably penetrated by windows stuck in the ground with a loud bang and dirt.

It raised the dust. Ryu-yeon's back was already a mugwort field. But Ryu-Yeon's body is a turk.There wasn't a single scratch. All the attacks went to no avail.

Ryu-yeon, who thought he'd let the bristles attack slip back, stopped at Gerrery, and in his hand...

There was a spear in the air.

With bare hands, an iron-fiber-separated spear called an impossible-to-

I got it. There seemed to be no fear in the first place. Despite being able to avoid everything.

It was a show-off to grab a spear.

It's like, 'I can do this kind of thing. I didn't get away with it because I didn't have the power!' he seemed to say.

"Oh, my God!"

The Minister of State once again opened his mouth wide. I think he had a problem with his jaw joint today.


Even the separation of iron and rain seemed to be in chaos. Because for a moment their movements were out of control.

Because it showed. But as the masters, they soon got back into shape.

"Get a hold of yourself!"

Screaming at them, the majesty asked for them. No more failures should have existed.

When the Sip Natural Dialect, the secret weapon I believed in, failed, the new leader of the Iron Biside immediately returned.

I gave a driving order.


The windows were firmly fastened around their waist with a click.

The difference between those who pushed the spear from the waistline to the front began to glow white and milky.

The fact that if this attack fails, it will soon be directly linked to their deaths.

I could see instinctively that So they squeezed all their energy out of their bodies and ran head-on.

"Gi-chang shock!"

Finally, the best attack on the steel bar appeared in front of everyone.


The two-legged iron-biship price drove in Ryu-yeon's pressure on both sides.

The words of ten strokes rushed forward, kicking the ground in unison. It's not a war, so it's one thing.

More than ten men were merely a hindrance to the siege of. The danger of interfering with colleagues' movements.

Because there is.

Already they were going to ignore their lives and defeat Ryu-Yeon with all their might. But

Ryu-Yeon showed no sign of fear.

Rather Ryu-Yeon grinned at them. His eyes were golden and his heart was shining.

It froze cold. And his mind, which had been loosened, was twisted into one, and the sharp needle.

It became and spewed out a frosty spurt.

The price of iron was surrounded in a circle around Ryu-Yeon, as if he were setting up a tent with an iron wall.

But the real attack was not from the ten men who surrounded Ryu-Yeon in a circle. because

Because they were ten people.


The sunlight of the perforation is against the two horses, jumping over the circular wall, from the left to the right to the Ryu-Yeon at the same time.

Stuck a spear in. A tremendous leap forward and horseback riding over an enormous height that is almost a chapter.

It couldn't help but drink. To build this formation, their armour is much lighter than others.

It was.

It was a siege of death where the way to escape was blocked. But in the end, the envoy is Ryu-Yeon's...

I couldn't grab the back of my head.

Rhinematic Blackness

the field of roofing

Cerebral Collateral Mine

An invisible giant fist seemed to have blown back two horses.

Two flashes pierced two horses.


No, it would be right if you hit him rather than piercing him. The sound of a great force hitting you in a moment.

It resonated.

Surprisingly, two horses in the air fly backwards, despite being hit by a sharp nose.He's gone. It's a sight I wouldn't have believed if I hadn't seen in person.

"Thud thud!"

It was in a flash that two people flew back there. After the first attack that I believed in fell through, I was separated from the ironclad.

He was about to launch a second head-on attack. But Ryu-Yeon did not condone it.

The Sword of the Roe Doe

Deed of Apprentice