Let Me Be Reborn

238. Good x, Bad x, Strange x.13

I opened the door.

I see a bed in a dark corner. The delay was lying with the legs up in a delivery position. Unfortunately, the thin sheets were covered and failed to lead us to the perpetrator.

Tsk, this is the part I didn't think of.

“Who, who?! ”

“Eden, me. Dorun.”

“Ahh! Now, wait a minute. ”

The rumbling voice.

I corrected myself, surprised by the delay. When I turned on the spotlight, I held out my head with a puzzling look of delay, wrapped up under my chin.

“How · · · without contacting. ”

“To surprise you. Surprise, are you sleeping? ”

“I was just about to fall asleep. ”

The delay was a nervous expression. At the peak of the peak, it must have almost collapsed. Even if I fail to make the field trip, I still have the lead. Guilty people get spotty.

I asked as if I knew nothing.

“I came empty-handed because I didn't know what I'd like to do with my food. Can I get you anything? ”

“Oh, it's okay. ”

“Are you uncomfortable? Why are you sweating so much? ”

“Oh, don't come! ”

As I approached, the delay screamed like a crazy bitch.

He must be out of his mind at the halfway point.


“So, oh, don't come. I might move it!”

I almost burst at the banquet with any words of delay, but I endured it bitten tightly.

“Are you contagious? ”

“· · · Yes? No, yes. ”

“Yes or no? ”

“So · · · ·. Yes.”

In an excuse that didn't work, I was furious.

Of course it's an act.

“How do you manage a patient who has a broken leg and has an epidemic? What kind of hospital is this? ”

“Well, yeah. ”

“This can't go unnoticed. I have to go figure it out.”

“No, really, I'm fine. He said it wasn't that dangerous. ”

“It's okay! You're young and you're a girl. Is that why you gave me the monologue? ”

“Oh, I guess so. But it's so comfortable to be alone. It's uncomfortable sharing a room. ”

Delays were speechless.

The more I did, the harder I pushed.

“You're trying to jump through this, but you can't let this happen. Does it make sense to come to the hospital and get the disease? Who's your doctor? ”

“No, you don't. ”

I checked the chart underneath the hospital bed, making a fuss.

Patient: Delay

Physician: Moon Jung-joon

“A delay? Who's this? ”

“Oh, that's why I suddenly moved the room. I haven't changed my name yet. ”

“These are real! You can't even manage a chart properly! Eden, I'm on my way. ”

The delay catches up with the rush of the wrist as you take action to escape.

“I said no! ”

“Let go, just let go of these! ”

However, the haunting of the delay was unusual. Given the holding power, you seem to be familiar with the induction type. Aah, my wrist.

“Wait a minute, I'll explain everything. ”


“That's my real name, Delay. ”


“So don't get excited. Just listen to me. ”

“· · · Okay. ”

I sat on my ass at the end of the bed. The delay sighed and said if I thought it had only calmed me down.

“That thread · · · · ·. I renamed it.”

What are you talking about? ’


“Yes. My mother divorced me as a child and married my stepfather. Originally called Songden, now named Han after his stepfather's last name. I changed my name. ”

“I see.”

“That's why the Social Security Registration says it's called a Delay. But I don't like the new name, so I keep spreading it in Songden. But the hospital has to have a real name. ”

“Oh, I didn't know that. ”

The delay surrounded by a plausible lie made up another lie.

“And the only reason we moved him to the poison room was because I had a very susceptible patient in my room. I have a slight cold, just in case. ”

“Does that make sense? Shouldn't we quarantine him? ”

“The other patients in that room weren't doing so well either. I thought it was reasonable to send them alone rather than to move several people. ”

“Ahh · · ·. Then why don't you go talk to her? ”

“Yes, it is. ”

As you nod and tune in, you can see that the delay is only relieved. You must think I'm completely deluded.

But at that moment of carelessness, you have to grab the rope in your neck.

Just like this.

“But what is this? ”

This is what I've been looking at for a while.

I pulled out the branches of clothing that protruded from the bottom of the duvet, and the patient's trousers were glued together. Panties hang in the middle of the trousers as a set. Looks like they were peeled off at the same time.


I was surprised by the sudden delay in my behavior.

“Yi, give me that! ”

“Sorry. I was just doing something. ”

The delay was hidden in the duvet by taking away the patient's pants.

What else are you gonna wrap this around?

“I-I have a habit of sleeping naked when I sleep. ”

“Ahh · · ·. ”

“That, shah, chanel no.5 · · oh, you know, madonna? ”

“Yeah, I know. That's enough. I sleep naked in the summer, too. ”

“Yes · · ·. ”

Suddenly, the atmosphere became wild.

A woman and a healthy man sitting in the same bed with only a thin blanket naked underneath.

Now is the time to strike the crystal.

“But I think I'm sitting on something else. ”

In fact, I've known since I sat in bed.

I just waited for the right time.

I put my hand under my butt and lifted out a long cylindrical cosmetic. It was a type of mist that replenished the face, but the edges were tight, so it was just a substitute for Dildo.

“Ahhhh! No! ”

I was surprised by the delay and tried to take it away, but I kept my cosmetics to myself while avoiding cooking.

“Wait, this surface is too sticky · · ·. ”

When I accidentally put my finger on the cosmetics, something like a sticky spider web appeared. How much does it hurt?

“Da, da, da! ”

“Are you sure you have this? ”

“Give it to me!”

The delay in insanity gave rise to a male glow. She hugged me behind her back and struggled to somehow take it away from me. But no matter how much you learn to exercise, a woman is a woman. I couldn't be beaten by my strength. As I endured, her one and only veil, Jur.

It poured out onto the floor.


The delay in the disappearance of the bottom quickly covered the bottom with both hands.

I feel more sexy with my palm between my crotch.

“Don't look!”

Hmm. Somehow that's more obscene.

“Ahh · · ·. You really did it. ”

“I'm not! ”

I pointed to the gleaming wet sheet without a word.

There was clear evidence there that you couldn't hide.

“Oh, I peed! ”

The delay was consistent as an excuse until the end. However, as soon as I took my nose and knng, I pushed myself away.

“It doesn't smell like pee. ”

“Well, what are you doing! Are you crazy?"

“What's wrong with you? ”

“Oh, no, that's not it. ”

The more the truth grows, the more the liar loses his place to go.

Delay, will you please stop showing your true colors?

“· · Why? Is your age fake? Like that name?”

“What, what? How can you do that? ”

“Did I seem so oblivious? Mr. Han Delay from Sam-hyun Group Security? ”


The unexplained delay silenced him unknowingly.

Idiot, the problem is the lower lip.

“I can see it all under you. ”


This time I covered the bottom again. It was so silly to not know what to do. I spoke coldly towards her.

“Delay, why were you watching me? ”

“No, I'm Songden. ”

“This is a lie if you just open your mouth. Just because your mouth is open and your mouth is open? ”

“Rice, pervert! ”

“Who's going to tell who? You masturbate with this. ”

As I lift the mist barrel, the delay is about to be taken away again.

“Give it back, it's mine! ”

“Huh? I see you again. ”


Her pants are off, and she's tied up in two hands. I accused her of being overwhelmed by her hands and feet.

“I don't blame you for masturbating. I wonder who sent you to me and why? ”

“Don't be ridiculous. You think I'm gonna answer that? ”

“Do you want me to open it? That mouth.”

I smiled coldly.

* * *

Jie went to Tang Vi Sil to make coffee to chase after her slumber. The coffee machine I recently put in was somewhat expensive, but it tasted like buying in a store and was good to eat.

Seeing the machine running with the sound of mooning, he thought.

"Did I really not meet the right man? ’

Even though the feelings of love were twisted and dry, there were occasional times when the lust intensified. Every time I masturbated, I thought, It feels so much better to do it alone.

The man she used to date was bludgeoned.

The affection was excellent, but the insertion time was no more than 5 minutes. If I tried to feel something, I could already bleed. Tears are not the only thing a man should not shed.

I broke up with him and never met another man. Busy three-shift shifts took away my spare life. She spends her time working like a walker holic.

However, as the nurse who had recently been close to her was about to get married, and her friends also sent her a letter of invitation.

I was 26 years old when I thought marriage was still early, but I had to buy someone to save the future in a couple of years.

‘Phew, this is not the time for me, either. ’

He stared at the coffee filled with coffee cups and suddenly looked at his big breasts. Her breasts, showing off her strong presence, could be seen with a slight bow.

She holds up her chest with her palm.

"Do men like this so much? ’

Like the nurse said, the men loved her openly.

I've never seen a patient before. I've seen a doctor before.

Neither the blue middle school nor the white old man stopped looking at her in front of her breasts.

It's B for volume, C for glamour, D for boobs, and F.

It's the F that doesn't even have underwear size in the country!

I've busted nursing buttons several times because of my boobs sticking out no matter how hard I squeeze. At one time, I used to wear a shroud until early summer because I could see the valley with my head down.

Of course, she was also a person, not only did she dislike the attention of men. However, when I was happy, I wanted someone I liked to look at me.

‘Lee Dou Hoon? Earlier. ’

He suddenly remembered the face of discipline.

A man who courageously saved a patient without caring for himself in a dangerous situation that almost led to a big accident. If there was a car accident, he or she who failed to manage the patient may have been severely disciplined.

When he realized that it was him, maybe not the chairman, he suddenly felt sorry.

‘I can't even thank you enough. You look like a shameless man. ’

I poured another cup of coffee for no reason.

I thought you said you knew your brother Mungo. I think he's still in the hospital, but if he does, I'll just have a cup of coffee and say thank you. ’

A lover holding two cups of coffee in both hands went out looking for lessons.

* * *

“Do you want me to open it? That mouth.”

His cold voice solidifies his complexion. I have never seen it while watching the lessons.

‘You've been hiding your true colors. You were right. He said there must be something. ’

However, the delay is also the talent that the Army cadets were hired to escort. He was not as pleasant as he should have been.

“How? You gonna torture me? ”

“Concerns? I didn't tell you which one to open yet. ”

‘Madman. Are you sure about this? "

The lesson of blowing off sexlip in serious situations seemed like a psychopath. When I think about it, I am suspicious of the one who sits on the mist from the beginning and pretends not to know.

‘Damn, if I had to take that out. ’

I tried to put up to three fingers, but it lacked depth. Looking for something big, I stumbled across a cosmetic case similar to the shape and size of the pouch.

While he was poking it, when he came in, he threw it away, but he couldn't sit down. · ·

In order to get rid of the situation, he said with a bucket of cosmetics as the delay rolls.

“I heard it all outside. ”

“Well, what. ”

“You were thinking about me, right? ”

He blew up a stone's throw.

Very heavy.

“W-what are you talking about? ”

Delays started with denial.

Obviously, I imagined something of lessons. It is true that the rumor that he was a rare object reminded me of having sex with him without even knowing it. But I didn't think you shouted so loudly · ·

When my head went dark, I suddenly had no idea.

Maybe he got really excited and screamed. The orgasm was under his chin, and I really wanted to get a lesson from him back then.

And then he really magically appeared.

“But do I look this small? ”

He throws a mist and smiles as if it were petty.


Angry Fire Column