Lightning Degree

Book 13 Chapter - 8

The walls had pride, and they were so focused and persistent.

An absurd mishap, such as a hole in one's eye.

It didn't happen.

Those who come to the wall have been silent for a long time.

I only looked at the traces silently.


The heavy sound burst out of everyone's mouths at the same time.

The silence was broken by the voice.

"What do you think? Is it worth a look?"

The sudden ringing of the voice in their ears made people think that the source of the voice is...

I looked around for it.

"Here it is, here it is!"

At first, I thought it was just a black stone rising next to a black wall.

But it's amazing that the stone doesn't move and talk.

What's even more surprising is that the closer you look at it, the more beard you get, the more you get.

It's hard to tell, but it also has eyes, nose and mouth."Oh, oh, oh, my God!

Isn't this the legendary talking face of the earth.

There might have been people, but it might be human to do that.

There were a lot of suspicions.

"Oh, the rock is talking like a horse."

Salinity spoke in wonder, the answer quickly returned.

"Are your eyes decorated?He's a man, a man!"

It certainly seemed to be the case.

The old man, who can't guess his age, is dressed in black, with black hair and a wash.

The beard was as random as the weeds by the grave. So first face-to-face.

It was hard to readily believe that he was a terrestrial. I've never been groomed in a hundred years.

You think, don't you? was like a human being.

Mossy weeds swirling around his body, a rock at first.

It was not unreasonable to know that.

"Mr. Roh..."

Salinity asked carefully. He was thinking of a case of end-of-life.

This old man's status would not normally have been the case.

"Nice to meet you, redhead friend! Nobu is the tester of this second gate.


'As expected!'

The guess was right.

"Let's see how strong the ingredients are."

An old man who was sitting on the ground like a rock rooted in the ground.

I woke up—the old man was very tall and tall. At first glance, salt

I thought it would be bigger than the province.


At that moment, the salinity is like hundreds of intangible pottery eggs in his body.

He quickly backed away, frightened by the feeling. I was so embarrassed that I was in such a hurry.It was hard to get a new model properly because I stepped down. Scattered monster

The way the old man looks at the salinity has changed a little.

"Huh? Red-haired friend, bloody hair.

You're pretty good for a nin! That's pretty good. React to my life, my sword.

Trying to get out of the gap."

The old man looked very funny. But the salinity will never fail to pay the compliment.

I couldn't take it well.

The old man's eyes turned to the waist of the salinity. The old man, of course, is a pain in salinity.

He was not pervert or corrupt enough to be interested in his radish waist.that

A prayer of salinity with only a low-waisted, unique spirit.

It was redness.

"Good road!"

"It's my alter ego."

"But I've seen it before..."

Soon the old man's slow face brightened up. The play of aging and dementia.

He seems to have succeeded in remembering and blessed.

"Well, you did, redhead! You were his student!"

Why do so many people know who they are these days?

Even the bingo watching from the sidelines feels bad about it.

The same was true of chi. I can't stop thinking about your appointment.

It wasn't comfortable.

What is this old man?'

"What is Mr. Roh's name?"

Salinity asked politely again. His family has established a family in terms of provincial law.

Even the flag was far short compared to this old man.

"That burning dog-eat-dog has been pushed back in momentum!'

A man lived a long time and was a thing to see.

Because of that, I felt like I was worried about salinity.

I couldn't guarantee the soongbe in the lily. He's been mad for a while.

I've tried to break the intangible pottery emitted from the entire human body.

It was all in vain.


Not only the salinity I heard right under my nose, but the eyes of all the delegates were wide open.

Da. The old man's name was a familiar name.

Salinity cried out in a wandering voice.

"Seo, is that the work of an apprentice?

His sign of cutting a cliff in half with a knife.

Just by looking at it, you'll see how scary and brilliant he is.

"Oh, my God..."

Immune to the shock caused by passing through the first gate and the unofficial end of the disease.

He would have stabbed me where he was lying.

After the first hurdle, I swear that I wouldn't be surprised if anyone came out.

One day it became a piece of toilet paper.

Apprentice Yong-kyung! He was one of the few people Salinity admired.

"I heard he's been missing since the taxpayers' money."

The disappearance at the time was already dead, but unfortunately the body was not recovered.

It was the same story as that.A man who went missing during the era of blood and death.

As much as I feel complacent that I'm eating and living well and living well,

The situation in was not peaceful.

Apparently the reaction was as expected, the apprentice's dry mouth crumbles.

He had a standing complaint.

"What's wrong with you, don't you think it's this ugly look?"

His right sleeve fluttered in the wind from the shoulder down. the whole world

Two legs of the greatest success.The right hand of the world's best passenger. What is it now?

The delegates were well aware of the implications.


A dry needle went down the delegation's Adam's apple, but it was thirst-inducing.

I can't turn it on.

But the apprentices who misunderstood their ginzo appearance must be them.

He seems to have thought that he was not believing in his identity."As expected, apprenticeship is a matter of course."


Suddenly, the old man's left hand is deep next to the gravel cushion he was sitting on.

And a club that can only be thought of as an elongated ball of earth.

It's got withered weeds all over it and everywhere.

The larynx from the dirt bat, which is riddled with unknown weeds.

The 'dirt' sand fell with a sound of rain.

"What is it?"

I couldn't guess. Unpredictable behavior of an old man, they just...

I just stared blankly at him.

Boom boom!

A hundred years ago, he was a very famous man who no one knew him.

The old man, who declared his conscience, swung a club of dirt with one left hand, a solid stone.

I hit a lump.

Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!

Every time a brown earth club hits a gray rock. Uss, with a hard ball of dirt.

Moss, grass fell down.

"Huh? Not yet?"

Boom! Boom!

It's not until the old man hits the club a couple more times that people breathe.

I was able to identify the identity of the target. Hard as a chick that breaks and hatches eggs.

The mud that's surrounded?What came out was surprisingly a sack of doe.

Apprentice dragon, judging from its wide body and distinctive dragon-shaped handle.

The mourning of respect was clear in Yongcheon Island.

It's been 100 years since he was famous for cutting iron like tofu.

Now that I've come this far, I don't know if I'll ever pay for a junkie.

It was so black as to be woeful.

That's what Mingluo said. For years, or decades, he's been buried in the dirt.

It seems that it is useful to maintain its form.

'You've managed to rot.

It's supposed to be fine if the mane's already worn out.

I've managed to withstand such a shock. If it's wood sheath, I'll...

Such recklessness could not have been possible. I'm sure you'll beat Han-cheol on the anvil.

It must have been made.

"Now it's worth a look."

But it was an ignorant rough-cut, and it was still a once-in-a-lifter with dirt.

Evidence remained that it was part of the land.

"Well, I'm afraid that's enough!"

Then, he smiled while looking back at the delegations.


Until then, the delegation didn't recognize the old man's intentions.



The sound of a small drum rang out.


At that moment, as if he was on beat, Yoon Junho grabbed the tummy and hit the waist.

Folded in half.

Like, "Tsk, tsk! Tsksksk"? You can't miss it!"


Again, the storage defect in the Doge's left hand at an invisible rate.

It moved.


The sound that echoes again.

This time it was Baek Muyong. He's got a history. He's been alert.

It's an inevitable thing.Tears poked up in his eyes.

"Oh, my God, oh, my God?But if you can't avoid it, you're dead!"

The old man shook his head as if he were pathetic. It's a sign of disappointment.

It didn't seem to be fun yet at this much.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, what would you use if your friends didn't have such a strong hand? Some

Make this old man more pleasant!"


Again, his sword moved swiftly through the wind with a sheath.


This time, there was a sound of metal instead of drumming.

Mo Yong-hwi is wearing a sword around his waist that flies to him.

He lifted up and blocked it, and stepped back to the ground to encourage the reaction.


Perhaps because it was the first reaction, the old man seemed to be more and more interested."Then where?"

Shook! The slit that moves like a snake again.



The one who made the cut, the one who pressed it with a search to stop it.

Both sides also remained deadlocked and motionless.

Mo Yong-hwi pulls down his sheath with a left hand-held inspection.

I was pressing it. Nor did it bounce back.

His trembling feet are half a step back from where they were.

I was there.

"Oh, my God!"

Now it's a bit of fun, I suppose.

Hidden under the old man's shaggy hair and thick, bandit-like eyebrows.

There was mischief in my eyes.

"Let's see what we can do."

Of the two swords in the standoff, he's using only the force of his own.

It was a little push. It was a small move, but it was a powerful move.

After recruitment, he was pressing the force that was coming toward him.

The search was pulled back flexibly and dropped. If you resist at this point, you'll be yourself.

He could have lost his sword or lost his vantage point.

This time, the old man cuts slightly.

If you're going to fall back, you'll lose your bondage and you'll barely make it.

The broken blockade became useless and the opponent's sword was free.

If I missed the current blockade, I honestly wasn't confident in blocking the next one.

This time, too, he doesn't want to go against it, he adapts to the direction of power.

It moved forward.

Twice a day!'

Apprentice seemed to find this very interesting.

Then where are you?

This time, the knife was rotated to the left using wrist force. Whirlpool

Like Tong Nan-moo, Mo Yong-hwi's sword was caught in the rotation.