Let Me Be Reborn

100. Happy Sara5

“What are you talking about? What do you mean, you picked him up?”

“But my mom told me. He picked me up. ”

“Uh, Mom? ”

It's getting increasingly interesting.

Do you really have a secret to your birth?

Rossi, what are you talking about? HyeEun picked it up? ’

[Never heard of it. I have no memory of it at all. Her brother and sister grew up together from childhood.]

How old do you remember that? ’


Childhood isn't childhood, is it? ’

[Of course, it's the oldest memory I've had since I was four or five.]

Are you saying you were adopted or something? ’

[Nonsense. Lee Do-hoon and Lee Hye-in have been living without any glamour. If there was even a hint of that, it would remain a powerful memory for Yi Do-hun.]

Then what the hell is he talking about? ’

“Hye Eun, you're not kidding. ”

When I cleaned it up, Hye Eun rebuked me with an unfair look.

“My real mom did it the other day. I once said," Mom, why don't I look like you and Mom? 'I asked her, and she said,' Hye-un picked you up from under the bridge. ’That's what I said. ”

“Hmm · · ·. ”

While I was making a lot of serious expressions, Hye-in suddenly said in a daze.

“Under these two legs. Heehee!”

And the comet beats his thigh.

With relief comes deep regrets.

“Hey! What kind of joke are you playing? ”

“Oh? Did you really believe him? ”

“No, but · · · ·. ”

“Moya? You really want me to pick it up? ”


“Oh, I'm not saying that. Do you really want me to be your half-brother and me? Like Sarah and Stephanie?"

Hye Eun continued the chastity, but I was barely conscious.

“There's nothing the kid really can't say. You just said you'd listen to your brother. Look at him play. Just do it!”

“Hing, will Hye-un hit you? ”

I laughed unconsciously at the sight of my younger brother imitating a frightened pose. I put my palms up and messed with her head.

“Ugh! This guy. ”


HyeEun looked up at me like a puppy loved by her master. When I see the big, unique look in my eyes, my father's smile is raised without me knowing it.

A real brother is an unfair deception.

“Oh! Isn't that Sarah and Stephanie? But who are you talking to? ”

The two sisters were surrounded by the first men I saw on the creepy trail. With an ominous hunch, I asked Hye-in for forgiveness and ran quickly.

“HyeEun, stay here. ”

* * *

Meanwhile, Sarah and Stephanie, returning to the hotel, were faced with an embarrassing situation.

After being distracted by the night view, the two men who missed their brother and sister began to feel sorry for themselves.

“Oh, did you come to Korea to play with beautiful people? ”

“If you're in Korea, you should try Korean pepper. ”

“Hey, speak English. Can you understand me if I speak Korean? ”

“You do it, then. I can't because my bag's too short. ”

“Hey, Pretty Girl. Do you love me? ”


Then the other two men gripped their bellies and laughed at the lewd gesture of punching their palms. Early in the evening, the smell of strong liquor spread from the men's mouths.

“Hahaha, you bastard, is that English? Checkerboard.”

“I'll do the same damn thing. ”

Sarah, who was intimidated by the drunken men's behavior, shouted in front of her sister Stephanie.

“Who are you people? Let us go.”

“Arabic show? You speak Korean well. ”

“Hey, screw you. I think it's like a native teacher. Do I fucking spit?”

“What's fucked up? ”

The man with the most foul impression of the three men shouted.

“Shiva, you snot-nosed bastards are native speakers in Korea and come to play and fuck all the Korean women! Why can't we do that? Even a pooch has to eat half the barley line. ”

At that moment, a dark shadow was cast behind the man's back.

“That's bullshit. ”

An evil man frowns excessively at the sudden interruption of his voice.

“What? What the fuck? ”

“Do, Dohun! ”

When Sarah saw the lesson, she grabbed her brother's hand and ran for it. He reassured them, and once again the man said,

“What are you? Are they columns?”

“Come on. You're good. You're wearing two white horses. ”

“Maybe it's Prince Charming. ”

“Hahaha! Can I ride that white horse, too? ”

He tightly clenched his fist at the stifling men.

3 vs 1.

Although it is a burdensome number, Taekwondo is also not an opponent for those who absorb abilities.

“Did you all talk? ”

“Oh, you bastard. You're tough? Don't be bluffing in front of the girls. ”

Peek, Peek, Peek!

At that time, you hear an urgent alarm at the alley entrance.

“Ugh, fuck! Cops.”


The men are startled by the sudden sound of a whistle and begin to turn around. Three people hid themselves in an instant because they were intertwined like cobwebs in an alley.

The disciple breaks her will to chase after the terrified sister Sarah. A moment later, the person who was to raise his voice appeared.

“Huh? You? ”

The one who raised the alarm was Grace. She was using the sunrise self-defense whistle to defeat the gangsters.

“Hehe. I did good, didn't I? ”

Stephanie looks at Hye-in and hugs him. Looks like the gangsters encountered in a strange destination have been terrified.

He loosened his fist in a vain, organized situation.

‘Huff. I didn't care if you didn't have to chase me. ’

“Thank you, Mr. Dohun. I was so scared.”

“How did you get here? ”

“I got lost walking. ”

“Oops · · ·. But I'm glad it's okay. ”

Sarah was still trembling, so he held her hand tightly.

“Now that I'm around, I'm relieved. ”

“Thank you, Mr. Dohun. ”

Hye, who was comforting Stephanie, turned away pretending not to see the lesson of holding Sarah's hand.

‘Chi. You don't have to hold my hand. Even you.’

The four of you returned safely to the hotel together. I was reluctant to go outside because I was afraid of something.

"Tsk. I can't make it today. ’

“Then I'll be on my way. Rest well.”

“Are you leaving now? ”

“Yeah, well, time's a blur. ”

“Let's go play in the room a little longer. ”

“Yes, Mr. Dohun. You promised me a drink. ”


Hye Eun opened her eyes when she heard that she was drinking alone.

What, did you two just end up like that? ’

“No, I've had a bad day, and I don't think it's going to be too late. ”

“Here, too. Booze.”


“Yes, there's a bar in the basement. ”

Aha! There was a hotel break, right?

“Drink it alone? ”

“I was going to have a drink. You guys can't drink. ”

“I know how to drink a neat beer. ”

“This is Korea. I don't sell alcohol to minors. ”

“Well, anyway. Just the two of you.”

“Then Rachel drinks Non Alcohol. ”

“Non alcohol? I'll be fine. I'll go with you. ”

Hye Eun also asked Stephanie, but she said she would go to her lodging to rest if it was because of work before. Eventually, the three of us had to enter the hotel business together because of HyeEun's stubbornness.

‘Damn, that's not it. ’

He became more and more headache in a twisted situation.

* * *

Hye-eun sits on the left and Sarah on the right.

The three of us, sitting next to the long bar, poured each other a drink and then slammed into the cup.




“A toast? ”

After a sip of cold beer, I explained the meaning of the toast to Sarah.

“Cheers to Hanja. Chinese.”

“Yes, I know. Over 70% of Korean is in Chinese. ”

“Oh, you're such a Korean major. By the way, a toast means drinking until the cup is dry, using a cup belly that dries in Korean characters. ”

“Wow. She's smart. ”

“Brother, how do you know that? ”

Hye looked at me with a skeptical look, but I took out the report of a polite household.

“I saw some books in the army. ”

“Hiya. I love the Korean army. He taught me English. He allowed me to read. Should I go to the army? ”

“Arthur, these days the kids learn the military on TV, and it's so easy to think. ”

“Kids these days! You look old. ”

“Are you an old man? ”

Huh. I don't know why I gave up my old teas.

“Haha. What are you talking about? He said it as a soldier. ”

“Tell me about the army. This is the first time I've seen you all over the place. ”

HyeEun asked while sipping this nonalcoholic cocktail.

Somehow I feel like Sarah and I are hampering each other out.

‘Hmm, I don't think I'm going to fall apart. ’

“I don't like talking about the army. ”

“But do it. ”

“I'm a listener, too. ”

When Sarah became interested, she had no choice but to go back to the IMF and recall her military days.

“Shall I tell you about the soccer game in the army? ”

“Wow, that sounds fun. ”

“Do it. Do it. ”

· · Oh my God.

I didn't think their interest would stop even though I heard about the army + soccer that women usually hate. After all, I had to continue with the military story from the serious construction to the training, to the streak, to the end of all the repertoires.

“· · · Well, that's how I got out. And then, you know, convenience store, three months and tomorrow, sand return. ”

“You must have been really struggling. ”

“You look great, Mr. Dou Hun. ”

“No, every Korean man goes through that. ”

“So you didn't buy a girlfriend while you were doing your job? ”

“· · Huh? ”

A miraculous grace was bludgeoned into the question.

All of a sudden you bring up your girlfriend.

“Huh? What's the reaction? Fraudulent? You're embarrassed. ”

“Oh, no. That's when I suddenly asked. ”

“Dohun, is there a girl called Chinku? ”

“Nothing. Im Solo.”

“No kidding. He's handsome. ”


“Yes, you look popular. ”

“Thank you, but it's gone. ”

As I repeatedly denied it, Sarah and Hye both seemed satisfied. What about you, Hye-in?

“Oh, it's Mom. ”

That's when Hye-in's phone started ringing.

When I looked at the screen, it was video calling mode.

“Huff! If I find out you're here, I'll be in trouble. What do I do?”

“Don't answer it.”

“Don't you know her personality? I'm gonna keep calling you. I forgot to call you when I got off the plane. ”

“Then what? ”

“I'll be in my room in a minute and pick up the phone. ”

“Yes. Yes. ”

Hye Eun got up and went up to her room.


Finally, a moment alone with Sarah.

* * *

After Sarah was weak, two balls of beer burned in 500. I was excited to see white skin that was pale and flushed.

‘That's the follicle of the people, the white horse. ’

[I think you just made it up · · ·.]

‘Shut up. You have to seduce me when I'm alone. · · ’

“Do you want another one? ”


“Bartender. Another round of the same here. ”


Shortly after, the bartender poured a glass of wine and said to the two of them,

“Are you a lover? ”


“Oh, no. ”

“Oh, I'm sorry. You two look so good together. You look like a movie star, Emma Stone. ”

“What? Don't be kidding me! ”

“Oh, I can see that. ”

When he was four years old, I was even more embarrassed by Sarah's face. Although it is certain that the faces of the Westerners all look alike from the point of view of the Asians, Sarah's face was clearly noticeably prettier than that of the Westerners.

The bartender follows the drink and turns away shy, wrapped around two red balls.

“What's the matter with you? Embarrassing.”

“No, Sarah's really pretty. You are so beautiful. ”

In the blatant compliment of Learned, I didn't know either of Sarah's bodies.

‘A compliment to a woman that is certainly pretty is a compliment that works in both the East and West. ’

Sarah changed the question as if trying to change the atmosphere of embarrassment.

“Rachel tells me you're going to be Dr. Dohun. Is that right?"

I said, "Yes, my major is in gym education. Physical Education. I want to pass the exam later and become a PE teacher. ”

“I'm going to be a teacher too. ”

“Korean teacher? ”

“Yes. When you graduate, go to Korea. Learn more Korean while teaching native speakers in Korea. ”


“Yeah. So I followed Rachel with me this time. I want to go once. ”

"Oh, that's a good point. You're saying that meeting Sarah might not just be a one-time thing? ’

“That's great. Then keep in touch with me. I'll see you later. ”

“I want to. I like you, too. ”


“I like Mr. Dohun. Handsome. Nice manners. Protect the woman.He's a wonderful man, Dawn. ”

What, are you drunk? ’

Suddenly, he was a little embarrassed by Sarah's confession.

However, Sarah's words continued to disappoint him again.

“I want to be friends with you. I don't know anyone when I come to Korea. ”

‘Oh, come on. So, not as a man, but as a man's friend? What's wrong with her? ’

He began to feel anxious. The interrupting sister seems to be coming back soon, but she can't use the info window, so she can't find a way to boost her liking right away.

Suddenly, Taun looks at the old leather bracelet on Sarah's wrist. An old bracelet that seems to have a story to tell.

‘Yeah. Maybe that.' ’


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