Life-Robbing Consort


As Xuanyuan Hongxi stared blankly for longer and longer, Gao Yuan was almost like an ant on a hot pan, not knowing what to do.

Just as Gao Yuan was about to remind him, Xuanyuan Hongxi finally came back to his senses. The first thing Xuanyuan Hongxi did when he regained his senses was to ask Gao Yuan, "Gao Yuan, what do you think I am doing to reward Yuhou?"

Gao Yuan's expression froze. How could he know? Even if he knew, he wouldn't dare to speak carelessly …

Gao Yuan smiled obsequiously. "Your Majesty, whatever you reward me with, it'll be a great honor for the Marquis."

Xuanyuan Hongxi's eyes instantly became cold. A sycophant, he spoke in a pleasant tone.

Gao Yuan did not pay any heed to Xuanyuan Hongxi's anger and continued to laugh shamelessly. He knew that Xuanyuan Hongxi was not really angry.

As expected, Xuanyuan Hongxi returned to his original appearance after a short while, "How about this, I'll make his eldest daughter, Tianwu Han, a good concubine."

When Gao Yuan heard that, he instantly understood. No wonder the emperor was in a daze the moment he came back. So he was thinking about women.

"Your majesty, the eldest daughter of the duke is gentle and charming, graceful and dignified. Naturally, being conferred the title of a good consort is the best."

Hearing Gao Yuan's agreement, the corners of Xuanyuan Hongxi's mouth couldn't help but slowly rise as he casually took out a brush and ink and began to personally draft out the decree.

The eldest daughter of the Tianshi clan was dignified and dignified. She was hereby conferred the title of Consort by me. She would enter the palace three days later and be conferred the title of Consort.

After pouring out the numbers, Xuanyuan Hongxi threw his brush and ink to the side and waved to Gao Yuan.

"Let's go and announce it at dawn."


Gao Yuan took the imperial edict respectfully and walked happily towards the main hall's entrance, thinking to go to the Hou Mansion as soon as the sun rose.

Just as Gao Yuan reached the entrance of the main hall, he was suddenly stopped by Xuanyuan Hongxi. "Wait."

Gao Yuan halted his steps and turned around. "Your Majesty …"

"Come back."

Xuanyuan Hongxi called Gao Yuan back. Gao Yuan walked back with a puzzled expression. Did the emperor change his mind? However, why would he change his mind when he made a woman his concubine?

Gao Yuan respectfully returned to Xuanyuan Hongxi's side and placed the imperial edict back on the jade table. "Your Majesty."

Xuanyuan Hongxi knew what Gao Yuan was thinking and shook his head for a moment. With an unfathomable expression, he said to Gao Yuan, "I didn't mean it that way. I wanted you to spread another edict."

Announcement again?

"Your majesty, proclaim what?"

"So he gave his daughter, Wanda, to be his wife, and ordered him to marry her in seven days' time."

"Ah?" Gao Yuan's eyes widened in shock.

Xuanyuan Hongxi's eyes instantly turned cold, "Ah what? At daybreak, announce the two Imperial decrees and have them draft a set of Imperial Advisors of the first rank to send to the Residence of Regent."

"This …"

Gao Yuan had a pained look on his face. Was the emperor joking? What sort of person was the Regent? How could his imperial concubine be the youngest daughter of the duke?

Yesterday, all of the civil and military officials' family members and maids had clearly witnessed how much of a joke it was for such a girl to be given to the regent as his consort!

Seeing that Gao Yuan had remained where he was, Xuanyuan Hongxi's gaze turned even colder, "What are you dawdling for, hurry up and go!"

Xuanyuan Hongxi was truly angered. How could he dare delay any longer? In a flash, he disappeared from the imperial study as if he had grown wings. As he ran, he replied, "Yes, yes, your servant will go right away."

After Gao Yuan's figure completely disappeared, Xuanyuan Hongxi coldly tapped the jade table a few times with the jade thumb ring. A trace of cold contempt flashed across his eyes.

"Xuanyuan Yun, so what if you are the late emperor's personal regent and have three death saving gold medals? We are the emperor, you will always be crouching at our feet, and even if it is a woman, you are only worthy to have what we choose."

Gao Yuan, who had jogged all the way to the center, was still shocked. He ran so far, and the emperor still hadn't called him over. This meant that the emperor had made up his mind to give that fool, Walue, the position of imperial concubine.

Gao Yuan could already imagine the consequences of this decree. It would probably shake the entire world to the core three times. When that happens, who knew what the Regent will do next?

The court official couldn't help but ask when he saw Gao Yuan's face.

"Eunuch Gao, what happened to you?"

Gao Yuan looked at the court official. What was wrong with that? They would suffer in a while. No matter what the imperial edict sent to the Residence of Regent said, he would not go.

Gao Yuan opened his face a little, cleared his throat, and said, "Nothing much, just write an imperial edict and send it to the Residence of Regent."

The court official quickly retrieved a pen and ink. "Eunuch Gao, please tell me what is your decree."

Gao Yuan let out a long breath before slowly recounting, "Today, His Majesty has seen that the Regent has worked very hard and has not had the time to choose a main wife for many years. His Majesty has specially come to look after them and bestow upon them the title of imperial concubine."

The courtiers and officials continued writing the imperial edict word for word. At the beginning, they had not realized who it was, but when they remembered who it was, their eyes went wide.


"You Lanyi!"

"Eunuch Gao, did you get it wrong?"

The wrinkles that had just dispersed on Gao Yuan's face gathered together again. "Don't ask me, I'm not mistaken. You should be asking up there."

Gao Yuan pointed at the sky.

"Your majesty!"

It's not just the emperor, but the emperor himself personally said the decree. Besides, who else would dare to do such a thing other than the emperor?

"No, this Lan Yi is the daughter of a servant."

"Yeah, and she's a fool."

"That's right, how can such a person be a regent and an imperial concubine? He doesn't even have the right to be a side concubine."



All the court officials started talking among themselves.

Gao Yuan took advantage of the chaos to leave immediately. It was almost dawn, and he was going to the Hou Mansion to announce his decision. As for who the Regent's Mansion wanted to go to, he would not go.

Just as she was about to fall asleep, Xiao Lan received the news that she would leave Hou Mansion tomorrow morning and never return.

The imperial bodyguard had thought that the third lady would burst into tears upon hearing this. After all, it was impossible for a powerless woman to survive being chased out of Hou Mansion.

However, no one would have thought that after hearing this news, "Canglan Yi" actually laughed happily. After laughing, he continued to sleep with a contented expression on his face.

The guards immediately felt that their brains weren't enough. They stood on the spot and looked at each other. Could this Third Miss really be a fool? She was about to be chased out of Hou Mansion, how could she still laugh!

But then again, if Third Miss was a fool, why didn't she see it in the past few days? Could it be that she had become a fool recently?

Everyone's heads were filled with question marks that drifted over in groups. The main character, who had caused so much confusion for everyone, had already fallen into a sweet dream.