Let Me Be Reborn

304. Sister 4

Rossi eavesdrops on the phone as he ponders.

[Master, why don't you accept?]


[I have a good feeling.]

A hunch?

[You know, jobs and missions are more likely to appear when a place or person changes. It looks like you've accomplished almost everything you can at the university right now, so it shouldn't be a bad idea to try a new diversion.]

"Oh · · · That's right. ’

“Okay. Dinner will do. ”

Are you sure about that?

My assistant, Minseo, was happy to run.

So when do you have a minute? You're out of a job right now. Tell me at your earliest convenience, Mr. Dohun. ”

“I'm a little tired today, but how about after class tomorrow? Around 5: 00?”

Oh, you're a student. Excuse me, which university are you from?

“National University. ”

Well, we'll take you to nationals. I'll get back to you at the end of the class.

You're coming to get me? That's too much of a burden. ’

“I don't need to. ”

I'll see you tomorrow!


“Hey, hello? ”

Min-suh hung up the phone unilaterally after just saying what she wanted to say. In a ridiculous situation, he shrugged his shoulders.

‘What a girl, with a smile · · ·. ’

He felt that his assistant, Minseo, was very urgent and impulsive. It was an affirmative confidence commonly seen by fancy office women called the Alphagirls.

‘You still look pretty. ’

After finishing the call, he fell asleep after returning home.

On two days a night, MT was tired from the brutal sex with the sinews, and the golden Sunday afternoon went smooth.

* * *

After finishing the class as usual, he sat in the cafe until the time before his appointment and wrote a piece for the contest. However, there were many inconveniences to the manuscript. Above all, the word processor was too slow to write. It was also a hassle to erase it with an eraser every time I made a mistake. Every time I blew Eraser Powder, Cafe Alba noticed it publicly.

‘Hmm, should I buy a laptop too? ’

[That's a good idea. It's not bad to have one in college.]

When I looked around the cafe, most of the students were carrying laptops or tablets.

‘Come to think of it, why not do a search at an online shopping mall? ’

I was surprised at the price of a notebook that was more expensive than I thought, while searching for a notebook that could be used on the internet. Most messy maker products cost 1 million won. Lightweight and good performance is twice that price. As a character who spent a long time using expensive products instead of cheap products, inexpensive products were not attractive.

Taun is troubled.

‘Hmm. I still have the money I received from Seo Yun last time, but I feel burdened spending big money at once. ’

In the time of Lee Jungwoo, there was a lot of money to live without pressure on the laptop. However, as a college student, I hesitated to buy more than 1 million won.

It was a period when I was getting a full salary at that time, so I always received a certain amount of income, but now I had to do something again after spending the money I collected. Moreover, spending money was even more troubling because it was also a lesson I had planned to buy a used car.

‘You have this inconvenience because you don't have money. How much should I be paid just like that secretary said? ’

While he regretted it, his phone rang.

According to the number, it was a copy of yesterday's call.


Yes, Mr. Douhoun. I'm on my way through the front gate, but the campus is wider than I thought. Where can I go?

“Near the observatory. I'll be out on the road. ”

Yeah, black sedan, 3887.

Soon after he left the road with his luggage, a black sedan that looked luxurious came near. It was the vehicle number Min-su mentioned. As he waved his hands, the driver's chair came down and the woman in sunglasses reached out her head.

“Do you know Lee Do-hoon? ”

“Yes, it's me. ”

“Nice to meet you. Nice to finally meet you. ”

Bam, bam.

At that time, the car that followed closely behind Minseo rang out nervously. When I stopped on the only lane, it was urgent. Min-su was embarrassed and said to him.

“I'm sorry, I don't have a place to park. Would you like to take a ride?”


Soon as he opened the jewelry door and got in the car, Min-su left the car. She said, apologizing.

“The driver was supposed to pick you up, but your wife was suddenly out. I'm in my car in a hurry, so please try to understand. ”

This car is ugly? ’

Even the car he was in was a large generation that seemed too burdensome for a busy worker to ride. He was surprised, but Minseo took off his sunglasses and formally greeted him.

“I'm embarrassed to be introduced here. My name is Jung Min-su. I work as Chairman's personal assistant. Nice to meet you."

Taking off the big sunglasses, Minseo's cool eyewear was clearly shown. Approximately 27-8?

She was a very attractive woman with a large twinkle grass and a smart nose. Especially wearing a white blouse on a black skirt, I felt a little provocative about whether it was through fashion or black underwear. I asked him, satisfied with the mature-looking office look.

“I am Lee Do-hoon. But you? ”

Minseo left the university and explained.

“You may not know it, but the person who helped is Chairman Choi Hyunsik of the Seol Group. Have you ever heard of it? ”

“If you are a one-way group, do you want to build · · ·. ”

“Oh, you know what? College kids don't know that much. That's right, the Daily Construction Daily Group. ”

He was very surprised inside.

Ilsung Group.

Companies that are among the top 100 domestic companies. The company was renowned for its major construction efforts, including raw material imports and infrastructure core.

‘Amazing. Although not compared to the Sam-hyun group of Seongmin, it is also unlikely for ordinary people to find a trillion rich or 100 billion rich. ’

“· · I overheard it. Where are we going now? ”

“Oh, the home of Han Nam Dong Chairman. ”


“Yes, you're still uncomfortable with your behavior, so I can't eat out. Are you okay?”

“Yeah, well. It's a little far, but... ”

It's more than 40 minutes' drive from the National Guard to the Han Nam East. I was already tired, thinking about going back later. Min-su said that he had read his mind.

“Of course I'll give you a ride when you die. Then Knight Kim will take you there. ”

“There's no need for that. ”

“Mr. Dohun, you don't have to worry about anything. Of course, no one is familiar with this treatment, but I want to say it's completely unnecessary. ”


Finally, Minseo, caught in a stop signal, turns his head to the left, blinking. Suddenly, he looked me in the eye and his heart jumped without knowing it.

"Yuck, she's so pretty. That's why you're his secretary. ’

“Can I be honest? ”

Minseo's voice had changed intimately. He nods, wondering what he's up to.

“What is it?”

“Well, don't listen too closely. because she's still a college student and she's like my little sister. Okay?”

What the hell are you talking about? ’


“You can think of him as a lottery winner. ”

“Lottery? Me? ”

“Yes. As I said on the phone yesterday, if you meet a lifesaver because of your personality, he'll want to repay you. Don't thank me then. It's not your assistant, it's your life advice. ”

“Hmm · · · ·. ”

Minseo's eyes were serious, so he was a little surprised.

When did he say that he saw you?

“Of course, you may not realize it because you are still a student. I would if I were your age. Helping people and getting repaid financially is embarrassing and embarrassing · ·. Right?”

He nodded and said with more strength.

“But you have a lot of money. When people like us look at it, it's a lot of money, but doesn't it cost him a night's worth of alcohol? So don't ever burden yourself. ”


“I'm sorry. Was I too snobby? But I want to warn you in advance in case you regret it later. ”

‘You're much more realistic than you look. ’

The secretary, Minseo, suddenly became curious.

Rossi, what's the ETA? ’

[Due to this ring in Jordan, it has been reduced by half and is now a little over 3 hours.]

"Gasoline, you can use it five or six times a day in three hours, right? You don't need to care anymore. Open the Minuteman Information Window. ’

[Yes, on display.]

Name: Jung Min-su (non-virgin, temporarily 25 years and 5 months)

Age: 29

Favor: 60/100

Openness: B +

Band: Side, Clitoris, Knee.

* Love point: she's the ticklish type. Especially if you tickle your side, you feel a strong sexual desire.

Sexual desire index: medium.

Attack Tip

* She feels a little bit like you.

She is feeling human glamour in that you are a great owner of character.

She is currently having an affair with a married man. But they want to stop being inflamed by that situation.

Recommended Behavior: She is looking for someone to understand and empathize with her unhappy situation. Listen to her honesty.

* * *

What is this? ’

I was surprised when I read the tips in the info window.

Jung Min-seo was an affair in an internal relationship with a married man.

[Doesn't everyone have a secret they can't tell?]

But this is just too shocking. It's not a snob. It's a snob. ’

Ridiculous.It turned out that the secretary of a large corporation, who had nothing to lose, was a merchant who enjoyed dangerous love with a married man.

"Wait, aren't you related to the old man? ’

The chairman? Oh, come on.]

‘I don't know about people. That's how a lot of secretaries get involved when they're supposed to look like them. Hold on, there's got to be a way to find out. ’

I recalled the psycho metry skill. The enhanced Psycho Metric skill has the ability to determine which items are most important to the opponent.

[Rossi, turn on the psycho feed.]

"Yes, sir."

As I executed the psychometry, a faint light flowed from Minseo who was driving. It was on a luxury watch right in my hand.

‘Hmm. What left hand? · · · ’

The disadvantage of psychometric skills was that they needed to come into direct contact with objects somehow. However, no matter how much I thought about it, I couldn't think of a way to touch the driver's left hand while sitting on the jewelry.

‘I'll ask him to show me his watch once the car stops. ’

When the car stopped at the stop line for a moment, I asked Min-su as if he stumbled across the clock by chance.

“Huh? The watch in his hand? ”


“That's it, right? The Swiss artisan made a sweat. ”

But Min-su had hidden the watch in my sleeve, whether my curiosity was uncomfortable.

“No, it's just cheap stuff you buy on the Internet. ”

Definitely hiding something. For her, the watch seemed like something she didn't want others to see. If that's what you're doing, why are you wearing it?

I asked persistently.

“Really? Wow, that's a lot of A-neg. Can you show me once? ”

“I'm driving right now. ”

Min-su hurriedly left the vehicle as the driving signal dropped. It seemed uncomfortable to anyone, but I couldn't back down once I got here. I waited patiently until the next stop and asked again.

“I really like watches. Can you just show me once? You look so much like my favorite maker. ”

“Ahh · · ·. ”

“If you're not comfortable with it, you just have to show it to me. ”

This time, the stops were long and could not get through at once. As the atmosphere grew longer, Minseo stretched out his arms to show the watch whether he was uncomfortable.

“Here you go."

As soon as she tries to grab her arm in a hurry, I grab the outside of the watch.

“Wow, it's exactly the same. ”

“It's just imaging. Are you done?”

“Yes, thank you. ”

But I was already playing video information that I had obtained through psychometry in my head.

* * *

An elderly chairman sat on a chair that looked luxurious.

After a while, Min-su approached and told the chairman.

“Sir, your son is here. He's waiting outside. ”

“Chief? Tell them to come in. ”

“Yes, sir. ”

Minseo left the chairman's office and said to the middle-aged man who was sitting on the couch.

“Ms. Grant, they want you to come in. ”

“How's your dad feeling today? ”

“You look good. ”

A middle-aged man in an expensive suit approached Minseo and touched his wrist. It was a friendly gesture for my boyfriend and girlfriend.

“You're wearing the gift I gave you last time. ”

“Ms., Ms. · · · ·. ”

Min-su was flabbergasted and looked around, but of course, there was no one in the secretary's office.

“Call me brother. Do you have time this Sunday? ”

“· · Yes. ”

“Wife, I'm going to meet a friend that day. Go to the hotel first. Okay?"

Min-su nods at the end of his mouth, though he seems to have a lot to say. The middle-aged man chuckled and patted Minseo's butt. While Min-su was startled by the extraordinary behavior, the man entered the president's room.

After the video, he frowned.

It was a short scene, but it was suggestive of a lot. The fact that Yeon-nam Jung is the son of Chairman Choi and is currently the CEO of the company. And that the internal connection between the two people is extraordinary.

‘· · · What a mess, girl. ’

The disciple glanced at Emotional Letter with a cold expression.

An affair.

It was an unforgivable word for him.


Angry Fire Column