Level 1 Strongest Sage ~ Cursed to Be Able to Use Only the Lowest Level of Magic, but Because of the God's Miscalculation I Got Infinite Magic and Became the Strongest ~

18 First match

It was a day against seventh graders.

We\'re in the arena in the school.

Rifa, who came to the match first hand, is roaming on the fighting bench.

I can\'t help it.

Because in a one-on-one match, he defeated all five of his opponents in seventh grade with one (...) shot (...).

─ ─ Why did this happen?

Time goes back, and before the match started, we got tangled up by the other seventh graders, like we promised.

"Why would a freshman have a classroom on a one-kno wall?

"You\'re my parents\' connections anyway, surrender before it hurts"

"Isn\'t this guy pretty cute? You don\'t have to surrender because I\'m gonna play you."

"So is that, shall I play for you? Fuhihihihihihi"

All I wanted to be told was that.

I see magic, so I checked the seventh grade magic, but they weren\'t all that magical.

The least amount of magic in our class is Luna, but the seventh graders only had about half as much magic as Luna even adding up all five.

Honestly, I don\'t feel like losing.

Ignore the seventh graders and head to the pit room in the arena. Maybe it looked like we freaked out and ran away to them. I heard a laugh from behind.

But no one cared about it here. Until yesterday, we all realized there wasn\'t a single Tina\'s special statue that looked stronger than that.

"Sounds like you can afford something."

"Yeah, I was anxious because the finest students said they were opponents, but when you deal with Dr. Tina\'s stone statue and then you look at her, you can\'t find a reason why we can\'t win."

Lucin and Meldy are having such a conversation.

"But let\'s not be alarmed. They\'re in seventh grade, and they might have special magic or something."

"Right. Mr. Hart is right, let\'s go without alarm. First, I\'ll take one down!

"Oh, Rifa. Good luck with that."

─ ─ I miss speaking to Rifa like that.

The match begins and Rifa goes up to the fighting table first.

"Whoa, lucky! 1st you. I\'ll make you look cute. Say hello."

The other seventh grader watched Rifa nibbling.

The battle began on the signal of the referee.

Rifa immediately magically created the bow, but the target did not even move slightly.

"Shoot me. I\'ll let you know it\'s no use."

You\'re licking me that I\'m a junior, and you\'re giving Rifa the lead. It should have taken some time, as we would have had to gather magic from around us while avoiding the target\'s attacks.

But the other guy really hasn\'t done anything.

Rifa accumulated her magic powers on the arrow all the time not to say she was fortunate.

"What? What, what\'s that magic?!?"

A magic so focused on one point that it can be seen by students other than me shivers the air around the rifa.

Rifa\'s opponent noticed it and began to panic.

To stop the magic activation of the rifa, he reached the fighting table and released the earthly magic ground spear towards the rifa.

-But it\'s too late.

"Wind Arrow!

As Rifa released her finger from the demon bow string, the wind arrow was released at high speed.

"Fugu ah!!

The wind arrow wiped out the dirt magic that was coming towards Rifa, and the other student also blew away with the momentum as it stood.

Rifa was turning the tip of the wind arrow into something that would blow the object away with an impact the moment it hit, rather than a highly penetrating shape, to avoid killing the opponent.

The wind arrow didn\'t just blow Rifa\'s opponent away.

To keep the magic from flying to the audience, a translucent defensive magic wall stretched around the fighting bench - defeated this and blew out the remaining four opponents who stood behind it.

The five men blown up and struck by the battlefield walls are not getting up. My hands and feet are picky, so it doesn\'t look like they\'re all dead.


The arena was surrounded by silence.

(i) Many students and teachers had come to visit because of the first-year students who got classrooms on the walls and against the finest students. Everyone who visited the arena was surprised by the magical power that destroyed the magic wall and blew five more together.

I tried to build up a little more magic, but Rifa herself was surprised that she even penetrated the defensive magic wall, and was horny on the fighting table.

"When you guys were fighting the Stone Statue, I (...) was (...) putting up a defensive wall with all my (...) powers (...). I hope you don\'t think you can stop my students\' magic with that magic wall that teachers put up around there."

Tina speaks proudly somewhere.

"Mimi, I can\'t admit it! And an attack outside the arena is against the law!

Teachers who looked like thin fifties stuffed up to Tina. He is in his opponent\'s seventh grade class.

"A magical attack from outside the fighting table to inside is a rule, but not vice versa. First of all, I didn\'t expect the magic wall to be broken by personal magic."

A teacher who was referee came to stop a teacher with thin hair.

"What more do you want to do? If we can\'t all fight, we\'ll win Teacher Tina\'s class."

The other students, who had fallen, were carried on stretchers. I may recover from healing magic in a while, but it\'s going to take some time.

"... referee, the students who fell earlier were just there for support. I\'m not an athlete!

"What? No, but..."

The referee confirms the roster of matches.

Everyone who was transported earlier was registered as an athlete. In spite of...

"Edgar, come here!

A physically fit student, called Edgar, came to the side of a teacher with thin hair looking asleep.

"Something? Didn\'t you say I didn\'t show up?

"Change of plans. Kick their ass with everything you can."

"No, Edgar, you\'re not an athlete."

"My class is fine. Let\'s continue."

Even as the referee tried to stop it, Tina said to continue like this.

"I don\'t know what you\'re mistaken about, but I regret it."

Leaving that behind, the teacher with thin hair took Edgar back to his formation.

"Mr. Rifa doesn\'t seem to be compatible with you, Edgar, so can you abstain from the next game?

"Yes, Doctor"

Rifa honestly listened to Tina.

He seems to be reflecting a bit on what he did too much.

"Good luck, Mr. Rifa. It was wonderful magic."

"Oh, thank you!

Praised by Tina, who is called a hero among our own species, Rifa seemed so happy.

"Next, Mr. Lucin, then. Please."

"Rikai! Am I gonna do everything I can?

"Of course it is. Let that teacher blow with you."

Tina is radical at all times. Maybe he\'s upset with that thin-haired teacher.

Lucin goes up to the fighting table.

Edgar also came up to the arena lazily.

Behind Edgar, the remaining four members of his opponent\'s class began to cast some magic, and Edgar\'s body was wrapped in various auras.

They use auxiliary magic from outside the arena to reinforce Edgar. After a close look at the magic flow, the teacher with thin hair also used auxiliary magic to avoid finding out around him.

"... is that okay?

"No offense (...) shooting (...) from outside the arena, but auxiliary sounds good"

"Hmm, but aren\'t teachers just no good?

"Dear Hart, take a good notice. I can\'t overlook that."

"Game, make it abort?

"No, this one does the same thing. Mr. Luna."


"Lucin, I need you to use all (...) power (...) to auxiliary magic."


─ ─ Let\'s conclude.

We prevailed.

Lucin, assisted by Luna\'s all-powerful magic, dragonized his arm and unleashed his all-powerful magic. The fist pressure blew Edgar away, lightly breaking the stretched magic wall...

Four more students and a teacher with thin hair who were behind Edgar blew up in a grand way.

Of course, it blew them away. They never got up afterwards, and they took them to the infirmary.

This is how our class won their first match and successfully defended the classroom.