Lightning Degree

Book 6 Chapter - 2

Ryu-yeon's trust that the operatives have shown for the first time in a while.

Be moved to a lively voice replied. Ryu-Yeon is more about his trust.

He continued to say whether he wanted to express his feelings.

"In the meantime, I've been waiting for you to fight the Blue Dragon Squad.

I've always watched you try with warm eyes."

Come to think of it, the Blue Dragon Squad and the Red Phoenix had an inevitable fight.

What was the reason for that? (Surely, it seemed to be the influence of the Rain Army.I've got a strong feeling.

"So I am more than my love for you and my love for you.

To prove my trust in silver, I'll bet my entire fortune on you.

It was... ..."

Unlike the confident and loud front part, the last part was a passing speech.

The voice sounded louder than thunder in Hana's ears. At the end

Why is the mother-of-pearl so abominably saying what she wants to say the most?

The last part of the speech that they're listening to right now...

The most important part of the story is the definition and agreement.

"Then...If you guys lose, I lose my money!Don't that right?"

Now all of the marquee's bodies are dripping with cold sweat.

It was here.

"Then I'll be a beggar who doesn't care about anyone, and I'll be on the streets.

I'm gonna be kicked out of here with the open guys later.

I might have to fight for a bowl of rice.Then I'll be very sad, won't I?"

As if the misery marked by poverty had come to reality before one's

It was Ryu-yeon with a mournful and mournful look on his face.

"That would probably leave my reason behind. What will happen then?

I don't know. You don't know! It's not a big deal, is it?"

Ryu-Yeon finished with a smile, but never took it in stride.

It wasn't a horse.

Ryu-Yeon might not know, but if that happens, she's the one.

I know exactly what they're going to be like.

It was clear what they would be if that happened.

Then there's only one conclusion! We must not lose this war.

There is only an absolute proposition that must be won.

Even if I cut my flesh and break my bones!

"So, you have to win! But I wonder what happens if I lose.

Then, with respect to that curiosity, after the defeat, the question is most...

I'm willing to release it in a grand way, look forward to it."

Metabolical Ryu-Yeon's extraordinary and excessive obsession with money.

It was them feeling it. A warning that if you lose, you'll never get away with it.

The fact that they won or lost the ambassador's money was at stake.

More than any warning or threat, the word put them in fear.East

The determination and belief that the poem could never be defeated rose from their minds.

"Untie it!"




Ryu-yeon says you and I have our hands and feet filled with the marquis.

I pulled down the silence that had been lost.

"It's light!"

"It feels strange."

"Hey! I think I'm going to fly!"

Thirty-five million-geun shackles that have crushed the knuckles for five hundred years.

His body became as light as a feather when he dragged away the Buddhist scriptures that looked like Oh Haeng-san.

The power rose from the power failure. A hundred times brave, nothing to fear.

Infinite confidence rose.

"Go! And hit with all your might!"

"Yes! I'll be right back.Big brother!"

The answer from the operatives was confident and loud. Finally, I've been working on my training.

It's time for a test.

a special stage specially designed for 32 people to face at the same time.

People swarmed all over the place regardless of victory, province, or spirit.

It was.

It is said that the most interesting sights in the world are watching fire and fighting.

Unless human beings are harmed by their bodies and their surroundings,

Something to enjoy in a safe place other people's misfortunes are mine.

It was equipped with a wide tolerance to establish the formula of joy.It's not your blood even if it splashes, it's not your flesh even if it's cut off.Person

Because liver is generally insensitive to the pain of others.

It's only natural to think of it as watching fire across the river.

Especially if you don't have any particular taste in developing, developing, and developing your abilities.

It's been a long time since Samsung went on a fight.

I couldn't help but be an interesting festival and an informative leisure ride.

As if to show you how many people there are in the Celestial Academy.

The hall was bustling with crowds of people.

Each one of you here will have a feast with an interesting look.

With the presence of the Blue Dragon Squad and the Red Phoenix Squadron in a few moments, everything will be fine.

I was paying attention.

Especially at the hastily held exhibition of eye-catching exhibition.

The eyes of the turners were exceptionally more intense.

All of this tombstone is held in front of everyone.

The secret confrontation in the dark is fairness and external credibility.

Because you can't expect it, it's done publicly in the public eye.


"Wow, aaaaaaah!

As soon as the thunderous roar broke out, there was a crowd of people.

Today's main characters have finally appeared. Blue Dragon Danju Cheonsuryong Jade Dragon Sword Fierce Yeonho

15 members of the Blue Dragon Squadron and 15 members of the Nambu Palace.

They were the operatives of.

Salinity and Binggum Gwan Cheol-soo, along with Cheongwanju's Mujeokgwon Majinga, will be held in a special gallery.

The students who have learned their lessons with complex eyes.

I looked.

Finally, a showdown with the pride of two high-ranking masters and a student's pocket money.

This is the beginning of the showdown.

The marquis are determined to be determined, including Maeng-ho of the Blue Dragon.

Face-to-face with some who don't need to remember names. Filled here

There was no room for Lim Soo-nah to get stuck. Only true power and skill,

And understanding of martial arts is the only way to measure the highs and lows of one's

The usefulness of is only acknowledged.

His strength, strength, energy, and energy clashed in one place.


There was a burst of cheers that seemed to be leaving.

It may be a bloody showdown for the parties involved, but for those who watch,

It was just an exciting game.

Clash on a special stage, fifteen times larger than the usual non-stage.

The merciless essence of is spectacular. There's a lot of light, a lot of light.


The sword of the Blue Dragon Corps, which was trained by the Bingkum Kwan Cheol-soo, is surprisingly...

It was precise and elaborate. They say that herbivores are like a sack of shaving.

It was sharpened to the point of association, and refined to the point of course.

It was done. In other words, it was approaching the perfection of the sentence.

On the other hand, the marquis trained by the Salinity are free and unfettered.

It was also very ignorant. And most of all, it was explosive.

It was a polar opposition. And no one's backing down.

It was a battle of pride at the end of the bay.

And for Ryu-yeon, the most valuable value on earth is money.

It was hanging.

Not only the fighters, but all men value the real game.

Everyone knows that practice is more important than anything else.

But Ryu-Yeon's idea was different.

There was no real word in his dictionary. I'd rather die than go for it.

How dare you think of losing money and being punished?

There may be death for Ryu-Yeon, but the very precious pair of money.

The practice of losing money, a lamentable act of losing a value.

Iran was an unacceptable act.

The confrontation was evident.The skills of the operatives in the beginning were remarkable. individual

Unlike the Blue Dragon Squad, which has focused on improving their skills, the Red Phoenix Squadron has always been united.

I've learned how to fight.

Not only under the blade of a recent monochrome, but also on Mount Amisan.

From the return of blood, they have always stood shoulder to shoulder for each other.

Therefore, the Blue Dragon Squad, which has focused on improving individual skills, had to be pushed back.

The problem is, the last remaining member of the Blue Dragon Squad is no problem.

Five people were the problem.

They're quite a lot of people, but they're just past history now.

As of today, it was nothing short of being rewritten.

As expected, the Blue Dragon Squad's ability to face each other was beyond imagination. Heavenly sword

Today, I'm going to show you that I didn't just play under Sue's Binggum Kwan-chul.

It was clearly shown through the sophistication of herbivores.

But that doesn't mean there's a mastermind who's playing them up against them.

I didn't want to be left out. They're already one of the five greatest bandits.

I've been training my bones and flesh to be like a real battle from salinity.

It was the site.

And another thing they should never lose to.

There was one more reason. A thousand-year-old man brought by Ryu-Yeon.

That's an encouragement I don't want to remember, which is more burdensome than my muscles.

When the Blue Dragon Corps became arrogant, the price they received was...

It's a big one.


Mistake of the party, the anger of pride!

- Stomache learned from the body of labor (:: bizarre study)


Lack of confidence makes one's mind timid.

It makes you lose courage and dream of action. But on the contrary,

If confidence goes too far, a monster called hubris becomes a hindrance to the eye.

The power of fear to cloud and to lose judgment.

It's working.

Frankly, the party was too vigilant. Any time, any time, any time.

How to call your best friend, Hwa! This formula is

It was an immortal truth that has never been missed.

My cousin, who has always been a bully to me since he was a child, is now a single man.

It's rather flattened like pressed mung bean pancake.

I looked like I was angry.

That day, my cousin Dang Mun-cheon, who was a lump of wensu, gave me a good shot.

Tangam was in a good mood. Back then, he memorized himself.

I'm so confident in my technique that I'm not going to lose to anyone anymore.

I was full of confidence.

It's good that the confidence of the day continues to this day.

Believing in that confidence, he was so wild that he called for anger.

I'm so emotional, I'm running around everywhere I feel like it.

The problem was that I forgot to tilt. Especially when memorizers fail.

Because of the high risk of coming, we have to be much more careful than any other martial arts.

Ham was right.

Chil, one of the three most confidently thrown three-

Seong Yeon-hwan's non-ship is the sword of Cheon Soo-ryong Maeng Yeon-ho, Blue Dragon Danju.

His entire body will be exposed defenselessly under the opponent's sword when he returns to nothing.

I had no choice but to.

As expected of the Black Volcano faction of the fierce Yeonho who took the opportunity to escape from the party,

It was not clumsy enough to give a gap.

The persistent, bitter sword hidden in the countless plum petals...

As we trawled through his body, his clothes were a rag.

It was almost as good as it looked.


The fierce sword of Yeon-ho suppresses the burning blood.I couldn't, screamed and fell back. I'm afraid I've been badly beaten.

It was.

"Of course!"

And even in the operations, your closest friend, Nohak, screamed, and headed toward you.

I came running.

"Where are you going? I can't go anyways!"



One friend's safety is worried about the safety of the old man. One Blue Dragon.

It was blocked by and no longer possible to move.

The name of the Blue Dragon Squadron who was standing in front of him didn't matter.

The only thing that matters is that he's standing in his way!

There was a spark in the eyes of an irascible beggar.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"The Three-Jae-Kut-Bong Act!!!!"


Screaming at the same time as the green baton in the hands of the old school.