Leveling Up My Husband to the Max

CH 9

Amber understood his expression very well. It was the expression of someone who wasn’t going to accept any objection to his decision.

She let out a light sigh. There were many things that she could say to him.

First, the scale of the monster wave in question wasn’t so big as to need Kalix to personally accompany the knights. From what Amber remembered, it was a much smaller wave than the norm, and the monsters themselves were guarded and hadn’t even approached the village.

There was also the importance of the Duke’s presence in the management of the territory. It was obvious that every time the Duke left his position vacant after their marriage, the castle would end up in a complete mess.

And that was exactly what happened in Amber’s previous life.

Bella went wild, doing whatever she pleased.

Before Kalix returned to the castle, she would ensure that Amber couldn’t lift a finger from her position. She’d then claim to be acting in the lady’s stead and acted unreasonably as much as she pleased.

One such instance was when Bella stole Amber’s dowry and set up a business without a word to Amber. Though she said she was investing in the luxury items industry for the development of the Eastern Lands, she spent everything and even racked up a giant debt.

‘I’ll have to find my dowry money again as well.’

Since it was stolen as soon as she arrived, she would have to make sure to negotiate.

‘For all of this to work, I need my husband.’

The road was long and treacherous for a woman who had been neglected by her husband after her arrival to be properly recognized for her position in the household.

“If it was something so important, you should have delayed the marriage.”

Everyone was shocked at the unexpected determination and will of the unrelenting Amber.

Kalix’s forehead furrowed as he frowned. Amber readied herself for a difficult argument, but then.

“The madam is correct. Though I understand being worried about the first subjugation after succeeding the Dukedom, isn’t it more important for the Duke to manage the problems within the territories first?

Surprisingly, there was a knight who sided with Amber. It was a young knight with exquisite-looking blonde hair. By the color of his armor suit, it seemed like he was in quite a high position amongst the order of the knights.

‘I don’t recognize him from my memories. Perhaps he retired early or died… It would be one or the other.’ Amber made sure to remember the knight’s face.

Kalix’s cold glare shot toward the blonde-haired knight and the knight lowered his head with a frightened expression.

It hadn’t even been a month since Kalix became the Duke. Surprisingly enough, despite the lack of time, he had already ensured the respect of all the knights.

“All of you, outside.”

At Kalix’s order, the knights quickly filed out of the drill hall and into the castle.

“My wife, come over here.”

She wondered if they were going to just stand there and talk, but Kalix brought Amber to a small barrack connected to the drill hall. The barrack, which was made to house around thirty people, was lined with armor that was equally old and inferior.

With experienced movements, Kalix brought out a candle from a cabinet. As he lit the wick, a faint light and smoke appeared at the same time. The smoke was due to the lack of quality in the candle.

Amber and Kalix sat facing each other at a table with the candle set down in the middle.

Kalix’s eyes glistened with mysterious colors as they reflected the wavering candlelight. Amber’s eyes also glowed with an even stronger shade of orange.

After a moment of silence, Kalix asked, “What do you mean by ‘don’t go’?”

“Just as I said. I wish for you to stay by my side.”

“By your side…” Even in the dim lighting, Amber could tell that Kalix’s eyes looked stunned for a moment. “My wife, I…”

“Please don’t take my words as simply the whining of a newlywed wife or anything as trivial as that.” Amber cut off Kalix’s words with a determined and cold tone of voice. It was obvious what he was thinking, after all.