Lightning Degree

Book 8 Chapter - 10

Just watching Na-Yerin and Mo Yong-Hwi, who are so cold, and so cold, so cold.

It was out of character for Eun Seol-ran. She's been here for five days.

Both Mo Yong-hwi and Na-Yerin found out that they were escorted by each.

It was the fact that they were extremely non-social people. The conversation you've been having for over five days...It was one of a kind of. Every time someone asks her to do something, she's been talking to her.

I could've recited it all out of my mouth. Eun Seol-ran couldn't stand this frustrating reality.

So somehow she's determined to mend fences.

However, there was a long and rough way to go.

Relationship improvement is first achieved through dialogue. The basis of socialism is dialogue.

However, this conversation was not easy when dealing with these two people.

If she had the urge to talk, Eun-Sullan would step up and talk to her.

I had to lead the conversation. This was the case again.

"Excuse me, Yerin!"

Eun Seol-ran quietly called Na-Yerin.

"What can I do for you?"

Despite his very businesslike tone, Eun-Sullan was not disappointed.

It was already prepared.

"Hey, did you have a boyfriend?"

asked Eun Seol-ran without hesitation. There was no act of bright redening the cheeks.


Na-Yerin replied decisively.

"You're beautiful to me, who is really the same woman. I can't help but sigh."

For now, we decided to draw a conversation about beauty, one of the main interests of women.

But Na-Yerin's reaction was cold.

"I don't want to attract anyone's attention just because it's beautiful."

Is the sun jack of the talk of the town? The conversation was constantly going through a rough patch.

"But every time a beautiful man like you moves, a country tilts.

It's not supposed to be a job. It's been a beauty like you since ancient times.

They called it "Gyeonggukjimok" (a beauty that can destroy a country)."

"I don't want to live my life with all my heart and soul in men."

Eun Seol-ran nodded as if she was convinced.

"Yes, men are still immature children and basically wolves.

The mission of beauties like us is to lock men in skirts and play with them on the palm of our hands."

Eun Seol-ran smiled with sincerity. Mo Yong-hwi's words never sounded like a joke.

"That's a radical idea."

That was the end of Na-Yerin's answer. Eun Seol-ran was embarrassed by her palms that kept spinning in the air.

But she didn't give up.

"You're such a cold-hearted person. Who will win your heart...

The desperate struggle of men to take over you, the constant duel, the jealousy and jealousy of men.

And I see the path of blood coming in this maelstrom of chaos.

Too much beauty is a sin."

"You're beautiful, too!"

Na-Yerin's words were genuine. I'm not lying, but Eun-seolan's beauty.

I said, 'I'm a tax-saving man." Heukdo Island is not called the Great Master for nothing.

"Oh, really? Be happy!"

Eun Seol-ran jumped with great joy. She was cheerful to a fault.

Eun Seol-ran seemed to have made progress with the new Na-Yerin she did not know.

She was more likely to date and think about Na-Yerin.

Her indomitable spirit was emulated by all men challenging women.

"Let's go out to buy clothes, shall we?"

It was a suggestion out of the blue. The original proposal for this unexpected proposal was Eunseolan.


For Na-Yerin, clothes are comfortable when moving, blocking the wind, avoiding the rain.

If I could cover my body, that would be enough. Of course I didn't have to buy it.

Because there were countless colorful clothes sent from the surrounding area.

But the colorful silky clothes with all kinds of accessories,

There was a lack of satisfaction in her mind.Those clothes are usually returned, but some have received them.

It's not because I liked the clothes. Usually, such cases are as follows.

"Please don't say no, it's an honor to be accepted."

If you give it back, I'll just bite my tongue and die!'

A situation where one's life is on the line of trivial things, usually one of these two.

Of course, the latter is the most troublesome case, and the more troublesome case is...

A radical who wants to wear it once or twice, and a knife in his mouth.

I'd love to have a sneaky smile on my face just once.

It was a strange sort of people to wear and report back.

"Go, go, go, go! No way! I'll definitely go! So you're gonna go, right?"

It was my first request since I entered this Cheonmu Academy. Silver eggs that are more of a force.

Na-Yerin couldn't bring himself to refuse.

That's how Quartet's first outing began.

"It's a peaceful place."

"Of course, there has never been a private fight here. "

Of course it was until yesterday.

It's quite famous on Namchang Street, and thanks to you, Juru and Oseongru are making money!

There are two men on the third floor of this super-large five-story building.

I was drinking like a pig. It's like you're having a big meal with a big meal.

It was a young man in his 20s who ate violently, as if to destroy him.

It was the middle-aged in their 40s who stared blankly at the young man's enormous appetite.

The middle-aged man was a bandit with an impression that his whole body was plastered in red.

The two were Salinity and Ryu-Yeon.

Yum yum! Yum yum! Gulp gulp!

The killer's incredible appetite that he can't even imitate, eating beyond belief that it's a human appetite.

Where on earth does so much food disappear, even if you don't gain any weight?

And is Ryu-Yeon's stomach a universe?

The more I looked at it, the more amazing the salinity was. On the other side of Ryu-yeon,

There was a pile of clean empty side dishes.

To what extent can you feed yourself if you're in a situation where you don't need money?

Salinity will never... Never... never wanted to see the end of it.

Salinity stared at Ryu-Yeon with frightening eyes. The glass in his hand is his own.

I wasn't thinking about emptying my duty as if I had forgotten my duty.

"Why? Is there something you're worried?"

Ryu-Yeon, who stopped eating for a while, asked.

"Oh... no."

The mouth says no, but the salinity is increasing.

I couldn't bear to worry about the number of denominations. I think Ryu-Yeon is the one who thinks he's the one of them.

He seemed anxious to drive him into economic bankruptcy.

The stomach, which had otherwise been sore, is now starting to boil like a dragon's eye.

It was just amazing that there was no hole in the top.

I can't believe I lost again.

If he hadn't lost, he'd be here spending all his money feeding Ryu-Yeon.

The situation would not have happened.

Now, for six months, I'm going to have to sit tight and be this sickening disciple.

Its salinity was unfair, resentful and bitter.

Master versus Disciple

- I'm in the extended battle.

Last night!

An ambitious time when even the stars are asleep! An interior with no indication of popularity.

Two men faced each other in the smokearm. They were the salinity and Ryu-Yeon. insignificant

Tension was tightening the air between the two."I promised!"

Ryu-Yeon said.

"Of course."

Salinity nodded with a determined face.

"Will you be ready?"

"Of course!"

Salinity had no place to retreat anymore. His body is already excited.

I couldn't control myself.

"Then you won't have to worry about the price of alcohol tomorrow."

Ryu-yeon seemed to be drooling already. He's a piece of cake right now. or He's a piece of cake now.

The position was not being considered at all.

" That's something you have to do."

"Oh, great confidence!"

Clap clap clap!

Ryu-yeon clapped in admiration. The salinity was not at all happy.

"There's never been a few people playing.'

Salinity wanted to tell Ryu-Yeon not to find Soongnyung in the well.

He hasn't been playing for the past six months either. For him.

The operations team was a good match for practice. In the meantime, I'm not satisfied for a second and I'm committed to training.

I came, and yet Ryu-Yeon seemed to see himself as a pushover.

Now, Yeomdo was going to claim that he was not rice with his whole body.

"There are many things in the world that you don't have to do."

Ryu-yeon smiled brightly.

Every creature in the world seems to have a real natural enemy. Thorough and thorough

A cold, brutal food chain can't escape a human being.

It wasn't there.

Even in humans, the natural enemy of their individual power dynamics...

It certainly did exist.

Yumdo thought his only natural enemy was a frozen bingo.

But it turns out that he has a more frightening natural enemy.

It was a short time, just over two years old. What a b*tc*.

The day when Salinity first met Ryu-Yeon, it was a nightmare.

It was that day.

In the face of this nemesis, Salinity is as thorough as a frog in front of a snake.

I owe it to you. Salinity wanted to say she wasn't a lunchbox.

His argument didn't work at all.

The Bingkum is in a tense relationship between a desperate confrontation and a psychological battle.

If you were stubborn, you could only say that you were unilaterally beaten by Ryu-Yeon.

It's something I can't stand for a proud, irascible salinity.

It was a job, so ashamed and so humiliating, that I dared to ask someone else to do so.

It was an impossible story to even bring up.

How much effort has been put into ending the story.

"I swear to God today!'

At the risk of my life, I will not raise the banner of the "de-disciple."

You'll see.

The previous fight was three games and three losses, but he has not been playing in the salinity.

Today must be the day before my eyes to break the enemy's time-limited disciple.

He was so determined that he would dry it until it was over.

He's still in the house, and he's still in the salinity of a child who caught a mercenary.

His eyes were only cautious.

Every six months, during the period of self-extension, the two of them are regular exhibitions.

It was originally part of a commitment between Ryu-Yeon and Salinity.

If we completely seal off the escape route, we don't know where we're going.

It was Ryu-Yeon's exit, which was arranged as an emergency measure of emergency. The promise was like this.

If Salinity fulfills her duties as a disciple for six months,

The promise is that fighting Ryu-Yeon can decide whether to extend his student life.

The point was, if you want to quit, you have to punch it out.

And three fights in a year and a half, these three fights...

Salinity certainly had to admit one thing. He accidentally told Ryu-Yeon,

I grieve over the terrible fact that I've lost not by losing, but by skill.It was something that had to be admitted. After that, Salinity went further and further on training.

Only the manipulation team and Yoon Junho, who were subject to his training and venting anger, were killed.

Salinity is burnt.

Like the first time in the first trial, you get the redness before you even get it.

How vain it must have been for him to vent his anger.

Only my body was exhausted. All the anger poured on them.

It will, but it's not that the next and the next results are good.

If those two fights were good, now the salinity is here with Ryu-Yeon.

There's no way they're fighting. It was a series of nightmares that I didn't want to recall.

But as expected, a two-year nightmare was too long.

"If I ever lose again..."

I'd rather have a sword bite than a permanent disciple.

It would be comfortable to die, but the nature of the salinity...

How did you know that? In my automatic memorandum, there's a suicide ban.

The meticulousness of Ryu-Yeon, the current master of salinity, is very...

It was so detailed that I got chills and trembled.

As if he had met a lifetime enemy, he was cautious.

I was pulling up the power. Now, we're gonna do everything we can to make sure we're in the best

If you don't fight with your best power, you'll never win back.

I'm sick and tired of using the fact that I've failed a few times as a mirror.

I knew.

"Aren't you taking too much time this time? You're being too careful. constitutionally

Discretion that doesn't fit can be poisonous."

Ryu-yeon pretended to worry about salinity during the confrontation. Thankfully

It doesn't cost money to make fun of your tongue. So Ryu-Yeon is like this.

I was able to show my composure.

"I think I've done enough to deserve it. being deceived by a sweet talk

One or two of them. You've been through a lot so far. If you stop

I think the accumulated lessons are enough to overflow."

No matter how impatient your personality is, you have enough learning skills.

It was a declaration of salinity that it had.

'Ah! That's why you drank the bitter cup of defeat three times.

I didn't know because I was so indifferent!"