Lightning Degree

Book 13 Chapter - 1

Once every three hundred years, the phoenix is in the flames.

Throw yourself into the ashes. You say you're reborn?

The phoenix of eternal life. And so is the creed of the flame.

The current river is too old!

Now I'll bring you back to life in the flame of regeneration.

The old past is left here in the gray ashes.

A new history is born in the dawn of dawn.

Now all the past stories will end here.

A new story will begin!

Rhineload 비


an unfinished story

Jump over!!!

hot friendship

Muring's blindness

Twice? The gateway.

Twice as an apprentice? verbal evidence

Three times? The gate!

A story I don't want to hear!

The correlation between distance and skill.

A dungeon!

a big welcome

Reunion with the sword horse

Boring silver egg


Long night

Where's the silver egg?

Finding your whereabouts

a bad dream

Hyorong's Awakening

a double-edged sword

Ryu-Yeon and his party have a meeting.

an unfinished story

-Continued story

The story of the end is not over yet.

It's not an exaggeration to say that it's the whole thing, but it's a great fear of heaven.

When the ploy to extinguish it was unanimously approved by the Joint Council of Governors.

Kang-ho began to get busy.

Once approved, the scheme no longer tolerated failure. At that time, Gal Joong-hyuk of Paecheon-do and Hyuk Wol-in of the Taegeuk New Army were not showing up yet.

Large numbers of people were concentrated to the extent that they were overcrowded in one place.

Soon a trap-breaking operation was launched to stop him. in the current river

No existing trachea can come back to haunt him.

The sad fact has already been revealed in exchange for painful sacrifices and pain.

So it's bound to be a trap that uses people, or makes up the state.

Master of engineering at the time, Cheon Gi Jang-jang-dobyeah.

A hundred-eight-year-old ghost with the heart of a man.

Even the most powerful trachea and the most disillusioned.

He paid only a scratch in return for the play, and it rained without a fatality.

It was destroyed in a laughable way. After the incident, yourself.

Desperate for the limitations of one's skills and abilities, the Heavenly Wall Gables are dead.

The hammer and chisel, which were like tools, in the hands of a steady tremor.

I couldn't hold it again. And that's enough to stop him in the powerhouse at the time, Hee.

There is no longer any engineering technology that could have possessed the net.

It meant that.

Sacrifice was somehow inevitable and everyone was prepared for it.

It's so obvious that we want to break a miraculous situation without any sacrifice.

It was neither predictable nor unrealistic. a mind that revampes one's bones

Even if you make countless sacrifices in return for them, the castle.

Everyone was well aware of the slim chance of hitting the ball. So what?

Three gates have been completed in the saliv. The people at this customs gate are trying to get their hands on it.

It was called 'Mokgyeopsal Samgwan' with Balma and hope.

A bunch of books written by dozens of writers racking their brains.

He headed for the main camp of the coward. It was a challenge and a gambling house.

How many people's blood, sweat, and hard work are dissolved in this barrel of letters.

I couldn't dare to measure whether it had seeped in. The opening of Moorim

Since then, black-and-white and political affairs have been united, regardless of their affiliation, ideology and thought.It was probably my first time at work.

And... the day of destiny dawned, with nervousness dominating the people.

The place that fate chose is called Jungwon Oak, a painting called Seoak.

Nakanbong Peak was located in the south of the five peaks of the mountain.

Hundreds of people gathered in the volcanic waves from the top of the jungle.

I waited for him, fretting in burning thirst and impatience. And...

As promised, 'he' has come.

All the men who were briefed were ashamed and insulted.

I had to blush my oysters. They don't care about themselves, or...

Maybe it's just the size of a toenail, but he doesn't have a single attendant.

He appeared as a short figure.

It was Nobu who was in charge of the first gate.

This unofficial self-assertion of Jong-Gyueh-Ha, with the delegation of Cheonmu Hakgwan,

He raised it to the real world at once. But no one's talking.

All the stories that are coming out of Jong-Hae's mouth right now are here.

No one has ever heard of it. Even the bingo and the salinity.

Jong-Gwa, who has shaky eyes, continued the story. Paddle

Yin remembered him? as vividly as he did last night.

"Actually, I volunteered.To be honest, I wasn't confident when it came to force.

He believed he was second to none at the speed of ten thousand shots.

It's... it'sorry.Whoo... "

A deep sigh of strange shadows flowed from the old man's wrinkled lips.

Jong-Gwae continued to talk.

"It wasn't a mission with a very high chance of survival. But I'm him? Still Blood

I couldn't tell the difference because I was old enough. Some kind of desire for fame.

Of course, he was afraid enough of the name, but before that,

Like I said, I was proud of my two quick legs.Tooth

Two legs, no matter how many "he" he may have, he'll never catch up.

No matter how hard his military might be, I'm the strongest.

Goda' was a ridiculous idea, but he did.

There was."

"So, in short and simple terms, you can't catch the back of your head.

You had the confidence to run fast!"

At the moment, the eyes of the crowd turned to one place in unison. In this stark summary,

The author was Ryu-Yeon.

Blame him here and there from people who don't know him well.

RYU-YEON went overboard with calmness.

He was even confident.

It wasn't just him.

"Huh? Did I say anything wrong? Or you're just as right as anyone else.

Do I have to do it while looking around?"

Ryu-Yeon was rather unintelligible about the behavior of others.

The Red Phoenix and his friends, who were chronic and immune to him.

And you've gone away, but the rest of them can't.

There was no.

People fret about Ryu-Yeon's thoughtless rudeness.

And when you're embarrassed, one side of you can clear the mess you'

A cool laugh burst out. Smiling and refreshing.

This was the end of the day.

"Hahahaha!That's a nice little guy to talk to. What you're saying is...

You're right! You're right! He's right, but he's like a coward.

You don't have to.Of course not!"

Only Ryu-Yeon shrugged when everyone was dumbfounded by Jong-Geui's blush.

See, there's nothing wrong with that! But what's the fuss?He seemed to say that.

After a long laugh, Jong-Gae laughed at the tableware, which had been deposited at the bottom of his chest.

I'm gonna tell you how much I've escaped through the notes in a slightly brighter voice.


"But at the time, I was really confident that I could run away. At that time, he was...

No one was fast enough to follow Nobu's shadow.

That's why people tell Nobu that he flies in the sky and plays bright with clouds.

They gave me the nickname "unofficial luck" in beauty. The nickname is Nobu's

It was pride and honor. But the "unfair" label is useless.

It didn't take long to realize it was a false name!"

Before he knew it, his presbyopia was wrapped up with the remnants of laughter disappearing into thin air.

The crab was hardened. Why the grim curtain, which had been receded for a while by the breezy breeze, again.

I cast a shadow over the old man's face.

A hundred years have passed by, but still carved in his retina.

Fear is indelible in the sandstorm of time and oblivion.

It remained glaring.

The old man could never forget the wind of the day, the sky as red as blood.

A hundred years ago!

He looked very comfortable.

Take a leisurely walk on a vast plain in front of Nakan Peak.

The fearless spirit of heaven and the nation's existence.

A hundred and eight leaders of the coalition, showing tensions that seem to be at war.

It was a very contrasting figure.

No one brought an entourage for secrecy. This kind of thing.

The fewer people you know, the better.

It was a one-on-one-hundred-eight encounter with a hundred distance between them, but fear and anxiety.

It was not one person who trembled, but a hundred and eight human clusters.

No one has the courage to look him in the eye.

No, he's pretending to look at his nose or mouth.

It was rather cute to be. Some of them are just plain and nothing.

The dry ground that doesn't, or the rocks that roll in the dust,

Or he was eyeing an unnamed tree in the back.

Ambassador Hyewon, who was elected as the representative of Shaolin Temple, is very strong.

He came forward with a large box that looked hard. And then a word

I opened the box in front of him without a hemisphere. The whole box is made of one iron.

It looked so strong that it could not be broken by any impact. in a box

There were as many as eighteen locks. Plus, everyone's gonna make a trigger.

It looked big and strong as if it were young. In the meantime, how strict is this box?

It clearly shows whether it was placed in the . And just in case.

I can't guarantee whether it's useful or not, but it's a group of volcanoes and shamans.

The speaker walked out together in an arc.

A tightly sealed iron box opened and his gaze was directed into it.

When the authenticity of the contents was confirmed, he nodded.

"Let's go straight to the branch!"

Short but firm declaration! It's like a confirmation of a set future.

Joe, there was a low, eerie voice coming out of YouTube.

"A-mi-ta-bul!Well, I'm not gonna let that happen!"

Stuck like a leech, wriggling shadow of darkness with anguish.

Ambassador Hyewon, who managed to be courageous by memorizing her dislike as if she was being chased, replied,

It took a lot of heart and soul to say this short word. That's how much the prize is.The pressure of the price was great.

Fortunately, he shows sudden malice and steals the box in question.

The shaman, the volcano's two long writers, return to their company.

They've been glued to the sword and the sword for a long time.

The hand on the top?Couldn't make it. Still on their backs and arms?to

Goosebumps, like a spring grass, still calm down.

It didn't show any signs of becoming.

The one-iron box that came back was re-loaded with 18 locks, again.

Eighteen people divided the key. Of these, three locks, in particular, directly.

It was connected in one piece to the box. And

There's a secret detonator in a steel box that opens without a key.

There was supposed to be a cotton explosion, burning all the contents and melting them.

The black box containing the fate of the Gang-ho group is sealed tightly again.

He will be escorted to the top of Nakan Peak by dozens of leaders.

Perhaps it's more grand and colorful than it's ever been in the history of Murim.

There would have been no bait.

...and the promised noon.

He was standing still like an abandoned statue in a stagnant time.

It's finally starting to move.

"And finally, he was the first of Cheonmubong's three destructive crowns.

I ran into him in person in the days of ?. As a matter of fact, until then, rumors.

I've never been confronted in person, but I've only been deaf to it. You are

Do you think Nobu's actions at the time were courageous decisions?"

Nam Gung-sang was taken aback by the sudden question.

"Well, do you mean me?"

One is embarrassed when one is at a loss for words to answer.

Jong-gae nodded.

"The art of swordsmanship is considerable, sometimes indecisive, never-ending drugs to women.

And even if I have to confess, I hesitate, and I can't disobey my superiors.

I enjoy blindly following other people's decisions rather than making it alone.

You're the one who looks like you're going to die."

Deep down!