Legends in Chu and Han


Long Tianyu was sure that there would be ambushing troops between the valleys, he ordered people to bring over ink and silk, and with a wave of his hand, he wrote: "You guys have been plotting, I have already seen through it, now change my path, if we were to ambush again in front of you, we will definitely take your lives!" After he finished writing, he tied the silk string onto a wolf fang arrow and nocked it onto the bowstring. With a whoosh, he shot it towards a shrub at a height of one hundred zhang.

Ordinary arrows had a range of only three hundred to four hundred feet, iron crossbow could reach a distance of five hundred feet, so Long Tianyu was no ordinary person. With the special arrows made from high quality iron bow s, his strength and range had increased by more than a fold, and recently, he rarely used arrows, making not only the enemy soldiers submit, but even Zhang Liang, Liu Shishi, Liu Shishi, Guo Yuying, and the others who admired his shooting skills for the first time were impressed.

Long Tianyu gazed at the silence in the distance, without making a sound, he turned and mounted his horse, and shouted: "Change of course!" The soldiers followed him slowly for four hours. The sun was setting and night was coming. It was late winter and the sky was dark.

Long Tianyu and Zhang Yun decided to march and set up camp in an open area at the foot of the mountain. Choosing the terrain was extremely important, since there were three sides of the mountain and one wide opening was easily blocked off by the enemy, such as killing caged tigers and sheep.

Fan Kuai thought: "Master has previously said that going into a valley is not right, and taking a detour is not right. Right now, I should just change the route first, wouldn't that save me a lot of time?" Although everyone respected Long Tianyu as a man of heaven, they still had their doubts. However, they had always listened to his orders and would definitely be able to defeat the enemy, so they believed that he had his reasons for doing so.

After the camp was set up, Long Tianyu summoned Xiahou Ying and ordered him to lead 200 elite soldiers to dig a trench on three sides of the hill while it was still dark. As long as 300 to 400 people were able to hide in there, it would suffice.

Long Tianyu summoned Fan Kuai and Zhang Yun, and ordered the former to bring over a hundred people to cut down some inflammable trees, cutting them into rolling logs, and pour the fire oil that they had brought from the longevity spring onto the two sides of the high ground at the entrance of the open ground, ordering Zhang Yun to move the luggage and food to the hillside, of course, they had to be quiet and not make any noise.

The five hundred soldiers who came with him were all elites selected by the Black Armored Army and were good at night combat and sneak attacks. In the time it took to eat a meal, all sorts of missions were completed. When Long Tianyu turned back from the mouth of the canyon to change routes, he had already left a secret sentry to observe the movements in the canyon.

nodded, and ordered everyone to ride their horses into the dense forest, at the same time, they brought Shishi, Yu Ying and the other two along with hundreds of elite soldiers to climb up the hill, hide within the trench, and wait for the arrival of the enemy.

Zhang Liang said in a low voice from the side: "Good son-in-law, this' Inviting a Lord to the Urns' technique is truly marvelous, turning passivity into initiative, who would have thought this would happen?"

Xiahou Ying asked: "Why did the host expect the enemy to ambush us and not take a detour?"

Long Tianyu smiled: I am also worried that the enemy will not be cunning and take a detour to ambush us, then we have no choice but to use the book arrow to provoke the enemy, and reveal that their next step is to take the move, the enemy will discover that their plan is being suppressed, and ambushing in the front will not have any miraculous effects, and if we are fighting face to face, no one will dare to receive my iron bow arrows, the enemy will not dare face us head on, so we can only use the chance to sneak attack us at night, my archery will not be able to hit the enemy, its power is limited, and there is no need to be too afraid. The underlying meaning was naturally Li Yuan and Xiang Liang's men, but because of Guo Yuying's own uncle, she could not say it clearly.

Guo Yuying was extremely intelligent, hearing the meaning behind his husband's words, she had already guessed the gist of it. She faintly sighed: "Since husband is so considerate towards me, Ying Er is very grateful, but since uncle has acted in such a way, there is no leeway for us. Yu Ying will naturally stand on my husband's side after he marries."

Zhang Liang, Xiahou Ying, Zhang Yun and the others not only admired the depth of Long Tianyu's schemes, they also praised his righteousness and break ties with his. He was not like the typical girl who would turn the tables on the other side and did not see the big picture.

Long Tianyu sat in the trench, watching the movements in the distance. The three women leaned on his side, and under the moonlight, they seemed extremely beautiful. Xiahou Ying, Zhang Yun, and Fan Kuai each brought their own troops, preparing to fight against the enemy.

After half an hour, the sounds of horses galloping from the distance could be heard. The enemy had ambushed them but did not ignite the torches, so the numbers could be vaguely seen, the enemy troops moved extremely quickly, and in a short period of time, they were already several li away, closing in on the camp. Listening to the sound of the horses galloping, there were at least around three thousand people, if not they would have been fearless, and would have attacked Long Tianyu's tiger might.

After a while, the frontline cavalrymen were the first to arrive, following closely behind were the infantry soldiers, they formed a formation and waved their orders, causing the horses to scream and shout as they rushed into the camp, only to see the enemy soldiers, one soldier at a time. Just as everyone was suspicious, Long Tianyu gave his order, and the arrows started to fly around like locusts, borrowing the dim light from the camp fire, they shot high into the air, treating the enemy as if they were alive.

The enemy immediately fell into a trap, and ordered a retreat. Just then, Fan Kuai threw a tree into the mountain, cutting off the enemy's head and tail, and a few flaming arrows shot onto the tree, causing flames to shoot up into the sky, cutting off the exit, many infantry used their shields to block the arrows, rushing down the mountain. Zhang Yun then threw his Rolling Stone, the charging soldier's leg got injured, and fell onto the ground in pain, only to be instantly killed by the arrow.

One of the enemies jumped down from his horse and mixed into the crowd, he ordered his men to shield the arrows, waiting for the Engraving Feathers to shoot and counterattack, Long Tianyu immediately found his position, and nocked three Wolf Teeth Arrow, filled up the entire place with three swishing sounds, one arrow pierced through the chest of the enemy, the other two shot towards the two guards beside him, causing the enemy to lose control, causing them to panic even more.

There were still a thousand people outside. If they were to capture from the hillside and attack Long Tianyu, their victory or defeat was unknown, but at the moment, the enemy army was unable to command them, causing their morale to waver. Furthermore, after hearing Long Tianyu's reputation, seeing that he had been buried, how would they even have any thoughts of retaliating?

The remaining few hundred plus people were either injured or crippled, they abandoned their armor and surrendered. Long Tianyu could not bear to massacre them, so he sent people to watch over the captives and asked a few people to gather information. Most of these people were Qin Soldier who were trying to take over longevity spring, so their lives were like grass, they were sent to ambush Long Tianyu and the rest, and the soldiers who died were all his subordinates.

Long Tianyu had already expected it, he ordered his men to treat the captives well, and went to the mountainside to set up camp and sleep, early the next morning he released the soldiers, each of them divided some things and sent them away, without a problem.

Zhang Yun brought the horses over, and they mounted their horses and galloped, smoothly passing through the canyon. They went over a few mountain ridges, and were just a few dozen steps away from the Changsha.

Xiahou Ying, Fan Kuai, Liu Shishi and the hundreds of elite soldiers had won a big battle last night, laughing and cheering along the way, causing their hearts to tremble, they were all impressed with their commander's intelligence.

Long Tianyu sighed in his heart: It was only the beginning of last night, the journey was filled with thorns and was hard to predict. Furthermore, I wonder if Guo Mansion's family members were able to successfully send all their weapons to the river bank. "What should we do next?" As he concentrated, thunder rumbled in the sky and a cold rain began to fall.