Lightning Degree

Book 3 Chapter - 8

You have to look directly at the source of anxiety and fear that has been buried in a river forest for a hundred years.

A shadow of darkness that has always existed in the shady and shady places of the crowd. Against that

It is a mission given to you who entered the Cheonmu Academy to develop your strength to go out. "

There was even a sense of spleen in Ok's voice. Ok Hyunjin's calm and powerful...

The students were clearly nervous about the heated talk. Dry needles coming from all over the place.

Swallowing was adding to the tension in the classroom.

"If you keep crying, you'll be taken from a thousand spirits."

Any child of the Gang Homulim has ever heard of in his childhood.

The last resort used by a bunch of parents to soothe a crying child.

This is a lie that makes me stop crying.

There's a story. There are also statistics that show success rates through public opinion polls.

It was especially straightforward for children who understood words. Parents since that day a hundred years ago.

From what they say, Murim people have carved the horrors of the heavenly spirits into their bodies since childhood.

It was a place where I lived. Fear was as contagious as the Black Death.

Besides, because of the lack of shape, I've gained weight at some point, and it's inflated.

It was inflated and eventually became a completely unknown creature.

In the case of a thousand-year-old spirit, it was a hundred years ago, but there was a great deal of transmission.

Surviving experiences - so how old are you? - up to.

The fear has been brought to life even more vividly because of the circumstances. So the Heavenly Ghost is the most...

It's become a terrible, terrifying taboo, and they tend to be reluctant to even recall names.

There was a drinking party, a feast, or a gathering about a thousand ghosts and blood vessels.

To the extent that bringing it up was considered the most common and rude thing.

If you swear at each other in the name of a god of blood, you'll make a life-or-death decision on that day.You can count on paying. On that day, either side of the list of inhabitants of this world.

It's either a minus, or sometimes it's both a friendly name on the low-approval list.

There have been occasions. That's how much it doesn't even cost to an iron enemy.

It was the most vicious and frightening swearing ever.

From a long time ago, when the origin was unknown, Jeong-pa and Sa-pa were involved in blood.

There has been a series of antagonism. Blood gives birth to blood. Revenge gives birth to revenge.

In return for its production, numerous human lives were dedicated to the altar of heaven.

The blood flowing from the victims dedicated to the altar was bloodstained.

Everyone in the body prayed for one thing.

One absolute man suddenly appears, breaking the chain of constant chaos, chaos, and...

He wanted to unite the power struggling with pain.

The absolute man of unification, of course, had to come to his camp.

So the same thing we wanted, but the objectives were different, so we fought.

There was no sign of an end. And this constant war of nerves and struggles...

One unmanned man appeared in Gangho, who had repeatedly failed to gauge the direction of the match.

He was, in a word, an absolute man. He's in an absolute position only with his own power.

And then he stooped arrogantly at Kang-ho, one by one, to his feet.

He went on a fast track. At first, everyone - especially the Heukdo - was the only one - to be honest.

He's the only man since the beginning of the world who will end the conflict and unite the herd.

It was crazy here. Finally, he flattened the ugly white domes' noses.

They believed that they were able to take the lead.

But it turns out that such an idea is a huge illusion, and it's been a long time.

I didn't get caught. And how complacent they were about him.

It was also revealed. The price was horrendous. Known to be from Heukdo Island.

There was no evidence anywhere. - He has the power of leadership from heaven.

He muster his followers into a bloodbath.

Until then, even his origins have not been properly identified.

The violence and fighting terrorized the weakened crowd in an instant.

Even the power saved by the war of attrition has been almost squandered.

I had no choice but to suffer a painful humiliation. Safas were no exception.

That was a fatal miscalculation on the part of the Black Island. He says he's from the Sapa.

Only the Sapa side had the slightest bit of mercy to look up to.

Two-sided and always antagonizing and slandering each other.

The whole group was nothing but a cumbersome, cumbersome stone that stood in his way.

He punished the obstacles in front of him relentlessly, and Moorim...

Once again, it was washed with blood. His name is Blood Incarnate, which threatens the sky.

It was a heaven and a earth. It's clear whether he dreamed of a group of Murim from the beginning.

It's never been revealed, but he had absolute confidence in his military exploits.

He finally felt pathetic about the tedious confrontation of the black and white transfer.

It was decided to ride out the tedious situation. He won the entire world.

It was accomplished; it wasn't impossible with his ability at the time. He's a mythomaniac.

It had a powerful military capability that was at its peak. As always, in Moorim,

Millions of people flock to the river like dogs and form a web of power.

And the power grows in proportion to the master's airlessness.

They built up a mountain in a river forest and formed a sea of blood flowing down the river.The people of Gangho trembled with fear and despair, calling it the Heavenly Spirit.

Throughout the black-and-white shepherds, she's the god of heaven and earth.

There were no characters. With the beginning of its history, Moorim has one absolute man.

I've been dreaming, but the absolute being born is as cruel as the devil, as the ice crystals of the North Sea.

He was heartless, heartless, so simple that in the shortest time he could do the whole thing.

It was pushed into a pool of fear and blood.

The pack of affection and speculation was too lethargic to stand up to the absolute.

Gang-ho is not enough to be divided into Jeongyang-do, and Baekdo-rim is an ideology.

It was torn apart by profit, and that's what happened in the Black Sea.

It was the same, so it was no match. Divisive forces can pull out a lot of power.

As part of the Moorim Unification Project, I thought there was no such law.

It has begun to push ahead with the integration of black islands. He's not satisfied with his situation, and all the more.

He wanted to have a strong power. The invasion of the white island was postponed until after the integration of the black island.

Baekdo gained some time to take a breather, but it was too early to be relieved.

This break was nothing more than a preview of an even more dire and disastrous future.

If we bring the Blacks together and put them in our hands, we're not going to be able to do this.

It's just a mouthful to talk about the outcome. If he had a black island in his hand,

If integrated, a hundred provinces that have yet to unite one force will be disastrous at his feet.

What will be trampled on is predictable.

If we bring together the tremendous power of the Heukdo at a time when we can't stand it,

How do you deal with it? Everyone knew it was impossible.

So Baekdo came up with self-rescue measures to promote their own way of life.

So, finally, Baekdo put aside all the antagonism and suffocation that he has had, and under one flag,

Resolved to rally its powers and united as one. That's how you do it.

The Union General League, the Murim Alliance, was born.

This force, called the Jungcheon Blind, seemed plausible but had little substance.

It was formed in such a hurry that it's still organized, but it's not well-defined.

For the Murim alliance, which is nothing short of improvised, with its endless strength and fear, it was a dog's dinner.

It was too much to stop a playful flirtation of the united blood god Wei Chun-mu.

He's in the middle of integrating the black island, so sometimes he's forgettable.

I slightly touched 100 degrees. But Baekdo managed to pull together and unite his power.

Even after the formation, it was too much to accept a single prank of the blood vessel, Wei Chun-moo.

The critical issue was that the system was not yet properly established. A pavilion of thought is quick.

It is bound to collapse. However, the sky did not completely abandon the white island.

Heaven sent down one's composition as if to see. Of absolute fear and despair.

The composition of the group that stood against him as the pronoun, and the first in the world to appear like a comet.

Hyukwolin, the military commander of the Taegeuk New Army, and Paecheon, the composition of Heukdo Island, were also Musinma Gal Jung-hyuk.

The existence of these two could only be considered a gift from God to the crowd.

What cannot happen without the presence of God who values order and harmony.

If it were not for them, by now Moorim was under the control of the bloodless Wei Chen-mu.

It would have been floundering in a deeper abyss of despair and fear.

Hyukwolin, the military commander of the Taeguk New Army, pointed out all the political workers for less than ten seconds of his own.

And not the first to die in the face of the great military power of the blood-godly god.

He was a man who lived. In addition, he was able to make a good return from a proper blow.

Without him, Baekdo Kang-ho would have also been listed on the list of forces under his wing in the first place.Taegeuksin military military military military officer - who was later revered as a military official in Baekdo.- Hyukwolin's master of German martial arts.

It was called "Geongon Taegeuk Yinyang Ilwon Singi." It uses both yin and yang at the same time with absolute force.

It was the ultimate martial art that drew destructive power. Legend has it that the power of the spirit and the ice and the ice...

It was said to have been a ridiculous feat that could be used at the same time.

Also known as the "Taegeuk Cheonghong Spirit Ice Salt Ball," this was the name of the ice salt ball.

He was the only one who could face the martial arts of the blood god.

But even though he was the only one who could stand head-on against the bloodless martial arts,

It has yet to be said that he has inherited his legacy.

Even though he was young and not young and enjoyed the life of ordinary people.

Not leaving a successor remains one of the wonders of Murim.

True, in fact, he had been at large for the last 20 years. according to a rumor

He's lost because he doesn't have the talent to inherit his legacy.

The story was circulating in a credible. If the rumor is true,

Moorim will have no choice but to despair once again. His military exploits are in the stronghold.

It was because it was the only one who could deal with bloodless martial arts.

There's no sign that the attack has been saved, but it's more than that.

There was no story that it appeared in the strong lake. Therefore, the grade he left behind,

The theory that there will be arrangements has been circulated as a very strong fact.

I was in charge of inflating and helping daydreaming.

And another man who owns a tax saving technique that destroys the sky.

He's in the midst of being beaten by a coward.

He was the savior of Heukdo Island, which was about to take a step forward, and formed a counterpower.

Gal Jung-hyuk was later revered as a military official in Heukdo, with Hyuk Wolin, a military official in the Taegeuk New Army.

I added a ruler because it overlapped.

He brought together the power of the broken shithole of the black island.

That was the birth of the Black Sky Alliance, a coalition of the Black Sky Forest and a Daecheon Scared Organization.

On the verge of collapse, all the black islanders clung to the unique lifeline of Heukdo.

The more people stick to each other, the weaker the lifeline is.

There was a strange disposition to be stronger. And finally, a miracle happened.

Another one happened. It was literally a miracle. The absolute man, the cowardly man, the great man,

In spite of the incredible Mythological exploits and absolute charisma, the power of madness,

Violence and fear have simultaneously turned a blind eye to black-and-white transfers.

So he became a credit to Murim. But he's a man who designates and turns a blind eye to Murim'

That would be possible only if strength and ability were preconditioned No matter how hard you try to bully me,

Jukdo easily compensate for the force less than rice. And in the midst of the sword of blood,

Heukdo Island, which was going to be a mess, is downstream of Paecheon and Gal Joonghyuk.

But after the White Do, they formed the Black Sky Alliance, a coalition of the Black Do Zappa.

It began to attempt to systematically counter the existence of blood vessels.

Originally, Heukdo was a place where the people who valued profit were the mainstream.

Their union was more difficult and time consuming. But it takes a long time.

The blood and soul of this alliance, which was barely formed, could not be overlooked. Of course, the blood of course.

He went out in a fit of rage. It's where he came from, where he came from, where he came from, and what he did was blood.

Even though it was nothing but baptism of fear - against himself.

When he came out, he trembled with a terrible sense of betrayal. Of course, it's a little harsh.But he couldn't help feeling betrayed. His integration book is...

It was so tough and obstinate that even the Heukdo side was turned away.

And the miracle that happened was the union of the Jungcheon Blind and the Black Heaven Blind.

A long time spent in tension and confrontation under a common enemy.

It formed a common front. What no one in the history of politics could have predicted.

If it comes true in a dream, it'll be nothing but a stupid dream.

A joint front has been formed. Until then, there was one thing that no one had ever imagined.

It was realized by a joint assault.

It could be said to be a historic.

Baekdo's Moorim Blind (also known as Jeongcheon Blind) and Heukdo.

Formation of a united front of the Murim Blind.

The blood vessel has become isolated in a quandary. He and his shadow spirits.

I've hit a snag for a while. But for a moment, he's been through all this amnesty and...

He has not lost confidence and arrogance even in a quandary.

The Spiritual and the Black Heavenly will use their power as it is, until then, no one will be able to do so.

Plan and execute operations to surround and annihilate the den of the cowardly spirit that we dared not approach.

It was a desperate clash between the two sides that hit the drain.

At this point, it's worth feeling afraid of, but blood, blood, blood, without any fear.

It attempted to break head-on against both sides of the force.

The three forces clashed head-on and the results were surprising. Now we're together.

I thought it would be easier for us to be proud of ourselves.

Every single hundred degrees that I let go of were devastated, drinking the bitter cup of defeat in buckets.

I fell into a stupor. You haven't formed a coalition for a long time.

It was the result of overworking the power. It was a manifestation of the inexperience of organization management.

The black-and-white transfer was bound to be devastated, and the damage at the time was devastating.

More than 30 years and thousands of wagons, no matter how big the entire river is.

It was only possible to recover if the amount of money had been consumed. Besides, that's a huge amount of money.

The damage did not remove him. It was really the worst misfortune.

Black-and-white, simultaneous conspiracy, and even a cowardly attack on him...

Hyuk Wolin, the military commander of the Taegeuk New Army, who stopped him until the end because he failed to remove it.

Three years of rest after being fouled by a blow to the last of blood's soul.

I'm in a position to do it. He's the one who played against him.

Gal Choong-hyuk was even worse off. He had a fatal injury that required four years of rest.

It's what I wore it. Of course, not even a thousand men were safe. And his whereabouts...

It disappeared like a rock on the edge of a bay, like a grain of sand swallowed by the sea.

The fear and nightmare of the former Murim River without confirmation of life or death.

Wounded at the time of her disappearance, but apparently survived. It disappeared in the thick fog.

I couldn't have been comfortable with Kang Ho-in's bed and farewell. a full-fledged blow

I failed to achieve my ultimate goal of exterminating the blood god.

How can I go to bed with peace of mind.

If he goes into hiding, his original level of inviolability...

It's a terrible family if you get it back, but it's a family that's guaranteed to live over 200 years of age.

It was Murim Kang-ho's judgment that it was. When the pores are at a certain level, the fluid...

This was because he regained his youth and strength by turning his body around.

Even now, some ambassadors of Sorim's warlord are washing their face at 140 years old.

The eldest, Muryangjin-in, was nearly 150 years old when he washed his face. Plus, all 120 years old.

Not to mention old and crooked, but rather soft skin like a young man in his 20s.It had elastic muscles and high martial arts that could not measure depth.

It is the peak masters who have the power to calm down even the horrors of time.

Therefore, the flesh of the blood body, which reached the myth, has faded over time.

It was a selfish idea to hope for weakness.

Some of the current ambassadors and non-existent individuals, in their own power, are also responsible for the development of blood vessels at that time.

Who dares to be conceited, even though they say they can't guarantee victory.

Even Ok Hyun-jin himself now counts the age of 120 years old.

But still, he has a feeling of losing or losing to some young man.

There was no enemy, and there was no such thing as that. Still young enough to break his sword.

Talents were not coming out of the Samunist shamanism. So, at the time, the bloodthirsty...

He's 50 years old, so you'll never be relieved for at least 150 years.

It meant that there was no such thing. And there's a successor to him.

As the probability was high, Moorim could never be relieved.

Almost every forester had a severe one-off, even in the night with his wife after that day.

I started to suffer from premature ejaculation. Members from all over the country enjoyed a great boom.

This alarming symptom hit the whole forest like an epidemic.

There's a surge in the number of people who are shunned by both wives and spies, and they're serious.

Along with a decrease in appetite, he complained of insomnia and visited a lawmaker. Members from all over the country.

Patients with similar or identical symptoms were very busy. Of course.

The red-light district at the time was surrounded by mass premature ejaculation and depression.

It was time to close the door. At least the pub is filled with desperation or drunkenness.

Thanks to the stupid challengers trying to get rid of the unrest, business went well, but the gisaengs...

The day-to-day bed-to-day lenders have to scramble in a serious recession.

If you lie down, you'll find a bed of gravel, if you sit down, you'll find a cushion of thorns.

So that they can get rid of premature ejaculation and sleep comfortably as soon as possible.

I'm starting to take measures. And they finally came to one conclusion.

The conclusion of the fight against the Scary Spirit is that it is ultimately a match for his existence.

The existence of an absolute master was far short. It was the need for outstanding talent.

If Hyukwolin and Heukdo's Paecheon had not been for Gal Joonghyuk, what would it be?

What happened to Kang Ho? Just imagining it gives me goose bumps all over my body.

It couldn't help but work. This worry is usually confined to the Murim people.

The only man who survived by sharing his hands with him, the warrior Hyukwolin.

Pacheon was even more desperate for Gal Jung-hyuk.

Measures were needed. The traditions of the god Wichenmu, and his shadow, the spirit of heaven,

The need to build a force that won't fall apart at the same time.

So Hyukwolin, the military commander of the Taegeuk New Army, has been helping himself.

With the help of thousands of Samsung, the most powerful men in the world at the time of the Great Battle against the Heavenly Ghost,

The establishment of Murim Muhak General Educational Institution was established.

That is the very beginning of the Chunmu Academy.

The purpose of the establishment of Cheonmu Academy.

"Wait, I have a question."

"What is it?"

It was Ryu-Yeon who raised his hand. Is the sun ever rising from the west?

"Who the hell is Cheonmu Samsung?"

"Laughing out loud!"

Hyorong and Changhong, sitting next to each other, were devastated and deeply ashamed.

I covered my face with one hand. Please, let's not have anything to do with Ryu-Yeon.

I hope you think of it.

"What's your name?"

"It's Ryu-Yeon."

He spoke with confidence. After hearing Ryu-Yeon's name, Ok Hyun-jin solidified his face.


"I sincerely hope your question is a light joke."Ok Hyun-jin asked in a calm tone. Why wouldn't you do that? This feeling of his heart...

It's understandable.

"May I ask why?"

"Of course, one of my disciples was in the stronghold, except for Hyuk Wolin, the military commander of the Taegeuk New Army.

A serious common sense deficient who doesn't even know the names of the three most famous absolute masters.

Because I don't want to admit the truth."

He used to be an infinitely gentle and gracious character, but today he's done it.

It was a very difficult shape to maintain.

"If so, I'm sorry."

Ryu-Yeon apologised in a mild way.

"What do you mean?"

"I really don't know."

Until Ryu-Yeon just heard Ok Hyunjin's story, Cheonmu Samsung was...

Let alone the military Hyukwollin, the Paecheon, the Gal Joonghyuk, and ultimately the Heavenly Spirit.

It was a good thing you didn't say you didn't even know.

If it's known, no matter how nice Ok Hyunjin is,

Because I might have fainted. But because of his outstanding personality,

It was faster than anyone else to pull yourself together. Soon Ok Hyunjin will be back to normal.

I was able to return to being a benevolent and gentle old master.

"Of course, if I tell you here, you'll find out easily. but

In my personal opinion, your common sense of overpowering is far from sufficient.

I feel like I'm not good enough."

This is not just Ok Hyunjin's opinion, but it includes Hyorong and Changhong.

It had to be considered the opinion of all the students in the classroom.

"So you need to learn common sense about the crowd.

If this happens again in another place, it's not gonna be long enough.

It could be a disgrace to our genius. That's not a good thing to see.

I don't think so."

I desperately wanted to stop it.

"You're right."

Inaudibly for Ryu-yeon, Changhong and Hyorong muttered at the same time.

Ok Hyunjin said what they wanted to say but couldn't.

I was relieved. Changhong decided to double admire Ok Hyunjin in the future.

" So you're gonna have to wait until the next hour to see the next hundred years of Cheonmu Samsung and the next hundred years of taxpayers' money.

Find out about the history of the river. Homework."

Ok Hyun-jin declared in a dignified voice. It's given to Ryu-Yeon individuals.

It was homework.

"Do you understand?"


Ryu-Yeon replied reluctantly. You said you don't know what you don't know.

Am I the only one who should be punished for being guilty? Thinking of doing homework.

It was Ryu-Yeon. I'll find someone to do my homework for me. Who do you think would be good?'

There was no sign of remorse. I was not motivated at all. Why did Ok Hyunjin tell him?

He didn't seem to care at all if he gave this homework.

First of all, the man on the list is a man on the list.

On the other hand, Changhong, who was in his thirties, was the owner of a much-over-the-top appearance.

He was qualified for this kind of job, as he knew a lot about his uncle-like appearance.


"Oh, my God.

Changhong suddenly had to feel a chill all over his body for no reason.

I looked around for a moment and looked for strange things. Chills for no reason.

But he didn't know dream was responsible for Ryu-Yeon.

"Then I'll continue the story."

So the story of Ok Hyun-jin, who was interrupted by Ryu-yeon, continued again.

As I said earlier, the military man Hyuk Wolin and Pashendo Gal Joong-hyuk fought a fierce battle with him.

One lesson I learned from you is that it is necessary to cultivate talent.

I felt the pain and established an institution. That's how it came about.

It was the skyscraper of Heukdo and Cheonmuhakgwan of Baekdo. More professional and vast.

Training of absolute masters established for the research and development of Muhak and the development of human resources;It was institutions that needed absolute masters, not pinnacles.

There were many masters at the time, but there was absolutely nothing to call an absolute master.

It was not enough.

Only select descriptions with the best talent, skills, and potential are absolute masters.

I was admitted to this place with the aim of being born.

So, after 50 years, Cheonmu Hakgwan and Machungak are the two most absolute of all.

Being there under the support and patronage alone is well recognized in the strong.

It has grown so much that it is an opportunity. Now, in these two places,

What goes in is the ultimate in black and white post-transfer indices and young people.

It was targeted and fueled the competitiveness of young talent.

Of course, it also causes many evils of too much competitiveness and sense of entitlement.

However, compared to the two positive functions, it was only a small amount.

The effect of the Muhak development on these two competing in a devastated crowd is indeed...

Because it was a huge thing. The lesson of the Heavenly Ghosts is that white and black islands...

Ending the long-standing confrontation and antagonism and ending the truce.

The two were completely involved in water, oil, dogs and monkeys.

It was not yet possible to mix into one. The provisional cease-fire alone...

It was a great development. Cheonmuhakgwan and Macheongak were established in the blood of each other.

He said, "Let's foster a second atheism in preparation." And even though you're blood,

I've failed to destroy him, but he's also a man worthy of admiration.

We agreed that we were fully qualified. No one would object to that.

And they don't want to leave the black and white confrontation behind.

He promised to have a friendly once every five years to find out how to foster.

And designate the venue as a volcano, and the competition as a volcano protocol.

The competition is divided into several disciplines of martial arts, each professional.

You are entitled to a field of confidence. That is, black swords, do.

Axel, side by side, same weapon, same martial arts, different disciplines.

It's about deciding who will win.

And finally, we're going to go through an all-out, no-holds-barred, no-holds

But every time the evaluation method changes, so until the day of the competition.

No one could figure out the content.

Winners will be given huge prize money, positions and privileges.

All kinds of rich and noble films are concentrated in one body. First of all, it's important.

What's great is that we're co-authors of famous quaint directors, and we're going to do

They say that they are given the privilege of learning.

For example, it could be like a joint Old-fashioned war.

What an amazing suggestion this is. Of course, the seasons I learned at this time of year were when I was new.

To others, even if it's between parents and children, unless it's invented by martial arts.