Let Me Be Reborn

259. Good x, Bad x, Strange x.34

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The democracy, who was wandering around the living room, eventually took off his coat and sat on the couch. She was just waiting for him to contact her, but there was no room to be disappointed by the video coming from her phone.

“That crazy bitch Song Ji Hee. ”

Jihee in the video was adhering to the groin of lessons. The discipline deliberately adjusted to an angle looked like he was winking consciously with the camera.

“Ahh! I should have asked you that. ”

The heart of democracy is on fire. Jealousy and resentment for teaching my friend even filled my esophagus. Anger, depression, and betrayal flood in like a storm.

Honestly, Ji Hee doesn't know the relationship between herself and discipline. They were lovers in the past. Perhaps it is natural for me to be attracted back to the mature discipline after my discharge.

But he shouldn't have.

He used himself to deliberately approach Jihee, and as a result he shoved a large object in her mouth. It's not enough, but it's sending a video that almost knows how to hurt itself.

‘· · · Bastard. You really are a bad son of a bitch! ’

I thought I would cry. Sitting alone in a dark living room, I doubled my sorrow as I watched the two of you frown. He was so lonely and pathetic, they were enjoying a hot night together.

But it was the bot that burst before the tears.

The democracy was amazed at itself.

‘Kang Min-joo! Are you getting excited about that? ’

I don't understand. How is it that even in a situation like this, sex appeals? Despite his own body, democracy thought he was truly a cheapskate.

Her legs widen and her hands go down.

Your head tries to stop, but your body doesn't listen to you as if you were being controlled by someone else. I've already overwhelmed my instincts with reason, and sadness and anger are bound by sexual desire.

‘· · · You are so irredeemable. ’

Democracy was desperate for extreme self-immolation, but touched underneath with panties. Much more discharge was literally pouring out than usual.

‘· · · Crazy bitch. You're not the worst person in the world, Kang Minju. ’

A psychopath who gives a man in love to another woman and then gets excited by him.

Fuckin 'bitch.

Bitch who knows nothing but sex. I want to be handed over to a stranger who's never seen me before, the bitch who secretly wrote it on her bucket list.

Democracy was self-sufficient.

I masturbated at the same time.

I hated myself for being a pervert from head to toe. There was no disgust. I couldn't understand why I had such abnormal sexual desires.

I don't know why, but I clearly remember the moment when I was conscious of a different taste.

During the 4th grade of college, when I was working hard on my appointment. I downloaded an adult novel to relieve stress. End

Angry Fire Column