Let Me Be Reborn

118. Happy Sara23

After the cruise, the sun was about to set.

Time to go to the final destination, Yangpyeong, after all.

Driving was still Sang-min's. He tried to leave the steering wheel to me, whether he was unhappy with the continuing knighthood. Where the hell is he taking his time? My answer was solid from the start.

“Sorry, I don't have a license yet."

“You still haven't won? Do you want me to drive if you're too tired? ”

“Hye-eun is unlicensed if you drive. ”


“I don't get an international license, it's illegal in the country. ”

“Oh, really? Only Seong-min is suffering so much · ·. ”

In the end, the saints raised their hands because of my sister's snarling.

“· · · No. That's it. It's not far. I'll just drive. ”

Eventually, he had to hold the wheel until the end. In short, the man who was faithfully carrying out his duty as a knight while paying for everything from travel expenses to snacks and oil.

‘Hehehe. That idiot. I'll suck your face like a mosquito. ’

[Maybe he's up to something.]

Obviously. If you take her to a vacation home, she'll see that she has a chance. ’

[I don't think you know that you are prepared at all.]

‘Actually, he's smarter than Gi-Joon or Chan-hyuk. Honestly, they were two less assholes than normal people. But I think he's overlooking the fact that other people can use their hair as much as he does. Just like the ones who taste good. ’

[You seem a little careless. Hehe.]

‘Yes. By the way, the item was switched to my Australian pocket, right? I haven't checked yet.'

[Yes, I changed it to what you told me at dawn. Should I buy the item you mentioned now?]

"No, I'll tell you when it's time. ’

[Yes, sir.]

I actually searched the market in the morning.

Like the "heads up, warrior" cigarette that exploded and made itself explode, he had to figure out a way to stop his conspiracy.

However, items that could be purchased at 200 points had to be limited to one-time consumables. As soon as the points that have been blown away become too bad. I had to sell my equipment in order to get useful items within my limited budget.

I turn the wheel so hard that I suddenly notice an item.

"Do you sleep when you can sleep, pill? What's this? ’

[Just like the description says, it's a kind of sleeping aid.]

Sleeping pills?

‘Of course, it is not a normal sleeping pill, but it has an excellent sleep inducing effect that relieves fatigue all over the body when you wake up. It's mostly what sleepy players look for.]

‘Nonsense. You use items to sleep once? ’

[Each player cares about each other. It's not every day a prominent politician comes forward with an important speech, or a war hero needs it to erase his trauma.]

‘Well, I guess so. What's the Sleep Induction Effect, by the way? ’

[I don't know who to carry while sleeping. According to the experiments, elephants can be quiet.]

I listened to Rossi and came up with an idea.

Do you think I could feed this to someone else without using it? ’

[Attacking a woman with sleeping pills is an illegal crime of rape of the mind and soul drug. God will never allow it.]

"No, it's not for that. What if we just feed them and put them to sleep? ’

[· · · Just put him to sleep?]

‘Yeah, I'm not doing anything. ’

[It doesn't matter. But even if you use a 200-point item,]

‘Yes, you can feed it and put it to sleep. Unless, like you said, it's not illegal, it's just to put you to sleep. ’

[Aha! If that's the case, it doesn't matter at all. As expected, you're an excellent applicator.]

‘Hmph. History used to happen at night. Except for the one who's sleeping. ’

I laughed as much as I could at Seongmin who worked hard to drive a car that didn't know anything.

‘You drive hard, sleep well. ’

* * *

The group arrives at the Yangpyeong Villa of Seongmin and is amazed at its size. It takes a car a long time to get out of the main building from the entrance to see how big the earth is.

The old man, who was waiting in front of the building, leans in excessively to greet the group.

“It's been a long time, young master. The charcoal barbecue set that you mentioned was set in the backyard. You can also have plenty of hot springs at any time. ”

“Well done, Grandpa. Don't sleep in the management area today and go anywhere near it. ”

“You're gonna need a audience · ·”

“It's okay. I have six people. I just wanted to play without us noticing. ”

Sungmin took 50,000 won out of his wallet and handed it to the old custodian. The custodian pins his elongated head with gratitude. At that moment, Seongmin whispered so that no one else could hear.

“· · · What should I save? ”

“I put it where you said it would be. ”

“Well done.”

The caretaker notices and asks the citizens.

“If you're using it for something illegal. ”

“Don't worry. I won't cause any trouble. Just in case. ”

“Very well. I'll be going now." ”

The caretaker bends at his waist, driving himself home from work. Seongmin heads to the party to unload the luggage from the trunk.

“You must be hungry. Unpack and come straight to the backyard. There are plenty of rooms, so choose any place you like. ”

Now, Seongmin naturally spoke. He's the oldest member of the group, so it's easier for everyone to speak.

When they unpacked the room and gathered one by one in the backyard, Seongmin went down first and was packing the prepared food. I made people drool around the carefully washed vegetables and beef pork from various parts.

Seongmin who was lighting the barbecue grill said to him.

“By the way, the manager forgot to prepare charcoal for the roast. Don't you think you'll need more firewood to catch a fire at night? ”

While he was baking, he was a saint trying to get him to work. Intent to reveal to others who owns and who stays. His thin tricks make him snort his head off.

"Look at this guy? You want me to cook and do chores for you? ’

However, he nodded, not reacting as though he had another idea.

“Sure, whatever. ”

It was not for any other reason that he followed instructions without shouting. Chopping is an effective way to appeal to a man's primal charm.

I thought you said galaxies were attracted to macho stills. ’

He rolls his arms and grabs the axe.

The firewood splits in two sides with the sound of chirping after standing upright in the shape of a cylinder.


The women's gaze came to him as a result of his relentless chopping of firewood.

"Wow, was my brother that tough? '

HyeEun stared at the lesson with surprised eyes. Sarah also recalled the strong muscles she put on last night and got lost in her wild imagination.

‘I wish you'd filmed me like that again tonight · ·’

But the person who was most shocked was Silver Star. He looked at them as if they were silently chopping wood, and he gazed at them without knowing it.

‘Wow, that's cool. A man's power. ’

He told him to consciously look at the women looking at him and listen deliberately.

“Ugh, I'm sweating a little bit at work. I'm embarrassed, but I'll take off my shirt. ”

He strips off his shirt and throws it at the nearby galaxy.

“I'm sorry, but I need you to keep this. ”

“Yes, yes. ”

Then he picks up the ax again and starts chopping the firewood. Every time the axe hits the back of his head with a large arc, his thick latissimus twitches like a living snake.

Bang! Bang!

Sarah folds her legs behind her back, feeling the pain of the axe.

"Look at those horse muscles. All the bad rumors about Asian men were exaggerated. ’

One of the things Sarah considered when deciding to go to Korea was the part about reason. Apparently, Asian men often hear that it's thin and thin compared to American styles that emphasize masculinity.

But when she came across the object of instruction, she realized that it was some case of a distorted gaze. Overwhelming power that fills you and keeps you occupied. And the delicacy that comforts the wounds.

He must be the ideal she was looking for.

Hye was also very surprised by his brother's change.

‘He's not the brother I used to know. ’

I was familiar with his motor skills. I was also good at being a natural physicist, so I used to learn any exercise right from my childhood. On the contrary, there was a quiet and shy corner.

There was a lot of shame, especially in front of the woman. That's why I couldn't easily meet a woman with that look and body.

But now, I dared to take it off in front of the women. And he was exhibiting a pulsating axe, showing off the abundance of energy.

‘· · · Of course, they are quite attractive. ’

HyeEun became even hotter because of her brother who had changed into a man.

Like the two women before him, Silver Castle was also keeping its eyes on him.

"He's a beast. He said. '

His body, which was pumped with continuous chopping, was stained with sweat. The blood-tied forearm looks harder than steel, and when the muscles curled up in anger, he stumbles unconsciously.

"How could he be so manly? ’

Silver Castle picked up a shirt from a coincidence and smelled sweat.

‘Ha · · ·. I love the smell. ’

It was not offensive at all. Rather, it seemed like a stirring aphrodisiac. The likelihood of the Milky Way continued to increase.

Meanwhile, Seongmin, who was baking steak on the grill, sensed that something was wrong. Originally, I wanted to get the attention of women by creating a beautiful barbecue scene, but even Sarah and Hye Eun, including her sister, only saw the axe of lessons.

What is this? Why aren't you looking at me? ’

I felt like a meat roasting servant, so the pride of Seongmin was overwhelming. I had no income even though I offered my own vacation home, materials, and even meat loans.

You can't do this! ’

“Seong-min, the best place to bake meat. ”

Of course, there was a woman looking at herself. The problem was that it was a nasty Stephanie with freckles.

“· · · Yes. ”

“I find the man who cooks very sexy. ”

Stephanie threw her mouth at the Heavy Siege Saint, but she was not pleased at all.

‘Even if I get caught, it's always like that · · ·. ’

“Hey, Dorun. I think we've got enough firewood. You can stop.”

A lesser Seongmin stopped chopping his firewood. I can't ask you to do more than good things.

“Just finishing up here. ”

He even listened to the words of the saints for a long time. After a pile of firewood, his axe stops. She ran away with a towel as if she was waiting.

“Brother, well done. Hard, isn't it?"

She dares to wipe the sweat from his body. The daring touch that harnessed the fact that it was a sister ignited the eyes of Sarah and Silver Star with jealousy.

‘Oh, I envy you. I want to touch it too · · ·'

‘I wonder if I can smell more sweat when I get close to you. ’

He took HyeEun's towel and wiped his own sweat to make sure that people's eyes were embarrassed.

“It's okay. I'll do this. ”

“Tsk. They say my brother is suffering · ·”

“But people are watching. ”

The discipline, who had tried hard to kill her sister, approached Eun-sung with a dazzling look on his face.

“Can I have my clothes back? ”

“Yes? Ah, ah! Yep!"

Silver Castle didn't even look at him properly, just reached out and handed him his shirt. He felt cute even when he was ashamed.

"Heh heh. Let's see some more." ’

“Oh, you're sweating less on your back. Can you clean this up for me? ”

When he turned the towel around, Eun-sung received the towel with a shy look. The muscles of his back, which he saw closely, boasted a perfect finish that showed a split muscle fiber.

‘Ahh · · ·. Why is my heart pounding so much? ’

The silver star, which was carefully sweating, was getting dizzy because of the smell of the flesh coming up gently. In front of them, the huge backside was as vast as the Pacific Ocean. If only I could hold her like a crush on that broad shoulder.

“Thank you.”

“Yes, yes. ”

He wore it through his shirt and went to help Seongmin who was baking meat alone. I secretly thought of Silver Castle with a towel in my hand.

‘I need to sleep with this on my head. ’

I was obsessed with gathering lessons without my knowledge.


Angry Fire Column