Let Me Be Reborn

285. Do you want to go with your brother MT? 25

Yummi looks up and recalls the statue of the giant goddess.

Strong women, distorted sex drive · · ·. I mean, he's the perfect fit for the job.

Yummi, who sat down like a pushy toilet, took hold of the dribbling object with one hand and tried to fit it into the hole. However, two speakers knocked down the object did not recover its energy easily.

‘Ugh, that disgusting bitch. Look at you glowing, trying to plug something that doesn't even stand up. Then why isn't it working? ’

[It's because of the daughter-in-law.]


[Owner's Alternative Combination is a technique that absorbs your opponent's musical instruments and conserves consumed sheep. But she blew it into the air with her goddaughter, so she ran out of her sheep.]

‘Ahh · · ·. Twice. ’

[Yep. So we expect to need more recovery time this time.]

Yumi tries to pry a few cracks and is furious with the collapsing object.

“What! Are you really going to do this? ”

Why are you getting mad at me after everything he's done? ’

“You won't wake up until you get in trouble! ”

The unintended Yumi howls and rises up.

Her jaw is still falling out of her brow. She walks forward, her legs spread out in front of me.

Stop, no way! ’

“Serve with your mouth until you stand often! ”

Yumi settles down.

Breathing is blocked with heavy weight.


“Come on, lick it! ”

A sour liquid flows into your mouth. Your thighs squeeze your head together like ground moves. I declare surrender by tapping my butt with my hands, but Yumi does not hesitate.

“Hurry up and suck it! You son of a bitch!”

"Shit, I can't take this anymore! ’

[Master, 93%!]


Eventually, I became a slave to my accomplishments. I licked Yumi hard, breathing heavily through my nose. Yumi moved her butt back and forth to make sure that she was satisfied with her teeth.

“Ugh, that sucks. Son of a bitch.”

“Joe, are you happy? ”

“From now on, you suck my dick every time you see me. Do you understand?”

‘This is a big deal I used to do. · · ’

Yumi's sadistic disposition is the same as when I treat women harshly.

Do you think they felt the same way? ’

In my case, however, I tend to conform to the other person's personality. Yumi, on the other hand, attracts the target to her taste. Uncaring sex is like rape.

‘Who is eating who in the big joint · · ·. ’

[You're doing great. You've been more patient than ever.]

The reason for the late increase in M reach compared to S is because I gave up in the middle. But this time it's different. I will endure this humiliation at all costs.


I'm starting to react to something big.

Yumi also did not miss the sudden shiver.

“Huh? You're back. If so · · ·. ”

Yumi goes down. Using the fluid from the split valley, the body on the chest and abdomen slides. Yumi turns her hand behind her waist and grabs the object, wandering around looking for a hollow hole. I frowned unconsciously, blinded by urgency.

‘You have no other incarnation of desire. ’

[If I was born as a man, wouldn't I be shoulder to shoulder with my master?]

‘She's worse than me. I'm a horny guy myself, but not that neat. ’


After a few attempts, my head finally snaps open. Yumi bends her satisfied waist like a bow and reaches behind her and grabs her shin. Her large breasts flutter and her medulla begins.

“Huff, huff, okay. Stand up tighter. ”


“Ugh. Do you know how good you are? You're the best man I've ever had! ”

Yumi, who was at the top of the sea, waved with all his might to break the frequency. If it was a messy man, he would have lost heart.

‘Ugh, what a wild horse bitch. You're persistent. "

[Hang in there. M Reach is almost full. Right now, 95%!]

‘Ugh. I won't deal with this type of thing again after I fulfill this achievement. I could swear. ’


Yummi, who was rubbing back and forth, sat up on his knees and pressed down, making sure he wasn't in the castle. Then he grabbed his chest by himself and went crazy.

“Ahhhh, yes! Tastes good!”


A heavy crushing shock was delivered to my pelvis in an orderly fashion. The ground has no cushions. The damage is enormous.


“It's good, right? Answer me, are you happy? ”

“Yes, yes. ”

“Ahhhh! Break it through. Doreen, cut me to the end! ”

Yumi, excited, falls flat on her torso. Then, I raised my waist in a commotion, and it was unbelievably fast. This is no machine.

"Awesome waist teasing! ’

[As expected, Miss Yumi's Physical is overwhelming. I've never seen such performance before in my life.]

"Ugh, how many now? ’

[98%! There's not much work left.]

“Ahhhhhhhhh!!! ”

Yumi has now ripped my head off. I couldn't get over the excitement and started harassing me again.

“Ahhh, my head! ”

“You son of a bitch, you son of a bitch, you're all over Dildo! ”

“Yumi, it hurts, it hurts! ”

“From now on, you are my slave. If I pull over, pull over and cram. Okay?”

“Oh, I get it. Mind your head! ”

[Tinkling! SMmaster Great Work has been reached. Thank you, Master! You will be rewarded with the ropes of the Majorcist.]

"Ugh! You bitch, it's time to turn the tide!" ’

* * *

“Oh, stop it! ”

The discipline, who grabbed my head and ripped it off, shouted. Yumi's expression shivered unconsciously as the atmosphere that was rising broke.

“Oh, brother? ”

“You don't know the right thing! What the fuck is this? This is rape!”

The words rape made Yumi's complexion pale.

I was shocked to hear that while running away.

“I'm just trying to keep you entertained. · · ”

“Are you having fun? Is this fun? You want me to have some fun with you? ”

Yumi's sudden explosion raises her body without her even knowing it. Then he bounced off his abs and left Yumi alone.


“If I had accepted that, you'd know how patient I am! ”

While Yummi's body is in disarray in an instant, he grabs her legs and spreads the inverse air.

Pow, pow, pow!


“You've got to get over yourself! ”

He squeezed as hard as he could. If she has a wide pelvis, she thinks she can get her big object to the end.

“Huang, Huang! ”

“You want to conquer a man that badly? Feel free to press it on your own? ”

“Haak, oh, brother, so, so hard! ”


“When did you ask me to drill it? I'm gonna get you through this today. ”

He folds his extended leg up and lifts his knee to his chest. Yummi, who folded his body in half, didn't have the strength to enter his whole body, so he had to be bombed without hesitation.

“Will you make me a slave? No, you're gonna get my dick. ”

“Huang, oh, brother, Huang, Huang! ”

His sex was merciless. If a stranger saw what was going on, he would think he was bringing a woman to the hills and raping her. The discipline folds Yumi in half, putting a lot of weight on him. As long as her physical superiority over an ordinary woman is insufficient to endure the full power of lessons. Yumi's head starts to fall into the base of the tree.


“Ow, brother, ow, head! Head bump!”

“You take care of that! ”

Yumi eventually had to reach up and grab the tree. Then a sexy curve appeared with a big chest hanging up and down.

"Nice breasts! ’

He sucked Yummi's breasts with both arms to support the tree. The firm chest was very soft to touch both cheeks.

Tsk, tsk!

“Haang, Haang! ”

“Why are you being so mean to me with such a nice bucket? You'll be loved even more than you are now. ”


“Chewy and juicy. ”

“Aww, aww. ”

“Stand up and put it back. I'm going to stab you very, very hard. ”

Yumi rises to her feet, as instructed, after her bombardment. When she grabs the wooden pillar tied to the first lesson and pushes her butt back, her body bends to a letter.

The disciple grabbed his butt in a posture with a twist on it.

“Keep your arms tight. Otherwise, you'll hit your face. ”

The admonishment gives you a firm grip on your waist with both hands and inserts a large object.


The toughness of the object has been maximized with the effect of the King of Flip. Yumi felt her internal organs shake as she inserted them to the end.

‘Ew, that was awesome! This depth!’

Boom! Boom!

“Did you want to get fucked out there? ”

“Ow, ow, ow! Yeah, I wanted to get fucked by my brother. ”

“Like naked in the wilderness? ”

Puck! Puck!

“Ahh, ah, ah, yes! ”

He stretches out his arms and grips Yummi's limp chest tightly.

Puck! Puck!

“That's one hell of a redhead! ”

“Ow, ow, ow! ”

“Did you miss my dick? ”

“Yes. A lot. ”

“Fine. I'll let you through today. ”


The sound of the charge echoes endlessly through the wilderness. He doesn't stop turning until Yumi's legs are free.

As if I would let go of all the hair I endured to increase my M reach.

* * *

Yumi drops out completely after the violent sex. Yumi, who was sprayed with saliva full of thorns, fell on her belly on the mat for a long time.

She looks up at her raised butt and asks.

“Are you feeling better? ”

“I'm going to die. My legs are still twitching. ”

“I'm a little tough, aren't I? ”

“A little? Don't say that. String through the real uterus. ”

After the assessment was over, I felt guilty that the lesson of being cooled by the sage time seemed to be excessively abusive. But compared to what he had suffered, he thought it was acceptable.

“Because you turned me on. ”

“You always say that? You can listen to me, but you're suddenly drunk. ”

“Honestly, I'm not your type. I tried to guess, but I couldn't bear to be angry when I got hurt. ”

“I know. So thank you."

Yummi tucks on a clothesline and clears up the mess around her. Teachings also helped to erase traces. Yumi asked.

“What are you doing for dinner? ”


“We planned this second grade at MT. You're not all out drinking after dinner, are you? ”

“First of all, he didn't say anything. What did you do last year? ”

“Last year?”

Yumi remembers.

“Oh, right! I did that once for fun. ”




“Oh, I don't know about you. I went back to school this year, and it was like a drinking event last year, and it was so much fun. When men appeal to themselves in a row, women auction off and the final winner of the auction is slavery. ”

“A real slave? ”

“Well, that's what I'm saying. It's actually more of a slave voting popularity. ”

“Then why do you only do it for men? ”

“It's a bit like that. If a man buys a woman for money, it's like she's having sexual harassment. It doesn't even work well with us. ”

“Oh, right. ”

“Do you want to do it tonight? ”


“Yes. I'll catch the breeze when I get up. Let's have some fun. Your bid looks hot somehow · · ·. ”

The lesson of thinking about the Governor's Forest Quest was about how to connect unexpected slavery events and achievements.

“Well, that should be fun. When things get loose, let's do it. ”


“We've been gone a long time, by the way, and you'll be mistaken if we go together. I'll go buy some cigarettes and go away to the supermarket, so you go back first. ”

“Okay, it's dinnertime soon, so don't be late. ”


The discipline that first dissipated Yumi headed the other way.

Where he headed was the campground of the Department of Fine Arts.

* * *

The delayed cover Song Yiden was close to the Art Department.

When I was in first grade, I was at the General Assembly and did not show my face at the MTGo event, and I also took classes separately. So anyone who knows her face can do nothing. When she suddenly participated in the MT, Kim Young-hee, the president of the art and academy, was worried.

"What happened to the girl who acted like a slut? Do you think he's going to get back on his feet after he's canceled after school? ’

Kim Young-hee took care of Song, who didn't have any friends, because she didn't want MT to come and feel left out. I sat next to him on the bus deliberately and assigned him a tent as a motivator of a quiet nature.

However, it was only recently that I arrived at the campground that I mistakenly decided that I would not be able to adapt well.

“Hold on tight! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. What the hell are you doing? Get the shovels in the drain! ”

It was not easy to pitch a tent with art near the tavern. Although he had reserved a pre-installed glamping tent, he was so booked that he had to hit a few of them on his own.

Songden exerts tremendous leadership in the midst of pitching a tent among women.

In fact, the delay was to pitch a tent during my military training when I was a pastoral student. The tent, the Dtent, as well as the tent for 24 people could be installed as long as there was enough equipment. Hitting the priest tent, which was easy to assemble for her, was easy to eat.

She exercises skillful leadership and sets up a few impressive tents in a snap. Young-hee, the president, was curious about the charismatic appearance of Song Yiden.

"How did he become so cheerful? Did he get himself all worked up? ’


Angry Fire Column