Lightning Degree

Book 5 Chapter - 16


From the perspective of Geum Yeong-ho, Mo Yong-hwi's role diminishes the power of Moyong Hwi.

But Mo Yong-hwi said that the suspect's son, Lee Mu-gi, was the only one who knew how far he could go.

I've got a draw with Moyong Hwi as if to prove it's not acceptable.

It was thrown.

Looking at it, both of them are unlikely to compete in the next round. Besides, it was a draw.

It's rare, but the man who wins the draw is the overall winner.

There was a rule that no participation.

It was the moment when Ryu-Yeon won the championship.

Unusual matches between the two teams ended in draws this year.

Everyone couldn't decide the outcome. Three draws at the same time.

It was the first time in 48 years that I lost. Now Ryu-Yeon is on top of course.

The silver distance was a step.

Ryu-Yeon and Wi Jicheon in the final.

Finally, the day of the final match against Samsung has dawned.

Ryu-yeon is at dawn on this particular and important day.

I woke up before and prayed to heaven and earth, and with cold integers,

You know, cleanse yourself, change into new clothes, build up your resolution.

There was no connection with action in the first place.

On the contrary, Wi Jicheon followed this process without leaving any. to him

Because it was a very meaningful battle.

Things that are often unbelievable in the world happen once in a while, sometimes in a while.

Surprise someone. In the next moment, people will see the capriciousness of the world and, hey.

You admire or curse at none. And in that context, the celestial chart.

For them, Ryu-yeon's advance to the Samsung final is simply a deceptive move.

It was something to call for.

Still, quite a few people are in the final, named Trick of Heaven and Earth.

I'm here to see the pancakes. Not to see Ryu-Yeon, but to the Black Dragon.They moved to see the cloth. Even so, station

It was insignificant compared to the final of the time-and-time match. Yet

The heat of the final match of the province's Swords is still in control of the atmosphere of the academy.

It was here.

Today, Na-Yerin, an audience member, was sitting out to watch.

It was to see Ryu-Yeon's match. Why do you think you're such a man again?

Are you here to watch someone play? I got here and settled down, but it's easy.

I couldn't give a reasonable answer. On the ankle of the urethane that flew yesterday.

It wasn't because of him. She could always ignore that kind of thing.

I can't even count the letters that have been processed in her hands.

Wasn't that a lot?

'I guess it's just curiosity...Na-Yerin himself, who was lightly dismissive of …."

I was surprised at his attitude. Ever since that day, a call to yourself about others.

What did you mean by spirit? There was never. Worrying around

I've been so cut off from surroundings and relationships. But now

Interesting to come, it was considered improbable.

As she approached, the crowd split the way from side to side.

Then everyone looks at Na-Yerin passing by them once.

Enchanted eyes... as if they were happy just by looking at them...….

There were times when she didn't like their eyes, when they were prickly.

There were times when it was more burdensome. Especially the Ice Shelf movies now.

When the guards were out front chasing people and making their way out,

It was like that.

She understands why she's treated like this just because of her beauty.

I couldn't do it. Is beauty the only way to judge women? Man

I couldn't understand the minds of the creatures. An animal called a man to her.

A subtle sense could not have been understood. In that way, she's so clean.

It was pure.

Lee Jin-seol, who followed her, is happy to get a good seat easily.

The look was on her face, and her private residence, the old dog, was as cold as ever.

He was escorted by her with a look on his face. Na-Yerin's abyss

I could see the two people just going up to the rain stage.

Don't lose! Don't lose! I'll never lose! He doesn't even know what's going on.

I'll never lose to a pine boy. Win and make sure it's the day's worth it.

I'll wash away the bad language.'

Wi Jicheon was shouting with a puke of blood. That's a fundamental thing.

You can't lose to a child you don't know, moreover, you can't lose to your idol and everything.

Big Bang Bong Na-Yerin is looking at this yard.

Wi Jicheon swears that he has to win, even if there's no limit.

I did.

'He's watching in front of his eyes now. And yet, if you lose, how would you look?

Will you live in this world? I don't have that kind of courage. Necessarily

I'm sure I'm going to win. I'm here today to see the achievements of the Pest.

I'll show you! You're the power of a great writing that can never be imagined in a dream.

I'll show you the essence of the Old Moon faction, the Cheongseong faction!"

This battle is a victory for him, with honor and face at stake.

Wealth. It's a game that must be won for whatever reason. to the fullest extentWith a stiff face, a fierce look in his eyes, and a determined heart, Wi Jicheon,

He lifted the sword, a white sword shining in white light.

The last decorators of Samsung Moo-je, non-Yeon and Sungpung Sword Dragon Wi Jicheon...

When the Black Dragon Wi Jicheon was confirmed to advance to the final, all the officials looked up.

He nodded and posed as if it were for granted. And me coming to the finals.

The first grade kid who used to be rumored to be one of them.

When they found out that they were reappointed, they looked so weird, their faces so mercilessly.

I distorted it and drew a question mark. Is that even possible, Zee?

Are you kidding me about gold?

For Wi Jicheon, Ryu-Yeon was lucky to make it to the final, Baramaji.

It was also something that I didn't do. A dog in front of a woman who loves her soul.

If you've been humiliated and now you can't make up for it, you'll be a thousand and a thousand years old.

How can you endure the shame that will haunt you?

So Ryu-yeon knew he was going to play in Samsung Muje, and his specialty was...

He threw away his sword and played this way. Wi Jicheon, at the time of the day.

You want to claim that what happened was obviously a mistake caused by a moment of neglect.

It was a shape, and it was only natural for Wi Jicheon to feel that way.

It's still questionable whether he had the strength to throw out the sword.

Ryu-Yeon gazes at Wi Jicheon with a strange gleam. Not for a while.

There's a rumor that you're inda, and you've been stuck somewhere, honing your skills.

I looked at it. Yeah, well, it's been a long time since I was a slut.

The momentum was different. I felt like I was dealing with a well-polished sword.

A pleasant smile spread around Ryu-yeon's mouth. Something I haven't done in a while.

It's an opponent. Do we have to remove the gold?

WI JICHEON smiles as he looks at the contrived non-yeon.

There it was, spiteful, frosty smile. That Ryu-yeon you are.

Either the stone and the field are different, or he's in the middle of the game before you even meet him.

If you grow up, if you're in a race, you won't be able to meet.

A. If we don't meet, a war of revenge can't be established. He himself, of course, continues to win.

I was confident that I would make it to the finals. Still, Ryu-Yeon's skills...

It was a natural worry for Wi Jicheon, who was looking askance.

At least Ryu-Yeon would dispel his worries in such a situation.

He came up to the final stage looking great. Now it's time for the bone-cutting pain.

It is time to show the performance of closing training that involved.

"The time has finally come to repay the disgrace of the day. Be prepared!"

Wi Jicheon exclaimed in a non-rosely voice. To shout out this one word.

Do it. How you've come!


But Ryu-Yeon, hearing his spiteful voice, was my east wind.

It was a casual repeat of the question.


Strong enough to make Ryu-Yeon's ears sound loud, more than five pages away.

It was the sound of teeth grinding. Wi Jicheon's eyes glowed blue. Ordinary people

It was a fierce look that was hard to see for a moment.

"I will return the disgrace I received that day dozens of times today!"

"If you're confident, you'll have to be the case."

Wi Jicheon, a mixture of livelihood and speculation, rising up in a lump.

Ryu-Yeon was relaxed even with something in front of her. This relaxed attitude.

On the contrary, Wi Jicheon's double-wickening up. I'm getting emotional in his chest.

I felt something.

"That's crazy!"

"It's just reality."I want to smite the twirling Ryu-Yeon.

The urge rose in Wi Jicheon's heart.

"I'll never let you say that again. For his sake.

You're going to have to disappear."

The blatant killing spewed out of Wi Jicheon's predecessor.

You can't see it in a bimoo competition like this.

It was a green light. His black blue sword, as if to sympathize with his life.

began to exhale

"That's a life-and-death situation. It's like a life-and-death situation."

Judges' labor and management watching the dark live of Wi Jicheon can also be worried.

The difference between the two seemed so great in their eyes.


"Wouldn't it be dangerous?"

The man who uttered the words anxiously is an iron-bloodless sword who is also a commissioner of the Sword and Marriage Agency.

It was Kang Ha-yoon who is worried about Ryu-yeon's safety.

Chunmu Samsung Mooje celebrates multiple times with casualties.

None of this could have happened. I don't know what it takes to do something like that kind of thing.

I had to.

"Shouldn't you stop it? Death penalty!"

An act of politeness in the presence of the leader of the Cheonjajo and a member of the Senate;

I spoke to him carefully. As expected, Wi Jicheon's body is in control.

It was the site where it sensed the livelihood and speculation spewing out without it. Niuna Gounadze

Of course, I'm worried about the safety of Ja-in Ryu-yeon as a teacher of Cheonjajo Dam.

It was a job.

Fan sword dragon Wi Jicheon is already listed as a lieutenant who used to be a mooyoung.

It was a child he knew very well. I don't know how much you've written.

Whether the troubled Ryu-Yeon could make it through was a rainbow. Actually, it's almost fire.

He had confirmed that it was possible.

"We haven't even started yet. What do you mean stop? No way."

Moon Il-gi, who was watching from the side, said labor and management.

"I can't believe he's spewing out that kind of life against a freshman.

Do you want me to do you want it?


Everyone couldn't have been more than happy to answer.Put your heads together.

I am beginning to reflect.

"Look over there!"

The door diary pointed a finger on the non-stage.

"Oh, that's great! What an achievement at that age!"

Just a bluish tibia sprouting from Wi Jicheon's sword.

There was. It was a threat to anyone could tell. The Mousabu watching.

For a moment, he forgot about his worries and expressed his satisfaction. I'm proud of you.

It was.

"He's going to do everything he can! It's not too late. Stop it.

Shouldn't we turn it on?"

Now that Wi Jicheon has even introduced his sword lecture, the match was bound to become more brutal.

If you're in the dark, you're going to have to give a young life to the sky.

It was nothing.

It may have to be stopped before further danger arises.

"No, the beam must continue! Let's move on! Just a pushover

Kiss me!"

It was Salinity who shouted out loud and blocked the middle policeman. Everyone's eyes.

It turned to the salinity. It was the first time that he presented his opinion in this competition. of

I'll take a look at the labor and management who look at themselves with a glaring eye.

The time scale said.

"You don't have to worry! We can't stop him after all this time.

Besides, if we stop the game like this, who's going to win?

You mean?"

"Of course he is..."

Kang Ha-yoon, who was about to say 'Wi Jicheon!' shut up. Yet FormalIt was before the clash with No matter how brightly Wi Jicheon wins their eyes.

Even if it is visible, it is impossible to define it recklessly. And the other side is easy.

I didn't think I'd accept it. Especially at that young age.

"Will Ryu-Yeon be able to get Wi Jicheon's sword right?


Now Kang Ha-yoon is worried about the safety of Ryu-yeon, who is also a dormitory student.

It's doing.

Salinity burst into laughter.

"Who are you talking about? You mean that Ryu-Yeon guy? He'll worry about it.

Nothing, he's the kind of guy who'll survive in any kind of extreme! Worried

Let's really continue the game."

There was a line missing from the top of the year.

"I wish I could make him die that much."

If he did, he would have been able to amputate with his hands before.

Why did you make such a useless promise that you shackled yourself to your neck?

When I think about that day, I wake up in the middle of the night.

"Please, lose, lose!"

In his view, Ryu-Yeon is not such a simple, miserable wreck.

He was also a man who defeated his ways in despicable ways. to lose

I couldn't think of it. If Ryu-Yeon acts like he's losing here, he's...

I guess that means you're weaker than this Wi Jicheon. It was a ridiculous story.

I couldn't say it out loud because I was in front of the heads of state or something, but the salinity...

Rather, I'm worried about Ryu-yeon, not that side, but the front and back.

It was on the side of Wi Jicheon, who was eager to live.

'What do you have to kill?'

There was no such thing as a solitude to pray for a moment.

"Then let's carry on the Sirab!"

Moon diary said.

"Let's do it—I hope heaven has no sense!"

Kang Ha-yoon looks like she's got silkworms on her head... maybe the same thing.

If you're from the Cheongseong faction, you'll be okay. Salinity is a bit of a doubt about Ha-yoon Kang's opinion.

It was an enemy, but I didn't argue because it was annoying.

"Then let's see what's going on and see."

Finally, Hyun Hak-jin gave permission to start the game.

"Let's go!"

The decision of the board of directors has been dropped. So the non-stage is back on Wi Jicheon.

It's become something only between Ryu-Yeon and me and Ryu-Yeon.

"I don't know...!"

Ryu-yeon smiles on the stage and greets the audience.

He shook the gon as if.

Whether or not Wi Jicheon spews soot or not, I don't want to go up in the air.

As soon as Ryu-Yeon started singing Na-Yerin, Wi Jicheon started singing,

I missed my chance to cut myself in.

Very rarely for Ryu-Yeon to wave in a direction that is awkwardness.

Na-Yerin, who became attached, was sitting with Lee Jin-seol, an old dog.

"Wow! Hey! He managed to guess where you are! older sister

Please wave your hand!"

Jinseol waved to Ryu-yeon first. Ryu-Yeon

They were waving their hands more excitedly as if they were responding to this.


"Jinsul, don't act rashly!"

It was an old order that gave Lee Jin-seol around. Lee Jin-seol's unexpected behavior.

Na-Yerin's face showed some agitation.

"He doesn't know how he feels."

She rarely came to see Ryu-Yeon's match after the first match.

I couldn't help but come today. Today's the day of the final, no matter what anyone says.

Because it is.

Honestly, I never imagined Ryu-Yeon would make it this far. On that day, it's you.I just spit it out because of the strange feeling. I think it's impossible.

I was expecting it. I think he's just making a mockery of private prosecution.

I was just trying to wake you up, but I didn't mean anything else. If she says so, it's okay.

I thought I'd apologize a little more. But that's what they said.

Look forward to it.

'And we've come all the way here. And without a scratch!'

I couldn't help but admit it. Indeed, what is latent in him?

Is there?

"Will we be able to win this time again?'

Even in Na-Yerin's eyes, Wi Jicheon looked like a different person. that

I believe he's the one who's been following them around for a while.

I was showing a dance that didn't. See how strong he's become.

I was showing it to you.

And about Ryu-Yeon, still, still can't read anything.

There wasn't, so I didn't even know I was embarrassed in front of him. that

I could only know one fact. It doesn't have to be the ability to be brave.

It wasn't meant to be this way.


That was the only thing she could know. I don't want to admit it.

I didn't, but...

"How dare you pretend to know?"

Wi Jicheon screamed. His face is full of changes.

Seeing Ryu-Yeon waving her hands to see if Lee Jin-seol hit it off.

Wi Jicheon couldn't help but twist his tummy. He's still in front of Na-Yerin.

I can't breathe, I can't share it properly, and I'm in front of my eyes.

Isn't the child unhesitatingly calling his idol and goddess?

Besides, one of her two closest friends waves her hand.

Me, I'm as if she's waving, laughing more and more jealous.

Burnt up. It seemed to be twice as thick as it was a while ago. Heat

Ryu-yeon, who was waving hard, stopped and smiled as he looked back at Wi Jicheon.

It was.

"You're not a low-class mixed-up, so you can afford to listen to one of my songs.

I'm sure there is."

If you interrupt my performance, you'll be nothing short of a low-class mutt.

It was Ryu-Yeon, who was gleaming and good. The sound of Wi Jicheon's stomach upset.

It couldn't help but be The five intestines and six intestines were trying to change seats.

"Huh! I'm not free enough to listen to such a cheap gig!"

"Wow! You're saying I'm scared of my gold. Aran, what a mishap.

Ryu-Yeon said in a sad tone.

"Who are you afraid of?"

Wi Jicheon shouted out loud.

"Otherwise, I can't afford to listen to one song.

Should I? I was a bit sad that I couldn't play it properly. Over there

There are people who protect us, shouldn't we show that much generosity?"

In fact, his silence during the Samsung Festival has never been a musical instrument.

I wasn't doing my part properly.Ryu-Yeon is not waiting for an answer.

He didn't flop on the floor and put a silence on his knee.

'Then let's get started.'

Ryu-yeon's hands stayed on Geumhyeon. And then it's like flying a string.

This moving silence began to play. First of all, what did he do?Wi Jicheon, who decided to see if he was distancing himself, was astounded by Ryu-Yeon's singing.

Da. I haven't noticed any sound yet. But the shock of Wi Jicheon...

It wasn't comparable to doing well in the music industry.

"This, this song..."

His hands were shaking unconsciously.

"No, this place is... "

It wasn't just Wi Jicheon who was surprised. I'm not surprised at all.

Lynn, even she looked surprised when she heard Ryu-Yeon's song. that

Lee Jin-seol, who saw it, said something without waiting.

"Wow! You're surprised, too! Sister, the concert room is better than he looks.

You have a great history. Isn't that a nice tune?"