Let Me Be Reborn

326. Sisters26

I'm starting to get irritated by the tickling down below.

The lustful pity was slashed and the pillow tucked into the inner thigh. Then, he tucked the corner of his pillow close to his groin and shook his waist back and forth, enjoying the stimulus that touched the clitoris.

When I imagined that I was mixing my body with the teachings, my panties got wet quickly.

‘Ahh · · ·. Why is he masturbating? ’

The imaginary man she usually thought of was a literary club senior she loved in freshman year of college. The first opponent to steal her purity.

He wore horn-rimmed glasses and occasionally read his wife's hand in marriage. He was completely different from his current teachings. He used to enjoy masturbating, picturing the face of such a senior.

But today was different.

In her imagination, a handsome and fit discipline was eating her hard. It reminded me of a scene where my hands closed my mouth, tore my underwear roughly, and forced me to insert it.

Then my panties got soaked. The lover rubbing the pillow against the clitoris was furious with a larger amount of love than usual.

"Ugh, what's wrong with me? ’

I thought it was just before my period.

All women explode just before their period, following their instinct to somehow get sperm into the lining of their uterus, which is about to collapse.

She denies the impact of the doctrine, but can't help but be conscious of the lessons in the living room on the first floor.

Now, even the face was more direct as a stimulant than a blurry pair of glasses. Never before has such a young and fresh man slept at home. The situation caused her to be overwhelmed.

“Ahh · · ·. I can't stand it. That's not good enough.”

The lover gets up from his bed, straightens out his messy blanket and goes straight into his room.

Somehow I think I need the biggest deal today.

* * *

‘Hmm, I think I'm getting drunker. ’

[You need to wake up, sir. Don't forget why you're here.]

‘I know, I know. But what if your body can't handle the booze? What a useless body you can't afford. ’

[Liquor is essentially a must for people without alcoholic degradants. Anyway, please concentrate on your spirit.]

The colony who saw him laughed at him as his body fluttered.

You're telling me you can't drink? Tsk, tsk, tsk. The youngster is all hoarse, but look at him wagging at a couple of underlocks. ’

“You're not already drunk, are you, Dawn? ”

“No, but it's a little strong. ”

“It's only 45 degrees. At this rate, the Russians will drink like beer. ”

“I'm particularly weak on alcohol. ”

“Learned Student. You can go to bed if you're tired. I've arranged for a guest room for a second. ”

Sunhee's slack tone sounded like a lullaby.

He wakes up to her bright smile.

‘You can't do this. Jung Seon-hee shouldn't show any emptiness, even though Choi Min-sik is weak. ’

[But Jung Seon-hee suggested alcohol to the owner? President Choi said he'd only drink it himself, but he even brought you a glass.]

‘Maybe it's my guess, but I think Jung Seon-hee is trying to fuck me. ’


‘Yes, it's coming. Rossi, you said that last time. The more I use the info window, the better my sixth sense will develop. I can't imagine the way you've been looking at me. You seem to have noticed some affection. ’

[But my husband is with me. · ·]

‘It's what you do when you put your husband to sleep. Actually, it was a trick to check the size of my stuff after accidentally watering my pants and giving me churning that would stick to my body. I've seen the object and I've seen it play with joy, so I'm sure you won't send it gently. ’

[So your guess is that Jung Seon-hee, who has identified the object, is greedy for you and is trying to put you to sleep in this house for rape?]


Isn't this a little out of control? How can a woman rape a man?]

‘Normally, that would be impossible. But if Jung Seon-hee is corrupted, I can think of enough. And horses are rape, but a man can't stop reacting when a woman strikes him. Try to suck it off at least while you're asleep. When I woke up, there was a woman up there beating my balls.

What man would push me away if I said no? ’

[Ah, I understand.]

‘I think Jung Seon-hee is going to fuck me tonight anyway. Of course, your final goal would be to meet me in front of your husband. ’

[Why don't you just take a guess and look directly into the information window?]

‘No, I'm just getting back to my cool time, and I'm saving it. There's someone else we need to attack right now. ’

He recalled the pity of going upstairs.

Second love among sisters. I was going to teach that rugged masochist the joy of being with her.

He told both of them that he was acting more drunk than he drank.

“I tried to hold on, but I couldn't. I have class in the morning, so I should probably go to bed. ”

“Huh! We're just getting started and you're already going in? ”

“Sweetheart, you're having a hard time sleeping in my house because of your arrest. I have class tomorrow. That's enough. ”

I no longer forced the colony on Sunhee's manhood.

More than I thought, her influence was on the whole family.

“By the way, drinking alone makes me feel better. ”

“Drink the rest with me. because I still have my soju. ”

“Should I?”

When the couple started pouring each other's empty glasses, the lesson stood well.

“Good night, you two. It was a pleasure.”

“Yes, a student of discipline. And be sure to pick it up tomorrow morning. I'll boil the North Korea noodles with seafood. ”

“Thank you."

After saying goodbye, he went upstairs.

Jung Seon-hee swallowed her saliva while slamming the cup with her husband.

* * *

That means that her room is somewhere up here, since she didn't come back down.

I searched the second floor like a detective and found her room.

Not long ago, I was able to find a space that was presumed to be a courtroom. The sign on the door hook was unusual.


(Do not interrupt)

Isn't this just a hotel sign? You have a taste. ’

It was probably a warning to prevent housewives from sneaking into the room for cleaning. And I know why she wants to hide her room so tightly.

Twenty Dildos from the intelligence window? I can't believe there's more equipment for the broadcast than there was for HaSeo-yoon. ’

Her next door was the guest room I went to when I changed my pants earlier. That means two rooms against one wall.

"Hehe. You're lucky this is going well. It's next door to me. ’

Once I got the location, I lowered my footsteps as much as possible to move ahead of the courtship's visit. It was a step that applied 'ballet’ among the exercises learned by Nayeon the other day.

I only listened to the visit as I approached the door. You hear nothing inside.

‘Hmm, I hope he's already asleep. ’

[What are you going to do?]

You remember that courtship hashtag I saw in the info window? ’

[Yes, masturbation, strong sister, rape fantasy?]

"Yes, she masturbates every day with detailed tactical tips. ’


‘She's only been upstairs half an hour. If she enjoys masturbating every day, she can't fall asleep. ’


‘But it's surprisingly quiet. ’

[Can't he be sneaking around without making a sound?]

‘Maybe so. Or maybe the sound stops so well that the little groaning doesn't come out. Rossi, you know that acoustic amplifier we used last time? ’


‘Buy me that. Draft is roughly a chicken coupon. ’

[Yes, I understand. I will spend 200 points on acoustic amplification stickers.]

I took a coupon out of my Australian pocket and put it in front of the visit when the delivery was completed. Then you move to the next room and carefully close the door.

[Attachment succeeded. Would you like to connect your acoustic amplifier to your smartwatch?]

"Connect. Let's hear what you're up to." ’

Soon, a voice of affection flowed from the smart watch.

“Why is this vibration so weak? Is the battery dead? Lady, the new batteries are in the living room. ”

‘I knew you weren't sleeping. ’

[The reason I was quiet just now is that the electric dildo's battery has run out.]

How many batteries would you have run out of if you'd done it? Your masturbation is serious. ’

[But that doesn't make any sense to me.]


[Objectively, the appearance of Miss Court is among the top women you have ever met.]

‘Maybe so. When I was a young mother, I ran into her. ’

[But why do they comfort themselves every day without a boyfriend? It makes sense that Miss Mia is still young and rehydrated, but she's twenty-four, and she can have as much fun as she wants.]

‘Cause you have small breasts? ’

[Well, that's the owner's taste. There are many people in the world who love poverty. Besides, a face like that could be transgenic.]

‘Of course I'm joking. But, Rossi, there's one thing you need to know. ’

[What is it?]

‘That's what you're saying. A pretty girl would definitely have sex with her boyfriend. A less beautiful woman has no man, so she will unravel it by herself..’

[There is definitely a tendency. Statistically.]

‘Statistically, of course. But statistics aren't necessarily true for everyone. That means there could be as many lovers as Irregulars in the next room moaning by themselves. I think I have a pretty good idea why he does it alone. ’


"First of all, pity is overrated. You don't look so good with your words. Even a man who's into sex gets cold in front of a woman like that a lot. ’

[Oh, no way.]

‘The bigger problem is that it's not what it looks like, but a reflex to hide its weak and shy personality. We're acting out of nature, so we're even more disturbed. Maybe if you weren't the guy who's been watching her for a long time, you'd think she was a real piece of shit.

Girl? I thought she was just a spineless bitch until I knew what the info window meant. He talks and talks and spills. ’


‘But that's not who he really is. I don't know how he got so twisted, but if he had grown up normal, he would have been a shy little coward. Maybe it's the background of the house or too good looking · ·. What a poor woman to think. ’

[As expected, you have excellence in female psychoanalysis. You picked the wrong specialty in your previous life, didn't you?]

‘What? This is all thanks to the information window. Oh, say something else to yourself. Let's hear it.’

“This is AAA, by the way. Not even my breasts. ”

Did you hear that? It's her boob triple A. ’

[Yes, I heard. As the owner said, there's a cute corner when you're alone.]

‘I talk to myself a lot, by the way. I guess that's a habit of hanging out with friends, too. You're broadcasting live. ’

“Ahh · · ·. I collected so much, I don't even like it. I can't get into the castle with something this small. ”

[She's anxious. Shouldn't we start moving?]

"Wait. Check the info window. I was saving it for this. ’

I checked the location of the bed in the guest room. Assuming the next room has the same structure as this one, roughly this.

Here, within 3M, there will be a bed of tranquility.

Rossi, can you open the courtship window? ’

[Survey successful. Now we can lay a mattress.]

Name: Best Love (Non-virgin, 20 years and 5 months old)

Age: 23

Favor: 78/100

Openness: E

Epiglottis: labia, labia, perineum

* Love point: most vocal cords are surrounded by penises. Extremely vulnerable to bite-sucking kernellingus.

Sexual desire index: high.

Attack Tip

* She has a huge crush on you.

She likes handsome men. However, the way you express your love is often misunderstood.

She dreams of rape fantasies where she wants someone to coerce her.

Recommended Behavior: She wants to cool off her body right now. If you attack, you will be deceived and rejected.

‘Rossi, we're in and out. This time it's a forced attack concept.'


Angry Fire Column