Let Me Be Reborn

104. Happy Sara9

I couldn't conceive of Hye Eun who was naked.

Bright and white skin is moisturized. A drop of water flowing down the clavicle hangs close to the tip of the chest.

‘· · · This is crazy. This is torture. ’

[What are you hesitating about coming all this way? As it just turns out, Hye-in isn't your brother.]

What the hell are you talking about? Does that mean you can attack your brother or something? ’

[In my judgment, Hye must like the owner of the transfer.]

‘Of course, because he's my brother. ’

[Well, you don't seem to like him because he's not your brother. · ·]


[If you recall, there is definitely a strange angle between the brothers and sisters.]

What's that supposed to mean? ’

[It means that he also felt rational about his sister.]

Why are you telling me this now? ’

[I tried to tell you, but the owner was so reluctant about relatives · ·. Anyway, now that I think about it, there's a good reason why he felt bad for his sister. He wasn't my brother or sister in the first place.]

"So you didn't know your sister, did you? You liked Eun-yeon? Is it him?"

[Of course, it wasn't from the beginning. But when puberty started, I couldn't resist rational attraction. He's been through a lot of internal conflicts with that. I couldn't stand the thought of my sister masturbating.]

‘Oops · · ·. ’

[As I recall, I suspect that his parents went to America to study with only sheep to separate them.]

Are you sure about that? ’

[It's just a reasonable assumption at the moment, of course. However, the appearance of parents who looked at the two loving people more than their normal siblings with mixed concerns remains intense in the brain of the disciples.]

"Wait, if you're right, don't you think that your parents already knew that you two weren't best friends? ’

[Of course, at least one of them knew, maybe both.]

"Both"? ’

[Maybe it's not just the mother's wishes.]

‘Nonsense. It's a gene that can't come from your father. ’

[It's a hasty assumption. For example, he could have cheated on his wife, begged her for forgiveness, and then he could have brought in an orphan child, or he could have adopted two children in the first place. You need to keep all possibilities open.]

‘Oops! I didn't think of that. ’

I used to be a cuckoo father in my previous life. I just thought the secret of birth was a girl's wish.

But it turns out Rossi's judgment of the situation is much more objective.

[Whatever the truth is, you two have long recognized each other as rational. And then I realized I'm not my brother or sister anymore. Any more hesitations?]

Did he even notice my troubles?

HyeEun cautiously opened her mouth.

“I have a confession to make to my brother. ”

“Confess? ”

“One day I felt so much better about you. ”

“· · · Hye, Hye Eun Ah. ”

“Don't say anything. Just listen. I don't think I can tell you now. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

“That was more than my sister could ever feel. Closing my eyes reminds me of my brother, and I keep dreaming about him. I've asked my friends about it because it's weird. Do you two know each other? So everybody's crazy. I fight every day.I don't even think it's a boy. It's gross. It's gross. I just want to die. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

“I thought I was too weird to hear that. How can I feel rational about my brother? Am I a crazy person? I didn't want you to be poisoned because I wanted to hide that feeling. You can't do that. You can't let your sister think you're a man. ”

“HyeEun-ah · · · ·. ”

“But now I know for sure. I don't know why I felt that way about you. Why I used to dream that my brother would attack me every night. Because he wasn't my brother. ”

“Yes, but · · · ·. ”

“Tell me the truth, too. I'm not the only one, am I? You too. ”

Knock, knock.

The moment HyeEun confessed her disgraceful heart that had been hidden so far.

I heard a knock on the shower door.

“Who's in there? ”

Who's in there?)

Sarah's sister, Stephanie.

Oh my god!

I'm fucked now. Totally.

* * *

“I, I'm in the bath! ”

(I'm taking a bath.)

Hye-in was surprised and replied. She knows that none of us will be convinced of this situation.

If you're mistaken for your best friend's brother, you really want to die.

“Rachel, I need a toilet!

Rachel, I have to go to the bathroom.)



“I'm going to pee, NOW! ”

(What? I'm going to pee right now!)

HyeEun looked at the doctrine and said with a frustrated expression.

“What do I do? Stephanie must be mistaken. ”

“Car, jump out the window...”

“Brother, here's the fifth floor. You'll die.”

He looks at the little spear on the wall of the bethloom. The size is so small that you have to separate all the window frames to get out.

And the fifth floor.

I couldn't risk my life to avoid embarrassment.

“Well, what do I do? ”

HyeEun urgently rolls her eyes, suddenly pointing to a bubbly bathtub.

“Hide here. ”


“Dive in the tub! You won't see it because of the bubbles. ”

“Oh, no, but how. ”

“Come on! Stephanie's coming in! ”

Era, this is a slap in the face! ’

He flew into a large bathtub.


At that moment, Stephanie frowns as the door opens and enters the beth room.

I can't stand it. ”

(Sorry. I can't take it anymore.)

Stephanie quickly lowers her pants, making sure she's had enough time, and squats in the left toilet. Then, Hye-in who sat on the edge of the bathtub said,

“Yes, I forgot the water and fell asleep. Are you all washed up? Don't leave me alone. I'm tired of getting water. I'll clean up afterwards. ”

At Stephanie's words, she was furious and put herself back into the bathtub.

“I, I'm not there yet. I stood up to let you in because I thought the door was locked. ”

I felt a body of discipline from the back of her foot.

“Really? Shall we wash together? ”

HyeEun and Stephanie used to take showers together because they went to the pool.

“Oh, no! Absolutely not! ”

Hye-eun shrugged her shoulders as she desperately ran away.

“Oh, yeah? Okay."

“Did you finish your poop? ”

Stephanie flushes down the left toilet, turning her back suddenly.

“Why, why? Come back in?”

“No, I think the meat I ate just now got stuck in my teeth. I'm gonna brush my teeth. Is that okay?"

‘Huff! This is what she looks like. ’

While Stephanie was squeezing toothpaste into her toothbrush, Hye remembered that her brother had been submerged for more than a minute.

In fact, the lesson hidden in the bath had already reached its limit. Ten more seconds and I would have drowned myself in the bath.

"Oh, we have to save him! ’

* * *

Hot and sprinkled with soapy water.

The bathtub was large enough to hide, but I didn't know how long it would last.

‘Damn, what a sight. I'm not the one having an affair. ’

[Worse than an affair. A man of obstruction?]

"What, man? You're not Hye-in's brother. When are you going to be a shut-in? ’

[purely from Stephanie's perspective. because she doesn't know what's going on with you two. I don't think I'd believe it right away if it were just a situation.]

How long do I have to hide, anyway? I think I'm gonna choke to death. ’

[It's urine. Maybe a minute. You'll be fine.]

Then his sister's feet came into the pool.

My feet hit my shoulders, and I slowly retreated.

What, what? Why is she in the tub again? ’

[You must be frustrated not knowing what's going on out there.]

You're lying there like crazy. ’

The sister who pushed her foot now fully tucked herself into the bag. The wind caused my sister's legs to grope and pass me by.

What, did you just touch my face?

Even though the water was a little clear, I was breathless when I could see my insides.

No, it was actually getting tighter and tighter.

The air in your lungs has been draining for a long time. Now we're pulling oxygen out of the bloodstream of hemoglobin.

‘Huff. I feel like I'm going to burst into breath. Is this how you drown and drink? ’

[State, master. Just get out of the water. I'd rather die than be embarrassed.]

No! No! You can't embarrass her. ’


At that time, Hye-in reached out his hand and felt my body stutter. Her hand climbs on my back and grabs my head and stops.

And then she came in the tub.

I was in a blurry pool, but I could feel her face. Hye-eun came close to me and kissed me.


However, the shock momentarily filled her mouth and carried her into my mouth.

[Oh! What an amazing base. You're thinking of supplying oxygen in the water!]

Rossi pours out some elasticity, but I'm stunned by the shock of kissing my sister. Hye Eun went out of the water again and repeated the same move. I had to close my tight lips in case the bath water was seeping during the oxygen supply.

‘Ah, I finally kissed her. ’

After I was fed oxygen again, HyeEun was only able to get out of the water long after she grabbed my neck and sent a signal.

“Cough! Cough!"

“Are you okay? I'm sorry, I had no choice. Stephanie brushed her teeth. ”

So that's what happened. Thank you, Stephanie.

After a long breath, I realized that I was immersed in the same bathtub of naked grace.

“What · · · ·. Your clothes are all wet. ”

Hye-eun said with an embarrassing look on her face.

It's not the clothes now, it's how we get out of here. Unless Stephanie goes back to sleep, I'll be stuck in the bathroom forever.

But did heaven help us? You hear Stephanie's voice outside the Bathroom.

“Rachel, I'm gonna go to the convenience store upstairs and get some snacks. Do you have any chips you want? ”


“Yes, I'll be right back. ”

“Ugh, yeah. ”

A few moments later, you hear Stephanie leave the door open.

“I have to go now. ”

“But the clothes are · · · ·. ”

“I'll do something. There should be a cleaning service during room service. I'd better ask for some drying in a hurry. ”

“But where? I think Stephanie's in trouble in my room. ”

HyeEun pondered for a moment and said again.

“Here's the deal. If you look in the living room, there's a card key. Stephanie's got Sarah's room key. Get out of that room and call room service. ”

“Oh, right! What about Sarah?”

I just remembered Sarah who was left alone in the bar. I had completely forgotten that I was going to have a smoke.

“I'll call my sister and tell her to stay in our room. He said something urgent happened and he contacted me. I didn't get a hold of her number. I'll get Sarah. You dry your clothes first. ”

“Okay. Okay. ”

Soon I got up out of the tub. Water flowed down from my clothes like wet seaweed, but I had to quickly escape to the next room before Stephanie came back.


While trying to go out, Hye-eun who was in the bag asked.

“That answer I couldn't give earlier, please do it tomorrow. Okay?"

“· · See you tomorrow. ”

I went out into the hallway with a chained card key that avoided the answer.

* * *

When he arrived safely in Sarah's room, he took off his wet clothes and changed into a shower robe. Then I called the counter and asked for laundry.

“An hour?

Yes. Actually, I don't want to mess with the dryer, but the customer is embarrassed · · ·.

‘Damn, you're stuck in someone else's room for an hour. ’

“I get it. Please do so as soon as possible. ”

Yes, I will send an employee right away. You can take the laundry out of the basket.

He put the roughly squeezed branches of clothing in a laundry basket and threw them out the door. Then I left a message to Hye-Eun with a nervous expression.

Lesson: It takes about an hour to wash. Can you pull that off?

Hye Eun: Don't worry. I'll buy you some time.

DR: Thank you.

Hae Eun: Well, between us.

· · · Us. ”

A lesson covered in a sleeping gown mutters on the bed.

What should I think of Hye-in as?


Angry Fire Column